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In a situation eerily similar to the bombing that occurred at the Bureau Headquarters in June of 2014, it was approximately 2:50PM when another bombing happened at the FBI Training Facilities in Quantico.
Though there is little information being offered at this time, in part due to the incident only happening two days previous, the number of casualties is expected to rise in the coming days. Announcements are pending in regards to many senior members of the Bureau's staff that was rumored to be on sight, and there is very little information begin given at this time from anyone but Washington Memorial Hospital in regards to current patients in relation to the bombing.
While there is a team of specialized individuals that is working on this bombing in regards to the Bureau, it is anticipated that they will be joined by the ATF department as well as with other members from the Bureau who have background in explosives.
At this time, however, the count of deceased in relation to the bombing has been increased to 27 people, according to Doctor Remy Coulson of Washington Memorial. Though it is unclear as to how many of these people died initially at the scene or later at the hospital, he is open about the fact that the likelihood of them raising that it high in the next week. "At this time, it has been requested that no information in regards to the status of patients whose family has not been contact be released to the press. We are, however, allowed to disclose the fact that Section Chief Aaron Hotchner, of the Bureau's Behavioral Analysis Unit, was on site and was injured and is current being hospitalized indefinitely with a status notated as stable, but serious," announced Doctor Coulson earlier today. It is worth noting that Agent Hotchner lost his brother in the previous bombing that occurred last year.
All contact in regards to the bombing and questions should be addressed to the Bureau at this time, though they are only releasing press statements until a conference that will occur on Friday evening. Please call and give any information that you may have to 1-800-783-5353 immediately, we will keep you updated as we have new information. 
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This is Georgia Richards reporting live from Quantico Virginia at the Federal Bureau of Investigation's training facilities and it appears that with just over a year having passed, there is a second bombing rocking the organization. As of now, all transportation in and out of the city has been ground bar select officials. We will give more information as it becomes available, though authorities are encouraging residents to stay back in their homes as emergency crews rush to assist the agency during this time.
As of this time, it is unknown how many agents or probationary agents are in the building, though reports state that classes and assignments are in full swing despite the holiday weekend.
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Team Assignments
Please note that effective SATURDAY team assignments will be in effect. You will be notified that day if you are on call, assigned to a case, or have that particular week off. If you have any questions, please contact your supervisors here.
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*SEVERE WEATHER ALERT* The National Weather Service has issued severe thunderstorm warnings for the following counties and districts:
Expect severe thunderstorms.
torrential rains
wind speeds of 60-70mph
thunder and lightning.
Residents should be aware of their surroundings, careful when venturing outdoors, and refrain from approaching downed wires, trees, signs, etc.
Please be aware that it is incredibly dangerous should you choose to attempt to drive or leave your current locations. Damage to buildings are unknown at this time, as are the injuries and/or deaths.
*metropolitan Washington D.C. 
Roleplayers, underneath the cut you will find the location that you are out of while this is going on. Phone lines will be scattered throughout the event, and there is no guarantee that they will actively be working.
Adam Harris - grocery store and the elctricity is out; with Chris Hunter and Sabrina Robeson
Chris Hunter - grocery store, the elctricity is out and unable to make calls out due to cell phone dying; with Adam Harris and Sabrina Robeson
Abbigale Murphy - in route to hospital per call
Debra Morgan - Washington Metropolitan Police Department, electricity down completely, generators shorted out
Dexter Morgan - Washington Metropolitan Police Department, electricity down completely, generators shorted out
Alison Reaser - Washington Memorial Hospital
Theo Galli - elevator within the Behavioral Analysis Unit, lock down; with Derek Morgan
Derek Morgan - elevator within the Behavioral Analysis Unit, lock down; with Theo Galli
Spencer Reid - at therapist's office, former office of James Fitzgerald; within same building as Cameron Hadley and Michael Nash
Aaron Hotchner - in a meeting with David Rossi, phones off and little contact ability
Donovan Weatherly - Washington Memorial Hospital, exact location unknown and it is unknown who all else is in the building.
