credcani · 1 year
Because of Eclipsa’s “I work with what I’m given line” when asked about her bone guitar, I think she used to work with bones a lot. Headcanon: Solaria used to bring her bones and they rebuild the skeletons together.
Honestly, I know it's late as fuck to answer now, but I still will because this is what my instincts are telling me would be polite and correct.
This is simply such a sick, yet absolutely wonderful headcanon, thank you so much for sharing it with me! I can picture the whole thing really well in my mind...
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credcani · 3 years
I have a Solaria headcanon. She would end up growing the longest braid taller than her own height. When she met Alphonse, she was using her massive braid to interrogate monsters. Since her hair is incredibly long past floor length, she never shaved it until after Eclipsa is born.
That's one great headcanon! I really see her using her hair as a way of interrogation or *violence warning*to strangle monsters. But it was a sword with two cuts, as it could had bothered her in combat. But, yeah her hair was pretty long in canon!
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credcani · 3 years
What are your Alphonse and Solaria headcanons?
° Sorry for a probably late answer, I haven't really been around here for looong. But I'm here to reply.
Alphonse originally served in the Butterfly Kingdom's army,and then became a diplomat under Skywynne, eventually continuing his service under Solaria. His ideas lead to them getting closer until they became best friends.
Yes, I don't believe there was ever a well defined relationship between them. Solaria did love Alphonse, but she swore never to take a king and keep her reputation and Alphonse was just not the type to commit.
As for a few fun-headcanons here a few:
° Alphonse was the one to introduce Solaria to Snookers. She had heard about it before, but she thought it seemed gross and never tasted it, yet he convinced her to try. She became obsessed the next moment.
° Sometimes they just sat on the castle's roof, eating snookers and discussing strategies for the war. They would speak until dawn, in case one of them didn't fell asleep.
° None of them really enjoyed balls,especially not Solaria. So the two of them would usually sneak out and go get some snookers then walked around the city's streets joking and chatting.
° Solaria totally carried him in her arms.
° Alphonse was sometimes bothered by hiw explosive Solaria was and her temper often lead to fights between the two.
° They went on the sea voyage when Solaria was going through a really stressful period and Alphonse convinced her to take a break and escape at sea.
° After everything that happened between them during that voyage, Alphonse chose the most unappropriate time to tell Solaria that he'll quit politics to travel the multiverse. She did not take it that well, but could be worse
Alphonse never knew about Eclipsa's existence, as he never returned to Mewni. He married someone else and had children of his own. That would be his third serious relationship. Solaria wouldn't advance in the field, and wasn't interested in telling Eclipsa about him.
Another fact is that Solaria met both Alphonse's wife, who was a member of his crew and his former fiance.
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credcani · 4 years
Short History of the Butterfly Kingdom
Around the cursed year of 5689 (monsters' way of counting time, year 1 being the establishment of the Monster Empire) according to the witnesses, a ship has sailed, but would never reach its desired destination, instead finding itself in unexpected places. Probably the cause was a magic leak, common in the era mewmans have set foot on Mewni.
A small boat, filled with perplexed humans was the first one of many that were to come later. After the settlers' first encounter with Glossarick, the chosen one, a young girl, around the age of fourteen according to the mewman legends, had first received the royal magic wand, soon attracting the envy of her companions. One stormy night approached, and one member of the crew, a woman that was nursing a child, had tried to steal the precious object from Moe's hands, along with other two companions as supporters and backup. The first spell ever casted by a Butterfly was to throw that woman into a large stump, which resulted into her immediate death. This caused panic and anger inside the group, but as the storm began to intensify, all of them were forced to find shelter, in no other place than their fallen friend's death place. They ended up making up to each other and to celebrate their unity, they carved their names into the stump. Moe blessed stump in order for the fallen one to live one day of the year, a sign of her forgiveness towards her, when mewmans would celebrate the peace she helped create. Twelve more ships swarming of people arrived a couple days later.
