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(Gif not mine but writing is)
The Elevator
It had been about four months and you kind of hated your job. You mean you are grateful for it but still you did not enjoy it at all. After finishing your education with little to no money, your older brother suggested that you worked where he did. Both of you understood that the work would be difficult but he knew that you could take it and that your options were running out. 
Your job? Well it is to work for one of Gotham’s most notorious criminals, the Joker. You knew what he does. You also know some of the horrible things your brother has to do for him. Beating people to a pulp is currently the Joker’s favourite job for your brother. What do you do? You are there partly as eye candy you guess and sometimes to dress a victim’s wounds if the goons got carried away. Which happened very often. You’re not proud of your job but it pays the bills. 
Violence and blood never really frightened you especially now that you see it so frequently. The only time that you could remember being terrified was back at school. Other girls bullied you and would lock you in the janitor’s closet. The space was very small and dark and you could sometimes be stuck in there for hours on end.  It was claustrophobic and you had never liked being in small spaces since. Now you try to avoid them as best as you can. 
The business relationship you have with your boss is pretty much nonexistent. The Joker hardly ever speaks to you, he only gives out orders. You remember your ‘job interview’. You were so nervous as you’d heard so many frightening stories about the Joker. However the interview itself was only for a brief moment. He walked into the room and stared at you with his blue piercing eyes, looking at you from top to bottom.  With a nod to your brother, he said “She’ll do.”
Yesterday Joker’s goons had taken over an old factory towards the edge of Gotham City. It was going to be one of the new bases for his criminal activity. Today’s job was to look around the place so the Joker can decide what uses he wanted for the different rooms. Luckily you weren’t needed for today so you could spend the day shopping for new clothes. It’s annoying how many items of clothing get saturated with blood in this business. 
“Come on Jack, you’ve got to get up and ready.” You call to your brother whilst knocking on his bedroom door. “You know how Mister J is with tardiness.” You hear a groan from inside the room and you open the door. Jack was laid in bed his face bright red and his nose streaming, he looked awful. He grabs a tissue and blows his nose. “Sorry (y/n) I’m sick. I’ve already thrown up twice in the last hour.” he says in a voice no louder than a whisper. A look of concern etched across your face. “Is there anything I can get you?"  you asked. "Don’t worry, I have everything I need here. I’ve already let the boss know that I am unwell.” he sighs. “At least you’ll have me here to look after you today.” You say reassuringly as you leave his room and close the door behind you. 
You did not envy Jack’s replacement. From what you gathered walking around a building whilst your boss picks out functions for rooms was a boring task. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket. Gazing at the screen you read: 'Today’s your lucky day! You will be filling in for your brother. I have already notified him. See you at the old factory in an hour. Oh and wear something nice. J’ You rolled your eyes as you went into your bedroom to get changed out of your pajamas. Still wanting to look professional you threw on a black dress and small heels. After eating a quick breakfast you call to your brother “Looks like I drew the short straw. See you later.” which your brother responded with a groan. 
Luckily the factory was only a short walk from your home. You gazed at the tall buildings that lined the streets of Gotham. The sun reflected on the many windows of the skyscrapers. It was 8:30am and the streets were not busy, making this morning’s walk a pleasant one. On reaching your destination you looked up at the old factory. It was in desperate need of some work as there were many broken windows and other bits that were falling apart. You wonder if there was any point putting money in it to rejuvenate it. But you never questioned the boss’s intentions aloud. You were smarter than that. 
Two goons also arrived on foot. You waved at them and they replied with a nod of acknowledgement. It seemed that the agreed time was a bit too early for them. Suddenly you jumped as you heard the rumble of an engine. A purple sports car whizzed around the corner and pulled up beside you. The car door opened and out stepped your boss. The Joker had pale skin which was covered by tattoos, red lipstick roughly on his lips and bright green hair which was neatly slicked back. He wore a dark maroon shirt which was partly unbuttoned, revealing his chest, black trousers and shoes. “Ah Jack, you look a lot prettier since the last time we met.” the Joker laughed whilst staring at you. The goons also chuckled. You smiled. Maybe your boss was going to be humorous today but you could never tell as his moods were so unpredictable. 
“I’m sure that you are all clear on today’s planned outcome as it is a standard brief.” said the Joker as you all started to walk into the building. Inside the factory was very similar to the exterior. The place was dirty and some of it was falling apart. “I’m hoping that after we have a good look around this place I can have another little talk with its previous owner. We are going to have so much fun.” Joker chuckles in a voice that resembled an excited child’s. 
You all looked around the ground floor. Each room you went into was thickly covered in dust. You couldn’t believe that the building was recently used for a petty crime gangs. However the space was definitely big enough to be useful. As you glanced at the Joker’s face you could see his mind whirring away,  thinking about the potential that the building has. 
The rooms were connected by a corridor which led to an elevator and stairwell. “I think we should work from the top down. I’m thinking of maybe having an office on the top floor.” said the Joker. He then looks at the small elevator and the heels that you were wearing. “You boys climb the stairs, whilst (y/n) and I take the elevator. We’ll meet you on the top floor.” your body froze and became rigid. The elevator didn’t even look like it could make the trip. The two goons began to race up the stairs as the Joker pressed the button to call the elevator down. 
You somehow managed to build up the courage to speak. “Boss, I think I’ll take the stairs.” A 'ding'  noise came from the elevator as it jerkily opened its doors. The Joker stepped inside and held onto the door, keeping them open. A faint chuckle escaped his lips. “I’ve been wanting to do more exercise so I can be ready for whatever a job throws at me.” you added. Which was partially true as you did want to get fitter. But the main reason was because you were nervous. The size of the elevator was small and there were a lot of levels that it would have to drag the both of you up. It did not look fit for purpose. 
The Joker turned around to face you. You trembled slightly as you could not tell if you were now more afraid of the elevator or the Joker’s reaction. There was a serious look on his face and his blue eyes pierced into your own. “I don’t believe that I was asking you whether or not you would like to use the elevator.” he said in a stern voice. You looked at him with pleading eyes but a frown remained on his face as if it was carved from stone. He pointed a finger directly at you and then to the ground, like he was commanding a dog to sit and stay. You wanted to protest but you knew better. Rule number one for working with the Joker.  Never show him any of your weaknesses.  He’ll find a way to use it to blackmail you. 
You reluctantly walked forward, ducking under his arm which held the doors open. He turned around and pressed the button for the top floor, he glanced at you as his lips started to curl into a smile a little. He was pleased that he had won. The doors of the elevator slowly closed, squeaking as they did. With a jolt the elevator started to move up. You pressed a hand against the wall so you could steady yourself after the movement. The inside of it was even smaller than you thought. Relief began to flow through you as things were going smoothly. The Joker checked his watch as you knew he had a busy day planned. You felt awkward because of the silence and that you hadn’t really been alone with your boss like this before. The Joker glanced up at you again and opened his mouth as if he were about to speak. 
Suddenly, the elevator began to judder as it ground to a halt. You had not reached your floor yet. You both looked at the controls which were now dead. “Well, this looks like our stop.” the Joker laughed as he looked at the elevator controls and then pulled out his phone. You couldn’t even attempt to fake a smile. He started to call one of the goons to tell them of your current situation. He sounded angry which was understandable. Whilst he spoke, your mind began to wonder. That’s when the reality of what has happened hit you. 
You felt trapped in a tiny box that could easily fall apart. Your eyes start to frantically look around, trying desperately to focus on something, anything that would take your mind off of the current situation. It felt as if the walls were starting to close in. You knew deep down that they weren’t but you couldn’t convince your mind otherwise. A flash of panic began to course through your body. Quickly your cheeks flushed as the rest of the colour drained from your face. Your breathing started to become quicker and deeper. Oh no not here, you thought to yourself. Please, not in front of him.
The Joker looked at the controls of the elevator whilst you covered your mouth with your hand, in attempt to muffle the sound of your irregular breathing. But you could not help it. Your breathing had started to become erratic as pure fear and panic flooded your mind.  “Is. There. A. Way. Out?” you asked, each word being followed by a deep breath. Confused by the strange way you were talking, Joker turned to face you. His mischievous smirk dropped as he looked at you with concern filled eyes.  “(Y/N) what’s wrong?” he asked. 
“Too… small” you replied in a voice no louder than a whisper. It was now all too much. You frantically clawed at the wall in poor attempt to steady yourself as your knees buckled. The Joker dashed forward. Enclosing an arm around your shoulder and the other around your waist as he supported your weight, gently bringing you down so you sat on the floor.  The panic had now fully set in as you trembled in fear and gasped for air. Tears fell down your cheeks as your felt completely embarrassed. What a humiliating thing to happen in front of your boss, the King of crime. There was no longer any chance of you keeping your job if a silly thing like an elevator scared you. 
To your surprise, Joker knelt down in front of you, staring at you as he tried to assess the situation.  "Is there anything I can do to help?“ he asked eagerly. He looked completely lost and unsure. The hard exterior of your boss beginning to fade away.  Looking at him apologetically you whisper "I’m… sorry" Unexpectedly,  he chuckled. Carefully he took your hands in his and using his thumbs, gently started to stroke them, which soothed you a little.  After breathing irregularly for so long, you started to feel like you were very tired.  ”(Y/N)“ the Joker said in a loud tone, forcing your eyes open. "What colour are my eyes?"  Your eyes focused on the blend of blues of his. How each shade mixed into the next.  "They are… incredibly blue.” you answered, causing him to laugh. You smiled at his familiar laugh, you could tell it was genuine instead of his sarcastic one. 
Attempting to not let his worry show, he stared, examining you, as you still trembled and gasped for air. Smiling at you he stretched his arms out and around your shoulders. Gently scooping you towards him. You leant your head against his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. Subconsciously you began to mimic his breathing, to slow down your own.  Surprisingly you both stayed there contently, silently enjoying the unusual embrace. It all just seemed completely surreal. The psychopath who hardly ever spoke to you was now caring for your safety.  “Thank you” you whispered, now in a much calmer tone. You could feel his chest rumble as the Joker chuckled. 
His phone vibrated in his trouser pocket. Glancing down at the screen he mumbled “finally”.   The Elevator jolted into life once more, causing you both to jump. “Let’s get ready to leave this death trap, shall we?” the Joker said with a grin as he stood up, trying to make light of the situation that had occurred. Reaching his arm down, he offered you a hand. Nervously you stood to your feet, with the Joker’s hands pulling you up. You both attempted to compose yourself, so that the goons did not suspect a thing. Grabbing a tissue from your pocket, you wipe the tears from your face whilst smoothing out the creases in your dress. Now stood side by side, you both glance at each other smiling. 
The doors to the elevator screeched open, revealing the two goons patiently waiting for you both on the other side. You rather quickly stepped out if the crumbling death trap. The Joker followed.  He cleared his throat trying to sound tough and in charge again as he walked in front of you with the goons. “Let’s take a look at these rooms. I think that (Y/N) and I have now fully assessed the state of the elevator.” Quietly you giggled to yourself causing the Joker to turn his head round and smile at you. Looking at his smiling face and reflecting of the events of today, your mind starts to wander. Maybe you were wrong about the Joker and perhaps your job wasn’t so bad after all. 
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Making Amends | Joker + Reader
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Note: A little fluffy. This is my first request, so excited to be able to fulfill my first! Requests are always open.  Description/Request:  Can I request a Jared Leto Joker imagine where joker forgets your anniversary and when he comes home he makes it up to you??? – Anon Warning: None (Gif isn’t mine)
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The Watcher (Joker x Reader)
“Your life changes after a bank robbery sends you into the arms of Gothams most dangerous criminal. Little do you know, he’s had his eyes on you for awhile.”
Requested by Anon: “Can you write an imagine where the reader is black and is a loner who doesn’t get out much and is very shy and nice and unbeknownst to her is being watched by the joker who’s formed a slight obsession with her can you also make it so he’s actually been in her apartment before but she has no clue how they meet can be up to you and what transpires after they meet can be up to you just make it romantic and cute but not over the top thank you so much ❤😘”
A/n: This took me FOREVER to write xD I hope I did alright. I didn’t want to go too far with it and end up with something offensive. I’m still too inexperience for this stuff, I’m sorry. But I decided to split this into two parts, the second part is done already and it’ll be posted tomorrow probably.
