creature-imagines · 9 years
Hey guys I just wanted to let you know that I'm making the decision to leave the blog - it's been a really fun time, but I'm just not really a fan of the creatures anymore, and I'm not really contributing anything these days. I'm super busy trying to learn to be an adult and other boring things. I've also deleted all of my imagines - I just don't feel comfortable leaving them on the blog while I'm not in control of them anymore. It's been a fun few years! Cheyenne
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creature-imagines · 9 years
So about Dex... This probably will not china he your opinion on him since I cannot change that. But how would you feel if you read a smut fanfic about you and your best friend(s) going at it at each other. I'm sure he was very uncomfortable reading it and the only bad things he said about it was the grammar. He didn't even bother to tell the person that they were like gross or serving because he didn't want to be mean. He tried avoiding to be rude. And so he just commented about the grammar
I really don't care about Dex? I'm warming up to him. But, making fun of fan's writing is something he does a lot. Honestly, when you have any sort of fanbase, you're going to have people writing fanfiction about you. It's part of that life. I don't tag the creatures directly in my writing, which is the polite thing to do. It won't just show up when they're checking their tag.If I were famous, and someone wrote smut about me and one of my friends, it would not bother me. Rooster Teeth have fanfiction written about them all the time, and as far as I know, they haven't actively looked for stories to read and make fun of.Regardless, I'm an adult with a fiancé, I'm in college, planning a wedding, and starting my life. I've kind of grown out of this blog and the creatures in general.
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Ship please? I've got a pretty curvy body type. I'm Addicted to gta5, and the I'm the youngest kid. I'm Very sarcastic but also really caring. I can be shy around new people & I'm a bit of an introvert. I love sugar cookies. I'm 5'3, with curly black hair and Brown eyes, I also really love animals, and I'm Caribbean (Jamaican and Haitian)
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Ship please? I'm 5'6, longish brown-purple hair. I have green eyes and slightly tan skin, mostly from being outside a lot. I love reading and listening to music. I really really like being out doors. I'm really shy because I love talking in front of crowds and just people in general. I love playing sims because I can control a life that isn't mine.
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Ship? Long dark brown hair green eyes 5'3 kinda awkward , really tiny, loves scary games and movies, listens to a lot of different music mostly metal and rock, loves tattoos and art favorite color is purple
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Can I get a ship. I'm 5'5", brown that fades to red shoulder length hair. I wear glasses and I really like baggy hoodies/sweaters. I like to draw and I play the bass, piano, guitar, ukulele ext. Video games 💜(Tall guys get me hot and heavy 💜💜)
Sly(you dirty sinner)💚💚💚
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Could I get a ship? I'm Asian, fairly short with long black hair. I love almost any videogame- including Nintendo, as well as to write and draw. I'm loud, sarcastic, very laidback and my friends keep me around for my sense of humor. PS: I love you guys' imagines. :]
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Can I get a ship? I am sort of tall, and I have brown eyes and purplish-black hair. I am very sarcastic, witty, and I'm a huge nerd.
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Hey! A Ship please?I'm Asian and like 5'7-8. My style is a lot like imjennim (on insta) I'm a feminist,shoulder length brown hair and I love classical music. I absolutely love Nintendo :P I also swear a lot and I'm sarcastic.
Seamus(common interests)
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creature-imagines · 9 years
I just noticed that I sent my request through the imagine thing, my apologies. And since I don't want to do it twice, I would like to do the shipping thing. My name is Chandlier, I'm a chubby girl, not to much but a chubby stomach and thick thighs. I'm dark skinned or just tanned and African American/ Korean. Dark eyes and about to br colored dreadlocks. I like playing indie games and just fun comical game, I hate horror games. I curse a lot, prank a lot, Gemini, smile too much, and laugh 2 much
Jordan(smiling and laughing)
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Can I get a ship if you are still doing them? Brown hair w/ purple on the underside, green eyes, shortish. I I'm love with music and playing it. I play 4 instruments and about to play 5. I love video games and mostly fps. I like to think I'm kind of a caring person and I tend to be sarcastic a lot too. I also am very much a dreamer and a little (actually a lot) shy. Thank you!!
Sly(talent and hair)
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Are ships still open?
Ships are always open friend💕
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Can I get a ship? I'm 5'8 with brown hair and red bangs. I enjoy metal and punk music and dress sort of in-between with a bit of a hipster twist (glasses and a beanie) I love first person shooter games as well as RPG
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Hi i was hoping for a ship? I'm 5'2 with long hair dyed dark red with black underneath. I wear a lot of 80s rock band shirts and oversized flannels. I play a lot of video games and watch a lot of YouTube lmao. BTW This blog is beautiful ^.^♡♡
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Is it too late for a ship? :0 I am 5'4", plus sized, and relatively shy and quiet, but I love working with people and socializing. I am nice and laid back to the point where people think I'm constantly high af. I've been told I'm awkward, weird, and quirky but at the same time charming and charismatic. Thank you. I hope you have a good day! I love your blog! :)
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creature-imagines · 9 years
Ship? I'm Native American/Korean. I'm very happy and giggly. I can take a joke pretty easily but if it's something I care about I become pretty stubborn and avoid the topic. I'm kinda loud and I curse a decent amount. I'm a artist and animation and I sing. I'm 5,6 and chubby. With dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Um, I play a lot of computer games. I do have depression and anxiety. IDK IF THATS TO MUCH INFO THIS IS MY FIRST SHIP.
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creature-imagines · 9 years
This is probably gonna be stupid. But I am getting braces soon and I am terrified of the dentist :/. Do you think somebody can write about the reader having to go to the dentist and freaking out so they have to calm her down? Like, he reader is having anxiety and panic attacks. I am really sorry if this was stupid haha >w>
It's not stupid! Of course I'll write it!Don't be nervous. Getting them isn't so bad, the worst is just the soreness for the next week or so. Just eat soft foods for awhile, you'll be fine!- Cheyenne
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