crxwill-blog · 6 years
[ msg to: loser nerd 🐍] what are you up to [ msg to: loser nerd 🐍] where are you [ msg to: loser nerd 🐍] not that i miss you or anything but [ msg to: loser nerd 🐍] why the fuck haven’t i seen you [ msg to: loser nerd 🐍] hbd btw
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     eric’s not happy with the room distribution, anyone could easily tell. all of his friends in one room but him—truly a tragedy. he tries not to show it, though, until he runs into his gryffindor friend. 
     “hah,” he huffs through his contempt, rolling his eyes. “like i need you to tell me that. was ready to jump the professor when i realized,” not exactly the truth, but god, did he want to. 
     he watches the pebble bounce off the path, half-hoping it’d hit something (or someone), but as the world has already shown him, luck simply wasn’t on his side. “fuck if i know. i thought i did well enough on the exams to stay in their good books.”
“you sound like me,” will can’t help but smile and nudge his friend with an elbow. it’s not often that he hears that his slytherin friend was nearly moved to acts of physical violence; those threats are usually much more up will’s alley than eric’s. “you must really be pissed.”
he’s not sure what feeling it is that makes him frown now though. some sort of guilt? a weird brand of jealousy at the universe for taking his friend away from his side? he’s not sure. he shrugs. “i barely passed and they put me with the other two losers. maybe you did too well to stay with us. damn, stop being such an overachiever.”
will kicks at another pebble, whiffing it a little. the clatter of this one isn’t nearly as satisfying as the previous. “i’ll miss you or something,” he sulks, his voice low and misleadingly surly. “just sneak into our room. we’ll kick someone else out.”
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
“this is bullshit,” will kicks at a pebble, a frown on his face as he paces around. he shouldn’t complain, not really, when two of his three best friends are his roommates for this trip anyways. but he’d rather have three for three, especially considering the missing link is his bestest friend. “you should be in our room.”
he makes his disappointment very obvious, not bothering to hide anything from eric. he kicks the same pebble again, watching it fly and click and clack along the concrete path. “who decided this anyways? they must have it out for you or something. who’d you piss off?”
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     eric sees will shiver and looks away briefly only to snicker. adorable, he thinks to himself, seeing the gryffindor flushing like a maiden in love. “you’re doing this on purpose now, aren’t you? reacting like this—just to make my heart beat,” he puts on airs, looking as understanding as he could in his mockery.
     “hmm? but your body says otherwise,” the joke doesn’t escape him, a laugh threatening to escape from his body at his own words. “i know you better than anybody, will. you love it. love me.”
it’s with a frown and the most annoyed roll of his eyes that he can manage that will pushes eric away from him. he’s got him all sorts of flustered, and he hates the feeling. gryffindors are supposed to be confident, fearless, right? what would his big siblings do in this situation? definitely not blush like a shy schoolgirl, though that all will seems to be capable of.
“i do not love you,” he repeats, blowing an indignant puff of air through his nose. “if your heart’s beating it’s because you know i’m about two seconds away from decking you right now.” he shows off his fist, as if he means anything serious by the threat.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
he knows that look. he gets it all the time from his big siblings, from his mother, eric.. pretty much everyone. that patient, somewhat disappointed, and yet not at all surprised look when they realize that william baines is a giant idiot. the boy blows out a sigh of annoyance. this is why he doesn’t try.
“what? i did it! it’s better than it would have been... i was just not gonna do it.” he shrugs as if unconcerned, as if he couldn’t give less of a crap about his grades and overall academic performance. he does care, just a little. just enough to scrape through well enough to stay on the quidditch team. he would never say it out loud, but he did put effort into that essay; writing has just never been his strong suit. nor had reading, or maths, or any other subject or skill taught in traditional classes.
will reaches to snatch the parchment back, a scowl on his face. “is it that bad? just write it for me. you know i’m not going to do any better than this.” he’s tempted to just tear it up in frustration. at least he hasn’t quite reached that level yet.
New Goals;
Gently placing the notebook on the table, Jihyuck tries his best not to scream. He wasn’t about to get kicked off the library just because his dearest friend William Baines, couldn’t seem to get anything through his head. He always knew the Gryffindor wasn’t exactly the most academic person but this was a whole new level of ignorance he was dealing with. He wasn’t even sure why he still tried. Will clearly didn’t give a damn and even when he did, it was just the parts that amused him. 
Jihyuck breathes in, scanning Will’s homework once more to see if it had magically changed into a well written report about his favorite planet. They had spent most of the afternoon together, with Jihyuck insisting on helping Will do his own homework at least once in his lifetime. He thought he had done it when his friend handed him the notebook to proofread. But he was wrong.