Warnings: Death of Hostages, violence, gun shot wounds.
The sound of vibrating and the chorus of your favourite song blared through out your apartment, pulling you from your deep sleep. You quickly silenced it and let out a sigh. You’d been so happy when you downloaded that song as a ringtone, and now you were starting to hate the very sound of it. Guess all good things have to come to an end eventually. You pulled your ass out of bed, groaning from how groggy you were. It was your first day off and you wanted you wanted to do nothing but sleep the day away. Unfortunately there were a lot of errands you had to run. So sleep would have to wait.
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Just Go (Joker x Reader)
“Imagine the Joker breaking up with you because he wants to keep you safe. Only to have you get kidnapped anyway.”
Requested by Anon: “Hi love could you do joker x reader where J broke up with reader bc he afraid he’d lost control over himself and hit her (which happened before) and that being with him means she would be a target of his enemies. So he said he never loved her (which wasn’t true) and made her leave. He was sad but had to tell himself it was for her own best. But she got kidnapped and assaulted by one of his enemies & J come to save her. End with fluff please. You’re an amazing writer ❤”
Street lamps passed as the car sped past through the streets. You kept your gaze on the view outside of the window. Every now and then you’d glance at the man beside you, who’d been uncharacteristically quiet for the entire drive. You crossed your arms over your chest, leaning further back into your seat. You thought back to what had happened in the club, wondering why he seemed to be in such a mood. He had a business meeting with some mobster or something. You weren’t sure what he’d said to J but whatever it was, the man ended up in a bloodied position on the floor.
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The Cure (Joker x Reader)
“Imagine being poisoned and the Joker never leaving your side as you both wait for the cure.”
Requested by @sherlocked-archangel911: “Could you do a Joker X reader where the reader is poisoned and dying and joker has to find a cure and he’s all worried?”
A/n: I really liked this one. I did want to go in another direction with it but I think I made the right choice. I hope you guys like it.
Warnings: Angsty.
The fever was burning you from the inside out, it felt like everything was on fire. It never seemed to ease, it only got worse. You’d been slipping in and out of consciousness for hours, you couldn’t even keep track of how much time had passed. Would the pain end if you just stopped fighting? If you just let the poison win, surely it would end.
It was tempting, and as you felt yourself falling asleep once more, you had only one thing on your mind.
Why hadn’t you died yet?
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Distress (Joker x Pregnant! Reader)
“Imagine almost losing your baby when a deal goes wrong and it causing the Joker to go crazy.”
Requested by Anon: “Can you write one where the reader is pregnant and a deal goes bad and she almost loses the baby and mr j goes insane?!”
Warnings: Blood, violence, “almost” baby loss, mentions of torture.
Just a regular business deal, one he’d done a hundred times before today. Nothing was suppose to go wrong.
You sat alone in the car. His words echoing in your head as you leaned back in the leather seats.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be back soon.”
A sigh left you as you stared out the window at the rundown warehouse. You ran your hand along the top of your stomach, smiling softly as you did. Despite you the fact carrying the child of the most dangerous man in Gotham, you had never been happier.
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Me Time (Joker x Reader)
“Imagine trying to have some alone time but the Joker doesn’t know the meaning of space.”
Requested by @stimahagen: “Could please make an imagine where the Joker falls in love with the reader and he becomes super clingy? would be so cute”
The morning sun was pushing its way through the heavy curtains that hung against the windows. You groaned, attempting to get out of bed. Tight arms were wrapped around your waist, keeping you there. You couldn’t help but smile, letting yourself settle back down into the mattress. Eventually, his arms loosened from you and he rolled over. You waited for a few minutes then slowly got out of bed.
You tiptoed through the house, seeking out the kitchen. You never missed out on your chance to have alone time. You pulled some stuff out of the fridge and cabinets, placing them on the counter as you started to cook breakfast. You made sure to make a separate plate for the Joker, knowing that he’d probably be hungry when he woke up. Once you were done cooking, you sat down at the table and enjoyed your peaceful meal in solace. You watched the sun peak out from behind the clouds, a soft smile on your face. You picked up your empty plate and brought it to the kitchen. You paused for a moment, thinking that you heard something from upstairs. He should sleep for another hour or so, or at least you hoped.
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Attention (Joker x Reader)
“Imagine running away from the Joker because he’s been ignoring you.”
Requested by Anon: “Can you do an imagine where the joker hasn’t been paying attention to you and when he does he kinda just ignores you so the reader leaves and he realizes she left so he goes after her and talks to her about it”
It was early in the morning, the sun had barely started to peak out from behind the clouds and here you were. Cooking breakfast in the kitchen. You had made a routine of it, every morning you’d get up and make him breakfast and coffee. You weren’t sure when you started to do it but now it was a thing. You smiled to yourself as you flipped over a piece of bacon in the pan.
You heard the footsteps coming down the stairs as you finish platting the food. When he finally steps in the kitchen, he’s fully dressed and ready to leave. You smiled at him as he sat down to eat. “How did you sleep?”
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The Joker x Reader- “What You Wish For”
He always blurs out things when he’s mad and takes it out on the wrong people. If he wants you and your daughter to be gone, why not grant his wish? After all, the great Joker doesn’t need anybody around.
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“…and you two are always around, I wish you would just disappear!” J grumbles, irritated that his plans for last night’s kidnapping went downhill. Of course he has to take it on somebody and since you and your daughter happen to be right there…again…
“Hey, knock it out!” you urge him, noticing Emma squeezing harder on her teddy bear. She keeps on looking at you and at her dad, uneasy. “That would be enough, don’t say things like this in front of our kid!” you frown, stopping what you’re doing for the moment, which is folding her little dresses.
“I mean it, I want you two to vanish! You are in my way, I want to be alone! I need peace and quiet,” he snarls, pacing around the living room, pointing his finger at Emma.
“Where…where should I go, daddy?” she whimpers, backing out a bit.
“I don’t give a damn, just get out of my sight!” The Joker replies, going out on the balcony.
“Are you serious?!” you mutter, not believing what just came out of his mouth. Emma starts crying and you have to go and hug her, trying to comfort a child that doesn’t understand her father’s outbursts. “Daddy didn’t mean it, honey, ok? He’s just upset. Go get ready for bed and I’ll come tuck you in. Stop crying, he didn’t mean it,” you wipe her tears, feeling your heart sink.
“D-does daddy h-hate me?” she stutters in your ear, sniffling.
“No, of course not, never! He can’t hate his little Pumpkin, there’s no way,” you smile, reassuring her, caressing her back to make it better. “Come on, go get ready, I’ll be right there,” and you put her down, watching as she slowly heads towards her bedroom. You inhale and follow J on the balcony, determined to make things right.
He is sitting on the couch, fidgeting with his gun. You stomp towards him and yank the pistol out of his hand, tossing it on the concrete.
“Don’t say mean things to your daughter, do you hear me? She’s not even 6 yet!” “Get lost, Y/N!” he growls, pushing you away.
“No, I’m not getting lost!” you place yourself in front of him again. “You made her cry, are you happy about that? All that she knows is that you’re her dad and she loves you, she doesn’t grasp your … complicated behavior,” you make it sound as nice as you can since you want to strangle him on the spot.
“Shut up, Y/N!” J reaches for his gun but you take his hand and hold it in place.
“No, you have to go and make it up to her; you shouldn’t say such horrible things to Emma! I don’t care you are in a foul mood, deal with it!” you snap at him, annoyed. You let go of his hand and lift his chin up, forcing him to look at you since he’s avoiding your gaze.
“Is she…really crying?” he sighs, biting on his cheek. The bitter expression on your face confirms it. The Joker grunts, suddenly relaxing his shoulders and unexpectedly burying his face on your tummy. “I didn’t mean it…” you hear his muffled voice and you kick his shin, distancing from him.
“What would you do without us, hm? Who would put up with your crap?” and you turn your back, storming inside, not waiting for an answer. It won’t be a nice one anyway.
The Joker gets inside Emma’s room, watching her play with the toys before bedtime.
“What are you doing, little Princess?” he asks, scratching his head because he doesn’t really know how to handle the situation.
“Waiting for mommy to put me to bed,” she answers getting up from the carpet, a bit startled, squeezing on her teddy bear.
“Wanna fix my hair?” J offers, fully aware that’s her favorite thing to do.
“Really?” she gasps, already searching for the comb, so excited for the opportunity. Children have such a way of being resilient.
He seats on the floor with the back against her bed. She crawls behind him and carefully starts combing his green hair, tracing the strands with her tiny hand.
“Ahhh, that feels good, Pumpkin Pie,” he purrs, closing his eyes. “You’re doing a great job. Can you purr for me?”
She leans over and makes some silly sounds, trying so hard to imitate him and J chuckles, grabbing both of her hands and covering them in kisses.
“I don’t want you to go away, alright?” J tils his head backwards, watching her giggle when he tickles her sides.
“Ok, daddy,” she kisses his Damaged tattoo and he senses that weird ache in his chest again. It’s a strange type of pain The Joker can never quite pinpoint.
You stop in the doorway, leaning against the wall and watch them, pleased your daughter looks happy now.
“Time for bed, honey,” you announce but let him tuck her in. “Did you do daddy’s hair? It looks great,” you praise her, kissing her goodnight and Emma nods a yes, thrilled you like it.
The Joker leans over to cover her with the blanket and kisses the tip of her nose. Emma locks her hands around his neck and pulls him down so she can hug him.
“I love you, daddy,” she snickers, waiting for him to say it back.
“Me too,” J shortly replies, attempting to get out of it.
“No, daddy, you have to say it!” your daughter wines and it makes you so proud.
Good girl, you think. You’re the one that taught her to make J say the words because he needs to: a reminder never hurts.
“I did,” he cheats, trying to trick her.
“No, you have to saaaaay it,” she cups his face, waiting.
“You sound like your mom, you know that?” he scoffs, rolling his eyes. “Fine, I love you too; are we done here?” J mumbles, kissing her one more time and letting go.
“Yes, daddy, we’re done,” she snatches her teddy bear from you and widely smiles when you wink at her, approving the strategy you worked on so hard. She’s not your kid for nothing.
J watches you change for bed and you glance at him, not being in the mood to talk anymore. He doesn’t say a word either so you just turn off the light and go on your side of the bed, knowing you will fall asleep soon because you are tired.
“Say, Kitten, are you going with me tomorrow? I need you for the heist,” he starts the conversation.
“Maybe,” you yawn, punching your pillow to make it more comfortable.
“You know, I really wanted to…”
You fakely snore, louder and louder, interrupting, hinting he should stop talking.
“Very funny, Baby Doll. You’re hilarious,” he mocks you, finding it hard to stay awake. “Do you still love me?” J sarcastically inquires and he distinguishes your fingers in the dim night light, showing just a small gap between the thumb and index. “That’s it?!”
“Yeap, already too much” your answer promptly comes and you get under the sheets, not wanting to continue the dialogue. “I’m exhausted.”
He wants to say something harsh but ends up babbling stuff to himself as you ignore his behavior.
“We’re going to the park and then for a drive. I’ll be back in time,” you little note on the kitchen table lets J know of your plans when he wakes up. He spends the day preparing for tonight, instructing his henchmen on what to do and gathering supplies for the robbery. Why aren’t you texting back? The Joker hates it when he sends you messages and you don’t respond right away.
A few more hours pass by, still nothing. And why didn’t you two return yet? You have to go with him tonight. Texting again for the 50th time, no reply… and again, and again. Couple more hours go by…it’s getting dark, no sign from you. Time passes by and nothing.
J starts to get impatient. It’s night time now and he has to cancel the plans. Everything is postponed. My God, he’s not thrilled about it but there is no trace of you so he forgets he is mad about his ruined scheme. He calls around to see if anybody saw you or heard from you. Nobody did.
Where are my girls? he wonders, reading the message from Frost that lets him know the henchmen didn’t find anything around town. The Joker sent them all out and about to search for you and he stayed behind at the penthouse, just in case you will return. What if someone took you? The thought makes him squirm on his chair. What if you just…left? That’s impossible, there is no way you would… …right?… What if you got caught? Would they take you to Arkham? The police station?…
1 in the morning and he is getting more and more restless and worried on your disappearance. It’s so unlike you to do such a thing, even if you fight you never leave him hanging: you always text him back or tell him your whereabouts.
