crybabbyy5-blog · 5 years
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Brittany Rhodes has moved back to Colorado after working for fashion company, Sisters and Brothers Showroom, located in Los Angeles. She moved out to California when she was eighteen right after graduating from high school in New Castle, a small town located in western Colorado. She is wearing flowy striped pants with a denim top. She has a sun kissed look. You can tell she works in the fashion industry as she walks into Roasted, a coffee shop located downtown in Grand Junction. Brittany is now twenty years old and has left Los Angeles and has started working in Aspen Colorado for Nina McLmore. These past two years have shown Brittany what she truly wants out of life. 
Q: What brings you back to Colorado? 
A: Got a great job offer working for Nina McLmore. I thought it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. It could not have come at a better time. Los Angeles was stressful and took a toll on my mental health so I guess you could say I needed a change of pace. 
Q: What do you mean by it taking a toll on your mental health? 
A: When I moved to Los Angeles I was determined to show everyone back home what I could do. I felt like a failure when I was doing nothing so I quickly took on a lot of stress. I isolated myself and put a lot of things on my plate and did not ask for help. 
Q:What is something you learned about yourself during this time?
A:I finally learned that I have always done things for others approval. I am finally doing what I think is best for me and not what I think others want me to do. 
Q:Will you ever go back to Los Angeles? 
A:Of course! It’s not like I hated it the whole experience. I just didn’t take care of myself. I took this job in Aspen as a break to get my mental health back on track. 
Q:What steps are you taking for your mental health? 
A:I have been trying to open up more and talk about my struggles. I have always tried to seem perfect. I felt like I always had to seem like I had it together, but as I have learned that not everyone is perfect and everyone has flaws. 
Q:What was your wake up call that made you realize you weren't okay?
A:That's easy! It was when I went to Shawn Mendes concert and when it was my turn to ask him a question I froze and ran out. I have never been afraid of public speaking before and that is something I looked forward to for so long! That is when I knew I had let my anxiety take control of my life. 
Q:What has changed since you have come back to Colorado?
A:I have made it my mission to cut ties with anyone who has not added positivity to my life. I also cut ties with people I was friends with because of the status. I’m trying to be more authentic to myself. 
Q:How is your new job different from your old one?
A:I have a lot more freedom with my schedule since I’m running the boutique under Nina. I am able to go to school and still work for her without being completely stressed out. In LA, I wasn’t able to go to school full time and work. The change of pace is nice I can finally catch a breathe!
Q:What is one thing you wish you would have done differently? 
A:I wish I would have not rushed growing up so fast. I was eighteen and took on a lot of responsibility in a city I did not know. 
Q:Besides the amount of stress do you enjoy working in the fashion industry?
A: Yes! I have always loved clothes and trends. It's pretty neat watching the process and seeing what trends are coming before they are out. 
Q:What are some trends that are coming up?
A:TIE DYE! But in a more fashionable way. Also 70’s clothing is going to take over. Bell bottoms are in! 
Q:What is a piece of advice to those who are chasing their dreams?
A:Take care of yourself! It’s okay to be twenty and still figuring life out. Don’t feel like a failure if you don’t have it figured out. I was too hard on myself. We all need to be more patient with ourselves and realize that everyday is an opportunity to better ourselves.
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crybabbyy5-blog · 5 years
Life Narrative
Life Narrative 
There is a trend on Youtube where, when people turn twenty they talk about what they have learned in their twenty years of life. Now I don’t have enough footage to make a cute artsy video talking about what I have learned in my twenty trips around the sun, but I do have twenty valuable things I have learned about the world and myself. 
Change is scary. I have never liked change it makes me uncomfortable and anxious. Something I am still working on and am learning that change is not always bad. 
It is okay to have temporary people in your life. They are not always meant to be in your life forever. Certain people come into your life at certain times to teach you lessons. 
Stand up for yourself. That is something I wish I could tell my ten year old self. It is okay to tell people that you don’t like the way they are treating you. 
Just because you treat others a certain way does not mean they will treat you the same. It is a hard pill to swallow. I love hard and expect people to love me the same. It’s not always like that. 
People deserve a second chance. This took me a long time to learn. It is hard for me to let go of grudges and things people have done, but what I have come to learn is that no one is perfect. Everyone at this age is making mistakes. 
No one will love you until you love yourself. At the end of the day no one will have your back like you have your back. Be confident in who you are and everything else will come naturally. 
It is okay to be in solitude. All my life I have been afraid of being alone. What I have come to learn is just because your alone sometimes doesn’t mean you're alone in this world. It is okay to disconnect and recharge from the world and be alone with your thoughts. 
Being bitter is no fun. Holding a grudge and being angry is hurting no one but, yourself. 
Relationships need to be worked on. Not everything is perfect all the time. 
Traveling expands you. I didn’t know what people meant about traveling changing them until I did this past summer. I grew out of my comfort zone and did things I never thought I would. 
It will pass. Sadness seems like it’ll be forever, but it won’t. 
You can’t control others. I have a tendency of wanting people to do things my way. It is easier to not worry about things you can’t control. At the end of the day it’s only hurting you. 
Being open minded. Don’t judge others and their stories. You do not know what they are going through and what they have been through. Everyone is just trying to figure their stuff out. 
Heal your wounds. We are not perfect. No one is. Everyone has baggage to deal with. It is okay to take time and work on yourself. You can never stop bettering yourself. 
No shortcuts do the work. My mom has always said the laziest people always have to do it twice. Do it the right way the first time. 
You are not always right. It is okay to admit you are wrong. Sometimes you learn the must when you are wrong. 
It is okay to feel. All my life I have been made to feel like I am too sensitive. It is okay to cry and to talk about your feelings. Emotional intelligence is not something everyone has be grateful you do.
People’s opinions of you don't make you any less worthy. It does not matter what anyone thinks about you, but you.
You can do anything if you put your mind to it. Being first generation I would not be here if I didn’t work my butt off. 
Take Advantage of the opportunities given to you. Not everyone is as lucky as you. Make these chances count. 
There are millions of other things I have learned in my twenty years on this earth. These are the ones that have resonated with me the most. As I start this next chapter of my life, I am sure there will be a lot of tears and lessons. I am anxious and looking forward to becoming a better version of myself everyday.
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crybabbyy5-blog · 7 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 7 years
“Because immigration is not an evil, it is survival.” - Jonathan Mendoza & Joaquina Mertz - “La Réplica (after Danez Smith)”
via @buttonpoetry
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
Progress, not perfection, is what we should be asking of ourselves.
The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity by Julia Cameron (via quotewithasource)
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
Staying independent, 
raising 100k for coats for Chicago kids, 
hosting open mic events for Chicago teenagers, 
giving the music away for free and still making a substantial life off tours and merch. 
When we say “independent” that just means he doesn’t have a label telling him what tracks he can and cannot put out. Like, he just has total creative freedom.
This is #BlackExcellence    
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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from weheartit
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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“You’re weird.”
“No, that was a compliment actually.”
Donnie Darko (2001) dir. Richard Kelly
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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Ease your soul here
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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follow for more :)
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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crybabbyy5-blog · 8 years
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i’m strong
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