crimsondust23 ¡ 6 months
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♡ Starry Pride Lanyards by Fresh Hot Flavors ♡
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crimsondust23 ¡ 1 year
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ah, to lie in his arms​🥰...~
cozy malec comm for your today's enjoyment :')💖​Thank you once again @quickbright 💙​💙​💙​
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crimsondust23 ¡ 2 years
A Malec story inspired by this fill (to the prompt: “I want your babies”) here. Being the huge mpreg fan that I am, I just couldn’t resist adding an addition(?) with a twist. I hope OP doesn’t mind! :)
After sleeping most (if not all) of the day away, Magnus shuffles out of their bedroom, when Alec’s and Magnus’ eyes meet across the loft. “About last night—“ they both start and stop. Which brings a fond smile to both of their faces.
Magnus continues on his way towards Alec. Now within touching distance, Magnus can pick up how devious Alec’s eyes have become. Now that they’re so close, Alec couldn’t help but stare at how radiant his husband looked. It was no secret that he made quite the picture.
“Now, Alexander— I know where that pretty head of yours is going and while it may be relevant to the conversation- it also needs to wait.” Alec’s full attention had reverted back onto Magnus’ face the moment be heard his name being spoken, but now he’s worried. Because Magnus’ eyes aren’t meeting his and he’s wrapped his blue satin robe as well as his arms, tightly around himself- as a sort of defense, he thinks. So, yes, he’s sticking with worried.
“What’s-?” Alec begins. But he doesn’t get to finish his query before Magnus’ fingertip silently appears in front of his lips, and while Alec may have just returned from a small inner monologue, Magnus must’ve noticed his worry (that’s clearly written on his face), because Magnus is no longer hunching in on himself and his eyes, his eyes are directed to Alec, and only Alec. His smile is back in place (where it should always be), and his eyes are starting to twinkle from the shared memory of a time when Magnus had previously made the same gesture. During a time when everything between them was new and confusing. But, as Magnus intended, the gesture has the same desired effect now, as it did all of those years ago.
Magnus has the floor.
He drops his hand and after a quick run through Alec’s hair, he winds his arms around his Shadowhunter’s neck. “I love you, Alexander..”
“And I love you.” Alec whispers. Magnus is so lost in the depths of Alec’s eyes that he almost forgets that he’s supposed to be talking. Right. Talking about— yes; that. Magnus lets out a small sigh. It wasn’t a sad sigh, so much as a— “I’m going to say the thing. And he’s going to laugh. And I’m going to have to pretend like I was joking so his laugh doesn’t turn into something worse.” So, it was a sigh that came from a weary and resigned place more than anything else. Because Magnus wasn’t scared to say this to Alec. He wouldn’t have wanted “this thing” with Alec had he found the idea of telling him, scary. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t nervous and he wasn’t going to prepare himself. Because Magnus is old and if anything, he knows that not being prepared is one of the most foolish things you could ever be. Afteral, he hasn’t survived this long without having backup up plans upon backup plans.
“I’m the High Warlock.. of Alicante, Alexander. I could have ruled over Edom, had that been... something I wanted. And I’m capable of things that you may be shocked to find out.. that’s part of why I‘ve never actually told anyone about it before. For good reason, yes, but I’m also sharing this with you because.. well, for good reason. I ultimately never wanted to share this with anyone else. Before you. Because only recently have I realized that that was even something I’d want. With you. Specifically... Because of you, my love. I—“
Magnus has never known nerves such as these. Even when he’s experienced the feeling before, it was never this intense. Because he really did want this now that the thought cemented itself into his (albeit drunken) consciousness last night. Everything has been leading him here, he thinks.
“You know that you can tell me anything. Sweetheart, hey. There is nothing that could make me love you any less, or trust you any less, or-or make me think any less of you.” And Magnus’ face that had turned into Alec’s neck to hide during mid-speech has perked up, because he knew Alec was a poet, but damn. What a man. He nearly giggles when he realizes he’s not nervous anymore. Not at all. Because this man doesn’t just make him brave— he makes him fearless.
He focuses on Alec’s face and the feeling of those strong hands that are pressed firmly against his hip and neck. And he breathes. Truly breathes again since he decided he’d bring the topic up before he had breakfast, like pulling off a bandaid, he had reasoned with himself earlier. “I know that you thought I was joking last night. Or, well, being silly. Which to be fair- this is me we’re talking about. But the truth is. I know how to bare children. Potentially.”