Where are my girls?
He finally has the peace and quiet he was so adamant to request this morning, but dammit, the silence is deafening. This is what it feels like without you and Emma around? You are always around. J doesn’t like the quietness, at all. Or the weird ache in his chest again.
If nothing turns up in a few hours, he will look for you two himself with the whole crew, even hire more people. Swipe the city to every little corner until he finds something. Will he find anything? He has to, no other option.
The Joker needs his girls back.
“Ssstttt, be quiet, honey,” you tell Emma as you close the door behind you. You pick her up in your arms because she is very sleepy and fussy. You went to the park and then got out of Gotham for a drive. You really wanted to take her to the woods on the old deserted highway because it’s your favorite spot: you can see deers out there and so much wildlife she would have surely enjoyed. But your car broke down in the middle of nowhere and on top of everything  your phone died and you didn’t have the charger with you.
The entire day you tried to find the problem and fix it with no success. Then the night came and you couldn’t see well anymore and decided to wait until the morning. You were lucky another vehicle passed you by and the driver stopped to help. The guy had no idea who you were but it didn’t made you less alert and prepared to kill in case he turned out to be a psycho. Ha, that’s a good one. You actually softly laughed at the idea: a woman like you suspecting someone else of being a psycho.
But… he was actually able to start your car and you drove right back to Gotham.
3 in the morning, jeez, what a looong day!
You walk in the master bedroom and you see The Joker sleeping on your side so you have to go on his, carefully placing Emma in the middle and finally winding down.
“Daaaddyyyy…” she snuggles to his chest, half asleep, realizing he’s there.
He opens his eyes and gulps, crushing her in his arms while she winces, uncomfortable.
“I can’t breathe…” she complains, already dozing off and he loosens his embrace, reaching for you.
“Where…where were you????????” he whispers, concerned but striving to conceal how distressed he still is.
“The stupid car broke down”, you hum, keeping it down for your daughter, scooting over towards him as much as you can without squashing your kid,” and the phone died too. The whole thing was such an ordeal, really bad luck. I am beat. Did you go on the heist?”
“Yeah,” J lies. “Why, you think I wouldn’t go without you?” he hisses but you don’t even care. You are already snoozing, holding his hand on top of Emma.
“Didn’t you enjoy the day without us though?” you struggle to say in your sleep. “You didn’t want us around…”
“Yeah, it was great,” The Joker intertwines his fingers with yours, continuing even if you don’t really hear him anymore at this point. “ I had fun without you two.”
My girls are back, he thinks, finally at ease after being on the edge all day. And the weird ache in his chest makes him take a deep breath. It’s a strange type of pain he can never quite pinpoint.
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requested by  insporater <3 prompt;  53: don’t you look at me like that The Joker (Leto) I don’t have much else give for a request but yeah…!?
“Don’t you look at me like that!” His scream goes right through your ears and you flinch, noting something heavy fly past your shoulder and crash into the wall a few meters behind you. He stands in  rage, hunched, looking for something else to get his hands on besides you, pacing in a hard quick step around his living room whilst you patiently stand in silence. You gulp and glance away from him – was it really worth telling him how disappointed you were in the way he turned out to be? Shallow. Uncaring. That all of his heists, groupies and parties, but most of all the KILLING, needed to end if the two of you were really meant to be together. “Don’t…” The Jokers low tone makes a chill crawl up your spine and your heart tumble into the bottom of your stomach – it had calmed, smoothed, tinted with sadness. The Joker runs his fingers through his hair and exhales all the pent up energy in one hard breath, “Don’t look at me like that…Like I’m some kind of a monster. I know…I know I am to others, but…” His eyes, at first fixated on the paintings on the white wall, fall onto you, “Not to you. I don’t want to be a monster to you, (Name). Anyone but you.”
Requests are open!
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The Joker x Reader -“ELLIS”
Nothing is ever easy with him, but this time he really crossed the line. If The Joker doesn’t care about anything at all, what is the point of you two being together? Unless…maybe he gives a damn about at least one thing.
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You always drive back to Gotham on lonely, deserted roads, trying to avoid traffic as much as possible.
“J, we’re close to our cabin, we should stop and spend the night; just me and you, yes?” you smile, attempting to be cheerful and lightening up the mood.
“I don’t feel like it!” he bitterly replies, keeping his eyes on the road.
“We’re almost at the turn we have to take to get there. Come on… please?”
“NO! I told you I don’t feel like it!” he snarls, clenching his fingers on the steering wheel. You place your hand on his thigh, caressing it with your thumb:
“Baby, it’s not my fault the meeting didn’t go well.”
He pushes your hand away, still fuming. You look outside the window and take a deep breath, watching the sun going down behind the trees.
“J, come on, don’t be like this…You know I love you,” you tilt your head towards him, hoping he will change his mind.
“Right!!” he scoffs with a sour expression on his face.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you ask, getting restless.
“It means whatever you want it to mean!” the Joker snaps, quickly glancing your way.“You don’t love me, nobody does!” he hisses, being in such a foul mood he can barely concentrate on driving.
“Yeah…I wonder why…” you mutter but he heard you and it makes him even more enraged. You start massaging your temples; you really don’t need this after all the stuff that happened lately.
“J…why did we get married?” you ask, closing your eyes, thinking how much you wish your lives were different.
“Because we’re idiots, Y/N, that’s why!” he angrily raises his voice, accelerating. “Thank God you had the miscarriage three months ago because the kid would have probably had your attitude. I don’t think I could handle two of you!”
He hears you sniffle and your voice breaks down when you address him:
“Why…why do you say such cruel things?” and you start sobbing, deeply hurt by his words. “Stop the car…” you manage to speak through tears. “Stop the car!!!!” you suddenly hit the window with your first and he slams the breaks, unnerved.
You get out fast, taking your wedding ring off and tossing it in his lap:
“Here, consider yourself divorced!” you slam the door, frantically wiping your tears. He just grunts, annoyed and screams back at you: “Fine! I don’t need you anyway!”
“I don’t need you either!” you yell, whimpering, feeling so miserable you can’t wait for him to go away.
“I hope you die in these woods!” The Joker growls, taking off in a frenzy, aggravated.
“I won’t give you the satisfaction!” you shout, crossing your arms on your tummy, watching him disappear in the distance. You turn around and start walking back towards the hidden unpaved, unmarked road that leads to your cabin. It should be about 10-15 minutes away by foot. You recently passed the spot by car so it shouldn’t be too far. Add about 2 more hours of walking until you reach the destination and you should be there before it gets really dark.
You walk rather slow, deep in thought; being outdoors does make you feel a little bit better. It takes you more than 2 hours, but you are finally at the hideout. You go inside and turn the lights on, looking through your supplies to see what you could munch on. You decide to make a tea and wrap yourself in a blanket, then head out to the porch so you can enjoy the silence you crave so badly.
You have your little backpack with you and search inside until you find the ultrasound picture you kept from when it was confirmed you were pregnant. Your eyes get teary again and you kiss the small image, talking to yourself: “He only wishes you would have been like me…” you sadly smile and your grieving is interrupted by the sound of tires approaching.
Oh, no, what is he doing here? you panic, covering your head with the hoodie in a failed effort to calm down.
He gets out of the car and slams the door as hard as he can, staring you down.
“W-what are you doing here?” you inquire, shriveling down under your fluffy cover. J walks the stairs up to the porch, barking your way:
“I wanted to see if you died on your way here this way I can bury you. It would have given me great pleasure.”
“I’m not sorry to disappoint,” you sneer, still holding the little picture to your chest.
“What’s that?” The Joker points towards it, even if he already has an idea.
“Nothing you care about…”, you chew on your words, making an extra effort to keep your composure as you return your treasure to the backpack.
He takes a seat on the bench that’s the furthest from you, legs up on the railing, trying to light up a cigarette when you unexpectedly rush to yank it out of his hand and toss it to the ground, stepping on it:
“You quit two years ago!”
“Give it a rest before you make me mad!” J growls, taking out the full pack of cigarettes but you snatch it from him, breaking and tearing it to pieces, frustrated about everything and taking it on his nasty habit.
He takes a deep breath, trying not to lose his temper and warns you:
“Stop your shit, Y/N, you’re pissing me off!”
You don’t even care and continue:
“Go back to Gotham, I want to be alone! I don’t want you here, go away!” you shriek through your clenched teeth, heading back inside, trying not to cry.
“I don’t care about what you want; this is my hideout too!” you hear him grumble and don’t care for the rest since you step inside the bathroom, closing the door. You are so ready for a shower and a bit of sleep to calm down the tension you feel in every muscle of your body.
15 minutes into it and J parts the curtain to the side, making you jump since you didn’t hear him sneak in.
“Make room, I want to take a shower too,” he commands, getting inside.
“Go take a shower in the other bathroom!” you plead, irritated he’s so inconsiderate.
“I like this one better!” he kind of shoves you to the side, getting under the warm water.
“Fine, you can have it!” you give up, grabbing your towel and step outside when he tries to snatch you.
“Where are you going? I wanna wash your hair!” he angrily yells after you, unhappy you’re defiant…again.
“I already washed it myself!” you slam the door and J continues his tirade, tossing shampoo and body wash bottles around the bathtub in his tantrum.  
I just need some peace and quiet, why can’t I have that? you think while resting your back against the door for a few seconds, sensing your anxiety is going to reach new levels soon.
The Joker took his time in there but now he’s finally done. He searches for you inside the cabin but you are not there. He peeks out of the window and notices you are dozing off on the couch to the left side of the porch, covered in blankets. Perfect time to rant some more, you are definitely going to hear about how much you annoyed him today!
But when he sees you are in a deep sleep, something stops him. The corner of the ultrasound picture sticks out a bit from under your pillow and he slowly pulls it out, glaring at it for a few good minutes before putting it back with a remorseful sigh. He takes a deep breath and grabs more blankets from the pile on the table and covers you with them, keeping just one for himself. J also brings the gun from the car and seats on the chair next to yours, awake all night because he believes a wild animal might creep up on you.
When the first rays of sunshine pierce through the thick fog, he finally loses the battle and closes his eyes, exhausted. He wakes up three hours later, wrapped in a dozen blankets, not feeling the cold he braved last night anymore; it gets so chilly in these woods after sunset.
He finds breakfast and hot coffee inside but you are gone again. Probably hiking at your favorite spot, J assumes, munching on a few goodies from his plate. You’ve been away for a while and he decides to search for you, he doesn’t even know why. You aren’t too far, just about a mile away behind the cabin, legs crossed in the grass, reading a magazine under your umbrella and enjoying the warm temperature. You hear him approach and you don’t lift your eyes up. He doesn’t say a word and just imitates your position a few steps away from you.
“What are you doing?” you coldly question him, not thrilled of his presence.
“Nothing,” The Joker barely bothers to answer.
You exhale, turning the page and fighting not to pay attention to his nonsense:
“You can’t stay in the sun, you know you burn easily,” you grunt, indirectly inviting him to get lost.
“So? Why do you care? Mind your own business!” and he lets himself go on his back, enjoying the hot sun.
“You’ll burn badly, go in the shadow,” J distinguishes your low voice urging him to move.
He ignores your warning and after a few more moments he opens his eyes to see your umbrella by his head, shielding half of his body from the sun and you walking away.
She’s so obnoxious, I really hate her, is the last thought he has before closing his eyes again and falling asleep shortly after since he’s so tired.
You are nowhere to be found. The Joker searched the cabin and around it but you vanished.
Good, maybe she fell from a cliff and my problems are done, he maliciously grins, relieved and hoping for his wish to come true, but after a few seconds the evil smile freezes on his lips as he notices your backpack is gone. And the small post-it on the fridge he didn’t see before makes him cringe:
“I’m going back to Gotham.”  
Crazy woman, walking alone in the woods, J growls, taking the car keys out of his pocket and heading outside.
