critplank-blog · 11 years
Critplank Build
Boots and 3 health pots
Berserkers greaves or ionian boots of lucidity (whether you want to aa crit more or q crit more often)
avarice blade (money and crits)
zeal (attack speed and crits)
sheen (godly q’s)
phage (survival and damage)
Trinity (q should take squishy targets down 1/4 now)
Vampiric scepter (damage and lifesteal)
B.F. sword (damage)
Pickaxe (damage)
Crit cloak (crits)
Infinity edge (q crits should take squishy targets down 3/4 hp)
Phantom dancer (crit more often and move faster)
B.f. sword (more damage)
Bloodthirster (damage and lifesteal - very nice :))
If game is not over by now, Experiment.
black cleaver: survivability and armor pen.
Last whisper: pure armor pen.
2nd bloodthirster: more damage and lifesteal.
2nd phantom dancer: crit every time and move faster.
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