crvwnfought · 2 years
wyllas caron.
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prayers must fall upon deaf ears. for there is no god that grants the man the relief he so desperately desires. no plea for wyllas to remain. no fight for him to stay. he does not request lord caron forsake his responsibility and duty for him. this should be a mercy. a blessing that he has been deemed unworthy to be loved by trystane. yet, as he bleeds out before the man, wyllas finds little comfort. perhaps the mercy is that the sun has granted him a painful death. let him pay for his sins with each drop spilled. so that in the next life, wyllas may be spared the image of lover broken by his own hand. “ then,” a pause, hesitation as if he is uncertain if he holds the strength to do what has to be done now. but he musters it nonetheless, a parting gift for what was once his greatest love. let him spare trystane the pain of walking away first, so that he may not see again the tears that will inevitably spill down caron cheeks. “ i shall take my leave of you, lord allyrion.” perhaps our paths will cross again, it remains unspoken for he knows that is not what the other wishes for. 
lord caron bows slightly in farewell, before he turns away painfully slow. as if the movements themselves pain him greatly. his feet lead him away from where his heart remains, step after repeated step. there is no call after him, to stop him, but wyllas finds he still freezes. it is a selfish desire. it is a human desire. to wish to see trystane’s face one last time before he walks away for what he believes will be the last time. head turns, eyes glancing over his shoulder. they take in the features he is certain will haunt his nights till the day he passes on. a ghost of a half smile tugs on his lips, eyes wet with unshed tears. “ for what it is worth, trystane.” breaks his own vow of neutrality for a moment. “ you are worth waiting a thousand lifetimes.” head turns back towards his destination. “ i will pray that we meet again in the next one.” the words are soft, as if they are spoken for just the breeze itself. 
        as  the  silence  stretched  on,  the  temptation to forsake his oath grew like a lone wind in the desert that in time and under the right conditions could turn into a raging sandstorm, ripping apart the fragile structure that restrained him now. the heart was a mighty force, especially one that felt as deeply as his, and despite seven months trying to convince it otherwise, a single meeting had reminded it who it beat for, who it longed for. even though it shouldn’t; even though it couldn’t. still, when wyllas spoke and then paused so did it, waiting, praying, that the man might find the words to at last defeat the logic that strangled him. however, like the great sisyphus, the fates ruled against them. the victory was not their to reach as the rest of the sentence was spoken, and they plunged back down the hill.        ❝  farewell, lord caron.  ❞        there was finality to the words that tore at his heart. more blood dripped from his hands as he laid down in the grave, not struggling as the first shovel of dirt was thrown atop him. 
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        he stood, still and silent and breaking, as wyllas walked off. perhaps this was it, the moment the softness within him would finally be torn out and hardness would cement itself in the void his heart. before his anger had burned while his heart had mourned but quietly had hidden away foolish hope. now . . . now it must relent. the curtains were closing, the lights dimming, and there would be no encore. trystane prayed it would be quick, surely there couldn’t be much blood left so the ice could make quick work of him. then not even the memories, still so vivid as wyllas walked away once more, could hurt him         but then the man stopped and spoke once more. trystane’s heart stirred. it beat. it longed. it lived. then why didn’t you? it dared wonder. why did you get married? why didn’t you try and contact me before you did? at least he was able to keep his mouth shut. even when the most powerful wave crashed over him. i don’t need a thousand lifetimes. i want this one. his feet, however, remained rooted in place, but he didn’t look away until the other had disappeared from sight as he had years ago, watching the ship until the horizon claimed it. only then did trystane’s head drop. his knees shook, and it was a long moment before he too was able to turn around and walk in the opposite direction.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
wyllas caron.
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       “ and i would argue that you simply take far too much joy in picking fights with me, trystane. you should concede that i am right and spare yourself the inevitable defeat,” the man quipped in return to his friend, lover?, the self serving smug grin that some found charming back on his lips. wyllas found that one of his favorite pastimes, second only to kissing him, was poking slight fun at the prim and neutral way that the man held himself around others. “ and i am free to call them stupid for thinking that way, love.” he brushes his thumb across the other’s cheek, tracing the edge of the beard that trystane kept so neatly. their lips meet and something inside his chest feels as if though it is bursting outward. as if this love is a blaze that is all consuming, pouring from his chest till he is near fearful they may both be on fire. “ do you believe the words i speak now?” he asks once they have parted for air, forehead resting against the others’.
