YES, I have finally decided to move my account to a new one. {Click here to go to it! Same URL!} Even when I began to play Jasper here, it was on a blog I used before. After hitting 500+ followers & playing/having this blog for over a year now I felt it was best for me to give Jasper a makeover! What does this mean for you guys?
Hopefully you will follow me over to my new account and any threads we have will move too! I will do my best to move all owed replies over as well. Bear with me, but it will happen! I love you all SO much for sticking with me even if I am have been inactive and a crappy human, but I PROMISE things are changing and improving now. 
Thank you all and I hope to see you on the other side, other blog! 
With love,  Danny
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Ignore this please :3
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YES, I have finally decided to move my account to a new one. {Click here to go to it! Same URL!} Even when I began to play Jasper here, it was on a blog I used before. After hitting 500+ followers & playing/having this blog for over a year now I felt it was best for me to give Jasper a makeover! What does this mean for you guys?
Hopefully you will follow me over to my new account and any threads we have will move too! I will do my best to move all owed replies over as well. Bear with me, but it will happen! I love you all SO much for sticking with me even if I am have been inactive and a crappy human, but I PROMISE things are changing and improving now. 
Thank you all and I hope to see you on the other side, other blog! 
With love,  Danny
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‘  see  you  after  you  stuck  up  for  me  and  punched  that  ass  hole  in  the  face  in  my  honor  ??  ‘    a  rare  smile  slowly  grew  larger  on  her  expression  as  she  pushed  the  chair  out  to  have  him  sit.    ‘  you  know  in  some  cultures  an  act  like  that  would  be  a  MARRIAGE  PROPOSAL.  you’re  not  proposing  to  me  are  you  JJ  ??  ‘    it  was  then  did  her  smile  soften.    ‘  he  doesn’t  deserve  to  take  up  any  space  in  your  thoughts.  he’s  just  ,  he’s  just  S C U M  ‘
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“What kind of best friend would I be if I didn’t?” He shrugs, the tea drinking fuckboy had it coming and he would happily provide it, but for the moment he still lingered on the guilt that built up inside of him. “Maybe, think anyone else could handle you?” He slips into the chair as he speaks, letting every muscle fall limp as he reclines. “What you say? Want to wake up next to this face everyday?” His humor doesn’t last, but his smile in the first thing to fall away. “I tell myself that, but then I remember what he did--It’s over, you’re safe now. But that prick is still here.”
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I realize it’s been QUITE sometime since I’ve actually done replies. I ask you bare with me, I am going to do my best to get out as I can. My muse is VERY MUCH ALIVE, it’s just my cat is a deciding factor on how long it will take. She’s being an attention hog. I also need to do something for hitting 500 and my one year of being on indie---I missed both of those days. My one year was in June, I think, but I’ve been playing Jasper since March 2016 just in closed groups so even longer? Double oops ANYWAY THINGS TO COME. 
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me getting back online after forever & a day like:
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My work has a cosplay prom every Summer and once again I worked it. This year, however, I embraced my inner Penelope Garcia. 💋
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I'm currently on hiatus so consider this my way of telling you guys and showing off my new car! Well, new to me. I love my green machine which I added some flare to honor my boy. I'm such a fucking nerd.
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“I FORGOT what I was losing my mind about.                           I only wrote this down so you’d press rewind…”
                                       Fandomless Original Character                                              Independent & Selective                                                     Written by Danny  
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“I don’t want to                        SURVIVE                                      I want to                                                     LIVE”
Promo by Sofia
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Boy you got me, Helpless!Look into your eyes, and the sky’s the limit I’m helpless! Down for the count, and I’m drownin’ in ‘em.
