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Geraldine Hoff Doyle, was a 17 years (in 1942) while she was working at the American Broach & Machine Co. when a photographer snapped a pic of her on the job.
That image used by J. Howard Miller for the “We Can Do It!” poster, released during World War II. 
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Daisy: How old were you when you had your first kiss?
Carnation: If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want to be the performer?
Jasmine: What color looks best on you?
foxglove: Name three facts about your family?
Allium: What's the best thing you can cook?
Orange Blossom: If you could pick the gender and appearance of your child, would you?
Calla Lily: If you died right now, what song would you want to play at your funeral?
Poinsettia: Favorite holiday dish?
Oxlip: Would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
Primrose: Favorite kind of soup?
Daffodil: What's the most thoughtful present you've ever received?
Rose: Are you currently in love with someone?
Amsonia: Would you ever become a vegan?
Peony: What's your favorite hot beverage?
Tulip: For your birthday, what kind of cake do you ask for?
Myrtle: Do you like going on airplanes?
Hibiscus: Did you ever play an instrument? If so what?
Zinnia: Who was your best friend when you were six years old?
Poppy: What color was your childhood home?
Hydrangea: Starbucks order?
Violet: Do you like where you're from?
Locust: What was your favorite book as a child?
Rhododendron: What's the scariest dream you've ever had?
Queen Anne's Lace: Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents?
Magnolia: Favorite kind of candy?
Aster: Would you rather be cold or hot?
Marigold: Do you listen to what's on the radio?
Heliconia: Do you like when it rains?
Azalea: What's a movie you cried while watching?
Dandelion: Do you think you're important?
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ha i hope.
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she told her grandma shes gay
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So I’ve seen a whole bunch of posts about body positivity. And it would be great, but they’re really bad at actually representing different body types; big girls in particular. So I’ve drawn a comparison.
I’m tired of seeing posts that totally miss the point. Those posts are supposed to make you feel good about your body. But it’s hard for bigger girls to feel good about themselves if they’re represented by women that aren’t big. Fat is okay. But here’s some things that people almost always ignore when drawing bigger ladies:
- Rolls
- Cellulite
- Stretch marks
And some misconceptions/ common mistakes:
- Larger breasts ( a LOT larger) 
- Wider hips
- Same size waist as girls with less body fat
I’m going to put it bluntly: I’m sick of seeing fatter girls be misrepresented. I’m tired of seeing posts getting glory for drawing bigger girls when they don’t. I have yet to see a body positivity post that shows cellulite, stretch marks, folds, and spillage. These things are real, and they’re beautiful.
So try and remember these things next time you try and represent fat girls. Because if you’re not thinking about the “ugly” stuff, you’re doing it wrong.
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If it means crying. If it means taking a walk. If it means singing out loud. If it means wearing a dress. If it means wearing a bowtie. If it means wearing nothing at all. If it means writing your thoughts down. If it means dancing like no one is watching.
If it helps you get though the challenging moments of life, By all means, go forth.
But remember one thing. A moment would not be a moment, if it lasted forever. Nothing, will last forever.
Enjoy the wonderful moments. Fight your way through the band moments. And live your entire life to the fullest of your capabilities.
I know its a lot easier said than done, But never loose faith in yourself. Continue to find your way. Never give up, Ever.
Xoxo -Elliott Alexzander
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date someone who will tap your butt playfully and do the dishes with you after dinner.
date someone who knows the power of running their hands through your hair.
date someone who wants you to succeed as much as they want their own success.  
date someone who knows how you take your coffee and what cheers you up.
date someone who you can be independent from but still look forward to reuniting with.
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Everything's gonna be okay.
no it won't...but thanks anyways.
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Sometmes I get really frustrated because I'm 5' and while I know that being short doesn't make me any less of a guy, I know that I'll never really be able to pass. Sometimes I'm okay with that, but sometimes it's just so discouraging.