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        the  kiss  gave  him  wings.  the  ground not at all solid underneath his feet as he fell further under the caron’s spell, lips chasing after his when he pulled even a few inches away. however, his mind was too sharp and hadn’t forgotten the taunt offered mere seconds earlier.        ❝  inevitable defeat? now who has little faith in my abilities?  ❞        the teasing words fell effortlessly from his lips as he drifted closer to wyllas. it looked like he was intending to steal another kiss, his heart quickened, oblivious to anything but the emotions consuming him, but a mere inch away, trystane paused.        ❝  perhaps i have a secret weapon that’ll make you concede.  ❞        with a smug grin of his own, he pulled away. the teasing glint didn’t last long. wyllas’ other words lingering in his mind. he reached out to cup his face, tracing a small circle with his thumb.        ❝   i always believe your words,  ❞        the words were far heavier than his previous ones, spoken more like an oath than a mere sentence, and trystane’s eyes were dark and deep, drowning in the depths of love that wyllas awoke in him.        ❝  nothing could ever make me doubt you.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
russal dondarrion.
A half smile pulled at Russal’s lips when Trystane finally saw fit to acknowledge the presence of another living being. He knew it’d be a toss up of whether the man would notice him at all when he was surrounded by texts, but it seemed the Allyrion had proven him wrong. “I was simply wondering how long it would take you to notice someone nearby. You did better than last time- I’ll give you that.” He wouldn’t yet mention how it was entirely unsafe for Trystane to let himself be so distracted by books that he sometimes let his surroundings blur into nothingness. Russal was rather convinced anyone could sneak up on the lord and catch him unawares should Trystane be caught up in a library.
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        recognition  quickly  washed  over  the  allyrion’s  face and a smile slowly appeared. it’d been far too long since he’d seen or spoken to the other man and russal was one stormlander that trystane didn’t possess a desire to avoid.        ❝  this book isn’t as interesting as i’d thought it would be,  ❞        he replied, setting the tome down on the table. otherwise, he likely wouldn’t have noticed anyone wandered around the library, which was, admittedly, what he preferred when reading. trystane also knew it wasn’t solely the book’s fauly yhay he couldn’t focus.        ❝  i’m surprised to see you here. i thought your charge would keep you running around the halls.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
nuray allyrion.
nuray had never been graced with much talents in the way of embroidering or knitting. anything that involved needles and sitting still for extended periods of time she was dreadful at . she could remember with stark clarity the few moments in her childhood she’d been made to join in the activity, long tawny curls falling in her face, reddened hands and her mother’s proud smile on the rare occasion she sat long enough to finish her work. it was with a renewed energy and much more patience that she had picked up the needles this day, for her son. in the windy weather of the vale she figured the coats and cloaks she’d brought could always be complemented by some knits and so she sat, at work on an azure overshirt, in companiable silence with the other ladies. that was until one of them spoke. pushing her hair out of her face and her needles down she looked up, curious to see to whom the feathery voice belonged to.
the words brought a frown to her features, the thought having not crossed her mind. surely there were limits to the depravities of the king? surely he would not hos a ball here of all places so soon after… well after everything. “i do not know. i think perhaps his grace might  think it wise to wait before planning any ball. with families of the vale in attendance, i have no doubt he is sensitive to the way a celebration here might be taken by some.” she responded, keeping her tone neutral all the while truly pondering now. unless there was some hidden motive behind it she could not see how spending more coin on a frivolous thing such as a ball would benefit the king. and after having no doubt spent much of the crown’s coin building a new palace.
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        her  smile  remained  despite  the  temptation  to roll her eyes, which she quietly resisted. everyone here must have developed bleeding hearts; they’d likely exchanged it for their recent memory, because no one spoke of how the arryns had destroyed the red keep, killing the queen and others in the process, and then been foolish enough to be caught. it stunk of hubris. inexperience too. one must always plan for the worst scenario as a precaution, a lesson none of those birds had clearly been taught. alicent hardly was overly fond of the king beyond being a dutiful subject. both sides could carry possess bloody hands. but life went on. she knew that more than some.
