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Three men walk into a bar, a slave trader, a high school drop out, and a bandito with a license to kill. The slave trader says “Who’s buying?” The bandito puts his pistol on the bar, and the dropout turns his pockets into rabbit ears. The bartender says “Well looks like your gonna have to share.”
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What you really look like vs. what you want the world to think you look like. #bam
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Probably not either...
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It wasn't the key to the city. I am ready for a new position tho... #thechief
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a ... a cosmic bandito.
Jose even claims he has formed an
alliance with a Full Blown Bandito from
another branch of reality.
High Pockets wails, his snout pointed at the cosmos.
God only knows what kind of weird doggy
trips High Pockets had been taking.
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So far you’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’re doing great.
a gentle remember (via misjudgments)
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The Accountant
The last thing anybody wants to be is a used car dealer. It’s like trying to find love on the rebound. What seems to be all to common in these days is people wanting used cars though. Because when you buy a brand new car right from the dealer as soon as you leave the dealership it isn’t worth anything close to what it was when you bought it. In fact recently I bought a brand new car while I had a steady job for a short time. Unfortunately I lost the job and the car because of some carefully plotted scams that my job and the body shop pulled. You see I got fired for installing 1 light instead of 3, and when I took my brand new car into the body shop for repairs it disappeared and I was told that the authorities took it for tickets that weren’t even expired. What I’m getting at is that often people go into situations believing that the well known for bad practicing salesman with rotten teeth is God because the dealership gave him the authority to sell you a car, and neglect to form a relationship with the accountant who does all the calculations for what you are going to end up spending every month. It’s an analogy for ideology, and something that would make people less likely to get frustrated with the results of their expectations if they took a real life approach to filtering through all the sales jargon that the world of propaganda gives out. I indeed did take the time to establish a healthy relationship with the accountant at the dealership. His name was Malik, like mine, and he walked me through the best options I had to be able to afford the car I was buying. It’s a shame that my client at work and the salesman just wanted to make and save a buck, and I ended up paying for it. But I remember this occasion as an example of how an individual can be so caught up with their new car that they basically disregard anything that the rotten sales people throw at them just so they can get it in the color that they want.
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Let the kids drown.
Frank: I lied to this kid and raised him as mine. Then I wouldn't let him go to summer camp or pick his own friends.
Anne: Don't be hard on yourself, he sounds perfect for my sweatshop.
Frank: And the moral of the story is?!
Anne: Nobody wants or has morals Frank.
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A Big Fat Celebration.
Cow: I heard someone is getting married?!
Goat: That's no good, I don't feel like moving.
Cow: Well I don't think you'll have too, the bride is deaf dumb, and blind.
Goat: Wow! Good thing I didn't sign up for mountain climbing camp this year then.
Cow: But you sign up for mountain climbing camp every year.
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from weheartit
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And we ain’t sippin’ wine, we just chillin like them rabbit villains, and we so high!
Outkast (Big Boi)
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She'll be good to go...
Frank: Peter needs bail
The Wolf: I'll slide the envelope under the door.
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Tape should really be more useful
Me: Tape should really be more useful dude.
Giant: You should duck it.
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Filler ...
I wonder if you carried a whatchama call it... um the ting that you use for spreading frosting all the time. Would people give you more cake?
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Read to a cool place.
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