Michael Nash - at therapist's office, former office of James Fitzgerald; within same building as Cameron Hadley and Spencer Reid
Patrick McKeane - within the Behavioral Analysis Unit; with Wade Callies and Jennifer Jareau
Cameron Hadley - psychologists office, recent purchase within the past six months and formerly owned by James Fitzgerald; in the same building as Michael Nash and Spencer Reid
Adrienne Hornsby - Washington Metropolitan Police Department, electricity down completely, generators shorted out; with Debra Morgan and Dexter Morgan
Jennifer Jareau - within the Behavioral Analysis Unit; with Wade Callies and Patrick McKeane
Jimmy Fitzgerald - at Washington Memorial Hospital, wife is visiting; unknown who all is within the buildings
Wade Callies - within the Behavioral Analysis Unit; with Jennifer Jareau and Patrick McKeane
Sarah Callies-Fitzgerald - at Washington Memorial Hospital, visiting James Fitzgerald; unknown who all is within the buildings
Sabrina Robeson - grocery store and the elctricity is out; with Chris Hunter and Adam Harris
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In the aftermath of the bombing that the Federal Bureau of Investigation had in June of 2013, recent events have caused the reevalutaion of multiple of their units as well as the team structure. In light of the aftermath, the have begun to announce the formation of new, and supposedly improved, teams because of this. There is more informatio to come on the reactions as to current members of the FBI due to this unexpected, and likely unwanted change, but this reporter will most certainly be following these changes and keep the general public updated.
Roleplayers, please keep your eyes peeled over the weekend for your new assignments. Some of you will receive offers to transfer to new departments, whereas some of you will be landing yourself in new teams despite keeping your current specialties.
Beware, no one is safe in this shuffle. 
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It has taken a length of time for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to release an official list of those missing, deceased, and accounted for in the past two weeks, show just how tight lipped our government can be in the midst of a crisis. Although the have allowed involvement from the local police in Quantico, Virginia, there have been multiple agencies that were brought in since the bombing on June 23rd of 2013 that has been revealed to have initially killed are twenty-eight agents and civilians, with another three that have succumb to their injuries that were sustained in the bombing.
Among those killed in the initial blast were civilian Sean Hotchner, who is now survived by his brother, Agent Aaron Hotchner, and nephew, Jack Hotchner, along with Agents Brett Anderson, Athena Walker, Dmitri Andrews, Megan Blake. Most impactful to the way that the Bureau, and specifically the Behavioral Analysis Unit that was directly impacted in this particular incident, was the death of the Section Chief Erin Strauss who passed away in the Intensive Care Unit of Washington Hospital out of Washington DC. There is speculation as to who will take over Section Chief Strauss' position in the wake of the distaster, but the FBI is refusing to give any details as to their plans at this point and time.
Section Chief Strauss is survived by her two sons and daughter, as well as her former husband. As per family wishes, the press was not informed of Strauss' passing until after the funeral on Sunday, in which many of the BAU members were reportedly in attendance.
There is speculation that some of the missing will not be accounted for at this point, although the FBI's bombing squad believes that they are not still in the wreckage, and could still yet to be accounted for. It is, however, worth being noted that the count of missing is as small as three FBI agents at this point and time. Their names have yet to be released to the public sector due to the potential of security breaches.
In the wake of this bombing, the FBI has been moved to a secure location, and are attempting to resume work as much as possible to the point that some teams have been deployed back out into the field as early as last Friday. Though this calls into question the stability of those current in control, it is worth noting that the cases that the Behavioral Analysis Units deal with do not halt due to a crisis on their soil. 
Inside sources within the FBI report that there is a good possibility that Senior Agents David Rossi as well as Aaron Hotchner are being considered for promotion to former Section Chief Strauss' position, with possible evaluation of the teams and how the department is run in wake of this disaster. 
The department that former Section Chief Strauss headed was responsible for putting away hundreds of criminals, including the well known crimes of killers such as Billy Flynn (who was better known as the Prince of Darkness), George Foyet (known as The Boston Reaper), and international criminal Izzy Rogers, among many others. A revision within the way that it runs and its team members raises the questions of whether or not the department will be more or less efficient. In the same token, the highly publicized case of Michael Nash was proven mid-trial to be a mistaken arrest and charging of serial murders committed by the same department as well as of late. One must wonder whether or not this is factoring into the decisions being made about the future of this department of the FBI.
