smolblvndiiie replied to your post “smolblvndiiie replied to your post “*yELLS* hELLOOO” ...”
yes y es z dont worry we luv u 2
ur gonna end up making them shove at each other for attention
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smolblvndiiie replied to your post “*yELLS* hELLOOO”
heck ye s u were
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“You just want me for my devilishly handsome looks.”
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I’m getting the feeling the pirate and I were missed.
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“Hello t’you too, love.”
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"Killian!" She wants his attention. She wants his attention bad.
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“Hello love,” his arms encircled her, touching his forehead to hers with a slight smile.
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*hugs so tightly and never lets go*
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          He probably should have expected that it’d be thrown back at him, but he’s caught off guard by it, all the same. Belle, seated across the table from him, looks torn between amusement & disapproval. “Rumple,” she says sternly as he picks up a piece of sausage, making to toss it at Hook. 
            “I can’t let him have the last laugh, can I?” he asks, flinging the sausage across the room at the same time Neal groans: “For gods’ sakes, Papa.”
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        Of course the bloody beast would escalate it. An almost offended noise left the pirate as the sausage hit him, before he reached over with his hand to grab some egg off of Neal’s plate. The food was tossed at the Dark One before Neal could intervene, grumbling about the two of them acting like children.
      “Hook! Gold!” Emma was clearly exasperated by all of this, pushing herself to her feet, eyes narrowed on the pair. Before she could tell them to ‘act their age’, Killian tossed some hashbrowns from Neal’s plate at the offending man for good measure. He even made sure it had ketchup on it. 
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@crumblingdisguise didn’t ask for this, but it’s crack anyway, so…
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          does he look pleased with himself because he’s just thrown a biscuit at the back of the captain’s head? yes. yes he does.
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      Killian had honestly not been paying attention to his surroundings, especially not to the Dark One who he’d forgone the pursuit of revenge on for—more pressing matters. Those matters being a blonde saviour currently sitting with her family. 
      It was when the biscuit hit his head that the pirate went tense, and he could hear an intake of breath, either from Emma who’s attention was now on the two, or Neal. Slowly he turned, blue eyes narrowed on the other man before picking up the offending biscuit and chucking it at him. Was it childish? Yes. But in his defence, the other man started it first.
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Hiatus Notice
I am starting up back at school full time this week, and the course is from January to June, on top of this I will still be working so my week will be busy with little down time. (What down time I have will either be spent doing homework, gaming, or with friends.)
As such I am putting all my RP blogs on hiatus/semi-hiatus. The blogs I will most likely be on will be; @ofassassination, @ofdraconis, @psychorex (and possibly any sideblogs connected to the aforementioned blogs).
This means replies will be slower, and I will likely prioritize threads, and putting new ones on hold.
PS for this blog: My muse appears to be not really here for RP at least. Be it because of my lack of interest in the show, or because a certain someone has not been around. So Killian is the muse I will be the least active on during this time. If you want to unfollow me because of this, I understand. 
I will be continuing my work on my ouat fanfictions, but when I will have the drive for rp I do not know. 
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Chapter 4 is now posted!
[ff.net] | [Ao3]
Rating: T (Explicit later) Status: WIP Wordcount: 4k Summary: Killian’s a renown author of the crime/mystery series ‘Zoe Frost’, and Emma’s the head detective of the NYPD’s 11th precinct. When a case mimics the first book in Killian’s famous book series their paths cross, thrusting them into each others lives. Possibly for longer than either anticipated.
Notes: I plan to post all updates to this under the tag ’tflm*’ so if you want to track updates via tumblr you can use that tag.
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Hiatus Notice
I am starting up back at school full time this week, and the course is from January to June, on top of this I will still be working so my week will be busy with little down time. (What down time I have will either be spent doing homework, gaming, or with friends.)
As such I am putting all my RP blogs on hiatus/semi-hiatus. The blogs I will most likely be on will be; @ofassassination, @ofdraconis, @psychorex (and possibly any sideblogs connected to the aforementioned blogs).
This means replies will be slower, and I will likely prioritize threads, and putting new ones on hold.
PS for this blog: My muse appears to be not really here for RP at least. Be it because of my lack of interest in the show, or because a certain someone has not been around. So Killian is the muse I will be the least active on during this time. If you want to unfollow me because of this, I understand. 
I will be continuing my work on my ouat fanfictions, but when I will have the drive for rp I do not know. 
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i miss my brother like the sea would miss salt if that were taken away.
Emma Cameron, Cinnamon Rain  (via slytherinwritess)
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for who could ever learn to love a B E A S T?
                 extremely canon divergent | written by kath | formerly bythedagger                                            sideblog to @scvedbylove
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*waves* I’m alive, just been sick, dealing with work, and the new pokemon came out. 
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Chapter 3 is now posted!
[ff.net] | [Ao3]
Rating: T (Explicit later) Status: WIP Wordcount: 4k Summary: Killian’s a renown author of the crime/mystery series ‘Zoe Frost’, and Emma’s the head detective of the NYPD’s 11th precinct. When a case mimics the first book in Killian’s famous book series their paths cross, thrusting them into each others lives. Possibly for longer than either anticipated.
Notes: I plan to post all updates to this under the tag ’tflm*’ so if you want to track updates via tumblr you can use that tag.
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Reblog this if you play with sideblogs!
I have noticed a startling number of people who make doing so difficult, though I think it is entirely on accident, so a little reassurance is in order!
I PLAY WITH SIDEBLOGS. I enjoy your muse even if it comes attached to a blog that isn’t a primary. Promise. Adore you all the way.
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