You discern the sound of the engine getting closer and closer and quicken your pace, not understanding why you can’t have a moment to yourself when you are very entitled to it. He passes you by and turns the car sideways, slamming on the breaks, gets out of the car and awaits your arrival, his blue eyes so dark it would make you hesitate on your decision.
Yet you avoid looking at him and attempt to go around when he rolls his eyes, fed up with your behavior and stomps towards you, lifting you up and slamming you on the hood, making you seat there against your will while you struggle to get down. J is blocking your way, not budging when you struggle to escape.
“Where are you going, hm? Are you really trying to get on my nerves?” he pins your hands behind your back, watching tears of frustrations forming in your eyes but you are too strong to let him win and swallow your vexation, finally looking at him.
“I’m walking back to Gotham,” you mutter, defying his blue gaze.
“It’s a long walk, Doll,” he pushes you up on the hood even more, making sure you can’t move.
“Why do you care? You don’t care about anything, not even…about…”  and you can’t control yourself anymore and start sobbing, thinking about the mean things he said to you yesterday that hurt you so much. J knows exactly what you are referring to and sucks on his cheeks, gulping, finally speaking up on the subject:
“I did care about that…”
You shake your head in denial, whimpering, dismissing his words so he repeats:
“I did care about that.”
“N-no you d-didn’t,” you cry harder and The Joker sets your hands free, backing out just a bit so you can slide down towards him.
“I did, I cared about that,” he insists, rolling up the sleeve on his left arm to point out the huge “ELLIS” tattoo on his forearm. “Why do you think I got the name on my skin and didn’t remove it? I will always keep it, do you hear me? I did care…” his voice breaks a bit and wipes your tears, lifting your chin up, forcing you to look at him again.
Ellis is the name you two picked for the baby when you found out you were pregnant, fit for a boy or a girl. You were so excited and over the moon you didn’t have patience to wait any longer. But it wasn’t meant to be…
Since you can’t stop crying and he grows impatient, J yanks you in his arms, hugging you while you want to push him away.
“I did care…” he continues to whisper in your ear over and over again until he feels your body relaxing and your arms go around his waist, hugging him back really tight. Since you still won’t stop crying, he caresses your hair, tightening his grip on you too. He senses tears menacing to roll down his cheeks but he brushes the awkward feeling away, because it’s not like him to show any weakness. Instead, he chooses to be The Joker and he has to admit to himself it really takes a lot of effort this time around:
“…Say, Princess, are we still divorced?”
“U-hum,” you manage to squeal, sobbing on his chest.
“That’s too bad, I was hoping to get some tonight,” and he kind of sadly smiles when you pinch his side.” Since I’m here and you’re here, can we at least have an affair?”
“Stop your stupid jokes,” you scold him, sniffling. He kisses your temple and helps you down, regaining his posture, but still holds your hand.
He seems surprised when you push yourself against his body and make him pay attention to what you have to say:
“You can lash out at me, but…” and your voice shakes ”…you can’t say anything mean about our poor baby, do you hear me?” There is so much pain and grief in your voice that he has no choice but to nod yes.
“Don’t ever say anything mean about Ellis… promise?” and you cup his face, waiting for the answer.
“I promise,” he agrees so fast he shocks himself.
“Good then, now you are allowed to drive me back to Gotham,” you announce and take your backpack off, going around the car to get in on the passenger’s side. “Did you lock the cabin?”
“I did,” J reports and can’t help bickering as he starts to drive away:
“Allowed to drive you back, Pumpkin?! Like it’s what, a privilege??!!”
“Damn right it is!” you raise your voice and look out the window, ignoring the outburst.
“Pffttt, lucky me…” he grumbles but takes your hand and kisses it. You don’t object and scoot over towards him, silently leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Hey, Kitten, are we still divorced? Or do you want your ring back? I have it in my jacket.”
“I guess you’re allowed to give it back to me when we get home,” you decide with an indifferent tone.
“Allowed to give it back??! Like it’s what, a privilege??!” he mocks, taking the turn towards the main road.
“Damn right it is!” you elbow him and he frowns, aggravated:
“Pffttt, lucky me…”
“You are lucky!” you cut him off, lifting your eyebrows with an attitude.
“Maybe just a little bit…” he admits and it makes you smirk, clenching to his arm even more.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
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Dress Up (Joker x Reader)
Requested by Anon: “Could you do a joker imagine were the reader wears like all pastel colors and flower crowns and is like super shy and innocent and joker kidnaps her cos like her dads a mob boss. Smut please.”
A/n: Sorry that I didn’t deliver on the smut, I just really couldn’t make it work. ;-;
Warnings: Mature themes.
Music softly carried through the space of your room. You were seated at your vanity, expertly applying a soft toned lipstick to your lips. You leaned forward to inspect your makeup job, your lips parted as you smiled widely at your reflection. Your music picked up as you stood from the vanity. Your eyes scanned the room until you found the item you’d been looking for, the missing accessory to complete your look.
“Perfect…” you sighed happily, placing the colored flower crown on top of your head, adjusting the accessory until you were satisfied.
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||Revenge Is For Couples||
Joker x Reader ||Warnings|| rape (mention) blood death language suggestive things A/N this is the beginning of Mister J's reign, before Harley Quinn and everything! enjoy!!! I have a sad ending in mind but i don't wanna ;-; Revenge was The Joker's specialty. He knew every button to push, every bone to snap and every way to break a person down mentally and physically. Your father was an unlucky man. Actually, scratch that, your father was plain stupid. A stupid scientist of J's that lacked the funds for a personal project and attempted to steal from The Clown Prince. What. An. Idiot! You weren't born the same way babies came out of their mothers. Technically, you weren't born at all. Your father took his deceased brides DNA and his own, creating you in a large tube. However he didn't have enough of your mother's so substituted it with a birds. When you were growing in the tube, your father noticed the bumps on your shoulders. He shrugged it off and told himself to check it out in the morning. However overnight, wings sprouted on your back and by morning they were covered in white feathers. Your father began to weep when he saw them. "My, (Mothers Name), we had an angel together.." He cried, "Our angel, (Name)." You grew and matured until the desired age of 17. You were able to talk, feel, move and function perfectly once you were out of the tube. Your (s/c) skin was incredibly soft and your nails sharp as talons. (E/C) orbs resembled your mothers, as well as your (hair style) and (hair color) locks. You were a "beautiful specimen", as your father would say. Although people rarely came into the area, it was the most enjoyable time. Your father would make you wear a large sweater dress to cover your wings- good thing it was constantly cold in the lab. People questioned you maybe once or twice and your father told them the truth, you were his home schooled daughter. His coworkers had grown to love you and treat you with care so your father never seemed nervous about lying! That is.. until the day the green haired man came in. You thought it was funny when he visited. He would do everything he could to make your father tug on his hair in frustration. "Who might you be?" The green haired man asked, not smiling which made him more terrifying. "This is-" Your father stood in front of you but was shoved out of the way. "I didn't ask you!" J growled at your father but turned to smile at you. This eased your frightened state a bit. "I-I'm (Name).." You blushed and looked at the ground. He sure was handsome. He couldn't be too much older then you, 3 years at most. Why was he so feared when he could be just 20 years old! Then you figured out why. Joker, or J, as he asked you to call him, hired a new scientist. Mrs. Nanika and this lady did not like you. At all. J came into the lab more when he knew you would be there, to your delight and your fathers dismay. For some reason, your father became antsy and stressed when Mister J was in the room. You didn't notice the little things J did but your father saw it all. He would bring you chocolate because your father didn't let you have any sugar. He would sit close to you as possible without you being uncomfortable- which was very close, you didn't have much of a bubble. The most noticeable thing J did for you was treat you like a person. However he wasn't the only one, everyone could see that. Mister J would never be nice to anyone unless he had a motive but even then he wasn't genuinely kind. You were special and everyone knew it.. Except for Mrs. Nanika. J found you crying one day. You were in your usual hiding spot in the break room, in the cabinet beside the fridge. It was comforting to you to be in such a confined place, most people would be claustrophobic. J opened the door and sat on the ground, immediately concerned. "What's wrong, little dove?" He asked with a tilted head. Your beloved nickname he gave you couldn't make you smile. "The new lady was mean to me." You whimpered, wiping your tears away. You didn't see J lips curl up in disgust while you rubbed your red eyes but you saw his usual smile had disappeared when you looked at him again. "What'd she do?" J asked as calmly as he could but his breathing revealed how pissed he was. Normally he wouldn't need any more reason except that someone hurt you but this scientist was promising. Not to mention curiosity was a weakness of his. "She yelled at me for sitting at her desk. I was drawing you something so she took it and ripped it up." You began to tear up again as you held a out a shaking hand full of pieces of paper. J took them from your hands, angrier than before. He stormed from the break room and into the laboratory. The criminal flipped Mrs. Nanika's desk, making her jump back in surprise. He dropped the drawing pieces from his hand. "Sir, I-" Mrs. Nanika was cut off by a gunshot to her head. J growled and ordered two men to take her dead body away. After that, two more men came to clean up the mess and J returned to you. You were still in the cabinet but slightly out, curiosity plain on your face. "I'm going to tell you a secret, (Name)," J began, crouching next to you, "You and I are the same. We both are curious but we're not cats." You were familiar with the quote "curiosity killed the cat". J told it to you, it was one of his favorites. However you were still confused so you stayed quiet to listen. "I'm not a good person. I thought I was a heartless monster- I kill, steal and threaten people.. but you make me curious, (Name). You make me think I still have a heart because something hurt when I saw you crying." J continued, "You are a dove- no! - an angel, pure and perfect!" He was talking so fast, he must have been scared and nervous. Once J finally stopped talking, he looked like he was ready to cry but you knew he wouldn't. His breathing was shaky and harsh so you took his hands and made him look into your eyes. This made him calm down considerably so. "J, I know you're not a good person b-but I don't want to change you! I met you this way and I want you to keep being.. this." You held his hands tighter, your smile never faltering and your eyes never looking away from his. J knew when people were lying or trying to deceive him, it was something he was working on and he was quite good at it. However he saw no traces of lies in what you said. His heart began to beat faster as he pushed himself forward to kiss you. You had no idea what was happening but embraced the sweet kiss. J moved his hands to hold your body closer when you pushed him away. He looked slightly offended and mad but more worried that he had overwhelmed you. "I... I have a secret to tell you too but," Your eyes darted around the room, "I can't tell you here..." "I know a place." J smiled. You were now alone. You and J standing away from each other. He looked excited and nervous at the same time. You pulled your sweater over your head and dropped it to the ground. He gasped and jumped back as you fully stretched your wings. J would probably hate you now, thinking you're a freak. Your eyes began to tear up as you looked at J, expecting rejection. It never came. J was behind you touching your shoulder blades, the base of your wings. He stroked them, cautiously touching the feathers and tugging them now and then. He seemed in awe when you folded them as tightly as you could and turned to look at him. "You really are an angel, aren't you?" He smiled but his face darkened, "How did this happen?" "M-My father. He made me in your lab." You said as you struggled to put on your sweater dress. This increased his anger but you didn't realize it wasn't towards you. Your father had betrayed a very dangerous person, The Joker for fucks sake! J was left in a position he'd never been in before. He didn't know what to do next. Revenge was his absolute favorite thing to do! There were so many ways to destroy a scientist- all of them fun and made J laugh. However they would involve the disposal of their research... meaning you. You were the one person in his world that he gave a damn about! Not to mention the only person who didn't want him to change. You admitted your feelings for this psycho just moments before. J couldn't get rid of