cresta-waves · 1 year
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Atelier Couture | Paradise Collection
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cresta-waves · 1 year
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i know everyone's out of their hunger games phase but i made these a while ago for my wall and i need to bless everyone else with them because hello they're beautiful.
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cresta-waves · 1 year
If you had the opportunity to meet Suzanne Collins for 30 minutes,
What would you do?
What questions do you want to ask?
(PS : There is no limit for topics :)
Thank you.
Hey, great question!
Honestly I would ask if the name ‘Annie’ is short for anything, I’ve always wondered that lol. I would also ask what the names of Peeta’s brothers are and what Mags’ last name is.
I know these are pretty surface level questions but I do wonder about them. :)
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cresta-waves · 1 year
I saw you recently did one like this but I still wanted to ask, (sorry) because I like your blog very very much. Do you have any other recs that take place during Annie’s games, with like the development in the relationship between Annie and finnick? If the ending is with Finn 💀 that’s ok but preferably not… it can be short or long
Love your writing style btw
Hi, thanks so much for your interest! I don’t know how many new recs I’ll be able to give you since I just did a similar list, but I’ll try. I also might be mentioning fics I’ve put on previous lists, but they were from a long time ago so you might not have seen them. If you haven't already, I would strongly recommend looking at my other lists because there are many stories there that fit your request!
The first two have been mentioned on other lists, and the rest are new.
Breathe by The_Twisted_Kingdom - This is a long one that starts at Annie’s Games. I like the dramatic irony in here because they don’t know each other and Annie doesn’t know what Finnick is doing in the Capitol. I will mention that it's incomplete and hasn't been updated for about three years, so just a warning about that.
Just Us by Nanyoky - This is another one that I really like and it's similar to the one above. It is completed (and canon compliant, sorry) but the story wraps up nicely. This could be a good read if you haven't checked it out yet.
this little universe between our backs by electrumqueen - This is a short one but it fits your request and is so beautiful. There's such a strong command of language here that really makes it a compelling read.
(no) hope in the water by rhllors - This is in a similar style to the last one. I really like how it portrays the brutality of the Games and Annie's resilience through it, as well as her and Finnick's relationship.
Five boys who were not Finnick Odair. by sakurasencha - This is a cool take on Finnick and Annie's dynamic, as well as Annie's history. It's a nonlinear narrative dealing mostly in flashbacks, but the central point of the story is Annie's Games and the aftermath. This could be a good read if you're looking for something unique.
Where the Sun Meets the Sea by sunflowersmile - This one really fleshes out Annie's life and her relationship with Finnick outside of the Games, although the Games are a focal point. It's alternating POV with Finnick and Annie so it's also cool to see both sides.
Not About Heroes by EmilyRose34 - This is a fic with the classic premise of Annie's Games, but what I think makes this one unique is the dynamic created between Finnick and Annie. It really helps illustrate the "she crept up on me" line because they don't really register each other right away. I really like the slow burn here.
I hope you can find something, and feel free to reblog with additions or self-promo if you want!
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cresta-waves · 1 year
Wondering what could have happened if Peeta was by himself in the games (no Katniss, other notPrim District partner). Do you guys think he could have won by himself? I think he could have been a serious contender, because:
1- the careers that volunteered for the 74th aren't really that bright, and other than Cato and Clove they're not that threatening either.
2- I could totally see him being the first Victor to ever win on sheer bullshit.
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cresta-waves · 1 year
Quite literally the only time I wasn't rooting for the childhood best friends to end up together
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cresta-waves · 1 year
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posters at the capitol
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cresta-waves · 1 year
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Look at you. Just killed a placemat.
THE HUNGER GAMES (2012) dir. by Gary Ross
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cresta-waves · 1 year
the funniest part of mockingjay was when Gale was like, ‘omg Katniss, Finnick totally has a crush on you,’ and the poor guy was loosing his mind being away from Annie
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cresta-waves · 1 year
Not to mention, in the books, it’s not just that he does.
His head gets bitten off.
He’s beheaded. The same way her district partner is.
Annie deserves so much better! She was already traumatized from the fact that her district partner was killed in the most gruesome way right in front of her, and when the arena flooded, she survived and won the games because she was the strongest swimmer, meaning that she most likely heard everyone else drown around her. After she won the games: she was left with extreme PTSD and depression, which causes her to be known as the tribute that went insane.
