crinkledmap · 36 minutes
'Force of nature', 'sandwich generation', 'game hen'
I'm stealing this from Twitter
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Here's the link
I am a high-definition gateway drug body double!
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crinkledmap · 9 hours
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crinkledmap · 9 hours
I read this as rabbi-oli and was expecting some extra-kosher pasta or something
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crinkledmap · 9 hours
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crinkledmap · 9 hours
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crinkledmap · 10 hours
Holy shit holy shit holy Schist!!!!!
A hydrothermal explosion happened Yellowstone!! And I’m alive to see it! I wish I was there.
From USGS Facebook:
A small hydrothermal explosion occurred in Yellowstone National Park today (July 23, 2024) around 10:00 AM MST in the Biscuit Basin thermal area, about 2.1 miles (3.5 km) northwest of Old Faithful. Numerous videos of the event were recorded by visitors. The boardwalk was damaged, but there were no reports of injury. The explosion appears to have originated near Black Diamond Pool.
Biscuit Basin, including the parking lot and boardwalks, are temporary closed for visitor safety. The Grand Loop road remains open. Yellowstone National Park geologists are investigating the event.
Hydrothermal explosions occur when water suddenly flashes to steam underground, and they are relatively common in Yellowstone. For example, Porkchop Geyser, in Norris Geyser Basin, experienced an explosion in 1989, and a small event in Norris Geyser Basin was recorded by monitoring equipment on April 15, 2024. An explosion similar to that of today also occurred in Biscuit Basin on May 17, 2009.
More information about hydrothermal explosions is available at https://www.usgs.gov/observatories/yvo/news/hydrothermal-explosions-yellowstone-national-park.
Monitoring data show no changes in the Yellowstone region. Today’s explosion does not reflect activity within volcanic system, which remains at normal background levels of activity. Hydrothermal explosions like that of today are not a sign of impending volcanic eruptions, and they are not caused by magma rising towards the surface.
Additional information will be provided as it becomes available.
The Yellowstone Volcano Observatory (YVO) provides long-term monitoring of volcanic and earthquake activity in the Yellowstone National Park region. Yellowstone is the site of the largest and most diverse collection of natural thermal features in the world and the first National Park. YVO is one of the five USGS Volcano Observatories that monitor volcanoes within the United States for science and public safety.
YVO Member agencies: USGS, Yellowstone National Park, University of Utah, University of Wyoming, Montana State University, UNAVCO, Inc., Wyoming State Geological Survey, Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology, Idaho Geological Survey
Image courtesy of Vlada March.
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crinkledmap · 10 hours
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By the end of this election campaign I imagine JD Vance will literally be in the shape of a pretzel.
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crinkledmap · 10 hours
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crinkledmap · 10 hours
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crinkledmap · 1 day
This can be a solution to insulation and weatherproofing challenges
Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTF2JYRGH/
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crinkledmap · 1 day
Pops’s Great Big Mutual Aid Masterpost
So, this isn’t the first post ever made like this, but I’m trying to do something a little different than just posting a bunch of links. I’m only gonna include resources that are international, common, displayed either as a map or as a geographically-sorted list, and easy to participate in, to make this masterpost as accessible as I possibly can. If you’re reading this post you’re probably an English-speaker with an internet connection, and so with that in mind my goal here is that any given link you click will have a decent chance of having something near you, and there will almost certainly be at least one link on this list with something you can plug into
Mutual Aid Wiki - A map of mutual aid groups of all kinds, largely (but not exclusively) ones started in response to the pandemic
Food Not Bombs - A map of free public meals from rescued food waste. Can be a little outdated
Buy Nothing Project - A list of hyper-local gift economy groups
Trash Nothing - A list of local groups where people give and request things that would otherwise be thrown away
Transition Network - A map of local groups seeking to build sustainable circular economies from the ground up, for people, not profits
Industrial Workers of the World - One big labor union for everybody, with local chapters across much of the world
Slingshot Collective’s Radical Contact List - An international catch-all list of projects
Intentional Community Directory - A map of communes, housing coops, land trusts, eco-villages, and similar communal living projects
Repair Cafés - A map of spaces where you can show up and have your broken items repaired for free (or volunteer to do so for others)
Sharing Spaces
Little Free Library’s Sharing Box Map - A map of little free libraries that have been converted into sharing spaces for food, personal care, or hygiene items
Freedges - A map of community refrigerators for sharing food
Little Free Pantries - A map of sharing boxes for non-perishable food
Can’t Find Anything?
None of these lists are comprehensive, and these aren’t the only resources available either. Try using a search engine or looking on social media with keywords like “[your location] mutual aid”
If you’ve looked everywhere you can think of but are still coming up short, you can DM me (not on anon) with the rough area where you live and I’ll try to find some stuff for you
Maybe you could start something yourself! Here are some resources: How to Form an Affinity Group, Small Town Organizing for Anarchists, resources for mutual aid groups from Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, seven steps to starting a Food Not Bombs group
If you don’t have even a single accomplice to start an affinity group with, there are still actions you can take on your own! Check out my #practical tag for ideas
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crinkledmap · 1 day
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crinkledmap · 2 days
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How deep does the hole go?
Art by Penzilla
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crinkledmap · 3 days
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crinkledmap · 3 days
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crinkledmap · 3 days
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crinkledmap · 4 days
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