He had to at least praise him for the effort. “It’s… it’s a start. At least you got some of the main points here. But we can do better than this.” 
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
Feel free to change pronouns etc. CALM / QUESTIONING.
“ tell me, what happened?” “ did you see anything?” “ what do you remember?” “ do you remember anything unusual?” “ please, try to remember as much as you can.” “ every detail is important.” “ and what happened next?” “ and what did you do when all this took place?” “ what were you doing around __ am/pm?” “ where were you around __ am/pm?” “ can anyone verify that?” “ was someone with you?” “ and you had nothing to do with it?” “ and you weren’t involved?” “ did you see it happen?” “ did you see who did it?” “ did you see or hear anything? anything at all?”
“ you seem scared… is that why you don’t want to talk?” “ did someone hurt you?” “ it’s okay. you can tell me.” “ you were just trying to defend yourself, weren’t you?” “ we can take a break, if you want.” “ everything will be okay, i promise. but you need to talk to me.” “ it’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it. but it really would help if you did.”
“ there is something you’re not telling me.” “ i think you’re lying.” “ you looked away just now when you said that. are you sure you’re telling the truth?” “ except what you’re telling me doesn’t align with what we already know.” “ seems to me like you know more than you’re letting in on.” “ what aren’t you telling me?” “ who are you trying to protect?” “ so you really don’t know what any of it means? no clue at all?” “ they must’ve told you more than that.” “ you have to have seen more than that.” “ and you want me to believe you don’t remember?” “ and you want me to believe you had nothing to do with it?” “ an accident? is that what you’re going with?”
“ i need you to tell me the truth.” “ i need you to tell me what happened.” “ i know you’re not telling me the truth.” “ that doesn’t line up with the evidence. so… you wanna try that again?” “ stop lying. i already know that’s not what happened.”
“ what do you want in exchange for this information?” “ i’m listening…” “ you’re coming with me.” “ since you’re the only one who knows how to find them, i don’t really have a choice but to take you with me.” “ fine. i’ll take you with me, but if you try anything…” “ i can’t give you that. you know that.” “ if we’re going to make a deal, you’re gonna have to ask for something a little more rational than that.” “ okay. we have a deal.” “ sorry. no deal.”
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     “nothing makes sense when i’m with you,” eric blows a small puff of air down will’s neck before finally backing off with a laugh. “you’re so red right now it’s adorable.”
     “i wouldn’t go as far as to say i’d go to your house, but you’re certainly welcome in mine,” he throws back nonchalantly, now studying will’s face with a burning intensity that he knows his friend will feel. “and we’re friends because you know you love me, loser.”
he can’t help it. he shivers. who wouldn’t when they’re cornered and someone is literally breathing down his neck? fuck you, eric, will thinks to himself. he knows his friend is messing with him. he’s just angry at himself for giving him the reactions he knows eric is looking for.
“you’re disgusting,” will manages to scrunch up his face into a scowl, though the pink doesn’t leave his cheeks and his ears burn something awful. “i do not love you. i barely even like you, especially right now!” lies, they both know it. they’ve been friends this long, that’s not going to end now, even if eric is pulling this shit.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     eric doesn’t try to stop the smug smile from creeping onto his lips, having way too much fun teasing his best friend into the blushing mess he knows he is. truly, if only everyone else could see will like this—they’d be significantly less intimidated (but part of him wants to keep the sight to himself).
     “and you’re precious,” he draws the word out, steadying himself from the shove only to step forward again, lowering his head just enough to whisper into will’s ear. “the sorting hat has spoken, and it says i belong in your house.”
he jerks away from the hot breath on his ear, sending his friend a look that so plainly says ‘what the fuck are you doing?’ without having to vocalize the thought. “that one doesn’t even make sense,” will protests, but it’s too late. the blush has spread to his face and he knows he couldn’t look intimidating if he tried right now.
“we’re literally in opposite houses. why are we friends? don’t answer that,” it’s all he can do not to cover his face like a little girl who can’t talk to her crush. eric is most certainly not a crush. anyone who’d like him would be an idiot, in will’s humble opinion. 
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
"I’m not wearing an invisibility cloak, but do you think I could still visit your restricted section tonight?"
“you’re disgusting,” it’s with a wrinkle of his nose to match his words that he pushes eric away. his ears burn bright red, the only sign of will’s entire lack of any sort of experience and incredible embarrassment from his friend’s suggestive flirting. he ducks his head before the flush can spread to his cheeks. “god, i hate you.”
he should be used to this. he’s not.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     “i’ve gotten boring,” eric repeats back in a mocking tone, fully aware of just how immature they both sound right now. “or maybe i’ve just decided to settle down in life. get a cute girlfriend—maybe two. marry her, have kids, move to paris and then live out the rest of my long and arduous life there— yes, i’ve gotten boring, will,” he himself isn’t quite sure what he means by all that, but talking to will always seems to do this to him.