Soon, the new population became quite noticeable, and so did the strange energy that emerged from the improvised city. The Kelpbottom queen of the time, as many before her, has tried to decipher the charms of magic, but with no result. Moe was a very interesting subject indeed for her, and she invited the odd girl to join her court, in order to use her abilities for her kingdom's own good. The queen used to call Moe "Butterfly",a name which she took as her last. The mewman-monster hatred was in fact started by the burning rivalry between the Monsters and Waterfolks, and Moe Butterfly was mostly used to create spells in order to destroy monsters.It persisted.
After Moe's death, a couple generations passed until mewmans started expending into the east part of Mewni. The ones that remained into the west were often hybrids between waterfolks and mewmans, resulting into garbagefolk. By the end of year 2005 (for the mewmans) there were three Clans that ruled central Mewni (or areas next to it), The Butterfly Clan, ruled by the Butterfly family and living in the central part of the territory, The Sons of Johan, ruled by a council of noble man, all descendents of Johan, living into the eastern part of the territory, The Northern Clan (also containing the awfully named Southern Clan) ruled by the Deverok family and living into the northern and ironically southern, western part of the territory. The Butterfly Clan and The Sons of Johan were constantly bothering the monsters with their territory thirst, so war broke out and one specific Butterfly Lady was more than delighted. She composed healing spells, battle spells, moral lifting spells, all of them efforts of gaining trust and support, and it definitely worked, for she became commandant soon enough. Her name was Neptuna and she was the first queen of Mewni. After long and exhausting three years of battling the monsters, Neptuna has decided to end the war once and for all by creating extra doted soldiers for the mewman army. They were temporary, but they were brutal and had no conscience. This spell was found by Solaria later on, those lucky monsters. The final battle was named "The Mewnipendence Day" or "The Great Monster Massacre", usually the first term is used by its worshipers. After the war was done, and the Monster Empire collapsed, Neptuna named herself Queen of the Butterfly Kingdom. The Sons of Johan voted for union with the Butterflies a few years later, and the Northern Clan collided with the Butterfly Kingdom through Neptuna's marriage to Lord Jeremiah Deverok. And like this, The Kingdom of Mewni was born.
And it ain't gonna last long for the Johansens were in constant fury. The Northern and Butterfly way of living was quite similar, but the Johansens were completely out of the picture when it came to culture. For one, The Butterfly Kingdom was a matriarchy, while the Sons of Johan used to be a patriarchy and this caused some inside misunderstandings. For the second, they were always viewed as inferior by the other two Clans because of their traditions and lack of politeness. So the Johansens began wishing for something the Butterflies wouldn't be delighted of:independence. During the reign of Queen Mars the Unforgiving, one noble man named Pem Johansen attracted the attention of many and in 2249 war broke out. Long story short, to be explained when I talk about the Johansens since they have a bigger role in this, a couple peace offerings all of them failures, a bloodthirsty queen and peeved Magical High Comission, all of them resulting into the new Kingdom's victory and Pem's rise to power. The Johansens are not exactly in good relations with the Butterflies and a few squabbles happened, until there was another war between the kingdoms,the cause being Mars' fury. She just couldn't stand all the disrespect shown towards her ever since the loss of the easter part, and her daughter, Adora's lack of interest of regaining the land they had a right to, so one of her last acts as queen was to attack. The war lasted a couple of months and not many battles occurred, however Mars was forced to abdicate in favor of Princess Adora, also known as Adora The Peaceful, who ended the war and tried to maintain decent relationship with the Johansens. Adora was active as a queen and even tried to establish a few monster rights, all of them protested, often overlooked and unpunished when broken, all abolished by Duchess Fausta (regent to Soupina the Strange) during her regency. She also wrote a book about how important the relationship of mewmans and monsters was for the sake of Mewni, and also outlined how the demons and the waterfolks were technically a branch in that tree. The book was confiscated later on, but her image as a peacemaker was kept as a mask for her "monster-admirer" character. She didn't advance in the field as much as Eclipsa did, somehow admitting that monsters were inferior to mewmans, probably in an attempt to sway the mewmans on her side by borrowing their mentality.
