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PROMPT #5 For looking at the cover of this book, I would firstly show a video like the one linked, so that students are in the right mind-frame and they can ask the right types of questions themselves without necessarily having them explicitly asked of them.
Another option could be incorporating gifs into a slide show presentation.
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1 - What does the title mean to you, and why? 2 - What can you predict about the book based on the whole front page? 3 - What significance might the added sticker have? 4 - What can you tell me about the colours used? 5 - Who do you think the book is for? In which ways?
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Prompt #7
ABC Education - How to Build Stories (Resource via Sydney Story Factory) What: A collection of short instructional videos discussing various aspects of stories: - What is a story? - Creating characters for your story - Understanding story plots - Exploring the genre and setting of your story - Using language to flavour your story - Giving your story a heart The videos are humorous and appropriate for 5/6, the presenter asks questions at the end that can be used as a lesson starter resource, the content is good and meets Vic Curriculum requirements for multiple writing achievement standards. Not every video has to be used, but each one can be used within a story-writing unit --- perhaps each lesson students can build on an empty husk of a story with new storytelling element until it becomes an enchanting tale.
Overall, a good resource that can be easily used. http://education.abc.net.au/home#!/digibook/2000107/how-to-build-stories 
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This #hashtag was an interesting experience that took me through a visual and imaginative journey. I found many of the posts to be quite visually interesting and calming. This post, however, stood out to me. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words... In this picture, I thought of the millions of text words and picture words that must exist in Grandpa’s reading room, just waiting to be read and discovered! It was an exciting thought, the prospect of the unknown journeys and adventures which lay hidden between the covers. The picture also stood out to me because this room looks like something I aim to one day have in my own house - a dedicated room for books and reading. It would be a cozy, warm, and welcoming room with no devices allowed.
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Grandpa’s reading room.
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Prompt #4
My teaching round was an interesting experience in terms of literacy, reading, and writing.
I found that, generally speaking, students had a disinterest and dislike of reading and writing and viewed it as something tedious  that had to be done purely because it was part of school. As somebody who loved reading and writing stories as a child, and i still do as an adult, this was quite an upsetting and disappointing thing to see.
The school had a ‘Read and Dash’ program in place, where classrooms were open 15 minutes before the commencement bell for parents to read to (or with) their children, or for older students to silently read in the classroom before starting school. I thought this was a wonderful idea, and a great option for parents or students who might be a little time-poor at home.
Something I experienced on placement which I definitely did not like was the use of reading as a punishment for students. If students in my 5/6 grade hadn’t brought their diary to school that day, or were misbehaved throughout the day, their home-group teacher made them stay in at lunchtime for 10-15 minutes to read. While there are benefits to children reading, I thought that creating an association between reading and punishment was a very negative, potentially long-lasting thing.
The writing output of students was generally quite poor, possibly due to the socio-economic status of the school. Student stamina for handwriting was short and many children would groan or moan about having to write by hand, instead asking to use the class laptops. I found that there was a very limited vocabulary and sentence variety in most students, and that the children who enjoyed reading had a wider grasp of the English language.
In Reading, the subject, the class focus was comprehension (see photo below). Most children could read the words aloud and to themselves without issue, but had problems comprehending the content they’d just read and couldn’t provide a recap or summary when asked.
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PROMPT 2: This homophone poster I made reflects the importance of clear communication, both in classroom settings and in everyday life. I think that language, communication, and the complex process of conveying and making meaning is a wonderful thing and should be something to warmly embrace and strive towards mastering.
Languages are combinations of words and lettering that are agreed upon as having certain meaning and, I think partly due to a growing disinterest in reading, the use of correct grammar and spelling has taken a downturn. 
This poster demonstrates the correct use of commonly mistaken words and serves as a guide toward the proper use of language.
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Prompt #1
I unfortunately do not have any clear memories of being read to by my teachers while at school, and my dad wasn’t able to read to me too often as English was his second language. What I do have very fond memories of, however, is being taken to the local library weekly where I would borrow books to read to my younger brother. Our favourite books to read together were the Hairy Maclary series by Dame Lynley Dodd, purely because of the joy and journey that each book could provide.
When reading these books aloud, I would use a different voice for each different dog’s bark, and would be able to create a really engaging reading experience for my younger brother by making the reading exciting and funny.
I feel that, partially due to my own sentimental reasons but also because of the educative potential and fun nature of the books, I would love to re-explore these books in my own classroom setting. I imagine that for a lot of children, having a passionate teacher read to you using voices and dramatisations would plant the seeds for a love of books and reading that would just grow and grow.
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