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UPDATE: Emergency units responded to a call from the FBI Headquarters early yesterday afternoon. The caller dialed in to report an explosion coming from inside the walls of the academy around 2:00 p.m. 
Although initial reports indicated an explosion related to something within the building, although after the Federal Bureau of Investigation (more commonly known as the FBI) partnered with the local police, it was discovered that there was a bomb device delivered to the building early Saturday that appears to have been detonated just inside the security checkpoint. The FBI and the bomb investigation squad that has been put together is releasing little detail to the press at this time about the extent of the damage, or any suspects that are being considered despite requests for information.
Initially there were very few known facts as to the survivors, as well as those that were injured and considered missing. There are still names that are considered undisclosed due to the inability to get ahold of family members at this point and time, however... the list of names is growing longer as time goes on. Confirmed dead are Sean Hotchner, 30, survived by his brother SSA Aaron Hotchner who is also known for leading one of the BAU teams, Agent Brett Anderson, 32, who was a fellow agent within the BAU, Agent Athena Walker, 27, was announced deceased by the Marines earlier today in relation to the blast, although the circumstances have yet to be disclosed, were all killed in the bombing along with 21 other agents.
Although previously declared missing, Section Chief Erin Strauss is currently in critical condition within Washington Hospital Center's ICU, who is refusing to give details on the woman in question. Agent Jennifer Jareau and Doctor Spencer Reid, of Agent Hotchner's team, have been admitted to Washington Hospital Center as well, though they are expected to make a full recovery. Both Agent Derek Morgan and Doctor Cameron Hadley were accounted for at a later time, being treated and released by the hospital. There are several agents still unaccounted for, and anyone with information as to their potential whereabouts, whether within the FBI buildings or elsewhere, are encouraged to come forward as soon as possible. Agent Charlotte Johanna, 35, who is survived by her brother and was known for assisting in releasing Michael Nash just this past year is still listed as missing, sources say that this is a particular hit to multiple agents who have taken it upon themselves to assist with going through the rubble while searching for survivors.
The area surrounding the FBI is still under strict lockdown and is anticipated to be for weeks to come, with only specific agents being allowed in and out of the area in relation to the bombing. Search and Rescue teams are being rotated in and out at this time, and there has been a hotline set up to assist in the capture of whoever committed this crime, listed below.
Updates will be made as more information comes.
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UPDATE: Emergency units responded to a call from the FBI Building early yesterday afternoon. The caller dialed in to report an explosion coming from inside the walls of the building around 2:00 p.m. 
Several police officers, ambulances and fire engines were dispatched, arriving to the scene in record time. Fire fighters worked until nearly dawn this morning to put out the smoldering building, while emergency medics treated the people who managed to get out of the building. Checkpoints were set up in order to determine who had survived, and who is still unaccounted for.
There have been 14 confirmed deaths. Agent Brett Anderson, 32, and civilian Sean Hotchner, along with 12 others whose names have not yet been released were listed among those dead. Hotchner, aged 30, had brought his nephew to the building to drop him off with the boy's father, Supervisory Special Agent Aaron Hotchner, who is the agent in charge of the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
Several other agents are still listed as missing. Among those is Section Chief Erin Strauss, and BAU members Jennifer 'JJ' Jareau, Dr. Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, and Charlotte Johanna, along with a negotiator Dr. Cameron Hadley. A Search and Rescue party has been dispatched to recover the missing agents.
A large number of agents have been sent to the hospital with critical wounds caused by the blast, which was caused by an explosive that had somehow made it into the building. Authorities are unsure as to how it made it into the building, and a full investigation has been launched. Medical professionals are uncertain as to whether those injured will survive.
Please stay tuned for more information.
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We have just received word of an explosion at the FBI Headquarters in Washington DC. Please stay tuned for further details.
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Attention agents: An explosion has wracked the building. Please evacuate the building immediately. Emergency evacuation and assistance teams will be here as soon as possible. 
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