cronssic · 6 days
no but really, like 
i know that some folks love telling creative people that “you should be doing it for fun because you love it not for the compliments” but creative people thrive on feedback whether it’s critical or just complimentary
so when i write fanfiction and don’t get any actual feedback i feel like i spent all that time and energy doing it for nothing because i’m not getting feedback from the people i wrote it for 
doing something you’re proud of and then presenting it to the sound of utter silence is like the worst feeling on earth 
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cronssic · 7 days
animation of jimmy getting owned in real life
bonus gif of him celebrating i made for funsies :] oh the oblivious bliss...
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cronssic · 10 days
Can we just acknowledge how absurd Hermitcraft lore/canon is? 
We have a space hippy with a camper van that can travel at the speed of light. A sentient and mildly existential campaign robot whose various iterations are willing to destroy a world in order to make some guy with a mustache mayor (whose mustache has the ability to bring back the dead). Some creeper cyborg goat who wears crocs and breaks the laws of physics like it's any other Tuesday is in an economic dispute with the salmon mafia which is mediated by a hand puppet with a surprising knowledge of contract law. You could play a drinking game with the amount of time people get possessed by one entity or another, including but not limited to: a rock, some corrupt moss, some other corrupt moss, the ocean, a rabbit, capitalism ghosts, and Jeff. None of them are human, except that one guy who still probably isn’t human. One season straight up both is and is not canon depending on who you ask because it might have just been a simulation run by the previously mentioned existential campaign robot. There are multiple eclectically themed superheroes who barely do anything remotely helpful, one of which has a whole persona dedicated to *checks notes* being attractive? Don’t forget about the money laundering space snails. Then you have an eccentric inventor type who is also death incarnate and to whom the laws of reality just don’t apply if he doesn’t want them to. And then you throw not just time travel into the mix, but travel between multiverses. Except they might not be multiverses, just other planets. Half the people just disappear for a while playing a traumatic death game and everyone just acts like nothing happened. Don’t even get me started on helsmits…
This fandom really is just left rocking back and forth in a corner with a ball of red string.
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cronssic · 16 days
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All my pieces for Hermit-a-Day-May 2024!
31 days, 31 pieces, all in one image. Thank you so much for the support across all of the individual posts - I couldn't have asked for a better welcome back to Tumblr!
I had a lot of fun doing all of these and I ended up pushing myself both stylistically as I was trying to break away from some habits I didn't like previously and technically with drawing things I don't usually draw! I don't think there's a single piece where I didn't end up learning or trying something new, even if it was something small! Thank you so much to @hermitadaymay for hosting all of this! Mad respect for keeping up reblogging all the art through the entirity of May and all the nice comments left under all of the pieces!
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cronssic · 17 days
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Day 31 - Finger guns!
Idk, he just seems like the type. ----
And that makes 31 pieces in 1 month! I will be putting all of the pieces together tomorrow for a huge collage with some closing thoughts, so while this may be the end of the challenge (no pun intended), this isn't the last post from me just yet!
If you've been doing hermit-a-day as well, it would be awesome if you did a collage piece too! I think it would look super awesome if we had a bunch of artists putting together their entries for a last hurrah! I'm going to be tagging mine tomorrow under "#hermitaday collage" and if you want to join in regardless of if you did all days or not, it would be amazing!
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cronssic · 18 days
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Day 30 - No underlying messages here, no sir
He has only one personality trait /lh
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cronssic · 18 days
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Day 29... I call this one "When you're so tired you come up with cursed art"
But heyyyyyyy we're almost done!
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cronssic · 19 days
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Day 29 - Tying the bandanna
Only had time for a quick sketch today, hope you enjoy it regardless!
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cronssic · 20 days
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Day 28 - Forever in our hearts
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cronssic · 21 days
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Day 27 - Birb!
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cronssic · 22 days
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Day 26 - GIGGS!
I had a few plans I wasn't sure if they would fall under the groups and collabs, so after a bit of thinking I ended up drawing a GIGGS group picture! Since it's a lot of people, I just opted for a sketch, but it turned out pretty nice!
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cronssic · 23 days
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Day 25 - I forgot to title this :'D
Today felt like a comfy day, so a comfy piece it is!
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cronssic · 24 days
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Day 24 - Cleo day Cleo day Cleo day
Don't ask what horrors were awoken this time :)
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cronssic · 25 days
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Day 23 - The Tree Troll!
As usual, why does it exist? Because I thought it would be funny.
If you have no clue what this is referencing, I'm so sorry, go watch Tango's Season 8 Episode 10 for one of the best Hermitcraft episodes out there!
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cronssic · 26 days
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Day 22 - Bird poop
Didn't have much time today, so I ended up going for expression practice!
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cronssic · 27 days
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Day 21 - The Clockkeeper
I'm not normal about the clock just became basically a permanent fixture for him after 3rd Life.
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cronssic · 28 days
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Day 20 - Beneath the surface
Some part of my mind just said "what if Gem was holding an angler fish but it was a bit creepy" and I had to concede. I hope you enjoy the hopefully-not-too-creepy piece!
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