crimson-phoenix · 1 year
social media roleplay is NOT for someone who has anhedonia and social anxiety. this shit is hard
probably wiping these soon xoxo i feel like crap about roleplay nowadays
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
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((look at Google. Look at him.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
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-> ooc; pspspsps look at my silly guy. my silly goofy little guy
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
I should watch what I say, the actor thought. He ran a finger around the rim of his newly acquired highball glass and mused, “Well, Bim and I shared a production studio when we were both young upstarts in entertainment. We bonded over our shared experiences - both past and present - and the friendship escalated from there. We get very busy nowadays, but when we find time to see each other, we’re like two peas in a pod!” Christian replied cheerfully. Talking always boosted his mood, even with strangers, and he could tell his mood was improving by the second. “We’re real tight-knit, him and I.”
He took a swig of his drink and grimaced slightly at how strong his drink really was. “Wow. That is potent…!”
🍹 + reverse >:]
-> @radio-fiction
Christian hated going to public spaces alone. He usually had a bodyguard or a colleague trailing him, but tonight was different. He needed to be away from all that and go to one of his favorite places: an upscale restaurant in the city with a decked-out bar to match. Here the actor was, seated on a barstool in a tight t-shirt and jeans, jacket over his legs, looking absolutely dire. Not only had his work been incredibly demanding of him, but his powers were acting up too. It was draining him of his energy and tonight he simply needed to unwind.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
Host’s slight moment of hesitation delighted Christian. He reveled in being intimidating, off-putting. To show it, he put on his award-winning smile and tried to not look as disheveled as he felt on the inside.
“No, no, I’m not a business partner, my friend. We’re just, ah, close.” He looked down at his outfit and chuckled ruefully. “And if he were here, he would be chewing me out for being so informal, I bet. But I needed to get out of the suits I always wear, so… casual it is.” He turned his attention again to Host as they sat down next to him. “How do you and Bim know each other?”
🍹 + reverse >:]
-> @radio-fiction
Christian hated going to public spaces alone. He usually had a bodyguard or a colleague trailing him, but tonight was different. He needed to be away from all that and go to one of his favorite places: an upscale restaurant in the city with a decked-out bar to match. Here the actor was, seated on a barstool in a tight t-shirt and jeans, jacket over his legs, looking absolutely dire. Not only had his work been incredibly demanding of him, but his powers were acting up too. It was draining him of his energy and tonight he simply needed to unwind.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
“Jesus.” Christian had taken off his outercoat and vest as well as undone one button of his dress shirt by the time Bim’s speech ended. Instead of being scared of what he was hearing, he was actually experiencing a sense of recognition. This sounded similar to what he went through on… particularly bad days, let’s say.
He took his phone off speaker mode and announced, “I’m coming over. Stay there. And don’t protest.” With that, he rushed out of his bedroom and flew down the stairs. He debated just teleporting there, but he didn’t want to scare his lovely show host in his already fragile state. Walking down a hallway, he eased up on his stern tone and cooed, “Will you stay on the line for me? I want to make sure you’re safe while I drive.”
Finally checking the notification after that particularly boring conference, Actor’s eyes widened at the panicked nature of what he just read. Was Bim in trouble… or was he just being dramatic? Actor knew the man was skittish about bugs, so maybe it was that. Regardless, he decided to call Bim anyway. He had left him hanging for long enough. He dialed his dove’s number and waited for the call to connect. - @crimson-phoenix
The show host groans, having finally sat down to try and process everything, phone in hand as he sat at the kitchen table with his head down. Bim's head immediately picks up at his ringtone going off again, accepting the call and answering with a shaking "Hhey!..um.. What's up?"
In actuality, his leg bounced with anticipation as he wanted Actor to know he was okay even if he wasn't.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
Christian leaned back in his seat and chirped, “Go right ahead, Trimmer. I’ve talked myself a storm.” He grinned and downed the last of his rum and ginger, flipping the glass upside down on the table. Tonight he was in a simple dress shirt and slacks, nothing too fancy.
[ kiss ] on the I love you SFW prompts.
~ @hiremyass
It was a miracle: both men had found gaps in their schedules at the same time. Finally, they could have some time together. Both were seated in a dark speakeasy with a table all to themselves in the corner. Slow jazz was being played from a band up at the front and it seeped throughout the entire area. If Christian wasn’t relaxed before, he was definitely now.
He had downed a couple alcoholic drinks and wasn’t completely drunk - not yet, anyway. He was buzzed, though, and felt a lot more loose. The two had been gossiping about their coworkers together, and it was a riot to learn about.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
[ kiss ] on the I love you SFW prompts.
~ @hiremyass
It was a miracle: both men had found gaps in their schedules at the same time. Finally, they could have some time together. Both were seated in a dark speakeasy with a table all to themselves in the corner. Slow jazz was being played from a band up at the front and it seeped throughout the entire area. If Christian wasn’t relaxed before, he was definitely now.
He had downed a couple alcoholic drinks and wasn’t completely drunk - not yet, anyway. He was buzzed, though, and felt a lot more loose. The two had been gossiping about their coworkers together, and it was a riot to learn about.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
“…You don’t sound fine,” Actor replied dryly. He knew Bim was lying. No one yells like that and feels fine. Making it to his bedroom, he closed the door behind him, set his phone down, and turned it to speaker mode. “Do you need help with something?” he asked. He would try to pry what was going on out of Bim. He began unbuttoning his outercoat with a slightly annoyed and slightly confused expression on his face.
