crimestreak · 10 years
"Sorry, officer, they're taken." He replied with a smirk.
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
"Who do you think? Friends. Ever heard of 'em?" Mako raised an eyebrow. "Of course not, I doubt you've looked up from your paperwork since you were at a ripe nineteen. Ay, do you know what day of the week it is? Of course not. I doubt you've known for like sixty years." Pleased with his slightly cruel words, he crossed his arms tightly.
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
Shit. "Whoever wrote those reports is a damned liar." Mako kept his calm composure and shrugged, throwing one of his hands up. "I was just bummin' around with some guys, y'know?"
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
"Yeah, if you're expecting to see something, good luck." He rolled his eyes at the chief.
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
"Uh-huh. Well I ain't doin' anythin' so you don't need to ride my coattails." Mako answered, deep voice laced with agitation. 
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
"Which triad are you affiliated with? I would assume Agni-Kai, or Triple Threat?"
"All Triple Threat. Why? You plannin' somethin'? "
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crimestreak · 10 years
blazingxgunsmoke --> crimestreak
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crimestreak · 10 years
I'm sad, I told my friend I got The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct and she said it sucks. :( Now I'm not excited.
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crimestreak · 10 years
Please Come Home For Christmas / Charles Brown
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crimestreak · 10 years
Just found out a friend got busted and is gonna be locked up for awhile. It was his own fault but it reminds me we're not so invincible.
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crimestreak · 10 years
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crimestreak · 10 years
can i ask where you got the inspiration for this blog from?
{Well, I wanted to make a Mako, but my girlfriend doesn't like regular Mako. And I like roleplaying criminals. I realize now that there's already a Triad!Mako out there with a similar url and I do apologize if it seems I copied them!! (´・_・`) }
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crimestreak · 10 years
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1. What they smell like: Hair gel and burning leaves.
2. How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): He typically sleeps on his back due to the fact that he lets Bolin take the bed and he sleeps on the floor with just a couple blankets to cushion him. When he sleeps on his side he wakes up with a sore arm. He usually has a restless sleep, always thinking about how long he and Bolin can afford the small apartment they managed to rent. He tends to wake up randomly, usually in a cold sweat because of nightmares.
4. How much time they spend getting ready every morning: Maybe ten or twenty minutes, five minute shower, five minutes on getting dressed, and a few on his hair and brushing his teeth.
5. Their favorite thing to collect: Little trinkets from the Fire and Earth Nation. He doesn't really collect because the stuff never lasts long.
6. Left or right-handed: Left.
7. Religion (if any): He's not religious and doesn't fall under any religion.
8. Favorite sport: Probending.
9. Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling: Trying all the different food with Bolin.
11. A weird/obscure fear they have: That Bolin's going to think he's too good for the life they're living and leave Mako in the dust.
12. The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: Modern AU, he'd destroy skeeball.
Let's do a weird headcanon thing
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crimestreak · 10 years
"I dunno. Goin' out to eat with Bol?"
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