The magic leaks became more and more frequent since the reign of Mayestry the Elegant (queen before both Adora and Mars) and left Mewni with a couple of scars, for example the Ponyhead race and constant magic flowing in rivers. It also caused more diseases and mutations, especially in the Butterfly Family, queen Stea being born with no outward ability in magic or cheekmarks. Her niece, Queen Soupina was the opposite, gifted with lots of power, but went insane because of it. Soupina's mother, Ophelia was also gifted with ability in magic, but it constantly leaked from her right eye and often gave her headaches. Portia the Revived was turned back to life by Venus the Vain's tears and Queen Pandora the Overly Curious fell pregnant after drinking a cup of charmed water. The crisis calmed down in the reign of Queen Nordia the Dedicated , Pandora's granddaughter.
After Nordia the Dedicated came Vestia the Useless, and as you probably guessed, she wasn't a very efficient ruler, so the Northernfolk found the perfect time to declare independence from the Kingdom of Mewni. The Magical High Comission protested, the people of Mewni protested, but Vestia couldn't care less and let them go without moving a finger. She did however support a candidate for the kingship of the brand new Kingdom, Alexander Deverok, who lost to the far more hostile Larra Wertock, and the relationship between the two kingdoms was always somehow strained ever since,especially after the Butterflies helped the Southernfolk gain independence and become the Featherfolk, only to be conquered by the Spiderbites and distributed to the Butterflies a few centuries later. But, that's a story for another time, and moving on, Vestia retired at an extremely young age, letting the Magical High Comission handle the kingdom until her daughter, Lunrosa the Seline came to age.
Lunrosa's daughter, Metoria the Ruthless, was pretty much fixed on conquering Mewni in order to bring the Butterfly Kingdom back to its past greatness, succeeding into gaining the northern and the western part, but getting defeated by the alliance composed of the Johansens and the Jaggies, with the Lucitors' help. She was assassinated before the war concluded and was replaced by her cousin-once-removed, Ceres the Healer,who established peace, but with great costs, such as losing both land and respect. Unlike many Queens that ended wars, Ceres (the second) was actually in a good relationship with her subjects, since she was that one queen who did what she had to, but still somehow followed the public requests, and was dedicated to both of her jobs. After Ceres the Healer ended a war, her granddaughter Illusia the Charming was to face another. The Kelpbottom Kingdom and the Jaggs had a little inconvenience regarding some small islands, the Spiderbites strongly believed they possessed the sea, and the Johansens wanted to have a spot for themselves in the western part of Mewni, so the Queen had to interfere so those kingdoms wouldn't butcher each other more than they already had. Illusia used her charm to convince the rulers to quit fighting and settle the score in different ways,sharing the islands equally so that each kingdom would be happy with what they got. It didn't last very long.
Dark ages settled again under the age of Queen Hollow the Wise as a mortal sickness spread across Mewni starting with the Jaggy Kingdom: the bleeding plague. Because of Hollow's ruling skills, the kingdom got away easier than other countries, but damage was still persistent even after it disappeared from the cotidian life. It didn't help that when the kingdom was starting to recover, Queen Lyric the Reckless came to crush everything down once more,resulting into the respect for the Butterfly dinasty to decrease extremely much by the end of her reign. Skywinne Queen of Hours was by far better than her mother when it came to ruling Mewni, and soon things started to settle down and the kingdom slowly turned back to life. Skywinne also refused to imply in both the eastern wars or the Spiderbite Civil War. But then along came Solaria and ruined everything as expected. Solaria the Monster Carver had a plan to destroy all monster population and expend the mewman territory, which didn't go exactly as good as she might had expected. Solaria crushed the mewman economy with her campaigns, but never truly cared about anything else but her twisted cause and this caused her to be dependent of alliances and agree to pretty harsh terms in order to get the cash, such as sharing territory with Johansens and Spiderbites and trading with the Kelpbottoms. She also agreed to marry Princess Eclipsa Butterfly to Prince Shastacan Spiderbite, basically signing her own death sentince in a way.
Queen Eclipsa still reigned during times of war, but always tried to weaken it, almost insisting for the mewman army to be as badly prepared as could be, which attracted suspicion from most of the people. She ended up fleeing with a monster lover away from Mewni, while her husband remained the only ruler of the land for about a year before he finally died. They left the kingdom in a terrible condition, so both of them went down in history as uncapable, careless and selfish rulers that deserved their fate.