Alec’s eyes, Magnus quickly realizes were filling with tears. And out of all the reactions he cooked up in his head, he hadn’t been expecting this. “Oh— Alexander! I don’t—“ Magnus says, half frantic. But Alec being Alec, saves Magnus from any further worry when he takes Magnus’ face into his hands and smiles on the end of a sniffle. “I always knew you were magical. But I could’ve never imagined this. You’re-“ Alec laughs while tears run down his cheeks. “My world. You, giving birth to my children would make me— well, I’m already the happiest man in the world. But, yes. I mean— that was a proposal, right?” Magnus released a fond laugh. And in that moment, he can’t help but kiss Alec oh so tenderly before responding. Which is when he notices the tears rolling down his own cheeks.
“It’s a proposal, alright. A gift? A pact? An adventure? Maybe a... ‘happily ever after’... of our own making?” Magnus says wistfully. As if he’s partly joking. But they both know he couldn’t be more serious.
“Love, I believe that I’ve already received all of that... the day you came into my life. And what an adventure it’s been, already.” Alec says around a grin. “Magnus, I adore you, okay? And I want this. With you. Always, with you. I also may have a few ideas we can use... for practice purposes, of course.” Alec rasped; his voice having deepend to such a level, that it left little to the imagination.
“Well, I’m all for...” Magnus quips. His voice breaking off when he feels Alec’s hands that have trailed down to his backside, firmly squeeze, and then soon after, separate his ass cheeks. If Magnus wasn’t currently wearing any pants, his hole would be on full display. The thought making his limbs tremble with want. “Bedroom?” Magnus stutters out the moment he feels Alec’s fingers gently (but firmly) press up inside him (from the outside of his lounge pants). Like a promise.
Alec growls out his agreement near Magnus’ ear. “Bedroom, now.” Because, well, Alec always believed practice made perfect. But he also believed nothing could be more perfect than the tiny whimpers that were currently escaping Magnus’ mouth. A mouth that Alec was seconds away from devouring.
So, while they may have a lot work to accomplish, and more world-saving to prepare for, they also have a “happily ever after” to plan, and they both knew that this right here was the start of that brilliant second chapter.
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crimsondust23 ¡ 4 years
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A Faerie Witch is someone who practices magic that closely connects with the Fae. With a deep embodiment of nature and vibrant divinity, faerie witchcraft is soulfully rooted in Celtic lore. It blends elemental spells, lunar guidance, and crystal work to create a spiritual path that leads to the highlands of the Fae. 
1 tsp green tea
½ tsp lemongrass
½ tsp rose petal
½ tsp licorice root or local honey
Crystals: Lilac Amethyst &  Moss Agate
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crimsondust23 ¡ 4 years
Tarot Spread
Today I'll be sharing some tarot spreads and how to make your own
Today's Card Spreads 
1 card draw
3 card past present future spread (PPF) 
Celtric cross
15 card golden dawn
One Card Draw
A one card draw is a quick reading
The steps for a one card draw goes as followed,
Shuffle your deck
Draw one card
interpret the cards meaning based on your question
3 Card PPF
You have one card represent your past, present, and future
The layout of the cards are horizontal 
You can ask for clarification in a form of another card, called a clarifier.
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Here is the diagram from my class.
Celtic cross
The celtic cross card spread is a famous and well known spread among the tarot community.
The Layout 
1 card in center
2nd horizontal
3rd on top 
4th on top 
5-6 can be flipped.
7-10 on the right side of the cross
The right side order goes 7 on bottom 10 on top 
The Layout Explained 
1st card significator 
2nd card state of mind 
3rd card is what you stand for
4th card is why you stand for 3rd card 
(Cards 5 and 6 can be switched)
5th card is relevant past
6th card is short term future 
7th card How you see yourself (Sense of ego) 
8th card is how others see you 
9th card is emotions 
10th card is potential long term future 
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15 Card Golden Dawn Spread
This spread is an Analytical Spread.
There are 5 groups of 3 cards.
This specific spread opporates counter clockwise.
Central grouping 
Middle cards 1 ,2, and 3 
Top right cards 4, 8, and 12 
Upper left corner 13, 9, and 5 
Bottom left cards 14, 10, and 6 
Bottom left cards 7, 11, and 15
Meaning of The Grouping
Cards 1, 2, and 3. 
Card 1 in the quarent, and cards 2 and 3 represent the nature of the query and the relevant aspects of the quarent's personality. 