you but he couldn't let your father go unpunished. J was seething, his fists clenched. You reached out to touch his hand but he yanked it away and started to run his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner. You held your hands close to your chest and stepped backwards. "This was a mistake." You whispered and started to run out of the room. J gasped and pulled himself from his thoughts, leaping and closing the door before you could slip out. He slammed each hand on either side of you, trapping you. Your (e/c) eyes shot open, frightened as you stared at J. He looked confused himself but he didn't move. "You like me, (Name). Right?" J nodded and tilted his head. You nodded with him, calming down slightly but your heart beating faster. J stroked your cheek gently with his thumb, "That lab is mine. Everything in it is mine. By making you, your father technically made you for me." You smiled innocently, naively following J's words as he sweetly spoke. The green haired criminal gently moved you away from the door, backing both of you to the middle of the room. "You don't have to be mine, (Name). Say the word and you can go." J walked back to the door and opened it, holding it open dramatically. You shook your head, "I do want to be yours, J." J moaned and ran towards you, letting the door close again. He gently pushed you up against the nearest wall and kissed you passionately. J tried to reel himself in but the taste of your soft lips drove him mad. Your wings fluffed up as J moved his kisses from your lips down to your neck, making you give little moans. Then he stopped kissing and bit your shoulder. You yelped at the bite and wiggled but he didn't let go until he was satisfied. J pulled away and smiled at your panting face. He unbuttoned his shirt and bent down, pointing to his shoulder he said, "Now it's your turn." "H-How do I..?" You blushed which made J laugh. "Bite down as hard as you can and don't stop until it's left a dark mark." J purred and guided your head towards his neck. You mimicked his actions and kissed his neck a few times, earning another purr from J, before you but down as hard as you could. "Haha! Is that as hard as you can bite?" J teased which made your face flush red. You bit down harder and received a growl in response. After a few seconds, you let go and looked at the mark you left. "Why did we do that?" You looked up at J. He smiled and wiped your lips of some saliva, rubbing it on his pants. "To mark each other. You're mine and I'm yours." J said. "You won't let anyone else mark you?" You asked, looking up at J. His heart skipped a beat and he nodded. No one else would ever replace you. His angel. Enough with the lovey-dovey crap. J had a revenge to execute and he would need you on board. "Little dove, I need you to help me with something..." J began. You gulped as you looked into his dark, icy blue eyes. "...You're not gonna like it." J slammed your father to the ground and watched as he picked himself up again. He told J everything, knowing it was pointless to lie now that he had been caught. However J was determined to ruin the last hours of your fathers life. "Let's make this fun!" J said with a sadistic laugh. "Pick a number... Let's say an age." J asked, circling your father like a shark. "17." Your father answered, coughing up blood from the beating he was just given. "17!? I was hoping a little younger but high schoolers play some interesting games, don't they?" J smirked, glancing at you. You sat on the floor, a few feet away from your father and the criminal. Duct tape covering your mouth and holding your hands behind your back. Two large men stood at on either side of you. Your large (e/c) eyes were red from crying. "Would You Rather! That's a good one!" J complimented himself and turned back to your father. "Would you rather, Dr. (Last Name), kill your little baby girl. Or! Kill yourself." J growled the last part, still smirking. The pale man forced a gun into your fathers shaking hands. Your father was falling for J's trick perfectly. However J wasn't about to let you die, as always, he had a plan. "Please, Mister J! (Name) won't survive with out me, she needs her shots!" Your father gave a pathetic attempt to beg to save his own life. You stared in disbelief. "Then I guess you better choose correctly." J said, standing behind your father and winking at you. You put on your best poker face but felt giddy inside. You remembered the plan, J had predicted ever move your father would make. Yet.. You didn't expect him to look up at you and have tears streaming down his face. His (e/c) eyes stared into yours, "I'm so sorry..." He was choosing you to die. Asshole. Your father pulled the trigger and listened to J's laughter instead of a gunshot. The man was howling, holding his stomach at the scene. "For a guy of logic, you're really stupid!" J managed to say, "How did you not see it?" The green haired criminal began to circle your dad again. "I saw it.. You're infatuated with..." Your dad looked at you again as you were released. You had on a normal shirt, wings fully extended and stretched out. You glared at him, not moving from your spot between the goons. "No, no, no, no, no... Not an infatuation. I love her." J smiled genuinely at you, "(Name) is an angel and I'm going to treat her like one." "You can't love anyone, you're insane!" Your father shouted and J back handed him as a response. He sighed and looked back at you, his eyes meeting yours and his demeanor calmed immediately. "(Name) doesn't care that I'm insane and I don't care that she's not." J smirked as he pulled out a gun, aiming it at your father. "Does she need the shots to live?" J asked, his smile gone. "No.." Your father answered honestly which made you clench your teeth. You hated those shots. J asked a few more questions about your life, making sure there wouldn't be any complications with you. "One more question, doc." J chuckled darkly, "Can she get knocked up?" Dr. (Last Name) clenched his fists, "No. (Name) isn't a real human, therefore she cannot give birth." "Round the clock sex then!" J howled with laughter before shooting your father in the head. You laughed and ran up to J, jumping in his arms so he could spin you around. That was before he was sent to Arkham for the first time. Damnit J, why did you have to be so careless? He wanted people to know his name and that lead to his capture. He would be out eventually but the waiting game was never fun. Now you were trapped in a room with a hammock and a large bird swing. Very funny. Daily routine: 1.) Stretch. 2.) Clean feathers. 3.) Sit on your swing. 4.) Nap while guards are away. 5.) Sing when they come back. 6.) Whistle when they tell you to shut up. 7.) Watch T.V. And so on. This was your routine every single day. You were slowly going crazy. The only enjoyable time you had was when Frost visited you and updated you on J. He brought you one of J's Arkham shirts (that smelled like him!), a picture of him and, if he had paper, letters! You cherished them all as you waited for your clown's return. Anxiety made you think J would forget about you, no matter how much Frost tried to convince you otherwise. So the next time the man came with more gifts, you plucked out the whitest feather in your wing and told him to give it to J. You don't know if he ever got it. Suddenly Frost stopped coming and occupying yourself became harder to do. The room was only big enough to stretch your wings but not fly which made them cramp up often. Your feathers were no longer pure white but dusted with brown and yellow. Your feathers also became matted and gross from lack of proper treatment. J would have his veterinarian come and preen your wings every month. You didn't have the proper tools to do it but even if you did, you couldn't reach the right places. The most you could do to care for them was stretch and flap them to air out the feathers. The so called "guards" outside of your room only let you bathe once so far- you felt absolutely disgusting and probably didn't look any better. With Frost not coming anymore, you could complain to anyone. The guards knew this too. They were convinced J was never getting out of Arkham and decided to have a little fun with you. They pushed you off the swing while you were asleep, pulling your wings and some of your feathers out. In a panic, flew to get away from them and hit your head on the ceiling. In result, you knocked yourself out. You woke up naked and bruised, everything hurt. You hugged yourself and cried for the first time since J was captured. You never slept again while the guards were around. You managed to pull the swing's chains up higher so if they ever came in the room, you were just out of their reach. Keys jingling made you open your eyes. This signified it was 3pm, when the guards normally came around. You stretched and scratched a tally mark on the wall, another day wasted. However as you stretched very limb and cracked a few bones, you realized something.. peculiar. The clock on the wall suggested it was 12am which was bizarre considering the guards never showed up before 3:00pm after Frost stopped coming. The door was flung open for a moment, a small device was thrown in and gas leaked out as the door was quickly shut once more. You sniffed the air and covered your nose instinctively. Sliding to the ground, you sat there as you began to pass out. You woke up in a bathtub. A real bathtub, big enough to fit your entire body- wings and all! A smile graced your cracked lips as you splashed and cleaned every inch of your body. You weren't sure how long you had so you made an effort to be efficient and quick. When you were satisfied with your squeaky clean skin- (s/c), the way it was before that damned room- you drained the water. You turned on the faucet, making the water cold and rinsing yourself one more time. You then sat in the bathtub patiently waiting for someone to retrieve you and take you back to the room. An hour had gone by. Nothing. You'd never had this long to bathe before. You wiggled your toes when you realized you weren't chained up like your "guards" had originally done during bath time. The sound of a door opening made you jump but it wasn't the door to the huge bathroom you were currently in. A delicate knock came from the other side which made you tilt your head. "C-Come in?" You managed to find your voice and covered yourself up with your wings as the door opened. 4 asian girls, mid 20's at least, came into the room. They all wore the same outfit, black strapless dresses, loose with cold trimming. They looked comfortable and had genuine smiles on their faces. You were beyond confused as they greeted you with a curtesy. "Hello, Lady (Y/N)," One of them said, "Would you please step out of the bathtub?" "C-Can you please tell me what's going on?" You asked, slowly folding your wings behind your back. This was the most hospitable you'd been treated since J had been taken! You were shocked and scared but felt these ladies were harmless. The girls all giggled as if you'd asked a dumb question. The one that had spoken earlier walked towards you and offered you her hand. The other three dispersed around the room, grabbing items on the counter and such. You took the ladies hand and she helped you to your feet, holding on as you stepped out of the tub. "My name is Minorin, these are my friends, and we are here to clean you up!" She said kindly. You say on a bench type chair and they promptly got to work. They apologized for the slight pain you might feel but "beauty is sacrifice". You nervously sat there and tried not to fidget as they smeared warm wax on your legs, ripping it off until your legs were smooth. They repeated this all over your body, making sure there was no hair they didn't want to see. They filed your finger and toe nails down nicely and painted them black afterwards. Then lied you on your stomach and rubbed lotion everywhere, giving you the best massage you'd ever had. They didn't touch your breasts or bum but made you put lotion there as well. You marveled at how smooth your body was now. They revealed you to a mirror and smiled at their work. You were shocked! You looked exactly the same as you did before J was taken. You hadn't changed at all. The depressing fact that you weren't human settled in and replaced that shock feeling you had. They dipped their heads as you thanked them all, walking out of the room and closing the door. You were left in a towel, staring at your reflection once more. Your feathers still looked matted and mangled. As if someone read your mind, your old veterinarian lady came in with a smile on her face. You began to cry as you hugged her, the first familiar face you'd seen in 3 months! The ladies caught you up to speed on the outside world but nothing else. They wouldn't tell you about J and neither would the veterinarian in front of you. She brushed your hair the way she used to, calming you down. Once you were relaxed she extended your right wing and began to work, plucking and stoking the pearly white feathers. She repeated this on the left wing and after made you extend both wings. The lady perfected them and made sure you were healthy. "Can you tell me anything? Where I am at least?" You asked, eyes filling with tears. "(Name), don't worry. You're safe now. I've brought you some clothes." The lady said calmly, turning to get you the clothes. It was a dress- your favorite one but new! It was black and faded to green at the flowey bottom. It had long sleeves that covered your hands, like that sweater dress you'd been accustomed to. The back of the dress was open, as a lot of your clothes were for obvious reasons. You happily twirled around in the dress, looking at yourself in the mirror for the 4th time. A knock at the door pulled you away from the mirror, your face hardened when you saw your "faithful guards". "Ready to go?" One asked. "Where?" You demanded, feeling your confidence returning. "To him." The other one said simply. Your heart leapt and a smile graced your lips, you nodded and followed them out of the bathroom. It lead to a big bedroom but not yours, not