Not to mention that, Finnick: her husband, the father of her son, and the only person that understands her the most, dies not too long after their wedding.
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cresta-waves · 1 year
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“A pang of jealousy hits me. Not for either Finnick or Annie but for their certainty. No one seeing them could doubt their love.”
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cresta-waves · 1 year
Peeta and Gale
Outside of the lunch room incident in 13, these two are downright civil to each other.
Katniss describes them as
They both laugh. It's so strange to hear them talking like this. Almost like friends. Which they're not. Never have been. Although they're not exactly enemies.
The worst they have to say about the other: ‘I’m a little jealous of him’ and ‘I wish he was easier to dislike’
Peeta about Gale:
He takes a deep breath. “Look, Katniss, I’ve been wanting to talk to you about the way I acted on the train. I mean, the last train. The one that brought us home. I knew you had something with Gale. I was jealous of him before I even officially met you. And it wasn’t fair to hold you to anything that happened in the Games. I’m sorry.”
Gale about Peeta:
One night, as I’m walking Gale back into town, he even admits, “It’d be better if he were easier to hate.”
They even do their fair share of defending each other.
Peeta about Gale:
“He’s her cousin.” Peeta’s got my other arm now, but gently. “And she’s my fiancée. So if you want to get to him, expect to go through both of us.”
Gale about Peeta
I’m afraid of Gale’s answer, but I ask anyway. “Why do you think he said it?”
“He might have been tortured. Or persuaded. My guess is he made some kind of deal to protect you. He’d put forth the idea of the cease-fire if Snow let him present you as a confused pregnant girl who had no idea what was going on when she was taken prisoner by the rebels. This way, if the districts lose, there’s still a chance of leniency for you. If you play it right.” I must still look perplexed because Gale delivers the next line very slowly. “Katniss . . . he’s still trying to keep you alive.”
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cresta-waves · 1 year
mm he contains multitudes actually. he has depths he's complex he's babygirl. he's spiritually if not physically covered in blood he's an adhd king. he's got a hairy chest he's wearing a skirt. he's holding hands through the horrors sometimes he is the horrors. alexa play bitch by meredith brooks. queue up liability by lorde after that.
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cresta-waves · 1 year
The Cresta Family
(At least in the context of my upcoming fanfic Salt Air, Rust On Your Door) From oldest to youngest:
Chet Cresta is a firm, soft spoken man, with dark red hair and light eyes. Many people from Fisherman’s Wharf often say that the capital owns the water, the capital owns the fish, but the Cresta’s own the docks. He was prone to panic attacks when he was younger and even sometimes now, but he doesn’t like taling about it. 
Magdalena Cresta nee Seabrooke was the mayors daughter before she married the owner of the dock. Small, thin, with dark curls tumbling down her shoulders, she’s a harsh woman. Once upon a time she had a deep, intimate friendship with Mia O’Connell, a young woman who would go on to marry Chet Odair. Now days, she runs the finical aspect of the docks. 
Jonah Cresta, the eldest son. He wants to take over the dock when he’s old enough. He’s hard headed and can’t stand people who he sees as ‘cod’ - bottom feeders. A career, but he knows he falls middle of the pack and would never be chosen to go to the games and represent the district. Eighteen at the start of the fic. His birthday is two days after reaping day. He’s protective of all his younger siblings and feels guilty which often translates to him doing dumb shit 
Marilla Cresta, eldest daughter. Much like her mother but takes after her father in looks and in mental state. She’s calm and composed most of the time but teds to go into dissociative states when she’s upset and stressed. Really wants to take care of Hyacinth and Annie because she’s terrified of the games and refuses to be a career like the rest of her family because of it. Sixteen at the start of the fic. 
Liam Cresta, the eldest twin. Much more carefree than his eldest brother and sister, with a lot of love for the world around him. He also doesn’t like ‘bottom feeders’ but he does have a huge crush on Brooke Odair- not that he’d tell his sister that. Him and Hyacinth are twins, both age fifteen at the start of the fic. He’s a career that everyone says shows a lot of promise and he’s talked about volunteering when he turns eighteen. 
Hyacinth Cresta, youngest twin. Average fifteen year old girl. She likes her boyfriend, Ethan, and reading. Her real talent lies in numbers so her mother has been training her on how to do the book keeping for the docks. Doesn’t care that much about the games, but also doesn’t really approve of Liam’s plan to volunteer. She’s popular at the academy and is widely regarded throughout their part of the Wharf as really beautiful. She’s not, however, more beautiful than Brooke Odair and it fills her with envy.