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        however, if they were to mourn strangers, for she doubted half the people had ever spoken to a member of the lost family, then she’d pick up that script.        ❝  that is true, but . . . why else would his grace have brought us all here?  ❞       she doubted it was to mourn the arryns. she tilted her eyes to the side. hazel eyes widening slightly. playing naive was a talent, one she’d mastered, wearing a natural blend of puzzlement and curiousity.        ❝  so many families have traveled quite far. it would be a shame if we were called here for no reason.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
emmelyne baratheon.
their vows replay anew in her mind , his cloak placed upon her shoulders. the finality and weight of his presence engulfing her , it has come to pass. he was hers forevermore. emmelyne seeking the reassurance in his sight that brought not only love but also an endearment that should never waver. her lord of storm’s end , so unattainable as they once lie in secrecy within shadows and , to her own folly , so many doubts. walls of stone parting them in the beginning , her own loyalty to the crown and her brothers but now only flush with shame. for they have departed and the gods have proven stefan baratheon was her steadfast. they have seen where she was once so blind. the golden ring of antlers circled around her index finger , once a ominous token from her uncle for a masquerade almost a lifetime ago. perhaps a taunt but now so very precious as the ring shines on her finger as she clings to her new husband. breathing nearly a sigh of relief “ you are finally mine. “
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surely he was right , this was their evening. the evenings of yore whilst craving his touch … when he was so far from her. finally he was pressed against her and his warmth causing her cheeks to flush once again. all eyes were on them and she was actually glad. “ i do not like to prove you correct , for it swells that big head of yours. “ her lips against his ear as she whispers unabashedly. this will truly be their night. resolution as she speaks again with newfound confidence. “ but i agree that this … “ she falters momentarily though accepting being overwhelmed she gladly relents in his embrace , “ this is what we have been waiting for. “ she taps his nose gently before her grin widens. “ your pout sways me as it does every night since we have met. “ emme rolls her eyes , untangling herself from his grasp , a smirk edging the corner of her lips. “ ‘tis i that swore them to secrecy , my lord husband . “ backing away from her lord towards the direction of the sweets. “ but i fear i may lose you to their treasures and what shall i do then? a lonely wife without her husband? “
        for  too  long  he’d  been  lost  in the woods, fighting to find her and free her from the forces that kept them apart, as if their love belonged on the pages of a story rather than in a world that cared not for happy endings. perhaps on such pages it would have been an evil monster or an evil king he would’ve combated in order to win the life they now shared rather than a bystander. but the gods had demanded blood, his or another’s, and stefan would willingly damn himself than fall into an early grave or relinquish his love for her. her closeness made his heart race. he leaned in so their foreheads touched.        ❝  i was always yours.  ❞        there was no truth more constant than that. even when they’d only shared stolen moments, stefan had refused to even pretend another could lay claim on him. now he knew it was not his finest moments, regret colored the memories, but what could a caged beast do except bare its teeth and snarl?
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       he would be a better man now; he’d sworn it not only to the gods, but to her. he must so he could protect not only their family, but the stormlands and its people as well. the past months had made it clear where they stood in the world. however, tonight he wouldn’t think of that  ( unless lord caron insisted on bending his ear )        ❝  but sometimes i am right,  ❞        he insisted. confidence made her shine even brighter, regardless that on any day she outshone the sun itself, and stefan hoped it would now bless her more frequently. there was no reason for them to fear anymore - not here in storm’s end.        ❝  i know.  ❞       he smiled cheekily, but it faltered what she revealed her plotting.        ❝  you?!  ❞        laughter tumbled off his lips. as she backed away, he followed. his arms reached out so they encircled her waist, twirling her around and placing a kiss on her cheek before letting her slip from his grasp.        ❝  nothing can pull my eye away from you, my lady wife. i fear you are stuck with me and my unfailing devotion for the rest of your days.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
mariya rowan.​
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“Indeed. It was fun because it was so… different.” Mariya said cheerfully before smiling and chuckling a bit.
It felt natural, speaking to him and walking with him. She very much enjoyed it and she enjoyed his company.
“Oh, I hope so my lord. I’m still trying to find my way around, so hopefully I will not accidentally get us lost.” Mariya replied sheepishly with a smile.
Upon hearing his question, she beamed. Delighted that he had asked she excitedly answered.
“Oh the gardens here are lovely but they have far more flower bushels than Goldengrove’s gardens. Our gardens have flower bushels too but we have a lot of trees. One of my favorite trees in the garden has golden flowers that grow near it. Near the garden is the river that the castle sits upon so you can imagine sitting there reading in peace and quiet under the safety of a tree with golden flowers around you as the sounds of rushing waters fill your ears. The garden here in Staerdale doesn’t have that, but it is still peaceful all the same.” She mused.