                         @crimiinalchemiist  & @queengxiffin
                               Penned by Danny & Tiny
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          if  it  had  been  anyone  else  ,  ellen  would  have  shot  them  down  in  an  instant.  but  rather  ,  when  her  hazel  hues  caught  onto  jasper’s  silhouette  a  softer  smile  appeared  on  her  expression.    ‘  you  know  you  don’t  have  to  ask  …  ’    she  murmured  towards  the  only  friend  /  person  she  actually liked  seeing  in  this  hell  they  called  the  psych  floor.
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“ I was in the hole, didn’t think you’d want to see me after--”He shrugged it off, it was no secret what he’d done and to who. He deserved it, but in hindsight he was alone for a week and in that alone almost landed him two. A ghost of the boy who went in and half of the person who came out. “He deserved it.”
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@dissimvlate gets a starter because of reasons. 
“Mind if I..?” his words trail off, his hand gesturing towards the open seat beside her. His lopsided smile ghosting across his lips as he tried to meet her eyes. She was the only one he trusted, the only one he’d told the truth and he hoped that was enough for her to warrant him a place on the couch for a while. 
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      a c c e s s i n g   w  .  c  .  k  .  d.   d o c u m e n t s    .  .  .                            [ TEST_GROUP_A ]     .  .  .          [SUBJECT_A13/ THE_CHEMIST]      .  .  .                           l o a d i n g  .  .  .       ————        RESTRICTED   ACCESS   GRANTED
             NAME:   jasper  █ █ █ █ █ █   TEST NUMBER:   a13                DOB:   █ █ █ █   █ █   AGE:   16   SEX:   male  WEIGHT:   153 lbs                HEIGHT:   5′11″  EYE COLOR:   brown    HAIR COLOR:   brown              STATUS:   alive,     in healthy condition     IMMUNITY:    █ █ █ █ █ █ █
             BACKGROUND & PERSONALITY:    born in █ █ █ █ █ █ █ taken to wcked facility at 12.                        jasper showed advance skills in science, mathematics, farming and leadership. son of  Dr. █ █ █ █   █ █ █ █ █ █  & Dr.  █ █ █ █ █  █ █ █ █ █ █ only child.
          has been tested by █ █ █ █ █   █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ( SEE FILE ) and shows signs of reckless, but effective                        in stressful situations. █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ran tests when picked up that showed                       the potential for high anxiety and unpredictable behavior. he has shown he will do whatever its necessary to save those around, but is willing to sacrifice himself as a result. 
              GLADE  HISTORY:     28 hours taken for █ █ █ █  to return.   greeted by 
                    █ █ █ █ █ █ █  or  Subject █ █ ( SEE FILE ),  █ █ █ █ █  or  Subject █ █ , █ █ █ or Subject █ █  ( SEE FILE ) & █ █ █ █ █ or Subject █ █ ( SEE FILE ).                     subject has shown  █ █   █ █ █ █ █  signs of knowledge of wckd prior to entering testing.                      11 months spent in test,     has not suffered a major injury.   Was attacked by an infected Subject █ █  ( SEE FILE ) 
                  Sustained life threatening injury. Has survived and improved in a matter of weeks. 
        knowledge of  chemistry  and farming ability is known,  unclear how much.     
 part of group known as  track hoes, alternate med jack.   
                          Terrified of maze,   has not gone near it since arrival expect for the marking of the wall.                              often seen with subject a █ █,    after subject helped save his life  ( SEE FILE )                          subject seems █ █ █ █ █ █ █  of wckd,     uninterested in going into maze,                        content  with test zone.     may need motivation for extraction.             
→ KNOWN CONNECTIONS:                         subject a █ █    —-   ‘bliss’.    close friend.                          subject a █ █    —-   ‘fox’.       friend.                         subject a █ █    —-   ‘clarke’.   friend.                             subject a █ █    —-     ‘verity’.   co-worker. 
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"I've been drinking ;)" Danny VS. "Classy" Danny
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What’s my writing trademark?
I’ve seen this for art, but what about my writing makes you go, “ah, that’s a _____ production”?
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I'm not doing 100% today, I'll do my best to be on later. If it matters -shrug-
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