Cards 4, 8, and 12
These cards show the natural progression of things according to your will; unless action is taken against the indications of these cards, this is the way things will "flow" 
Cards 13, 9, and 5 
This group shows either (if in complement to cards 4, 8, and 12) the future extending from that group or (if in conflict) the future that may result from actions taken against the indications of 4, 8, and 12. 
Cards 14, 10, and 6 
These cards show the psychological implications of the query and aid in assisting the quearent in understanding their own motivations and how they wish to act. 
Cards 7, 11, and 15
This grouping shows the forces of circumstance beyond the control of the quarent, to which the quarent must adapt.
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  Making your own spread
Know why and how you're doing this
Know the order 
Be clear in your own mind on which card successfully placed down means and to put them down in the order predetermined 
Easiest parts of making your own spread in tarot (the hardest being making your own deck)
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crimsondust23 ¡ 4 years
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Cute & Pastel CAS Backgrounds
This is a default replacement / override to change the background of create-a-sim! There are four different patterns, each with an additional faded version. Please note you can only use one at a time!
This was made possible by the wonderful CAS background mesh made by @katverse. You can find her CAS backgrounds here. The default EA mesh wraps around the bottom, warping and creating a shadow for repeated patterns. Katverse’s mesh is instead a flat plane, meaning patterned backgrounds look much better!
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crimsondust23 ¡ 4 years
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Tiny Living CAS ♥ Hide & Disable for Random
View the rest in the series for other packs here!
Note: While the thumbnail displays options for Adult Female, this mod includes CAS items for all ages, genders, species, occult, etc.
This is a default replacement / override to hide all CAS parts included in the Tiny Living stuff pack. All are organized into folders so you can easily mix and match what things you want to keep, and what you want to hide! No more scrolling through huge lists of hair, makeup, clothing, etc. that you don’t use, waiting for it all to load, or seeing it around on other sims!
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crimsondust23 ¡ 4 years
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who remembers static shock?
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crimsondust23 ¡ 5 years
🌟 Harry Potter Magic 🌟
a quick list of my harry potter spells and potions for you pop culture witches
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🌟 Potions
felix felicis - pop culture spell to bring luck and confidence
veritaserum tea - a potion for spilling tea
amortenia tea - pop culture tea spell to bring or strengthen love
wolfsbane potion -  for when you find yourself transforming
polyjuice potion -  to help you take on the qualities of someone else
draught of living death -  potion for peaceful sleep without dreams
pepperup potion -  for the common cold. not for serious problems.
🌟 Spells
wingardium leviosa - general overcoming negative thoughts & attitudes
alohomora spell - pop culture spell to unlock opportunities
obliviate spell - pop culture spell to help rid embarrassing memories
lumos spell - pop culture spell to bring light where there is none
nox - a spell to end a source of light or positivity
riddikulus charm -  for getting rid of one’s personal fears and boggarts
accio - for summoning lost items from their hiding places 
expelliarmus - to disarm a witch from cursing you
expecto patronum - to summon your patronus to protect you
levicorpus -  in which one’s is metaphorically lifted up
🌟 Curses
imperius curse -  to make the intended feel helpless, that things in their life are out of their power and control
cruciatus curse  - to create pain in the life of the intended, whether physical or emotional
avada kedavra - a curse not to kill, but to make the target feel death’s presence in their life.
🌟 Misc:
“fantastic beasts” animal attraction spell -  a spell to attract animals such as cats and deer to you 
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crimsondust23 ¡ 5 years
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crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
Resources for Storm and Weather Magic
Updated: March 30th 2016
[Collecting Storm Water] (an ask)
[Combining Storm Craft and Knot Craft] (an ask)
[Creating or Moving Weather] (an ask)
[Drawing Energy From Storms] (an ask)
[An Intro to Weather Magic]
[A Little Weather Witchery]
[Magic for a Snow Storm]
[Resources: Rain Water]
[Resources: Storm Water]
[Snow Magic]
