critical-bread-roll · 3 years
ways in which percival de rolo and an opossum are alike:
-white hair
-fingerless gloves
-wild, unpredictable look in their eye
-look disheveled and confused at all times
-are they dead? hard to tell
-carries their many children on their person
- :V
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critical-bread-roll · 3 years
Mercer roughly 100 episodes ago
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critical-bread-roll · 3 years
Taliesin (about narrative telephone): i think laura might have topped me...
Liam: that was campaign one
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
not to be a dick, but I would be beyond hurt and disappointed if they actually brought molly back.
the idea quite honestly makes me feel anxious and sick to my stomach, and I've spent all day trying to figure out why. and I know molly is a really sensitive subject for most critical role fans, so I'm gonna try my hardest to explain myself well.
of course I miss him. I adored molly, he's a character with such a special place in my heart and he tied the M9 together so well. however. I also adore caduceus. cad and his story has meant an extraordinary amount to me, and taliesin plays him so beautifully. I can't stand the idea of losing him for the sake of bringing back a character who we don't know nearly as much about. we knew molly for 26 episodes and we've known cad for 79. the things caduceus has brought to the group and his narrative shouldn't be thrown aside at the mere idea that a fan favorite could be raised from the dead. not to mention that the idea of taliesin having to choose between them is absolutely awful.
and honestly, I find it to be a selfish miscalculation. the way that molly's death impacted the M9, their views, and their relationships was incredible and it wouldn't have happened if he hadn't died. his death was a tragedy and I wonder everyday what the M9 narrative would have been like had he survived. but his death is part of their story, and a deeply important one at that. it honestly just makes me so sad that people would disregard the plot that includes the death of molly and the introduction of caduceus and how many amazing things it has led to, especially in character development, just for the sake of an ultimately empty and fleeting return of molly.
again, I don't want to sound like a dick, or like I hated molly. I loved him. But I also know that deaths and grieving and healing can be some of the most interesting and beautiful parts of a story. resurrecting molly seems like it's spitting on what I believe was part of the reason taliesin made caduceus after molly died: to show that the cycle of life includes death and that there are ways to honor and respect that without seeing death as an obstacle or impermanence.
molly knew who he was. he lived his life to the fullest and oftentimes dangerously because he knew his days were numbered. he woke up in a grave and understood that one day, maybe sooner than later, he'd be back in the ground. I wish i could have known him for longer and seen his story with the M9 progress. but that isn't what happened. and I would just hate to see the M9 get stuck on or obsessed about bringing molly back after all the growing they've done since then. and I would also hate to see the fanbase get stuck on that idea.
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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i mean….
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
Cad: Hi :D!
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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M9 and friends!
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
vox machina: take away both of grog’s cool sentient swords because they’re “evil”
travis: [binding his sentient weapon to the very core of his new character’s class] fuck you 
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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❤️ Happy Five Years ❤️
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
as much as fjord isn’t really the literal leader of the party, as much as he also sort of is, he’s also like — he’s kind of the center of the party, you know? not the one with the big quest or the drive, not the smartest or the strongest or the most magical. but he’s always the one who mediates and leads and introduces them, who checks in with people and leads the conversations towards decision making. he makes sure that everyone gets a say and everyone is taken care of; that no one is ignored. he hears out caleb and takes his secrets, he teases and looks out for nott, he’s protective of jester and comfortable with her in a way i’m still not sure they quite are with others — they’re not as close as they once were, but they don’t have secrets between them, either. he’s closest to beau and caduceus and they’re so different that it’s telling he has bonded so well with them both, that he understands them both. and through it all, he never pushes himself or pushes anyone away, dismisses or refuses to hear anyone out. even in the early episodes, in scrollgate — he alone apologized and sincerely listened when nott pushed back; he never held a grudge. and that’s why he’s the leader. the mighty nein are like herding cats, everyone with different goals and ideas and opinions, arguing and sniping at the drop of a hat — and then there’s fjord, quietly steering them along, making sure no one gets left out or forgotten.
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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Taliesin during campaign 2..
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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“ i t ’ s   t o o   l a t e ”
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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I am a purveyor of Fine Trash… what can I say… x-x i had to draw him… super enjoying this campaign so far!!!
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critical-bread-roll · 4 years
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Ep 89 “A moment of release”
Yasha from Critical Role
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