cromwellharvests · 1 month
i can’t believe i haven’t updated fcs for all of easy’s brothers before now, for SHAME. so, here u go, some brothers and their details.
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Nolan J. Cromwell — 10 years Emily’s senior. 6′3″. Relatively easy-going, but incredibly stubborn, and more forgetful than he cares to admit. he studied civil engineering in New Optain, where he now lives half-time, spending the other half in the guest house on the family farmstead, volunteering his aid to Wiradu’s city government to plan improvements to their small town. very amicably divorced from his childhood sweetheart who now lives in East City, with whom he had a son, named Travis. They share 65/35 custody, with preference to his mother, as she’s since remarried and doesn’t travel as frequently as Nolan. 
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James “Jim” R. Cromwell — 8 years Emily’s senior. 6′4″. The rough-and-tumble “troublemaker” in his youth with a heart of gold, and an almost unmatched love for animals. On-again, off-again cigarette smoker, he’s always been trying to chase a dozen dreams at once and lets himself get stressed out over it. Until, that is, he meets and settles down with his wife, Felicity, and they run a small dairy farm, about a twenty-minute-walk from the main Cromwell farm & orchards. No kids, but 3 dogs, some ducks, and horses for the pair.
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Wesley “Wes” Dean Cromwell — 5 years Emily’s senior. 6′0″. He gets a bigger spread because he’s Easy’s favorite, and everyone knows it. The most similar in temperament to the Earthshaker, Wes is an infallibly sweet, bright, and open-minded boy, who seemingly can’t leave the house without making a new friend. He has every intention of taking over the family business, and likes nothing more than to spend a morning driving their truck into the city, with crates full of peaches and berries to deliver to local markets. Dreams of road-tripping through all of Amestris, and into whatever other countries will have him.
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Donald “Donny” A. Cromwell — 2½  years Emily’s senior. 6′1″. Snarky contrarian, prone to playing devil’s advocate simply for the fun of it, or because he can’t resist looking at every-single-scenario from another perspective. Lovingly, he’s a bit of a prat, but when you catch him in his quieter moments (especially if he’s got a guitar or fiddle in hand), he’s really a decent boy. Pretends not to be as utterly in love with rural life as he is, and does plan on moving full-time to East City, where he currently resides half-time, apprenticing under a master luthier (guitar & other string-instrument craftsman). 
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cromwellharvests · 1 month
my onedrive very graciously reminded me that at roughly this time four years ago I made all the icons for + laid out details about Easy's brothers and I hope you know that I think about them. ALL the time.
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especially him. i love him.
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cromwellharvests · 1 month
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as a rule, I think people probably tend to speak a little bit gently around Easy, as she just sorta gives off that... vibe, y'know? she's someone it's hard to be crass toward, and people tend to perceive her as being more "demure" or """innocent,""" so they shift their behavior a bit to protect that.
not that they need to, really. swearing doesn't really bother Easy one bit, nor is she nearly as perturbed by crude conversations as some people might think. it's true that she's a little shy on adding to those dialogues, herself, but let's be realistic—Emily grew up with five older brothers and the accompanying pack of boy-friends. she's pretty much heard it all.
...as far as her language goes, I think she's sort of like a PG-13 movie. she drops maybe ONE big cuss a year. it's a rare and special event.
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
easy wearing home-made dresses, aprons, sweaters and the like every day: there's a uniform???
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
Love and compassion are the gentle rain that nurtures the seeds of our humanity, allowing them to blossom into a garden of unity.
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
Easy is the designated group mom on any outing/trip. the purse she carries doesn't even seem that big but it's borderline mary poppins-esque with how she seems to brandish everything and anything you could possibly need from it. bandages? yes, and antibiotic ointment. antacids. sunscreen. hairbrush & comb. a spool of measuring tape. all the necessary equipment to make a fire from scratch, including a mini hatchet—
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
It appears that you have mistaken my dislike of causing harm as an inability to do so.
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
we are are gathered here today to bury any potential courtship between one roy mustang and emily cromwell. a concept struck down before it could even truly live.
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
❝ No—it's not that... I wouldn't dream 'f forcin' you t' do somethin' you were so uncomfortable with, Colonel... ❞
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❝ It just hurts my spirit t' think anyone wouldn't be able t' enjoy the company of such wonderful creatures. Like my Hollyhock! Oh, it'd break her heart to scare someone, she's just as gentle as a kitten... ❞
@cromwellharvests replied to this post: easy vc: 🥺
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"A sad face isn't going to get me near them, Easy."
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
@sgtbrosh / @strongholdofbriggs​ said: bobby also doesnt have enough brain power to comprehend pain
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
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Mary Oliver, from "Dogfish" in New and Selected Poems
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cromwellharvests · 2 months
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if you ask her, it seems like 75% of the Amestrian military is somehow made up of the most beautiful people she's ever seen, so choosing the 'prettiest' from among them is a hard ask.
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cromwellharvests · 3 months
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oh.... oh my....
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cromwellharvests · 3 months
Mustang was very brave to build his team with a chronically-single french man, a guy who was born for IT in a world without, a guy who's definitely from their equivalent of New York, two orphans that are homeless by choice, his not-wife that he has a suicide pact with, and Vato Falman
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cromwellharvests · 3 months
she can deal with ALMOST any bug without getting squicked out. after all: farming, gardening, and general tromping about the countryside are all occupations rife with crawlies...
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the main exception is centipedes. and silverfish. ighck.
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cromwellharvests · 3 months
...no, I shan't.
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cromwellharvests · 3 months
Riza recalls, vividly, how the Earthshaker gasped when she was placed onto the lieutenant's tiny kitchen counter back in Central. She wants to feel the alchemist's legs wrap around her waist, her soft hair between her fingers, and watch the blood rush to flush the peaks of her round cheeks. This time, however, it's on their (their - their - she'll never get over the breathless realization of that fact) countertop within their humble desert home. Her hands cup Easy's cheeks as she kisses her soundly.
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And her desires would be so rewarded: gentle features colored with heat and breathless sounds, limbs which cannot help themselves but to wrap around Riza—holding fast, and desperate. It's far from the first time, and yet, some part of Miss Cromwell is still sent dizzy with disbelief; that it could be real. To nestle her fingers into blonde tresses at the nape of the other's neck, and have Riza's hands cradle her in turn. What had she done so right, so good, to earn this?
A great deal, really.
Humility might make it difficult for either to see, but this life—theirs, the one they were building together—was hard-won. They had weathered countless trials and sorrows on their way to it, been broken down and rebuilt over and again... but it was all worth it in the end.
Easy would endure the journey a hundred times more, if need be; so long as she was at the end. With kisses they both leant their whole body into, hands which sought not just with desire, but need: to be closer than close, to sink into one another, entirely.
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These moments were theirs, and theirs alone. And that was a precious thing, indeed.
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