crswoodferns · 2 months
Someone should invent a reverse jacket for the summer - like you put it on, and it keeps you cool.
Or a thermostat but for the sun.
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crswoodferns · 2 months
I need help moving beyond P-I-M-A
Like how am I even supposed to play multiple notes on the same string if I'm restricted to stupid PIMA - I WANT SPEEEEED!
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crswoodferns · 3 months
Y'all I actually passed anatomy despite my shitty little diagrams lmaooo
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crswoodferns · 8 months
If one more person tells me I need to draw bigger or better diagrams I will commit war crimes
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crswoodferns · 9 months
To me, honestly, the biggest thing Tumblr has going for itself is the fact that no one uses it.
Originally I was thinking, in terms of "why do I use Tumblr and not other sites?" that the thing going for it is that it's a Post Anonymous Bullshit site. And this is true, and important, but also Tumblr isn't the only Post Anonymous Bullshit site.
I think the key power that Tumblr holds over me is that it's the Post Anonymous Bullshit site that no one uses.
And the reason that's so clutch is because of how much safety it adds. No matter what kind of office or acquaintance small-talk spirals into the direction of social media, which, perhaps in an unthinking moment, causes you to mention you use Tumblr. Even if your conversation partner acts interested in this detail, they won't follow you. Twitter? Tiktok? Fuck man, the person could whip out their phone on the spot and look you up. Tumblr? No way in hell. They'd have to download an app. Make an account. Check it regularly? Just to see you posting "happy fuck him flat friday"? No.
And on the absolute off chance this person does have a Tumblr, and does follow you, well they probably have all the same problems you do that's led them to be active on this site in 2023 so you should be pretty safe in a very girl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament kind of way.
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crswoodferns · 9 months
My professor showed up in a dream today to tell me I have final exams in a week from now and I have never woken up so agitated in my life 💀
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crswoodferns · 9 months
being alive is great because there are so many different vegetables you can sauté. but then there are also the horrors
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crswoodferns · 11 months
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crswoodferns · 11 months
I'm not even on twitter but isn't internet drama the absolute bestest ✨
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crswoodferns · 11 months
Ay, I just want a place where I can present controversial opinions and have a healthy discussion with somebody about them without being judged and called a horrible person for it. I'm so sick of simply searching up 'why' and being bombarded with hundreds of results that pretty much scream at you to walk yourself to the gates of hell. My opinion isn't set in stone; just give me good reasons why you think it's wrong, let me tell you why I believe they're alright - and reach a healthy conclusion. Is that really too much to ask for?
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crswoodferns · 11 months
Apparently those tiny mustache-face dogs are called 'shih tzu' and not a 'shit zoo'. I'm so disappointed
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crswoodferns · 11 months
Always regarded butterscotch as the worst ice cream flavour, turns out all the butterscotch ice cream I've ever eaten was just really shitty quality. I had some actual good quality ice cream by accident, and it's actually not that bad???
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crswoodferns · 1 year
Oh, to be in a world surrounded by betrayal and lies, desperately hoping to be proven otherwise
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crswoodferns · 1 year
Today I had a dream so intense I started crying in my sleep, which is a good representation of what's going on in my life.
The funniest part is that midway through the cry I realise that I got some minor details from my life wrong (ignoring the massively wrong details like knowing people I've never seen before?? Bcs ✨PLOT✨), so I wake up. But then I decide continuing to sleep is still better so I just go back to my dream and continue my outburst there??? That's somehow an even better representation.
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crswoodferns · 1 year
restaurant with a lobster tank and a warning sign that reads DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY INTO THEIR EYES and when the waiter comes and asks you which lobster you want you notice one looking right at you and you blink and suddenly youre looking at yourself from inside of the tank and see yourself stand up and start snapping your hands like claws
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crswoodferns · 1 year
My toxic trait is believing it takes only 10 minutes to go anywhere
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crswoodferns · 1 year
“Now, here, you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as that!”
-The Red Queen, Alice in Wonderland
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