     “want me to remind you of herbology homework? or will you screw off?” the last part comes off as more of a joke than anything, though he really wouldn’t mind if will took him seriously. “just because i read books doesn’t make me a ravenclaw— god, you’re so fucking dumb.”
     "you so rely on me,“ eric holds back a smirk, though not exactly trying too hard. ”you say that like it isn’t still freezing. i’d rather not fall sick now—i have a family to live for.“ even he laughs at that. "suggest something different and i’ll decide if you’re worth my time,” he says, as if he isn’t ready to hop onto will’s crazy train anytime.
his frown gets deeper and deeper the longer his friend goes on with his life’s plan. will takes offense to one detail in particular, his nose wrinkling up in the ultimate annoyed scowl when he finally replies. “i can’t believe you’re not taking me to paris with you and your two wives and six kids and ten dogs and three cats. what are you gonna do without me?”
"why would i do my herbology homework now when you’re gonna let me copy yours ten minutes before class starts?” eric can try to say that won’t happen, that he’s done helping will coast through his classes. the gryffindor will never believe it. “and obviously you’re a snake, but the hat must have made some mistake. nerd.”
finally will smiles when he thinks he’s made a breakthrough. come up with something worth eric’s time. he can think of a few things, most of them that would probably end with them getting in trouble and losing every point that will’s managed to earn for his house so far this year. “okay, no squid. we can set off bangers in the great hall, i think i still have a couple i nicked from my brother.”
buddy up.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     “when have you ever not wanted to bother someone?” eric muses, quirking an eyebrow at will. “distance and preoccupations have never gotten in your way before. i don’t see why they would’ve started doing so now.”
     will’s promise (threat?) strikes a chuckle out of his lips, though more akin to a scoff than anything. i.o.u’s or not, he was sure will would’ve continued to bother him anyways. even when they’re old and wrinkled, will would be whacking on his door with a cane or something stupid like that. urgh, fuck. growing old…bad thought.
     “i can put the book down and think about the book. that counts as something, right?” he teases, now too distracted to focus on the story anyways. “do you really rely on me so much for entertainment? go troll someone on hooter or something—it’s way more productive.” 
“when have you gotten so boring?” he mimics his friend’s tone, face screwing up into some weird snobby impression of eric. “ooh, look at me, i’m eric! i’m too busy being smart and scholarly to do anything fun with my best friend!” will thinks nothing of his maturity level. he aims only to get a reaction out of the other.
truth be told, he has his favorites. jun and hyuck were favorites, but then there were favorites. eric holds that position alone, unquestioned and unmentioned by will. they’d kill each other, but they’d also kill for each other, and really what else could be the hallmark of a more perfect friendship?
“no, that doesn’t count. really, with all of your technicalities, you should’a been a ravenclaw,” will snorts, hardly anything more than a frustrated puff of air through his nostrils. “i don’t rely on you, you’re just more fun than the losers on hooter. c’mon, let’s go poke the giant squid or something. anything.” 
buddy up.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
“but bro, i love you.” “i’m amazing when i’m drunk.” “i am a great person.” “i want to sleep forever.” “no homo, but that’s lit.” “i’m sorry, i wasn’t listening.” “are you flirting with me?” “don’t you think that’s gay.” “c'mon try to guess what.” “don’t do that to me.” “i didn’t think you’d care.” “please stop losing your temper.” “exactly, why are you awake?” “i need some new friends.” “don’t even think about it.” “are you gonna stop me?” “i’m a very neat monster.” “fear is a powerful motivator.” “babe, you look so cool!” “you have so many scars.” “you’re gonna leave me alone?” “no, i’m not going to.” “you’re not scared, are you?” “it’s designed to scare you.” “just checking up on you.” “i am not a computer.” “insufficient facts always invite danger” “stay out of swinging range!” “everyone shut up and focus!” “have you seen these thighs?” “this feels like a test.” “you know i hate that.”
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
[ ✉ ➝ wont ] how are u so consistently lame
[ msg to: erica ] how are u so consistently annoying
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
     eric hears the familiar fire-starting tone in will’s voice and instinctively rolls his eyes, preparing himself for whatever was going to be thrown his way in just a few moments (both metaphorically and literally). he’s never been too good at athletics, though, and is unable to dodge the small wad of paper that hits the side of his head. 