Finally checking the notification after that particularly boring conference, Actor’s eyes widened at the panicked nature of what he just read. Was Bim in trouble… or was he just being dramatic? Actor knew the man was skittish about bugs, so maybe it was that. Regardless, he decided to call Bim anyway. He had left him hanging for long enough. He dialed his dove’s number and waited for the call to connect. - @crimson-phoenix
The show host groans, having finally sat down to try and process everything, phone in hand as he sat at the kitchen table with his head down. Bim's head immediately picks up at his ringtone going off again, accepting the call and answering with a shaking "Hhey!..um.. What's up?"
In actuality, his leg bounced with anticipation as he wanted Actor to know he was okay even if he wasn't.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
“Are you okay?” was the first thing Christian spoke. A nagging feeling told him Bim wasn’t just being dramatic anymore. “Your message caught me off-guard a little, dear.” He stood up from his desk and headed to his bedroom to change out of his suit.
Finally checking the notification after that particularly boring conference, Actor’s eyes widened at the panicked nature of what he just read. Was Bim in trouble… or was he just being dramatic? Actor knew the man was skittish about bugs, so maybe it was that. Regardless, he decided to call Bim anyway. He had left him hanging for long enough. He dialed his dove’s number and waited for the call to connect. - @crimson-phoenix
The show host groans, having finally sat down to try and process everything, phone in hand as he sat at the kitchen table with his head down. Bim's head immediately picks up at his ringtone going off again, accepting the call and answering with a shaking "Hhey!..um.. What's up?"
In actuality, his leg bounced with anticipation as he wanted Actor to know he was okay even if he wasn't.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
As soon as he saw a bit of cloth peeking out from under the other guy’s hair, a sense of recognition passed through Christian. “Wait.” He pointed to them and remarked, “I know you. You’re… Host, right?” Yeah, it was unmistakable. The dark hair with light streaks, the bloody, stained cloth around his eyes, the style of clothing a grandpa would wear - they all matched what he knew of the man. They hadn’t talked much in the past, but maybe he could weasel a free drink out of the guy.
A bit of his usual self was revived in the presence of an acquaintance. Christian grinned his usual sly grin and took on a more relaxed pose at the bar. He beckoned towards Circe and said, “Yeah. Host. Bim Trimmer has told me all about you. Why don’t we drink together?”
🍹 + reverse >:]
-> @radio-fiction
Christian hated going to public spaces alone. He usually had a bodyguard or a colleague trailing him, but tonight was different. He needed to be away from all that and go to one of his favorite places: an upscale restaurant in the city with a decked-out bar to match. Here the actor was, seated on a barstool in a tight t-shirt and jeans, jacket over his legs, looking absolutely dire. Not only had his work been incredibly demanding of him, but his powers were acting up too. It was draining him of his energy and tonight he simply needed to unwind.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
“What’ll it be, Cruz?” the bartender asked. The actor across from her had been running a hand through his hair as a nervous habit, and he paused when he was asked the question. Typically he would order a tequila sunrise or something fruity, but tonight he wanted something strong. Something to knock him out, really.
Even though he had an idea of his drink for the night, he didn’t know what specifically to order. The chalkboard menu on the wall was blending together into blobs of shapes and colors. “I don’t know,” he said weakly to the bartender which made her face screw up in confusion.
Turning his head, Christian noticed another patron sitting on the other side of the bar. Strangely, they were the only two people seated here. He wondered if they could help him out. He would never do this, but he was exhausted and annoyed and didn’t want to do much of anything. As a last-ditch effort, he called to the patron and said, “Hey. You like strong drinks?”
🍹 + reverse >:]
-> @radio-fiction
Christian hated going to public spaces alone. He usually had a bodyguard or a colleague trailing him, but tonight was different. He needed to be away from all that and go to one of his favorite places: an upscale restaurant in the city with a decked-out bar to match. Here the actor was, seated on a barstool in a tight t-shirt and jeans, jacket over his legs, looking absolutely dire. Not only had his work been incredibly demanding of him, but his powers were acting up too. It was draining him of his energy and tonight he simply needed to unwind.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
🍹 + reverse >:]
-> @radio-fiction
Christian hated going to public spaces alone. He usually had a bodyguard or a colleague trailing him, but tonight was different. He needed to be away from all that and go to one of his favorite places: an upscale restaurant in the city with a decked-out bar to match. Here the actor was, seated on a barstool in a tight t-shirt and jeans, jacket over his legs, looking absolutely dire. Not only had his work been incredibly demanding of him, but his powers were acting up too. It was draining him of his energy and tonight he simply needed to unwind.
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
>>signal to my friends to reblog prompt starters so i can jumpscare you pretty please pls plsplspslspssls /nf
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
Send 🍹 To Buy A Fancy Drink For My Muse
Send  🍹reverse For My Muse To Buy Yours A Fancy Drink
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
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>>actor design BOO!!!!!
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crimson-phoenix · 2 years
You know. I know you do.
TW/CW: gorey descriptions, implied violence/death.
He takes a deep breath, quickly opening the dressing room door and slamming it behind him as he breathes heavily. This was so familiar, but he couldn't place it, he brushes it off, breathing out a shaky sigh and pulling his blazer off to hang it on the rack.
Bim begins to make his way to the vanity, almost even collapsing into the seat himself, he runs a hand through his hair as he looks up to the mirror, paling at the sight. He seemed turned around in the seat in the reflection, his head whips around to see if someone was there.
When the show host confirmed no one was there, he sighs with relief again, turning to the mirror and immediately screaming in fright, stumbling out of the seat, it falling to the floor with a loud clatter.
He shuffles back, breathing heavy, the reflection of himself, dress shirt dirtied with mud and blood, his own blood..it stared down with it's only remaining eye, the once full of life pupil devoid of life itself, the other socket emptied, blood pouring from it's place as if it had been violently stabbed out.
It could only stare at the other, no emotion, before the mirror shatters and the shards fall to the surface of the vanity. Bim winces and covers his face, lip quivering. "W..what- What the fuck-?!"
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