She giggled as she heard him speak, shaking her head.
“Oh no I’m sure it’s not. I’d love to read your two books, I’m sure I’ll enjoy them. You’re very welcome my lord.”
Mariya walked along with him into the gardens and gestured to a nearby stone bench where her servant stood with four books in her arms.
“Shall we sit?” Mariya asked before instructing for her servant to put the books down next to them before thanking her, the servant left after curtsying to the Lady of Goldengrove and the Lord of Godsgrace.
“Thankfully I didn’t have to reorganize my books after the fire, and even better none of them were damaged. After we look through each other’s books, I’d love to attempt to find the library with you. I haven’t managed to find it yet!” Mariya admitted with a laugh as she sat down.
In truth she hadn’t wanted to find it yet, for she had been struggling with going to The Sept and not going to The Sept so much so that she hadn’t thought of the library really, only her impending duties that she would have to fulfill in the near future in order to make her parents proud along with stepping into certain responsibilities of a lady that her sister once had.
“The Sept has taken up much of my time. Though I haven’t really been inside of it either. I’m tired of mourning, Trystane. But, I refuse to allow myself to be morose anymore, especially while you’re here. For your presence puts a smile on my face.” She paused briefly.
“That and sharing knowledge and a love for books with someone who understands you definitely puts a smile on my face. I am very glad that you’re here.” She said with a smile, the brief sadness in her eyes fading away as she gazed at him.
“Ah, I’m glad she has these in order. This one on top is the second book in the series.” Mariya said as she held the book up with glee before handing it to him.
       he  listened  closely  as  she  spoke  of her home. while he knew little of flora, it having never been a subject he’d gravitated toward, trystane enjoyed hearing others speak of subjects they cared about. her words painted a clear picture of the scene, and he nodded; it did sound like a peaceful place.        ❝  it reminds me of one of my favorite reading spot at godsgrace.  ❞        some days he ventured outside the library or his study and sat beside one of the fountains in a quiet courtyard.        ❝  i’m glad the gardens here are at least peaceful. otherwise, i’d never leave the library during our stay here.  ❞        even still, he was unlikely to.
      ❝  i hope you will.  ❞       he had thought carefully about the two he’d selected, considering the titles she’d mentioned reading in the past, both as a gauge of subjects that interested her and to make certain he didn’t suggest a book she’d already read, and then also subjects she’d mentioned wanting to learn about.
       he nodded and sat down next to her.        ❝  you haven’t?  ❞        eyes widened slightly.        ❝  then we must find it as soon as possible.  ❞        he chuckled. perhaps the dragons wanted them all halfmad so his grace didn’t so close to falling into that category. however, mention of the sept made his expression sober.        ❝  i understand.  ❞        while he wouldn’t - couldn’t - say it out loud, he’d felt akin to a man in mourning at times during the past seven months. except the people he mourned still lived; it was the future he might have shared with them that was dead.        ❝  i’m honored to be someone that brings you happiness, lady mariya. i hope you know i also enjoy your company and the conversations we share.  ❞
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       attention drifted to the books, but his gentle smile remained.        ❝  i look forward to reading them,  ❞       he said as accepted them. however, he placed them to the side so he could take the two books he’d brought from his bag.        ❝  one of them is an account of the author’s travels in essos. while it cannot match seeing the places yourself, it paints a good picture of the different regions beyond what the histories say.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
lelia lannister.
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of news of the fate of the arryns, the lioness’s mind had began to swirl with thoughts of doubts of her true loyalties. she’d never spoke them aloud — however, she knew better. a lannister always needed to be perceptive. however, she wasn’t as fierce as her house sigil. instead, she could be seems as brain rather than brawn. welcoming his polite smile, she followed one of her one before considering her answer. her mind spiraled to uncertainty as she’d been perplexed on what her true answer would be..or where lelia’s loyalties truly laid in this moment. her heart was at war as it seems so would be westeros would be soon in her mind. “ it does, my lord.” she hesitated her lips parting, as she conjured her next response. “if fate continues to repeat itself, it it shall. alas, i hope i am wrong in my conclusion.”
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        he  had  no  doubt  that  the  targaryens wouldn’t hesitate to rain down fire on another family if given reason to, though they’d have to think of a new name. new valyria the second was terribly uncreative. perhaps new lys for their next graveyard so house rogare could pretend that claims of their outsiderness held no weight. not stefan personally cared who the next queen was ever since his sister had been rejected.       ❝  as do i,  ❞        he said slowly, quietly. however, there was one fate he hoped would return. let new valyria follow its namesake and fall too - and take the dragons with it once and for all.       ❝  i must admit, i much prefer being the one in command of my own fate.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
theodore baratheon.