the one you and J shared. You followed them into the hallway, listening to them as they spoke to you but not replying. "You'll tell him we treated you good, right?" "Real good." The other one laughed with an implying tone. You suddenly felt sick. These idiots acted as if you wouldn't tell J everything. Or maybe they thought he wouldn't care. Your stomach flipped at the thought. You didn't have time to worry, the door opened and they lead you to the business room. You now remembered where you were. You pushed the goons aside, running into the room and looking around but you found nothing. You saw his black shoes poking out of the curtain and darted over, pulling the drapes back. Not here either. You smiled at the trick he had played and picked up his shoes with one hand. Your smile faded as you looked around the empty room. The door closed and you sighed, looking down. Alone in a room again. Suddenly hands gripped your waist and pulled you back. You dropped the shoes and squealed in delight, turning around and hugging him. J. Your J was back in your arms. You kissed his neck as he held you in a tight embrace. You both whispered how much you missed eachother, questions and "i love you's". J lifted you up and walked over to the couch, plopping himself down. He lied on his back and looked up at you as you straddled him. J was really here! He looked exactly the same but had a "J" and a star on his face now. You touched them gently, tracing your fingers along his face and through his hair, holding his hands tight after. He smiled but you knew he was confused. "Making sure it's you.." You said quietly. "It's me, angel." J replied. Your eyes widened as you forced his mouth open. There was silver in his mouth! Where his gorgeous, white teeth used to be! "What-!" You gasped as J pulled your hands from his mouth. He laughed and licked his grill. "Before I was caught, I had a run in with the Bat. He wasn't too happy about his dead bird." J smirked proudly. You smiled and tilted your head, "I can get used to it." You and J caught up, he told you everything. He apologized and held you as you began to cry. J did every trick he remembered that calmed you down, holding you as you relaxed. "Th-The men." You whispered in his ear, "I want them dead." J's demeanor changed instantly. He sat up, rage in those icy blue eyes. His fingers gripped your hips tightly but not enough to hurt you. J felt his heart break at the sight of you, tears forming again in your eyes. Your pure (e/c) eyes. J calmly pushed you off him, sitting you on the couch. You panicked slightly and grabbed his arm, "Don't leave me!" J pulled his arm free and growled, punching the wall. He pulled a phone from his back pocket, calling Frost. He began to pace around the room, not leaving your sight, fearing something might happen to you if he left. As the tension built inside the room, with J yelling at Frost, you couldn't help but feel tired. You barely slept in that room, fearing the goons would take advantage of you again. J was back and you felt more relaxed than ever. You didn't notice that your eyes began to close. J turned to you to check in on your state when he saw you were sleeping. The 3 months away from you suddenly hit him, before that you were at his side every day. He didn't realize how much he missed you. His mind wondered to your appearance- you'd barely changed. J relived every moment with you up until his capture. Things will be different now, J silently promised you as he caressed your cheek. Since he was taken away, his empire had grown. His reputation had increased as well, he was feared, hated and strangely admired. To his delight, no one outside his work knew of you. The Joker's weakness, his soft spot, his angel. Frost opened the door, pulling his boss from his thoughts. "They're outside." He said simply. "I like you, Frosty..." J spoke sincerely but his words dripped with anger, "Did you know about this?" The henchman walked closer to J, looking him in the eyes. Before the man even spoke, J had his answer. He didn't even need Frost to speak but allowed him to anyways. He knew the henchman took care of his belongings. You were probably Frost's favorite companion "If I knew, you wouldn't have the pleasure of killing them." He growled. J smirked at the comment. If Frost hadn't already won his trust, he sure had it now. J placed a hand on his henchman's shoulder. A quick sign of gratitude and forgiveness. Frost made his way over to the door and the two henchmen walked in. They stood tall but shook with fear. "Gentleman!" J smiled, extending his arms, "(Name) has told me all the work you've done for me on my leave of absence.. You shall be rewarded so." The two henchmen, smiled proudly and puffed out their chests. Frost would have looked at J with utter confusion if he didn't know better. Why on earth was he talking like that? His boss snapped his fingers and caught his attention. "Bring them alcohol- and (Name). Bring my angel something to eat." J said, turning away. Frost nodded and left the room. The henchmen sat themselves at the conference table, kicking their feet up. J was on the other end of the table, guarding you and stalking his current prey. His icy blue eyes locked on his targets, full of nothing but rage. When J managed to drag his eyes away from the men, he would look at you. You stirred a bit in your sleep from the noise. Your wings, fingers and toes would lightly twitch every now and then. J's hard gaze softened slightly. You truly were an angel. Even in slumber, you looked so innocent and pure. Minutes went by slowly until Frost returned. He dropped off the requested drinks and held the doors open for a few maids to bring in a selection of food trays. J smiled in delight at the assortment before him. He never thought he'd be so happy to not see meat on the table. Around you, J wouldn't eat any type of meat- especially bird. In fact, during his stay at Arkham, a guard was murdered for bringing the man chicken for dinner. The aroma of food must have woken you up. You stretched with your eyes closed, as you would if you were going to open them and see the dreaded room. You relaxed when you opened your eyes and saw your beloved J standing there. He handed you a crescent and you happily ate it, your stomach growling. You suddenly realized how hungry you really were. J pulled out the chair he was leaning on for you to sit in. You forced yourself to remain calm while staring at the men before you. They were obviously drunk from the poison in their drinks. You smirked as you popped a grape into your mouth. J licked his lips as he watched you. He knew exactly what you were thinking from that cocky smile spreading on your plump lips. "Angel?" He mumbled. You looked at J and tossed a grape in the air for him to catch in his mouth. "What would you like me to do, my love?" J got on his knees in front of your chair. He began pushing up your dress and placing kisses on your smooth (s/c) skin. You were suddenly very grateful for the waxing those ladies did for you earlier. You placed your hands on both sides of J's face, bringing his head up to kiss him passionately. He growled into the kiss, biting your bottom lip and regaining dominance. J pushed himself up to his feet and pried himself away from your mouth. "I want," You panted, "You to take me into our bedroom and make up for every day you were gone." J growled with a smirk, nodding his head for you to continue. "And I want you to promise me every time that you'll never disappear like that again." You playfully tapped your chin as if you were thinking. "Never, angel. Never," J almost begged for the best part. "As for them..." You glared at the passed out henchman then lovingly looked back at your J, "I want them locked in that same room for a month. We'll talk about a real revenge after." J didn't need you to finish. He swooped you into his arms and ran straight for the bedroom, yelling at Frost on his way out. J was certainly going to show you how much he missed you.
270 notes · View notes
390 Prompts!!!!
1. “A wedding?” 2. “After everything you did, you’re asking ME to apologize for snapping at you ONCE?” 3. “Am I supposed to be scared of you?” 4. “Are you drunk?” 5. “Are you hitting on her for me?” 6. “Are you kidding me? We’re not ‘fine’!” 7. “Are you okay?” “Why do you ask?” “You’re wearing two different shoes.” 8. “Are you really taking his side against me?” 9. “At what point did you think that was a good idea?” 10. “Babe, you have a problem, please, let me help you.” 11. “Be my wife.” 12. “Before I do this, I need you to know that I have always loved you.” 13. “BOOM! That oughta show you not to mess with me!” 14. “But the carnival is right down the street! Can we please, please go!?” 15. “Can I kiss you?” 16. “Come back to bed.” 17. “Come on, let’s throw the dice, see what happens.” 18. “Come over here and make me.” 19. “Come with me.” 20. “Could you be happy here with me?” 21. “Crocs? Who hurt you so much in this life?” 22. “Damn. You clean up good.” 23. “Delete that immediately.” 24. “Did I just say that out loud?” 25. “Did I stutter?” 26. “Did you enjoy yourself last night?” 27. “Did you hear that?” 28. “Do you…well…I mean…I could give you a massage?” 29. “Do you ever stop eating?” 30. “Do you ever think if people heard our conversations they’d lock us up?” 31. “Do you ever think we should just stop this?” 32. Do you like me? Check yes or no. 33. “Do you need me to get anything from the store?” 34. “Do you think it’s possible that I…might be… pregnant?” 35. “Do you think she could have loved me?” 36. “Does he know about the baby?” 37. “Don’t fucking touch me!” 38. “Don’t say that. Not now.” 39. “Don’t say you love me.” 40. “Don’t you dare throw that snowba-, goddammit!” 41. “Don’t you ever do that again!” 42. “Either ask her out or I will do it for you!” 43. “Excuse me, I’m terribly lost. Can you help me?” 44. “Everyone deserves a second chance.” 45. “Everyone keeps telling me you’re the bad guy.” 46. “For some reason I’m attracted to you.” 47. “Frankly, I couldn’t care less.” 48. “Fuck…I feel I’ve been hit by a car.” 49. “Game’s over you son of a bitch! Tell me where she is!” 50. “Give me 5 bucks, I’ll explain later.” 51. “Go on then, tell me. Tell me you don’t love me.” 52. “Go then, leave! See if I care!” 53. “Guess who’s going to be a father?” 54. “H-How long have you been standing there?” 55. “Have I entered an alternate universe or did you really just crack a smile for me?” 56. “Have I ever lied to you?” 57. “Have you ever wanted to hate someone?” 58. “Have you lost your damn mind!?” 59. “He’s missing, not dead.” 60. “Hey! I was gonna eat that!” 61. “Hey, have you seen the..? Oh.” 62. “Hey, I’m with you, okay? Always.” 63. “His ego is so visible, I can almost watch it grow.” 64. “Hold me back!” 65. “Hold my hand dammit, we gotta make this look convincing!” 66. “How about we put the gun down and let’s talk about this?” 67. “How could anyone be that cruel?” 68. “How dare you!?” 69. “How long has it been?” 70. “I almost lost you.” 71. “I am not losing you again!” 72. “I beat you at Mario Kart and now you’re banishing me to the couch for the night?” 73. “I came here to explain what happened, and I’m not leaving until you listen.” 74. “I came home to a Nerf gun on the front porch and a note that says ‘Here is your weapon. I have one too. Loser cooks dinner. Good luck. xo’” 75. “I can manage on my own.” 76. “I can’t… I can’t lose you.” 77. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” 78. “I can’t explain right now, but I need you to trust me.” 79. “I can’t get you out of my head.” 80. “I can’t let you do that.” 81. “I can’t start over again.” 82. “I can’t stop thinking about you.” 83. “I can’t swim!” 84. “I choose you.” 85. “I could never leave you, I love you too much!” 86. “I did a pregnancy test.” 87. “I didn’t ask for any of this!” 88. “I didn’t know you could cook.” “Oh, trust me I can’t.” 89. “I didn’t know you could sing.” 90. “I didn’t know you were so competitive.” 91. “I didn’t realize I needed your permission.” 92. “I didn’t think it was even possible for you to be so intelligent.” 93. “I don’t care what he said, it doesn’t mean jack squat.” 94. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you.” 95. “I don’t know why I’m crying.” 96. “I don’t snore, do I?” “Like a chainsaw.” 97. “I don’t want to have a baby.” 98. “I don’t want to hurt you.” 99. “I don’t want to let you down.” 100. “I got you a present.” 101. “I guess I was wrong about you. You’re not so bad after all.” 102. “I had a nightmare about you and just wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 103. “I had to see you again.” 104. “I hate you!” “No you don’t.” 105. “I hope one day you’re as happy as you’re pretending to be.” 106. “I just need you to do this one thing for me.” 107. “I just really need to have you here right now.” 108. “I just want this.” 109. “I just want to be alone right now.” 110. “I just wanted you to know that when I picture myself happy… it’s with you.” 111. “I know, but… I love him. You can’t give up on a person you love.” 112. "I know, but he’s your partner for this.” 113. “I know that you have reached a decision, but given that it is a stupid ass decision I have elected to ignore it” 114. “I love you.” “I know.” 115. “I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you and – Oh, screw it!” 116. “I love you a lot, but please stop trying to cook me dinner, you suck.” 117. “I love you for you, don’t you dare think otherwise!” 118. “I love you more than anything in this world… which is why you have to stay here.” 119. “I love you, you asshole.” 120. “I made a mistake.” 121. “I may be an idiot but I’m your idiot.” 122. “I may despise you with the burning white hot intensity of a thousand suns, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” 123. “I may have… ripped my pants.” 124. “I miss her so damn much, and it’s killing me that she’s gone!” 125. “I need you to forgive me.” 126. “I never believed in soulmates until I met you.” 127. “I never learned how to whistle.” 