[Storm Catching - Cyclone Stopper]
[Storm Craft Basics]
[Storm Crystals : Banded Amethyst | Chrysocolla in Quartz | Snowflake Obsidian]
[Storm Scrying]
[Storm Water]
[Storm Water vs Rain Water] (an ask)
[Summoning Wind Without Whistling] (an ask)
[Tentative Steps: Beginning Storm Witchery]
[Tips for Starting Storm Craft]
[Tools of a Storm/Weather Witch] (an ask)
[Traditional Storm Raising Methods]
[Weather Magic] (tw: gif)
[Weather Magic for the Sailor]
[Weather Magic - Storm Casting]
[Weather Station Symbols for Sigils]
[Weather Symbols for Sigils]
[Whistling Up a Wind]
(Note: spells that involve storm water are included)
[Air Lock Spell] (to help drive away bad weather)
[To Bring a Storm]
[Calm After the Storm Elixir]
[Charm to Seal Up a Storm]
[A Chant to Bring in a Storm and Strengthen Witches’ Power]
[Chant to Make It Windy] (tw: gif)
[“Clouds produce rain”] (tw: sigil)
[Cold Weather Box]
[A Colorful Sunny Day Spell]
[Cottage Crafts: Elemental Magic Storm Ward] (a home protection charm that draws its power from the energy of passing storm systems)
[Drought Spell] (to work with the element of air to bring a storm / fix a drought) (tw: sigil)
[Electric Charge Spell] (to increase one’s energy, motivation, and focus) (tw: gif)
[Forget Me Spell]
[Glamour Jar for Intimidating Looks]
[“Grey Cloud” Curse]
[Heavy Rain Spell]
[Holiday Ornament Snow Spell]
[Hurricane Curse]
[“I direct rain towards the places that need it”] (tw: sigil)
[“I influence the weather around me with ease”] (tw: sigil)
[To Lessen a Storm]
[Let It Snow]
[A let it snow sigil] (tw: sigil)
[Let’s Try a Spell: When It Rains] (for a better perspective)
[A Light in the Storm] (to aid in the healing of seasonal depression)
[Protection From Storm]
[“Protection from storms”] (tw: sigil)
[Protective Storm Ward]
[Rain-Banishing Spell]
[Rain-Calling Chant]
[Rain Spell / Storm Spell / Sigils for Rain / Sigils for Thunder / Sigils for Lightning] (tw: sigil)
[Rain Summoning Spell]
[Rainy Day Anxiety Spell]
[Rainy Day Spell to Clear Negative Energy]
[To Raise a Storm] (tw: gif)
[Sea Witch Rain Spell]
[Sigil for Bringing Clouds / Rain] (tw: sigil)
[Snow Spell] (tw: gif)
[Snow-Summoning Sigils] (tw: sigil)
[A Song of Storms]
[“Song of Storms” Enchantment] (for whistling up rain/storms) (tw: gif)
[Spell for Sunshine]
[Spell to Attract Rain]
[A Spell to Ward Off Rain] (tw: sigil)
[Spells for Weather]
[Spells to End a Storm]
[“Stop Rain” Sigil] (tw: sigil)
[Storm-Calling Spell]
[A Storm Chant]
[Storm of Tears and Nightmares Curse]
[Storm Spell] (to summon a storm)
[Storm Witch’s Transformation Spell]
[Summon a Storm]
[Summon a Storm Spell]
[Summoning rain and storms sigil] (tw: sigil)
[“Sun to cloud, cloud to rain, rain freezes and turns to snow”] (tw: sigil)
[Sunshine Spell]
[Teru Teru Bouzu] (a sunny day spell)
[Thunder Cake] (to help connect with the storm’s energy; to honor the storm; to ask for protection)
[Thunderstorm in a Jar]
[Untie the Wind] (to increase and decrease wind)
[Ward Water]
[Warm Weather Chant]
[The weather is cool and pleasant] (tw: sigil)
[“The weather is in favor of snow”] (tw: sigil)
[Wind Spell for Inspiration & Creativity]
[Winter (Snow) Spell for Anxiety]
[View Post on Blog] | [Spell and Resource Lists // rebloggable]
14K notes ¡ View notes
crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
reblog if your blog is bisexual positive
125K notes ¡ View notes
crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
Rabbits Rabbits Rabbits
Reblog this on the first of the month for good luck all month long!
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crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
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🌘Almond Cresent Moon Cookies🌒 My mom use to make these for recharging after she did spells! If you can’t read my hand writing here’s the recipe
-1 cup of room temp butter -½ cup of icing (powered) sugar -1 teaspoon almond extract (I used a tablespoon) -¼ teaspoon salt -1 cup almond flour OR crushed up almonds -2 cups flour - Extra icing sugar for dusting - - •Cream your sugar and butter •Mix in your extract, and salt,Then flour, and nuts • Form the dough and shape 1tbs into moon shapes • Chill for 30 mins (I didn’t do this part but you can if you want) • Bake at 350°f /180°c for 12-15 mins or until slightly golden • Dust with more icing sugar once you take them out of the oven!
These are AMAZING with tea especially after doing spells
Enjoy! ( I don’t know where this recipe came from so I do not take credit for creating it )
196 notes ¡ View notes
crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
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crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
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crimsondust23 ¡ 6 years
Harry Potter Spell Themed Asks
Accio : If you could summon anything in the world right now what would it be?