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Theodore scoffed at Stefan’s remark yet he felt pride for his brother’s accomplishment. To have Cassana’s wounds mended was important for them because they weren’t that many baratheons left, after all, they were indeed very few. If the wound with Cassana could be mended, perhaps there was a future where the Baratheons were hated for their stupidity in the future. At the mention of Emmelyne Theodore nodded and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “She is someone everyone likes is she not? You are a lucky man Stefan, I believe she is good for you but also for all of us.” he smiled. “Let me show you where our quarters are. I am very happy to not live there alone anymore, even if I am barely there.” the thought of Vasila came to mind and his smile faded slightly. “these past months have been rather grey, so having my family come back makes this place a lot brighter.”
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        he  stood  up  a  little  straighter,  pride a vice he was well acquainted with, but he couldn’t not be proud of his wife, and after spending far too long having to hide his feelings for her, stefan had no desire to do that anymore.         ❝  i haven’t met anyone who has anything ill to say about her.  ❞        and if anyone did, they’d be wise to hold their tongue unless they wanted to see how quickly the baratheon fury could emerge.        ❝  hopefully that means you won’t tire of our siblings and me for a few days at least,  ❞        he teased, hiding the concern that theo’s words triggered. if only theodore would come home for good. but stefan, knowing he’d be disappointed, didn’t ask. instead he threw his arm around his brother’s shoulders and began walking.        ❝  now let’s see our quarters. i bet his grace generously gave s the worst ones.  ❞      he made sure to lower his voice for the second sentence.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
cerenna lannister.
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   cerenna could do nothing but squeeze her cousin’s hand in return , her heart contracting painfully in her hollow chest .  it was all too easy to be a fearsome lion when one’s family stood proud and united ,  but it must certainly be a test of the fates to see if she could still hold her head up high during such a debacle .  “ he wishes us to be family …  and has been kind ? ”  the young lion could barely regard her cousin with a wary eye ,  but perhaps motherhood has softened alicent so .  of course he would appear in such kind light when surrounded with the branch of the family whose support he desperately needs , even cerenna knew that it would be detrimental for him the backing of their uncle .  the man who has the king’s ear .  “ i too must agree upon his resemblance to my father .  it was — ”  she paused to clear her throat , a short moment of reprieve .  “ —  when he rescued me in king’s landing , i thought it was my father bringing me to meet the stranger . ”
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       ❝  i  wasn’t  clear,  cousin.  ❞        all  other  company required artfully constructed words, layers of finery concealing true feelings, that at times it was difficult to not immediately lean into the instinct. especially now when members of her very blood were being torn in opposite directions.         ❝  i believe a part of him is sincere when he speaks of wanting to be a family,   ❞        she clarified. for she had watched her new cousin constantly and had asked her maid to watch him as well, wanting to know how he behaved when he wasn’t in the company of the lannisport family.         ❝  but he is also ambitious and views casterly rock as his. he wants the seat no matter the cost - there’s no denying that overshadows all other desires he might possess.  ❞        otherwise they wouldn’t be in this situation.        ❝  and by law he isn’t incorrect. however, while my father is quite confident, i cannot help but worry. we all know so little about him.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
aurelio rogare.​
location:within staerdale participants: aurelio rogare. & stefan baratheon ( @crvwnfought​ )
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“i am so bored,” aurelio’s statement sounded a lot like a whine - which to be fair, it pretty much was, the loud sigh that followed only further adding to the brattiness of his demeanor. “i don’t think i’ve ever been so bored,” he continued, for good measure, “tell me lord baratheon - what is one meant to do for fun around here?”
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        ❝  you  best  get  used  to  that,  lord aurelio,  ❞        he teased.       ❝  i don’t think court knows what fun is.  ❞        and yet stefan’s spirit felt lighter at having located someone who both wasn’t charmed by the hollow grandeur and wasn’t pretending to be.       ❝  if i was back at storm’s end,  ❞        where he wanted to be,       ❝  i’d go horseback riding or hunting. maybe even climb the cliffs near the bay. ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
wyllas caron.