Peter Dinklage is 4’4” and, I mean, he looks pretty manly and like he passes pretty often, to me. 
Danny Devito is 4’11” and, again, he looks real good. 
Rick Moranis is 5’1” 
David Archuleta is only 5’3”. 
Kevin Hart is 5’2” and dreamy as hell. 
Okay and those are just like a quick google search of famous short men. There are really so many short men in the world. You can’t let media dictate what is or isn’t attractive or “masculine” because, in general, the media is a piece of shit. 
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Leelah Alcorn, rest in peace.
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guys, the petition for Leelah’s Law (to ban conversion therapy) was overlooked by president Obama even though it had the appropriate amount of signatures. there is another petition on the white house’s website that will be considered if it reaches the required number of signatures. i’m not from the US so i can’t sign it but if you are you can sign it here. please guys this shit needs to end.
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Okay have I got your attention? Fabulous. Now don’t think me to be comparing issues with issues I’m simply using the recent media uproar to get some much needed attention on a problem very close to my heart.
This gorgeous flower child of a boy above is my friend Rocky. He is, if you haven’t guessed it yet, Transgender. A while ago I reblogged a post from one of his other close friends asking for donations and help in getting out of his house due to the situation he’s in at home with his parents; examples including their refusal to acknowledge his being Trans, as well as several other points I will get to later following the last post. 
Recently I’ve found out that the post was taken down because his parents managed to locate it, and even went so far as to threaten his friend in saying they want to sue him for libel or slander. They’ve also since been refusing to let Rocky use the internet, changing the the password three times a month and locking him out of the network so he cant talk to anyone. Now that might not seem like much, yeah, no internet big whoop. But they’ve also been making efforts to isolate him from everyone and everything.  From my talkings with him I’ve gathered these stories;
"like. i slept over at a friends house on new years right?? well when i came home my stepdad pushed me on the ground and my mom called the police on me and told them i was doing drugs and assaulting my family members (????) and then went outside to the car that dropped me off and started screaming about how im mentally ill and i steal and lie and when they tried to drive away she screamed at them and took pictures of their license plate"
"my aunt was staying over for christmas break and when she found out i was trans and that rory is trans she went into my room and shut the door and started screaming at me and calling me an it, and then when i told her i wasnt going to listen to her if she was going to be disrespectful she screamed "IT" in my face and slammed the door"
"also i found out yesterday when i was in the deli that they went through my wallet and took my debit card"
The list continues but I think that’s enough that you can gather my point. I can’t help personally feeling liable for Rocky’s health because I had a huge hand in him coming out with himself and consequently his parents. It has been made very clear to me and hopefully to you as well that his parents are having a dangerous affect on his health and welbeing, as well as just being dangerous full stop. He’s too terrified to call the police in case nothing happens and he has jack all enough to get out of this toxic living environment permanently and get somewhere safe. 
Due to his now lacking a debit card and inability to get on his tumblr, donations are difficult. Until he can access a new debit card and a reliable Wifi connection, we’ve decided to let me take hold of the transactions and get the money to him ASAP. 
So here’s the gritty stuff.
He needs around 200USD minimum for train tickets and food so he can get somewhere safe and away from his parents until we figure out a more secure option.
Go to my blog and click the little donation pup in my sidebar. [Please let me know if it’s not working]. Donate anything you want or anything you can. This could potentially save my friend’s life and if you don’t think that’s worth fighting for than you obviously haven’t been listening. 
If you want something in return he’d be more than happy to draw you a little doodle and I can pass it on. 
If you can’t donate, SIGNAL BOOST. I want this post to skyrocket to the toppest tops of my most reblogged posts and I want it to appear on my dash twofold. This deserves to be talked about. This boy needs some aid and I can’t do it alone.
So please help my friend.
It would mean a lot. 
Thank you.
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Maybe if the cis people in charge of our health care could understand just how agonisingly painful dysphoria is, they might let us access treatment a little faster
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