128. “I never meant for anyone to get hurt!” 129. “I saw you staring at each other, I just wasn’t sure if it was sexual tension or murderous rage.” 130. "I see the way you look at me when you think I’m not looking.” 131. “I swear if you weren’t so attractive, I’d have punched you in the face nine times by now.” 132. “I swear it was an accident.” 133. “I swear it was like that when I found it!” 134. “I think I picked up your coffee by mistake.” 135. "I think I’m in love with you and that scares me to death.” 136. “I think we need to talk.” 137. “I think we should have another.” 138. “I think you’re just afraid to be happy.” 139. “I thought you were a dream come true.” 140. “I thought you were dead…” 141. “I trusted you!” 142. “I waited and waited, but you never came back.” 143. “I want my best friend back.” 144. “I want to go back to before….” 145. “I wasn’t going to wait around for you forever.” 146. “I wasn’t planning on asking you, but I’ve come to realize that life is short. Will you marry me?” 147. “I wish I could hate you.” 148. “I won’t give up if you won’t.” 149. “I won’t let you fall.” 150. “I-I can’t trust you anymore.” 151. “I’ll be right over.” 152. “I’ll sleep under the sheets, you sleep on top of them.” 153. "I’m flirting with you.” 154. “I’m freezing!” 155. “I’m laughing because you’re angry. I swear I didn’t do it!” 156. “I’m like 20% sure this plan will work. The other 80% means we could die horribly and violently, but honestly it’s a really solid plan.” 157. “I’m not good enough for you.” 158. “I’m not happy here.” 159. “I’m not surprised that you murdered him.” 160. “I’m not the only one who thinks that.” 161. “I’m only human!” 162. “I’m pregnant.” 163. “I’m sick of being USELESS.” 164. “I’m so happy you’re alive.” 165. “I’m so sorry! I will never doubt you again!” 166. “I’m so stupid to make the mistake of falling in love with my best friend.” 167. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” 168. “I’m sorry, but I can’t trust you anymore.” 169. “I’m sorry if this upsets you, but I’m going to marry her.” 170. “I’m sorry, run that by me again.” 171. "I’m sorry, what were you saying? I keep getting lost in your eyes.” 172. “I’m starting an idiot jar. Any time you do or say anything idiotic, you have to put at least a dollar in it—more depending on how stupid the thing that you said or did was.” 173. “I’m tired of being your secret.” 174. “I’m up to the challenge.” 175. “I’m yours.” 176. “I’ve been in love with you my entire life.” 177. “I’ve got good news and bad news.” 178. “I’ve moved on.” 179. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before… and it scares the shit out of me.” 180. “I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I can’t see you.” 181. “If he’s going to treat you like shit, I’m going to kick his ass.” 182. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were trying to seduce me.” 183. “If I die, I’m going to haunt your ass.” 184. “If I ever see you anywhere near her, you’ll have to deal with me!” 185. “If my parents knew what I was doing, they’d kill me.” 186. “If this is love, love is easy.” 187. “If you die, I’m gonna kill you.” 188. “If you don’t want to talk about what happened, then say so. Don’t just lie and say it’s fine.” 189. “If you keep looking at me like that we won’t make it to a bed.” 190. “If you shove cake in my face this will be the worst wedding night of your life.” 191. “IF YOU USE UP ALL THE HOT WATER ONE MORE TIME, I’M GOING TO BAN YOU TO THE COUCH FOR A MONTH.” 192. “If you walk out right now, it’s over for us.” 193. “If you walk out that door, you’re no longer one of us. You’ll be one of them and that means I’ll treat you like one of them.” 194. “Is… is that even possible? Like, can we do this?” 195. “Is… that my picture in your wallet/as your home screen?” 196. “Is it really you?” 197. “Is it supposed to look like that? Are you sure?” 198. “Is that a challenge?” 199. “Is that an apology?” 200. “Is that real?” 201. “Is that what I think it is?” 202. “Is that what you’re doing? Trying to make me to hate you?” 203. “Is there a problem?” 204. “Is there a special reason, as to why you’re wearing my shirt?” 205. “Is there something you want to tell me?” 206. “It could be worse.” 207. “It made a difference to me.” 208. “It must be hard with your sense of direction, never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line.” 209. “It was just a dream.” 210. “It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.” 211. “It’s a hobby of mine to prove you wrong.” 212. “It’s all your fault.” 213. “It’s been fun. We’ve had a good run, but you parked in my spot. I’m going to have to kill you now.” 214. “IT’S NOT COMING OFF!” 215. “It’s not what it looks like…” 216. “It’s okay, I’m here for you.” 217. “It’s okay to cry…” 218. “Just leave me ALONE.” 219. “Just talk to me!” 220. “Keep your head up.” 221. “Kiss me.” 222. “Let him go! It’s me you want.” 223. “Let me buy you a drink?” 224. “Let’s do something wild and crazy!” 225. “Look at me - just breathe, okay?” 226. “Look at that. I’ve never seen your face get so red.” 227. “Look, I don’t have much time, but I wanted to say I love you.” 228. “Looks like we’ll be trapped for a while…” 229. “Make a wish.” 230. “Marry me?” 231. “May I have this dance?” 232. “Meet me at midnight. Alone.” 233. “Meet me on the bridge in an hour.” 234. “Meet me on the roof in ten minutes.” 235. “Mind if I cut in?” 236. “My parents asked about you.” 237. “No! I’m tired of doing what you say!” 238. “No one needs to know.” 239. “No one will ever hurt you again.” 240. “None of this makes sense.” 241. “None of that matters now.” 242. “Not a day will go by that I won’t think of you.” 243. “Oh, my God! You’re in love with her!” 244. “Please don’t argue. You have to leave right now, you aren’t safe here.” 245. “Please don’t cry.” 246. “Please don’t do this.” 247. “Please, don’t give up on me.” 248. “Please, don’t leave.” 249. “Please listen to me-” 250. “Please say something.” 251. “Please, take me instead!” 252. “Promise me you won’t let anything happen to him.” 253. “Promise me you’ll stay.” 254. “Remember our first date? When you took me to Starbucks and it took me 15 minutes just to choose a flavour of Frappuccino? I was never sure about anything, never. But I was so fucking sure about you!” 255. “Run, and don’t ever look back.” 256. “She’s been missing since Friday and you’re not worried?” 257. “She’s missing, not dead.” 258. “Shit, are you bleeding?!” 259. “Shopping? Do I have to go?” 260. “Shut up and kiss me.” 261. “Since when do you drive a motorcycle?” 262. “So? It’s not your problem so butt out.” 263. “So, I found this waterfall…” 264. “So there was an accident…” 265. “Somebody’s in love!” 266. “Sorry, I thought I was alone…” 267. “Stop taking pictures! I’m fucking stuck. Be useful and help me!!” 268. “Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.” 269. “Stop talking about the past, I could be dead in a matter of hours… make me up a future.” 270. “Teach me how to play?” 271. “Tell me a secret.” 272. “Tell me again why I let you convince me that this was even remotely a good idea.” 273. “That came out wrong.” 274. “That guy at the bar keeps staring at you.” 275. “That is not coming in this house!” 276. “That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!” 277. “The joke’s on them.” 278. “The paint’s supposed to go where?” 279. “The sign said not to push the button, so naturally I had to push it!” 280. “The skirt is supposed to be this short.” 281. “The three seconds rule doesn’t apply to sticky foods.” 282. “The way you flirt is shameful.” 283. “There are plenty of people out there who love you.” “Yeah, like who?” “Like me.” 284. “There’s no getting out of this. You ruined me.” 285. “There’s something I need to tell you.” 286. “Things don’t always turn out how they should.” 287. “This is… this is somewhere I never imagined I’d be.” 288. “This is by far the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” 289. “This is so going on YouTube!” 290. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about what’s best for all of us.” 291. “Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?” 292. “Time’s up!” 293. “Twins? We’re…we’re having twins?!” 294. “W…Was that you making that noise?” 295. “Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” 296. “Wait, do you two know each other?” 297. “Wake up! Please, please wake up.” 298. “Walk it off!” 299. “Wanna bet?” 300. "Wanna dance?” 301. “We could be amazing!” 302. “We could’ve had it all.” 303. “We have to pretend to be married.” 304. “We missed our chance.” 305. “We’ll finish it the same way we started it…together.” 306. “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” 307. "Well….don’t keep me waiting” 308. “Well, this is awkward…” 309. “Well, this is where I live.” 310. “What are you afraid of?” 311. “What did I ever done to you?” 312. “What other hidden talents do you have?” 313. “What the hell are you doing here?! I told you I never wanted to see you again!” 314. “What the hell was that?!” 315. “What were you thinking?? Were you trying to get yourself killed?” 316. “When are you going to realize that I don’t care?” 317. “When I come back, that better be exactly where you found it!” 318. “When you love someone, you just don’t stop. Ever. Even when people roll their eyes or call you crazy… even then. Especially then!” 319. “Where did that cat come from?” 320. “Where did you find this?” 321. “Where did you learn to dance?” 322. “Where were you? Do you have any idea how worried I was?” 323. “Who brought pot brownies to the bake sale?!” 324. “Who gave you that black eye?!” 325. “Who’s gonna stop me? You?” 326. “Why are you baking muffins at three in the morning?” 327. “Why are you covered in mud?” 328. “Why are you dressed like that?” 329. “Why are you lying?” 330. “Why are you up so early?” 331. “Why can’t they see that they’re meant for each other?” 332. “Why can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” 333. “Why choose me?” 334. “Why do I even bother?” 335. “Why don’t they just kiss already?” 336. “Why don’t you say that to my face?” 337. “Why wouldn’t you come to me with your problems?” 338. “Will you just shut up for a moment so I can say something nice to you!” 339. “Will you please just give me a hand?” 340. “You are nothing like them.” 341. “You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” 342. “You better have a good reason for waking me up at the ass-crack of dawn.” 343. “You braided his hair?” 344. “You broke what?!” 345. “You came back!” 346. “You can trust me.” 347. “You can’t just sit on the sidelines your whole life!” 348. “You can’t leave me in the dark. You have to tell me these things.” 349. "You can’t protect me.” 350. “You deserve so much better.” 351. “You did all of this for me?” 352. “You did this for me?” 353. “YOU DID WHAT?!” 354. “You didn’t tell me it was karaoke night…” 355. “You don’t have to stay.” 356. “You don’t know you the way I do.” 357. “You don’t need to protect me.” 358. “You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” 359. “You got her pregnant?! What were you thinking?” 360. “You had me at ‘free pizza!’” 361. “You have no idea what I’ve done for you.” 362. “You have the most amazing eyes.” 363. “You have to make a choice.” 364. “You have to remember!” 365. “You haven’t even touched your food. What’s going on?” 366. “You heard me. Take. It. Off.” 367. “You know I wouldn’t do this if I had any other choice.” 368. “You know my name?” 369. “You know, it hurt when I realized that you’re not in love with me. But nothing can compare to the pain I felt when I saw you fall in love with him…” 370. “You know, it’s okay to cry.” 371. “You lied to me!” 372. ″You look beautiful.” 373. “You make me feel like I’m not good enough.” 374. “You need to leave. Right now.” 375. “You need to let her go.” 376. “You need to wake up because I can’t do this without you.” 377. “You never told me you had a fucking twin.” 378. “You say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, I’m walking away from you now.” 379. “You shouldn’t have even been there!” 380. “You walked away. Not me.” 381. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” 382. “You’ll be the death of me.” 383. “You’re hiding something from me.” 384. “You’re my one exception.” 385. “You’re not alone.” 386. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.” 387. “You’re the only one I trust to do this.” 388. “You’re too good for me.” 389. “You’ve got to be kidding me!” 390. “You’ve only heard his side of the story. You never asked mine.”
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Welcome Home
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Prompt: “46. I thought you were dead!” & “102. Do you really think I could ever replace you?”
Warnings: None, just a fluffy drabble. ❤️
So many emotions invaded your being when you opened your up your apartment door to see your boyfriend. Your dead boyfriend,Jerome Valeska. You didn’t know whether to be happy, confused, excited, horny or mad. The last time you had seen him was the night he died in your arms. You were devastated and a sobbing mess. Yeah, your boyfriend friend was a psychotic murder but anyone watching the scene displayed by you that night was enough to break anyone’s heart.
“Miss me, cupcake?” His voice sounded like music to your ears and the slightest smile formed on your lips. You slowly brought your hands up to both sides of his face. He was real and he was standing in your doorway. You took this time to study your lover’s features. His eyes were still the same beautiful blueish color, but you couldn’t help but to notice the painful looking staples going around his face. He was still handsome nonetheless.
“I thought you were dead…” You whispered as tears brimmed at your eyes.
“Surprised? Honestly babe, I thought you would have replaced your sweet lil Romey.” You gave him a small chuckle and shook your head.
“Do you really think I could ever replace you?” You smiled and tilted your head to the side.
“Mm…you’re right. Now how about a welcome home blowie?” Jerome grew a mischievous grin on his lips and how could you say no?
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Circus Acts and Chaos [ Jerome Valeska x Reader ] 02
Warning(s): Animal Violence. 