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“ so if i was not speaking and interrupting you, you would simply stare at me for as long as your heart desired? i am flattered, trystane, and it is duly noted,” wyllas quips back, the faintest hint of a smirk along his face. there was far comfort in the back and forth he’d grown accustomed to, rather than the overwhelming crushing press of grief that followed them as of recently. that sunk into wyllas’ bones and made itself home underneath his skin. yet, there was still something that remained in him that rose like jealousy in the back of his throat at the idea of trystane ignoring his letters, burning them, but was corresponding constantly with prospective spouses. he let out another snort to cover up the envy that resided in his stomach, tilting his head slightly at the other man as he stared at him. “ perhaps a new quill then? since yours never appears to work when it comes to putting words on parchment for me.” there was the slightest hint of jealousy that leaked into his words, revealing a single card from his metaphorical hand to the other man.
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        ❝  do  you  enjoy  purposely  twisting  my  words so they suite you?  ❞        and the fantasy you want to live in. the fantasy that trystane wished he could step into, but he knew if he put even one foot into that world, he’d never escape, similar to how if he read even one letter or wore the cloak even once, he’d never move on. and he must  ( even if his heart screamed that it was as wrong as the sun depriving the moon of its light ) for godsgrace and himself, though that was less crucial. trystane sighed.        ❝  it won’t matter. no quill in my possession will succeed at that task anymore. i had hoped i’d made that perfectly clear.  ❞        please, let it rest, wyllas. let me rest. yet a voice within him objected, prayed that the man would keep chipping away at the walls that currently kept him out. it hailed from the same, weak part of him that perked up at the detection of jealousy in wyllas’ voice. jealously that wasn’t his to have - similar to the jealously trystane felt when he thought of aurore caron, in possession of the title and honor he had once dreamed would be his but now never could be.
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crvwnfought · 2 years
russal dondarrion.
Russal had followed Stefan from a safe distance after recognizing the air of tension that had his childhood friend’s shoulders in a death grip. He recognized that stance, and had gone after the man to ensure that the Baratheon didn’t get himself into trouble. Such had always been the way of things between them with Stefan looking for trouble, and Russal trying to make sure he didn’t end up face down in a ditch. Of course…there were also the times when Stefan succeeded in convincing Russal to mischief- and then they would both end up face down in a ditch…though it would be with twin grins on their faces. “My mistake,” Russal began in a patient tone that was laced with a trace of a tease. “I did not realize it was time for your regularly scheduled brooding hours.”
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        the  sound  of  a  familar  voice  made dark eyes widen and shoulders shake slightly free of tension’s grip. the group of people who stefan didn’t mind running into when in his current state was a very small circle, but the dondarrion was certainly one of them. he spun around on his heels.        ❝  how else am i expected to survive this place?  ❞      he whined, slightly exaggerated since it was his friend he was speaking to. the thin mask of composure he’d learned to wear had completely vanished. he saw no need for it with russal. the other had heard stefan say far worse in the past.        ❝  but the company of an old friend helps. where have you been? i’d worried the wind had blown you off the mountain.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
wyllas caron.
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a snort escapes his throat before wyllas can shove it back down, finding something about the way trystane emphasizes all of his cloaks to be absurdly endearing. he knows he should find it a cruel comment, it should ache in his heart to know that trystane has rejected another gift from him, but there is something contagious in the way that his lover speaks it so matter of fact. a laugh bubbles out of his chest to chase after the snort, followed by another - till the caron is covering his mouth to politely stifle them. “ lost in thought staring at my eyes? interesting question indeed,” he replies, once the chuckles have settled into a more appropriate form of amusement. the man’s eyes are now entirely off his book, the guise of pretending to read mostly forgotten as he watches trystane curiously. it was a foolish act, to attempt to be coy about his intentions and expect trystane to fall in line with his game again so easily. “ if they are all useless, then i shall need to find something more suitable to gift you … “ he waits, considering his next words carefully. “ perhaps new parchment, i have heard you are writing quite a few letters. new writing companions?”
