creppy99 · 2 months
one of the things i enjoyed most about the ahsoka show was the sheer concentration of bisexual losers
sabine? the pinnacle of girlfailure bi butch rizz
ahsoka? bisexual, middle-aged, and a loser
ezra? bisexual hermit with turtle friends whose beard could stop the hearts of every man and woman in a ten mile radius. and he's STILL a loser
truly what more can you ask from live-action star wars
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creppy99 · 5 months
To be fair it's said Punic WARS two and three which I would argue could mean a second group of Punic wars after the first three
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creppy99 · 5 months
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Saw this post floating around, don’t wanna target anyone or argue with Zionists, but it is my duty (especially as an actually indigenous Jew) to educate well-meaning gentiles who might see this and think they have no right to speak on the matter. I’ll go point by point.
1) “Is it so terrible for a Jew to be a Zionist?”
If we were living in any other era, where the genocidal crimes of Israel were not as widely known (though they were very well documented), you could perhaps ask this question in sincerity. Many Jews (such as myself) grow up in religious educational settings which either fail to mention the human rights violations of the state or claim they’re justified because “they want to kill us!” Past a certain point, though, one can’t continue to claim ignorance of what Zionism actually does. Short answer: yes, it is terrible for anyone to claim to be a Zionist, but this will be more evident as I continue to analyze these arguments.
2) “Zionism is the belief in the inherent right of the Jewish people to return to their homeland”
First of all, Palestine is not the “homeland” of the Jewish people any more than Siberia is the homeland of indigenous american tribes. Is there a historical connection? Yes, but though assimilation and migration Jews have found homes across the world. For me, my homeland is Mexico, because my family has lived there for generations, partly through migration but mostly through having cultivated the land for millennia. Even biblically speaking, Palestine does not “belong” to the Jewish people, it belongs to G-d. Furthermore, there is no shortage of Jewish scholarship and activism that asserts that wherever we live, that is our homeland. Frankly, I’m more interested in fighting to stay where I am than fighting to force people out of their homes to accommodate me.
3) “Zionism is the belief in the Jewish right not to be murdered”
By murdering others instead? Once again, there is no shortage of Jewish scholarship and activism in favor of Jewish self defense where we live. Jewish resistance fighters lived and died fighting the nazis in Europe under the third reich. If Zionism was actually interested in preventing Jewish death, it would fight antisemitism where it is. “Preventing murder” is not an excuse to commit genocide.
4) “there are so many definitions of Zionism”
Sorry but I just think of this tweet from @jewdas on Twitter when I read this: “There’s a actual existing Zionism which practices apartheid and denial of human rights. But there’s another Zionism inside my head which is all rainbows and kosher marshmallows, so who can say which is the real Zionism?” In other words, the actual, material consequences of Zionist beliefs are more important than what any individual thinks their Zionism is. Once again, we live in the Information Age, where anyone can easily learn about the damage that Zionism has done in Palestine and abroad. There is no excuse to continue using the label that doesn’t presuppose complete ignorance of Israeli violence.
5) “zionists just want to be safe from antisemitism in the diaspora”
See points 3 & 4.
6) “and this is different from evangelical zionists”
Materially speaking, not really. Once again, see point 4. Until you pull all US/european colonial support for Israel, this claim falls flat.
7) “zionists just want to live peacefully with other indigenous people in the area”
That’s not what indigeneity is, it doesn’t mean “from there,” it’s a specific relationship to the land and to its cultivation. (On a side note, even biblically and historically speaking, Jews are not “from” Palestine.) See point 2. Zionism has proven it is not a peaceful ideology. See point 4.
8) “people refuse to see the difference in types of Zionism because they hate the Jews”
No, it’s because there are no material differences. See point 4. Evangelical Zionism and Jewish Zionism actually share quite a bit in common. The “Jewish state” would not exist without evangelical Zionists. See point 6. And the original Jewish Zionist thinkers had a vested interest in tying the two together.
tl;dr, Zionism is a violent ideology in practice, and no amount of making excuses can hide the fact that it is genocidal and serves European/American interests. Additionally, just because one is not Jewish does not mean one does not have a duty and an obligation to eliminate Zionism wherever it crops up. Zionism has had disastrous consequences for Palestinians, and as western citizens, we benefit from their suffering. It must end now. May Palestine be freed in our lifetimes.
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creppy99 · 5 months
That's basically the idea behind the concept of drunk boxing which has its most famous example in DnD monk subclass Way of the Drunken Master which point is that you learn to move like a drunk person which is unpredictable for your enemies
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creppy99 · 5 months
i need to look like a man so i can dress like a woman
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creppy99 · 5 months
Sibling asked how ppl in star wars dance to jizz music and I had to give her an example
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creppy99 · 6 months
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creppy99 · 6 months
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creppy99 · 6 months
whats the difference between outlaws and inlaws
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creppy99 · 6 months
and i’d like to give a special shoutout to bisexuals who are losers
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creppy99 · 6 months
đŸ‡Ș🇾🇼đŸ‡č🇬🇧 Post:
đŸ‡Ș🇾 Hoy se celebran 50 años desde que el primer astronauta español volĂł sobre Madrid. ÂĄAY CARRERO!
🇼đŸ‡č Oggi si festeggiano i 50 anni dal volo del primo astronauta spagnolo sopra i tetti di Madrid. AY CARRERO!
🇬🇧 Today we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first flight of a Spanish astronaut. AY CARRERO!
Carrero Blanco ministro naval
Tenia un sueño: volar y volar
Hasta que un dĂŹa ETA militĂ r
Hizo su sueño una gran realidad
VolĂł, volĂł, Carrero volĂł
Y hasta las nubes llegĂł
VolĂł, volĂł, Carrero volĂł
Y hasta las nubes llegĂł
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creppy99 · 6 months
one of the nice things about heterosexuals i never see talked about on here is that they haven’t already heard all your gay jokes yet. i just really appreciate having a new audience sometimes for my completely automatic responses to phrases like ‘i’ll be straight with you’. so, shoutout to all the innocent hets out there who have a genuine giggle over lame quips that a fellow queer would groan and hit me for. ilu guys. 
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creppy99 · 6 months
swprops: There is absolutely NO ONE cooler than Ivanna Sakhno on a Landspeeder 😎
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creppy99 · 6 months
Good advice and I guess unconsciously is the reason why I don't like most AI generated texts from a style pov
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Seven years after, I see you again 😚
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creppy99 · 6 months
Btw if I say things like “by god” or “good lord” in posts please be aware I don’t mean it in a catholic way I mean it in a 1950s scientist reacting in horror after they create an evil creature in the lab set in the distant future year of 2005
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creppy99 · 6 months
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like witnessing the french revolution beheadings firsthand in the 1800s
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creppy99 · 6 months
reblog to teleport your mutuals to a massive party when jkr dies
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