Annie cresta, youngest child. Eleven years old at the start of the fic Annie is firmly the baby of the family. She was born premature which makes both Jonah and Marilla protective of her and her parents almost over protective. Due to some lingering health problems she didn’t join the academy at ten with the other kids in the district, but she will join when she’s twelve. 
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cresta-waves · 1 year
There have been many posts crediting President Snow for his “genius” decision having the tributes being previous winners for the 75th Hunger Games, however, I think it is probably the biggest mistake he makes in the series… And Plutarch’s smartest move.
The main rule in the Hunger Games is that there is always one winner. Not only is the winner awarded a fancy house and a large sum of money, but they are paraded around the capital. Their status is elevated and their home district views them as a celebrity. It is the only ticket to “rise up” in society. We as the reader know that being a Victor is still a terrible fate (body sold to capital citizens, used as a prop, forced to be a mentor), however, they symbolize a win for the district as a whole and enforce the hatred districts have for each other. 
In the 74th Games, Crane makes the decision to change the rules and allow two tributes from the same district to win the games. Whether this is purely for drama to make the romance element sell better or a clever way to introduce false hope, all tributes believe this rule is real. There is a chance Katniss and Peeta can really win together. When the rug is pulled out from under them, they are forced to choose who will win causing all hope of their dual survival to be lost. Both Katniss and Peeta want the other to win, however, they know the toll it will take emotionally on that individual to be the lone survivor (survivor’s guilt). With no hope of a fair life, they are both willing to die together creating an all or nothing situation. Crane is forced to let both of them win, knowing that if no one wins the games, the districts might realize that “their sacrifice” was for nothing. He believes two winners are better than none (And honestly he’s lowkey right), and it costs him his life. 
During Snow’s conversation with Crane he states, “Fear does not work as long as there is hope”. Katniss and Peeta winning together is not inherently revolutionary, it was not done to spite the capital, but Snow cannot let go of the idea that they broke the carefully constructed rules of the games, and, therefore, must be punished. He forgets that Katniss and Peeta are not universally liked, especially in districts where they had to kill their tributes (district 1 and 2). Snow blames Crane for even introducing the idea of two winners in the first place, the rules of the Hunger Games have been solidified for good reason. Ironically, the ending of the games is not what brings on the rebellion, it is really Rue’s relationship with Katniss. The kindness Katniss shows shows during Prim’s death unites the Districts for a moment, and creates a connection between District 11 and District 12.
This push for fear and punishment blind Snow when Plutarch becomes the game maker. Although all the districts know the 75th Games will have a twist, deciding to draw tributes from the existing Victors is a critical mistake. Yes, it allows Snow to “punish” Katniss for bending the rules, however, Snow forgets that the Victors symbolize hope to a necessary degree for society to function. The districts need to feel like they can win something, they need some distraction of power to stop them from realizing they are constantly being manipulated. Taking two of the golden children away from every district unites the efforts of rebellion. It is the clearest way to say “no, you are all losers at the end of the day”. This blatant reminder is not needed, and spreads anger throughout the entire Panem system. 
Snow’s weakness is he doesn’t understand that fear cannot work without the idea of mercy. There must be some possible reward to work for, or hopelessness will take over and people will act without care for their lives. If both options bring death and torture, why not rebel? The additional scenes in Mockingjay Part 1, demonstrate this notion perfectly (the dam in District 5 and the bombs in District 7). 
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cresta-waves · 1 year
suzanne collins is such a genius... the cultural phenomena of her series leading to the hanging tree house remixes, mockingjay being milked for two (bad) movies, the capitol-inspired makeup palettes, the halloween costumes, the explosion of the market for dystopia, the butchering of her characters and removal of disabilities, disfiguration, and racial tension + representation to sell more tickets, the extra gale scenes to fuel discourse, and the audience showing up to cinemas to watch what was pretty honestly marketed to them (the jacob vs edwardification of the symbolic love story and also to watch children fight to the death) it's just so ridiculously ironic i would say you can't write this shit, but she did write about it... in The Hunger Games published 2008
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cresta-waves · 1 year
“Peeniss” and “Fannie” both being ship names in the same series simply cannot be a coincidence
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