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       regret  pooled  in  his  stomach  the  second the words, immersed in his frigid tone, pierced the air. cruelty was not a weapon he enjoyed; however, desperation clouded his mind. he burning with a desire he couldn’t have and unsure how to make it cease so some fragment of his wings could remain. he braced himself for the response, but instead of hurt there was a snort. his gaze jumped up. his brow furrowed as he watched the sound grow into laughter. it sounded, as it always had, like sunshine.        ❝  that isn’t what i meant. when my privacy isn’t interrupted i can look where i please without someone misinterpreting it,  ❞       he grumbled, looking back at his book. where they back in dorne? the bickering felt like a ghost from then. clearly lord caron was intent on pulling at his strings as if he knew of the longing living within him and believed if he played it like a harp he could produce the desired melody - trystane prayed he didn’t know how correct he was.       ❝  yes, a few.  ❞        including your wife. but mentioning the acquaintanceship he’d developed with aurore in the past seven months was far too cruel when wyllas’ letters had been cast into the fire.       ❝  but i’m perfectly content with the parchment i have.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
rosaline manderly.
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“𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐋𝐃,  𝐁𝐔𝐓  𝐖𝐄  𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐇  𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖  𝐘𝐎𝐔  𝐖𝐎𝐍❜𝐓,,”  she  said  with  a  smile.  rina  was  so  much  more  than  just  her  eldest  sister.  there  was  no  hiding  the  pride  and  adoration  she  felt  for  her.  ros  herself  wasn’t  as  skilled  as  she  was.  could  scarcely  hold  a  candle  to  her,  perhaps  –  when  she  was  acting  like  a  true  lady.  but  even  then,  there  was  a  regalness  that  rina  had  that  no  one  could  touch.  besides,  with  the  voices  of  the  dead  constantly  in  her  ear.  ros  was  resigned  to  the  knowledge  that  she  would  always  be  seen  as  odd  or  strange  by  most.  but  not  to  rina–  and  this  fact  alone  allotted  the  younger  mandely  sister  some  relief.  eye  showed  bright  as  rina  grabbed  the  plate  of  sweetbreads.  they  came  to  stand  next  to  her  as  the  pair  left  the  kitchen.  "  i  also  thought  to  give  you  and  theo  some  time  alone  without  worrying  about  me,  "  she  added  quickly.  popping  another  current  ripe  berry  into  her  mouth.  "  did  i  miss  anything  worthwhile?  "  
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        there  was  no  point  in  offering  a retort that ros would easily and rightfully call out as false. even though there were times when karina assumed a more mature role, she was still a young lady in her own right, prone to bouts of playfulness that could equal her sisters’. besides, there was no harm in having sweets for dinner one night. she couldn’t imagine being here, surrounded by so many ghosts, was easy for ros. if this helped keep her spirits lifted then she would ask the cooks to prepare as many plates of pastries as ros wanted.         ❝  theo and i?  ❞        green eyes widened as color crept across her cheeks. her affections for the baratheon were no secret amongst, but shyness still found her when the topic was broached.        ❝  you know i am capable of spending time with others and worrying about you.  ❞        a skill she assumed all elder siblings possessed. she took a bite of one of the pastries, chewing solely to delay answering the question.        ❝  theodore is well, and i was very happy to see him after so long. other than spending time with him, i fear the day has been quite dull.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
davios tyrell.
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A small smile of gratefulness was evident on Davios’ lips as he entered the chamber. Rhaenyra was safely in his arms as she didn’t wish to let go. At the question of food, he knew he wanted to say no, he didn’t feel like eating anything these days but he knew that he should. His mood was after all better than it had been the last few days, Rhaenyra and her father making sure he felt safe, protected, and perhaps the little princess represented what he could’ve had, and therefore it felt a little better. “Maybe something small, I guess-” he chuckled lightly and looked at the princess, finding love in her eyes and an adoring smile beaming back at him. His mind drifted to his siblings and Davios looked at Aegon. He tried to help him as well, to guide him out of this, and yet he had been locking him out for the past two months. He hadn’t been able to speak to most people and when he did it had been cruel words without any emotion. “I am sorry for my behavior as of late, it seems my darkness hasn’t let anyone in,” he murmured and pinched Rhaenyra’s cheek lightly, a sad smile on his lips. “I know you’ve been within all of this time and I appreciate that, my brother.”
