cringechaotic77 · 1 year
why not following your own blog but only your friends @cyberneutral???
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@skelior @ellfiend @elfjpeg @medtech-mara @amosows @vessnelle @cybervesna @barbecutie @beesbee @wingdeer
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cringechaotic77 · 1 year
even tho I love a good tea I have to say this Skelly-Chaotic one everyone already knows they aren't behind it and it's very obvious so can we comeback to the recent one that is Nullvektor being a jackass?
We sure can anon.
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cringechaotic77 · 1 year
Well I was part of a group chat involving hers and ellie, hrae and a few others we had banded together to bring a case to the amm against skelly and chaotic - few mods were in that chat including jame and he definitely listened to us that time. Chaotic may or may not the owner of the bad blog then but the case was about her problem on mental health and it was wrong of her to say things she said and they take action that day we were wrong about skelly and they fixed that but we came together and it helped a lot, I know they want to listen
You must be really fucking stupid to actually believe Skelly and Chaotic were behind this at that time. xD Have you ever talked to them once in your life? You don't even need to answer that because we already know the answer. Let me see if I understand what you are saying anon: You're saying Chaotic has some type of mental health debility? And it was wrong that a victim of an attempt of doxxing and who was banned unfairly from a server to talk about it in public and it was wrong that she felt hurt and damaged by you and your stupid friends so she couldn’t extravasate about it? I see. xD About Skelly, I know you guys were wrong and everyone who knows her knows that too. I was glad that she had a chance at least. She is a nice person. Both of them are. Do they want to listen? Give me a fucking break. Those two came to our dms desperate to ask for help to prove it wasn’t them because you and your shitty group created this pathetic rumor for fun and we provided those proof by sharing our loco so the "kind soul" Jamie could see with his own eyes that they weren’t. Did it fix something? Because I still don’t see any apologies to both of them from AMM, or you or your pathetic group. 
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cringechaotic77 · 1 year
LMFAO I can't believe there were actually people who believe Skelly and Chaotic were running the blog omfg this community amuses me everytime
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cringechaotic77 · 1 year
glad to know there was a group to frame skelly and chaotic :D you are a bunch of pigs
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cringechaotic77 · 1 year
I’m friends with both Skelly and Chaotic and if you ever thought one of them or both of them were behind this you must be the one who has a mental health problem, my dear.
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