Age: Jerome: 12 You: 8 (There is a four-year gap. A bit big for younger people, but it is similar to a Freshman dating a Senior. ) Title: Circus Acts and Chaos Number in Series: Two Pairing: Jerome Valeska x Reader Fandom: Gotham Word Count: 1,627
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 One day while you were preparing for your act, you noticed a dog without a collar lurking around. It didn’t look like it belonged to anyone, so you just assumed it was a wild dog. They were common but normally they didn’t come around the tent area. They went near the food and tried to steal some. Yet, this one seemed to be getting closer and closer to the area where you were.   You didn’t pay attention to it because all the other dogs just ran away after a while. They weren’t anything to worry about, at least that was what you thought. Of course, there were the few that may have rabies, but you can normally tell with that. They are oddly distant when they have rabies. So, you just went on with practicing your act, knowing you would get in trouble if they saw that you were taking a break.   Jerome was sitting on a chair that he pulled up, watching you practice. He would spend almost all of his time with you, only going back to his own resting area when he was yelled at. He never liked to leave you alone, either due to him being afraid you would get hurt or that someone might mess with you. Certain members began to like you, but others hadn’t gotten that far. They still teased you for being sold to the circus. Jerome would yell at them for what they said, but he still was only twelve. He could only be so threatening.   “You’re doing great, (Y/N),” He said as he watched you. He still couldn’t understand how you were able to do so much with your body. It looked like it hurt and sometimes it made him feel scared. He told you to be careful and made sure you didn’t hurt yourself when you started something new. He knew how dangerous that could be, especially with what you were learning.   “Thanks,” You giggled as you easily did a handstand. These were your warmups before you actually started to do the serious stuff. You had to warm up your muscles so you wouldn’t hurt yourself when you started to do the hard stuff.   “Do you want to try?” You asked, looking at Jerome. He looked silly since you were looking at him while being upside down. All of your hair was flowing down, some of it resting on the dirt. You began to spread your legs, so once you were finished, you were doing a split while still holding yourself up with your arms. You thought it was called a spread eagle, but you weren’t sure. You might have heard that wrong, but you couldn’t remember. That was how a lot of the stuff in the circus felt like. You might hear something, but who knows if it is true or if you just heard it wrong. That’s when you would always go and ask Jerome as in your mind, he was the smartest person in the world.   “You know I can’t do that,” He chuckled as you giggled at his respond.   “But it’s so easy~” You teased.   “Yeah, you make it look easy. I bet it isn’t though. I’d just fall on my head if I tried to do it,” Both of you began to laugh, causing you to stop doing what you were doing. You couldn’t hold yourself up when you were laughing as much as you were. So, you kicked your leg down and soon you were sitting on your butt, laughing with Jerome.   Ever since the day that you were sold to the circus, you never seemed to be separated from Jerome. At first, it started due to your fear of a new place. You would hold his hand and he would lead you everywhere you needed to go. Now it was different. While he still made you feel safe, it was more due to a friendship. The two of you were close and didn’t like to be apart. It wasn’t just because you were a little girl afraid of a new place. You knew the place now and weren’t scared of it, but you still wanted him close. You didn’t truly understand it, but that didn’t matter to you.   Soon you went back to practicing. If one of the meaner circus workers saw you relaxing and having fun with Jerome when you were supposed to be practicing, you would get in deep trouble. They would punish you, which was something that you didn’t want. You had been punished before, but normally that meant you had to do more chores. You hated it, but if ever were punished, Jerome would help with the chores. He knew that some of them were too hard for you to do, whether it was just due to how small you were or if what you had to do required more strength than you had.   You slowly bent backward until you were in a backbend, your hands, and feet both on the ground. All this time while you were practicing, the dog was in the background, pacing back and forth. It was hard to tell what it was doing, but if you had to guess, you would say that it was looking for something. You thought you heard it growl, but you just assumed that was just your imagination.   You were a contortionist for the circus and they had begun to teach you how to do the ribbons. They said you would do the silk ribbons and aerial hoops when you were older, which you were slightly excited for. When you watched the only other girl who did it, who seemed to be in her early thirties, it looked like so much fun. Yes, it was scary due to the height, but that was why you were starting so young. You would get used to the height.   Without any warning, the dog rushed over and bit down hard on your leg. You yelped, falling out of your backbend. Instead, you fell hard on your back. It hit the dirt ground hard, causing a bit of pain to rush through your back. Still, that was just from falling, it wasn’t a bad pain. The bad pain was coming from the teeth that had pierced your skin. That was really hurting!   Just as you began to cry due to the pain, the dog lets go. When you looked, it was because of Jerome. He had kicked the dog off of you, yelling the entire time. The look on his face was terrifying. You had seen it before, as it was his mad face, but you never saw it like this before. This was so extreme that it was almost scary. You might be scared if you weren’t focusing on the pain that was coming from your leg.   “Don’t you dare touch her!” He shouted, his boot coming into contact with the dog’s stomach. You heard it whimper before letting out as much of a growl that it could. Still, Jerome didn’t stop. He kept kicking in the stomach, letting his rage out on this dog that had attacked you. You might have said something, but you were too busy dealing with your bleeding ankle. It wasn’t bad, but it would need to be wrapped. It would be fine after a good nights sleep.   Once Jerome had let all his anger out on the dog, he stopped kicking it. It let out loud whimpers as it walked away, limping terribly. Jerome must have hurt its insides. You wondered if the dog had a broken rib. It was scary to see Jerome like this, as you had never seen him this mad before. You didn’t know that he could get that mad about anything. He was always so nice when he was around you.   He quickly turned around when he decided that the dog was far enough away that it wasn’t going to be coming back. The look of anger vanished almost immediately and was replaced by a look of worry. You felt the love that he felt for you just from that look and it made you forget about the pain. He was your hero. What would you do without him?   “Are you alright?” He asked, rushing over to look at your ankle.   “I’m fine…It isn’t that bad, but it will need to be wrapped…” You mumbled, watching him as he looked over your ankle. Every now and again when he would touch it in a certain way, you would wince in pain. As soon as he noticed, he would stop and be more gentle. You knew it was hard for him to be gentle when he was worrying. Still, it did hurt when he touched the wound.   “Come on, let’s go get that wrapped. ” Jerome bent down and scooped you up in his arms. He began to walk you back to your tent, easily carrying you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and buried your head in his neck. You didn’t know what you would do without him. You would be lost and just another scared little girl. You let out a little sigh, a small smile on your face.   “Thank you, Jerome…” You said quietly as you shut your eyes.   “Don’t thank me.  I would do anything for you (Y/N). I mean that. I would do literally anything for you,” You didn’t know what he meant by that, but it would become clear as the two of you grew up. There would be a lot more instances where you would finally understand what he would do for you. Still, at the moment, you just thought he was being sweet by what he was saying.   “I love you, Jerome…”   “I love you too, (Y/N)." 
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Jerome Valeska x Female Reader
this is my first tumblr post lmfao figuresit’ssmut
I don’t really have a backstory for this, but a preface:
You and Jerome have been dating for a while and you know of his ways. You go out for the night and return back to your apartment to relax and talk. 
* Warnings: smut, language, daddy references
 …he smirks devilishly, scooting closer to you. You take a good look at his outfit, noticing his hands lying anxiously on his thighs. He’s wearing a suit, you’ve noticed before but now you can really admire it. It kind of matches your all-black top and pants. He catches you staring and lets a smirk creep across his face. 
“You’re going to do something for me.” he blankly says. “Let’s call it a favor.”
You look questionably at him, a million thoughts rushing through your mind, hoping it’s not anything involving murder. 
“Oh am I?” you finally reply, eyebrows furrowed.
 A hand shifts from his thigh to the side of his face, keeping it upright on the arm of his chair. “That’s right.” His eyes glance down your body as he grunts slightly. “I want you to take your clothes off, doll.”
Your body shivers with excitement accompanied by a rush of anxiety. You give him a ‘really?’ look, to which he just nods his head.
You slowly stand up, lifting your shirt over your head. You take off your heels and toss them to the side. You start to get hesitant until you hear a satisfied sigh emit from Jerome’s mouth. You don’t look at him but begin to unbutton your pants. You slide them down your legs, and stop to shyly glance at him.
He looks up at you, getting shifty in his seat now. “You’re not done.” he points to you, gesturing towards your panties.
You gulp quietly and unhook your bra, tossing it onto the couch. You avoid eye contact even more now, and after what seems like minutes, you build up the courage to hook your fingers inside your underwear.
He reaches an arm out now, and a firm tone of voice emerges. “No.” he mutters as he replaces your fingers with his own. “Lay back.”
Your excitement grows as you follow his order, keeping your legs as close together as possible. His fingers achingly slowly tug the fabric down, just enough to reveal a wet spot that formed. He chuckles and locks eyes with you.
“Mmm. Just what I like to see, sweetface.”
He continues to drag the fabric down your legs, softly tracing his long fingers across your skin as he does so. Your goosebumps become evident and he eventually removes the underwear off your ankles.
He lets out a throaty groan, sitting back down in his seat with his eyes locked on yours. 
“Open your legs.” he commands, eyes on fire.
You blink, surprised at first. Seeing as his face is completely serious, you slowly take one leg and bend it at the knee, placing it as far away from you as you can. You watch his breathing grow faster as you do the same to the other leg.
You lie there, now fully exposed to him. Your stomach is twisted in knots, though your excitement still overcomes your nerves.
“Perfect.” he purrs, “now touch that pretty pussy for me.” he groans, placing his hands back on his thighs.
“I said do it. You want to be a good girl for daddy, right baby?”
You nod softly. “Yes daddy.” Your reassurance is made when he twitches slightly at the pet name. You slowly reach a hand down and dip into your wetness, spreading it up onto your swollen clit. You throw your head back and begin to massage the nub at a decent pace.
“That’s it baby. Such an eager little slut.” he encourages.
 You pick up speed, and start to moan louder. You don’t notice, but Jerome slides himself out of his pants and starts stroking. His soft moans make you look up and pause your dirty act. His eyes never leave your body as he continues his actions.
“Keep going.” he snaps, “you’re doing so fucking good baby." 
 You moan at his words and allow your head to roll back again. It’s so hot, you thought, to know Jerome is jerking off to you touching yourself. You continue to let out throaty moans as your pace quickens, and suddenly you feel a warmer sensation on your slit that makes you gasp. You look down to see Jerome’s hair in between your legs. 
 "Shhh-mm.” he mumbles, allowing the bass in his voice to trail off and vibrate against your sensitivity. You bite your lip as his tongue delves into your folds, his thumb steadily rubbing circles into your clit. Your legs start to shake not long before his other hand comes to grip your thigh in place. He stops suddenly, letting his warm breath come over your throbbing pussy. 
“What a dirty girl. Letting daddy touch her like this.” his voice gets lower and he growls sensually. “You want my cock inside of you, don’t you?”
 You buck your hips desperately, only to be disappointed by his drawback. He smirks at you and shakes his head, “I decide what to do with you, and when to do it. Understand?" 
You pout and nod briefly.
His attention reverts back as he traces his fingers near your pussy and around the lips, cooing mockingly. "So wet.” he mutters. “So needy.” Unexpectedly, he takes a hand and smacks your clit with it. The sensation stings and you whine, reaching down to touch yourself. He grabs your hand roughly, gathering your other one and holding them firmly above your head. He towers over you now. “What did I say?" 
He grunts and pulls a set of handcuffs (presumably that he stole) out of his pocket (has he had those there all night??) "Tsk tsk, I thought you wanted to be a good girl tonight. I guess I was wrong.” he says teasingly.
“No, daddy, please, I’ll stop. Please.” you try to take it back, yearning for his touch.
He only shakes his head, securing the cuffs in place. “Convincing, but not quite. Someone just doesn’t get that daddy calls all the shots. Shame.”
He grasps his still unclothed cock and presses the tip against your wetness with gentle rubs up and down before a final graze against your clit. He then gets up, putting himself back in his pants and chuckles. “Maybe next time you will listen to daddy.” he shrugs, looking down at you.
“You- that’s it?” you whine in disbelief.
He shrugs smugly and looks you up and down, keeping his eyes on your pussy for a moment, before turning away and grabbing a set of keys off the table.
You begin to panic and try to break free of the cuffs. “You can’t do that Jerome! Please! Come on!" 
The door closes behind him and you’re left all alone, still aching, and vulnerable.
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