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        a  good  sign,  he  hoped.  aegon  had asked after the lord’s wellbeing often and knew from his siblings and the dowager lady tyrell that he wasn’t eating often so him asking for something small was a step in the right direction. the prince called for one of the servants and asked them to get something small from the kitchens. he then allowed the silence to fall over them, not wanting to push and risk davios retreating back into himself. if all he wanted to do was sit here and let rhaenyra babble about the latest story she’d read or the new dance her septa had taught her then so be it.         ❝  there’s nothing to apologize for. you’ve suffered a terrible, painful loss. i know how happy you were and having both senya and your child taken . . .  ❞        he could only shake his head. not even his daughter’s laughter when her uncle pinched her cheek brightened his expression.        ❝  i am so sorry.  ❞        it wasn’t the first time he’d extended his sympathies but he wanted davios to hear them again.        ❝  we are all here for you, and i know none of us expect you to be fine. we simply want to help however we can.  ❞
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crvwnfought · 2 years
if you won't find a betrothal for yourself, why not at least look after your sisters, ensure them a future? as it is two of them have children out of wedlock and no prospects of a betrothal? are you not a bit self aware of your failures as head of your house?
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        lips  parted,  waiting  for  a  quick  retort to arise, but only shame climbed up his throat. trystane dropped his head with a heavy sigh.         ❝  i’m well aware of my failures.  ❞        they weighed heavily upon both his shoulders and his heart. there was never a day he didn’t combat them; his every choice aimed at proving them wrong no matter how many times fate laughed and added another weight to his anchor each time he thought his wings were gaining strength. but he would never stop trying.        ❝  however, they don’t extend to my sisters, no matter what you or anyone else might think. if they wish to remain unwed then that is a choice i will respect. i would never force them into an unhappy marriage.  ❞        he could hardly stomach the thought. no, it was his sisters who commanded their own future; trystane would not be like some and deprive them of a say simply to save his image.        ❝  besides, the future of house allyrion is my responsibility. one i assure you i will fulfill.  ❞
@glvrious  |  @caelestiaes
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crvwnfought · 2 years
theodore baratheon.
A smile of pride was upon his lips. Why had he even worried about her getting her? He was falling in love with a woman who could take care of herself without any issues at all. She was a warrior, a lady - She was the epitome of perfection in his eyes. Karina Manderly, the one who bewitched him body and soul - Made him ache for her even when they had never truly touched. His body felt as if electricity was coursing through him as she spoke - His whole body reacting to hers, making him feel as if there was none other he could live for or with. “I am sure you did everything in your power to help those without fortune..” he murmured in response, his eyes soft, and delicate as they took in the woman he would forever cherish.
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As she asked about him his face faltered a little, but with her here it seemed his burdens weren’t so difficult after all. “I was at Storm’s End for a while.” he nodded, his voice a little low, ashamed of not staying with his brother for longer. “But I could not leave my duty as you know-” he murmured meeting her eyes again, finding himself to be guilty. He felt like a fraud to his brother, when in truth Stefan probably didn’t think that way. “Vasila has been broken for some time, the attack -” he sighed and squeezed her hand lightly, finding comfort in her touch. “I have been well.” he nodded, a white lie. He’d missed her, yearned for her, finding himself writing letters to ask her to come to him sooner - he’d burned them all, however. “I haven’t been okay.” he blurted out, a slight frown forming between his brows as he looks at her. “I do believe I will be fine now, with you here.” he blushes, a small smile evident. How could he contain the love he felt for her? How could he not let it burst out? He didn’t wish to scare her away, not when her whole being was molded perfectly to his.
        her  smile  wavered  slightly,  thoughts  drifting  back home where people were still recovering from the winter and mourning those they’d lost, but she also knew that he spoke true. no one could have anticipated winter arriving early.        ❝  sometimes i think i should have done more,  ❞        she admitted softly. it was the first time she’d fully understood the pressure her father faced as ruling lord, a pressure she would one day inherit. on the days that had been particularly difficult, she’d found herself wishing theodore was there at her side. even if he couldn’t offer a solution, he could have been someone to share her thoughts with, and lean on if needed. thank the old gods, they were parted no longer.
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        ❝  i’m glad you were able to spend some time with your family.  ❞        especially after what had happened in king’s landing with his brother. she held her tongue from saying more. his duty to the princess was clearly important to him and for that reason along she wouldn’t speak against it. nor would she say that she didn’t care about the targaryen’s wound or that they all deserved far worse.        ❝  you haven’t been?  ❞       worry squeezed her heart tightly. one hand remained holding his but the other reached up to cup his face. while his next words made color rush to her cheeks, they couldn’t entirely extinguish her concern.        ❝  they haven’t been cruel to you, have they?  ❞        her eyes searched his for any sign she might have initially missed.        ❝  i won’t leave your side,  ❞        she promised, emotion filling each word, and squeezed his hand. the thought of him being alone and upset made her heart weep. she would do all she could to put an end to it. 
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