Aguamenti: Do you like water?
Alohomora: Can you and have you, ever picked a lock?
Anapneo: Are you CPR certified?
Aparecium: On of a scale of Mr. Bean to 007 how much of a spy are you?
Avada Kedavra: If you could kill one single person, who would it be?
Avis: What’s your favorite kind of bird?
Brachiabindo: Have you ever been tied up before? What was the circumstance?
Capacious Extremis: If you could make one object bigger on the inside, what would the object be?
Cave Inimicum: You’ve got to fortify your room from zombies with only objects you have readily available. What do you use?
Colloportus: Have you ever locked yourself out of your own house before? If so, what did you do?
Confringo: Have you ever accidentally set fire to something?
Confundo : What confuses you most about the world?
Crucio: What’s the worst pain you’ve ever been in?
Deletrius: What’s the last thing that you did besides this?
Densaugeo: What’s the most extensive thing you’ve been to the dentist for?
Deprimo: Have you ever been knocked over by the wind before?
Descendo: What’s been a low point in your life?
Diffindo: When was the last time you ripped and article of clothing?
Engorgio: What’s the worst case of swelling you’ve ever experience?
Episkey: If you could heal anyone in the world right now, who would it be?
Expecto Patronum: What’s your happiest memory?
Expelliarmus: Have you ever had to disarm someone? If so, why?
Expulso: Have you ever made something explode? Explain how and why?
Ferula: Have you ever had to wear a brace? What happened?
Flagrate: If you could write one thing in the sky, what would it be?
Flipendo: Have you ever fallen down stairs before?
Fulgari: If you could be bond to one person, who would it be?
Furnunculus: How bad was your acne as a teenage?
Geminio: If you could have a single copy of something, anything, what would it be?
Glisseo: Water slide or playground slide?
Impedimenta: You can stop one person from coming near you, ever, like a permanent, unbreakable restraining order, who is it?
Imperio: You can have one person be your slave for a day without repercussion, who?
Impervius : In the middle of a storm would you rather have waterproof shoes, or a waterproof coat?
Incarcerous: Have you ever tied someone up?
Incendio: Do you like candles? If so, what’s your favorite smell?
Langlock: You can stop one person in the world from speaking. Who is it?
Legilimens: If you had the power to read minds for a day, would you use it?
Locomotor: You can chose one object to follow you around, what is it?
Lumos: Candle, Flashlight, Sunlight, Moonlight, or Bioluminescence? 
Meteolojinx Recanto: What’s your favorite type of weather?
Mobiliarbus: What’s your dream garden?
Molliare: Have you ever made a surprisingly soft landing when you were sure you’d break something? What happened?
Morsmordre: What would your signal in the sky be to mark your presence?
Muffliato: Have you ever eavesdropped on a conversation? What was it about?
Nox: Were you/are you, afraid of the dark?
Obliviate: What’s something you wish you could forget?
Obscuro: What’s a kink that you have? What about it excites you?
Oppugno: You’re about to be in a fight! The object directly to your left is what you have as a weapon! What is it and how would you use it?
Orchideous: What’s your favorite flower?
Pack: When’s the last time you did some packing?
Petrificus Totalus: Have you ever been/felt paralyzed?
Piertotum Locomotor: You can make one  object in your current room come to life, what is it?
Point Me: How easily do you get lost?
Portus: What object would you turn into a portkey and where would it take you?
Protego: You can protect one person from harm. Who?
Quietus: When was the last time you yelled at someone?
Reducio: What’s something you’d like to make bigger?
Reducto: You’ve got one chance to explode something without an consequences. What is it?
Rennervate: Have you ever passed out/fainted before? What happened?
Reparo: What’s one thing you’d like to fix?
Rictusempra: Where’s the most effective place to tickle you?
Riddikulus: What’s your greatest fear? Do you think you’ll be able to overcome it?
Scourgify: What’s something that you should clean up?
Sectumsempra: Have you ever hurt someone? What happened?
Serpensortia: Do you like snakes?
Silencio: How much “quiet time” on average, do you need in a day?
Sonorus: If you had a message you could say to the whole world. What would it be?
Specialis Revelio: If you could have a magical property, what would it be?
Stupefy: Do you think you’d be able to knock someone out?
Tarantallegra: What’s your favorite kind of dance?
Wingardium Leviosa: If you had the power of telekinesis, what would you do with it?
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