crom-cristianortiz · 2 years
Gaining Insight into the Creative Process of Concept Artist Crom - Cristian Ortiz in an Exclusive Interview.
Since he was a young boy, Cristian Ortiz has been driven towards illustration. His passion for the arts have led him to explore many disciplines within the creative industry-- animation, comics, storyboarding, game design and advertising.
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But there's one thing that all of these fields had in common; drawing! Once he discovered 'illustration' as his rightful career path though it seemed like everything made sense--so with every decision since then his goal has been to become an illustrator.
Are you self-taught or did you have a formal Art Education ? 
I always drew and had personal projects going since I was really young but I wanted to see what was there to learn from places like St. Martins University where every summer I’d spend all my pennies on their short courses on storyboarding, illustration and design.
By the time I was seventeen, I had attended a foundational course in East London that taught me how to take on projects and briefs with confidence. Later on, at Middlesex University, my Illustration & Animation degree not only brought together an incredible group of peers but also permitted traditional illustrators to open up new perspectives for me which otherwise would have gone unrealized.
I eagerly saved every penny to attend St. Martins University's summer courses in storyboarding, illustration and design to gain an understanding of the possibilities within my field.
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My past work experience has been exclusively in freelancing, so I am more familiar with it. If you prefer having direct contact with the people you are collaborating with and taking care of the administrative tasks yourself, then this is a great route for you to take.
Being an excellent game artist necessitates the ability to creatively transform a project brief into your own personal vision, while simultaneously infusing it with enthusiasm. An aptitude for bringing life and energy to characters and environments is key in this role, enabling you to craft unique experiences that players will love.
You should be full of enthusiasm when constructing bold new worlds and fascinating characters - it's key to the creative process!
If you are an aspiring game artist with dreams of succeeding in the industry, then honing your artistic skills and practice is essential. Different styles come into play depending on what type of game artistry you are interested in. To become a proficient game artist, it is important to develop a vision for how you want to express yourself visually through practice - creating projects that test your boundaries and challenge your abilities will help identify where further development needs to be focused on.
Trends come and go, yet to effectively communicate your vision visually requires diligence, practice, and personal projects. Do you find that the final illustrations are distinct from the ideas originally in mind?
The pieces I showcased at "Illustrated 2016" in the Truman Brewery were close to what one may classify as Fine Art. But where does Illustration stop and Fine Art begin? Or, is there no distinct boundary between the two? To me, it's about pushing boundaries: striving for excellence and surprise factors. More often than not, I end up with something even better than what my initial vision was!
I believe people perceive my work as valuable because I make physical pieces on canvases and fine paper, instead of mass-produced prints. While labels can be irrelevant to me, the fact that my artwork is one-of-a-kind has caused its value to rise exponentially in recent times. With a professional background steeped in commercial work and pop culture, who knows what direction my art will take me next? 
What's it like to be part of the Creative Community in London? It's inspiring! In my experience, this city is a true powerhouse for creative individuals who are looking to collaborate and perfect their respective crafts. From indie comic creators, sign painters, game developers and more – if you have an interest in art or expression then there will always be a gathering that welcomes your enthusiasm. I've been fortunate enough not only witness these communities but also connect with them; never has there been such an energizing force towards creativity as what exists here.
London exudes magnetic creativity, which has attracted an eclectic community of artisans who are eager to collaborate and hone their crafts. This vibrant metropolis is alive with unique individuals wishing to share their inspiring skills and experiences with others.
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crom-cristianortiz · 2 years
Crom est le nom du dieu adoré par presque tous les Cimmériens, notamment Conan le Barbare.
Il s'agit également du pseudonyme de Cristian Ortiz, un illustrateur londonien connu pour son minimalisme ainsi que sa prise en compte des détails essentiels.
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Son trait est fin et constant sans exubérances ni déliés; la profondeur y est soulignée grâce à des couleurs sobres ou encore à des contrastes noirs audacieux. Une première lecture peut paraître «imprécise» voire infantile mais c’est seulement après plusieurs vues qu’on comprendra et admirera chaque pixel si bien placé sur ces pages de comics!
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La composition et l'atmosphère sont parfaites. Cristian est un artiste qui préfère donner une ambiance à son travail plutôt que de se focaliser sur les détails, et chaque image qu’il produit offre «quelque chose» d'unique. Ses personnages sont portés par des histoires, comme si ils avaient leur vie propre. On peut y voir les batailles passées se reflèter sur la posture des guerriers ou encore appréhender la noirceur du monde grâce au visage héroïque de ces créatures imaginaires.
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Crom is a masterful illustrator whose inspirations range from science-fiction (including an admitted enjoyment of Warhammer 40k fan art!), to heroic fantasy with a clear affinity for the amazing world of Crom and his followers.
Don't take my word for it, check out his website, Instagram account, or buy one of his t-shirts on Etsy! Trust me when I say that you won't be disappointed; Crom is truly an artist worth admiring.
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