Lunar Chronicles Brotps:
Kai + Winter: Everyone’s celebrity crushes, familiar with the burdens/privileges of being #royalty, certified cinnamon rolls with hidden badassery, both in love with a commoner who worked for them/their family, imagine the selfies, neither can cook or clean
Wolf + Cress: Too good, too pure for this moon, stolen from their families and manipulated by lunar army, entranced by vegetables, wolf will give cress piggy back/shoulder rides, Cress teaches Wolf to play chess and he is very bad at it, Smol + Tol
Scarlet + Jacin: Winter Protection Squad, Super into Duty & Honor, Suspicious Grumpy Beans swayed by their Sunshine loves, willing to shoot a bitch, want to do some good in the world- Scarlet with her farm & Jacin with his doctoring, Introverts
Cinder + Thorne: Sassy Criminals, Love their ship, Thorne and Iko team up to get Cinder to dress nice, matching leather jackets, #siblings, so much bickering
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My last post had a thing about Cress encouraging Jacin to peruse his doctor dream while they were stuck in the castle in book 4, and I was then thinking about Jacin graduating from med school, and Cress being like a proud mother and blubbering everywhere and taking like hundreds of photos and hugging him and he's like trying not to be pleased and soppy but Cress' support and believing in him made so much difference to him and I'm not crying you are
And ofc winter is also there and they do the whole 'cheering wildly at a sober applause' event thing
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To everyone talking about the same thing when Scarlett got taken up to Lunar and we didn't see for ages -
EXACTLY! I would have loved to have had like 1000 extra pages across the series and had more wolflet! And CressxJacin brotp, and you can never get enough of Cinder's sarcasim!
Also, same for Wincin! We should have had more! Their troupe is my fave and hardly anything was really done with it!!
I vote we start a petition to make an extended version of tlc released 😂
One of my only qualms with Winter (the book) is that basically Marissa went 'hmmm, Cress is making this too easy, I need to get rid of her for a bit' and then stuck her and Jacin in the palace and DIDN'T UPDATE US ON THEM FOR 100 PAGES!
Like I'm fine with her being over there, especially cos it gives Throne a chance to pine, but I just wish one or twice we caught up with them and made sure they were ok, surely there could have been so stupid reason to make up for just popping our head into the palace. Just once, I mena come on!
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Renamed the blog from RampionThoughts123 to Cress-Appreciation-Blog because it's come to my attention I only really talk about Cress stuff anyway 😂😂
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I've become borderline OBSESSED with what Jacin and Cress got up to while in the palace, so here is my head canon list of things that they got up to -
Jacin found out Cress had never had chewing gum and so brought her some. She wasn't impressed, and didn't really understand why you'd chew something just to not swallow it, but she enjoyed feeling like she was on a TV show or film where they all had chewing gum
Jacin taught Cress pattycake variations, which Winter had loved when they were kids
Cress found Jacin's family and what they were up to. He cried looking at pictures of them ((( don't shoot me if this isn't accurate, I can't actually remember what happened with his family except that he cut of ties to protect them!!!))))
Cress found out about Jacin's doctor dream and encouraged him by making quizzes for him to do about anatomy and stuff when he got back to the room
They discussed love. Jacin explained his feelings for winter and it helped Cress figure out her feelings for Thorne on a more mature level
They talked about a lot of feeling things. Cress thinks Jacin could be a psychiatrist doctor, he already knows all the right things to say.
Cress binge watched a lot of stuff, especially late into the night, and while she tried to not disturb Jacin it didn't always work, especially when she'd wake up crying. For some reason, he really liked Gilmore Girls and would watch it with her.
One of my only qualms with Winter (the book) is that basically Marissa went 'hmmm, Cress is making this too easy, I need to get rid of her for a bit' and then stuck her and Jacin in the palace and DIDN'T UPDATE US ON THEM FOR 100 PAGES!
Like I'm find with her being over there, especially cos it gives Throne a chance to pine, but I just wish one or twice we caught up with them and made sure they were ok, surely there could have been so stupid reason to make up for just popping our head into the palace. Just once, I mena come on!
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One of my only qualms with Winter (the book) is that basically Marissa went 'hmmm, Cress is making this too easy, I need to get rid of her for a bit' and then stuck her and Jacin in the palace and DIDN'T UPDATE US ON THEM FOR 100 PAGES!
Like I'm fine with her being over there, especially cos it gives Throne a chance to pine, but I just wish one or twice we caught up with them and made sure they were ok, surely there could have been so stupid reason to make up for just popping our head into the palace. Just once, I mena come on!
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Jacin hogged the brain cell the entire time
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I’ve heard so many people say they disliked Jacin because he’s too bland. I don’t really think those people are analyzing him enough. He is one of my favorite characters because of his heart. He is so caring and selfless despite what he shows on the exterior. And often, that’s all people look at. They never stop and look at the fact he sacrifices his happiness always in order to ensure no one he cares for is hurt. He cut ties with his family so they couldn’t be used against him, he was unable to be a doctor that HELPS people. He loves Winter dearly but because she’s his princess, he does the opposite of what he wants. He doesn’t care if it hurts him, or even kills him, he will always put others ahead of himself.
He. Gives. Up. Everything. For. Others.
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Secrets of the Rampion
Secret 124:
Jacin can sing. Winter has recorded proof.
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Cinder: Damn the power went out
Winter: Don’t worry I got this
Winter: *Shakes rapidly and starts to illuminate*
Kai: What-
Winter: I swallowed a flashlight
Kai, on the verge of cardiac arrest: YOU WHAT?
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Friend: Surely you have a type?
Me: i want to be trapped in a satellite and get rescued by my criminal crush who’s wanted in every country with his stolen spaceship along with the most wanted fugitive of the year but then fail so we fall down to earth and into the the sahara desert and we walk for days until we finally find shelter and we pretend to be a couple but then we get caught because they suspected my satellite Hm, not really. I just want someone who’s kind.
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everyboddy shut  UP im THINKING about finctional character
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I had a headcanon that all the rampion crew go to Torin for help, like they rock up and Kai and cinder are like 'we didn't know you were coming to visit us!'
And whoever has arrived is like 'we haven't' push past them and Torin is standing there, slightly put out, and basically Torin becomes a father figure to all the Rampion Crew, and it was a fun thought.
So then I was thinking about why each of them would need to go and talk to him, and I thought what if after all the excitement, Cress realises she is unable to get back on the ship? She has panic attacks, and nightmares, and nothing can get her into the ship. Before she went from a satallite to a bigger space ship and it was great, but now she's terrified of getting stuck in a ship and not having freedom again. All the Rampion Crew try to help, but it's Torin who manages to get through to her, help her to get over her fear, and that's how Torin becomes the Father Figure to them all.
So now I want someone to write a fluff filled fic about this, anyone up for it?
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Reblog and put in the tags your top 3 ships of all time.
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Jacin, to the rampion crew: No offense but I don’t like any of you. Cress:
Jacin: not you, I like you
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Can we all agree that Jacin walked Cress down the aisle, Throne walked Cinder down the aisle, Kai walked Winter, and Scarlet growled at anyone who offered?
Iko was Cinder's honorary maid of honour and mother of the bride, and Winter ended up being Scarlet's honourary mother of the bride, against Scarlet's wishes, (or so she said anyway)
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I love this edit!
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