Princess Festivia was only a couple of months when her parents died, and The Magical High Comission took care of the Kingdom until she reached the proper age to be responsible for an entire country . Festivia decided to continue her grandmother's campaign, but with a little twist, as she only conquered the monster land without any intentions of murdering an entire race. The most she actually did was keep the mewmans distracted with endless partying,while general Mina Loveberry was guiding the soldiers through monster territory. Not only did the Butterflies gain the Forest of Certain Death, but also Festivia inheried Featherland and her husband inherited Musty Mountains (as the descendent of the royal family) when the Spiderbite Lord finally died, so yes Festivia had a great reign.
Cresecenta the Eager is probably one of the most successful queens the Butterfly Kingdom had. Even if she was mentally not that fine, she surely was efficient in ruling, by keeping everything in order and placing a puppet on the monster throne, preventing them to earn independence through an actual ruler. She was also a great alliance maker and with the fall of the Northern Empire (Spiderbites, a part of Jaggy Mountains, Featherland, Northern islands, Musty Mountains, and Garbage Beach) there were a lot of small new kingdoms to sway on your side.
Rhina Butterfly was everything but not a queen. Her mother just handled everything for her, including her own marriage which resulted only into complete disaster and broken alliances with one of the largest kingdoms. She managed to give birth to a daughter, and established Riddle Day on her birthday, but if you think these are achievements then you can consider Rhina a decent queen.
Celena, just as inefficient as her mother was, extremely intelligent and pretty I suppose, even prettier than Venus the Vain, but too shy and unmotivated to be a great queen. She knew the cosmic secrets, basically just future visions. Because of her lack of ability on how to control magic, her magic acted involuntary, therefore giving her a couple of abilities. The reason why she always hid her face with that fan was because it prevented her from seeing what would happen to the place or person she was looking at.
Estrella was just herself, like there is nothing to say about her, she was boring as could be and the only thing she was capable of was drawing little doodles that didn't help anyone.
Comet the Chief was a great cook, but unlike her mother she had more than a skill to show. She was actually the only queen close to finally ending the rivalry between mewmans and monsters, but that foolish fantasy got her assassinated and only aggravated the endless war between the two nations. Her daughter, Moon, became queen by the time she was only 17 and even though she did a decent job at it, she was only loved by mewmans because she was a queen of tradition, an Estrella that didn't even try to be like that, a queen that keeps things the way they are without agreeing to change, despite of how necessary it would be for mewmans.
  The order Queens were born:
36. Star Butterfly - 3110
35. Moon Butterfly- 3079
34. Comet Butterfly- 3061
33. Estrella Butterfly- 3037
32. Celena Butterfly- 3012
31. Rhina Butterfly- 2980
30. Crescenta Butterfly- 2941
29. Festivia Butterfly- 2904
28. Eclipsa Butterfly- 2882
27. Solaria Butterfly- 2861
26.Skywinne Butterfly-2820
25.Lyric Butterfly-2784
24.Astra Butterfly-2760
23.Gloria Butterfly-2729
22.Holly Butterfly-2690
21. Hollow Butterfly-2670
20. Universia Butterfly-2647
19.Illusia Butterfly-2613
18.Bendis Butterfly-2588
17.Ceria Butterfly-2551
16.Metodia Butterfly-2511
15. Lunrosa Butterfly-2490
14.Vestia Butterfly-2458
13.Nordia Butterfly-2434 - Blood Moon Ball!
12.Ceres Butterfly-2405
11.Pandora Butterfly-2379
10.Portia Butterfly-2351
9.Venus Butterfly-2324
8. Stea Butterfly- 2293
7.Soupina Butterfly- 2269
6.Adora Butterfly- 2246
5. Mars Butterfly- 2212
4. Mayestry Butterfly- 2172
3. Cosmica Butterfly- 2151
2. Saturn Butterfly- 2122
1. Nepuna Butterfly- 2086
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