     “ow,” he deadpans, not even bothering to pick the projectile off his robe. he’s used to this by now, and way too into this book to cater to will’s boredom. “go bother someone else. shouldn’t hyuck be free right now?” he offers with little to no enthusiasm, knowing well enough that will wasn’t about to leave him be.
     “yes i’ve done it and yes you can copy off it. i’ll put it on your tab of…” he pauses for effect. “…fifty thousand ‘i.o.u’s?” sounds about right. “i’m going to own your entire existence at this rate.” not that that sounded bad at all. quite interesting, actually.
disappointment colors his features when he gets a less than satisfactory reaction from his best friend. is that it? you’re not gonna retaliate? sometimes will wonders why he ever hangs out with anyone who doesn’t decorate themself in red and gold and think and act and talk like he does. gryffindors are by far the superior company when it comes to entertainment.
“i don’t want to bother hyuck. i’ve got you right here, don’t i?” he has half a mind to flick another wad of parchment at his friend, as if repeating the exact same actions would have any different results. he knows better than to try it in actuality.
will huffs and slouches down in his seat. why is eric so damn boring today? “nice. you’re never getting rid of me now. i’m gonna bother your for the rest of your life,” he doubts eric will ever call to collect, and even if he does, something tells will that he would have helped his friend out anyways. 
“oh, come on. can’t you put that damn book down and do something? i’m bored, ‘ric,” will all but whines like the oh so mature young adult he is.
buddy up.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
when the older boy sits next to him will does his best to just scoot away. the seat to his side is much better occupied by eric or jun or hyuck, not some weird upperclassman decked in badger colors. he doesn’t bother to hide his look of utter disdain and confusion.
“someone’s sitting there,” will says automatically, lying if only to get the hufflepuff away from him.
but then he’s questioned about alec. a good friend, an older student he looks up to like no one else in the castle. will huffs an annoyed sigh. if they’re going to talk about something as cool as alec lee, then maybe he can let the weirdo sit here a little bit longer. he’s still gotta go eventually though.
“what? do you like him?” will laughs cruelly. as dumb as he is, he’s perceptive enough to see through the nervous hufflepuff and his ‘for a friend’ excuses. “you poor thing,” will coos meanly, “even if i knew, why should i tell you?”
never mind that he doesn’t know all of alec’s secrets. they don’t talk about this emotional stuff much; will doesn’t have the patience for it and his attention is much easier captured through some new secret passage or an especially good prank. but messing with the older boy is fun, and will never denies himself a bit of fun.
    his steps were hurried as he looked around for will. the seventh year was always so hard to find, but kaito needed to talk to him. the castle was just so big. he just hoped will wasn’t in his dorms, otherwise, he’d never find him.
   but thankfully, the other was in the great hall. kaito’s steps were quick as he made his way over, dropping down next to the other and smiling sweetly.
   his back was against the table and he rested his arm on the table as he twisted his body to look at the younger male, “will, you’re close to alec, right?”
   he already knew the answer. will seemed to idolize the other. it was cute really. will was a bit frustrating though. he would accept kaito at all. he seemed to dislike him for whatever reason and kaito didn’t understand. everyone loved hi. he was so kind and generous. he was always upbeat too. there was no reason for will not to like him. but that wasn’t what was important.
   “is he interested in anyone? … a- uh- friend wants to know,” he tried, though he knew that never worked.
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
[ ! OUTGOING GROUP MESSAGES.. to: f00l’s !  ]
[ #00WILL ] >> too bad you can’t have it [ #00WILL ] >> i’m keeping it, you have some good notes written in the margins [ #00WILL ] >> you can have mine though. it’s practically unopened!
b00 b00 the f00l’s
@creric @crxjunjie @crxwill
[✉- #00Hyuck to f00l’s] Rise and Shine party people 
[✉- #00Hyuck to f00l’s] Which one of u losers has my arithmancy book? 
[✉- #00Hyuck to f00l’s] I need it back before class 
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crxwill-blog · 6 years
buddy up.
“alright loser,” the tiny bit of parchment he plans to fling at his friend has been crumpled up perfectly into a hard little projectile. no magic is needed to make it fly toward its intended target; will has pretty good aim as is. “think fast.”
he flicks the little parchment ball, watching it fly through the air toward eric with considerably less speed than he had hoped for. oh well; it’s meant to be annoying more than anything anyways. at least he should have his friend’s attention now. hopefully eric is mildly pissed off enough to be interesting to talk to and hang out with until some academic or other social obligation causes them to part.
“i’m bored,” will to english translation: he’s not getting enough attention and he’s not currently active enough to distract himself from this fact. perhaps it’s unfair of him to demand the attention of eric, but what are best friends for? if not eric, than who? “did you do your potions homework yet?” another translation: can i copy your homework? because i don’t want to do it myself.
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