cryingfetus-blog1 · 7 years
Everyone has their own reasons to photograph whatever they desire: whether it's a photograph of their old friends or even them sit sitting on an edge of  skyscraper. However, no matter what the reason may be, while that person taking the picture they are most likely to think about how in 20 years from now they are going to look back at all these photographs and remember this very moment in their lifetime. In other words, that photograph has left a mark on their lives that they will never forget. Similarly, whenever I take any picture whether it be of my friends and myself outside of the entrance of Six Flags or my entire family at the beach, it gives me another memory to look back at when I'm older. I initially began to take photos of other people as well as myself in order to socialize with other people more often and to get out of my comfort zone; now I do it to not only to socialize more more but also to have something that that would remind me of the positive moments throughout my lifetime whenever I'm feeling down. I still am no professional photographer as I keep photography as a minor side-hobby due to school work as well as other responsibilities, but from all the times I have taken photographs of anything I can give one piece of advice: only do things in life that will bring a smile on someone's face, even if that someone is you.
-Vishnu Kumar
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cryingfetus-blog1 · 7 years
Tarannum Ahmed
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Why did you start taking pictures?
I’ve started to take pictures because I wanted to take pictures that people would look at and gain a deeper insight on life. The quote “ A picture is worth a thousands words” is a mantra I seem to abide to as I want pictures that tells a story and reflects on the person, animal(s) or object I’m taking of. Of course, it’s also a form of self-expression and an enjoyable pastime.
How long have you been taking photos?
I’ve been taking pictures since I was in middle school, and at first, they were extremely terrible. I wouldn’t say the skill that I have now has improved much, but there’s definitely a difference in the photo quality from middle school till now.
Did you have any formal training for photography?
I didn’t have any formal training for photography, but there’s Google, right? However, I’ve been learning news ways you can take pictures and the aspects you need to take in consideration when you take photographs from the internet and The Phoenix.
Why did you choose to take photos instead of other art forms?
I chose to take photography instead of other art forms because I can’t barely even draw stick figure. I feel as though photography makes you travel, try new activities, and document something meaningful.
What are your favorite kinds of photos?
This is a tough one because there is an underlying beauty behind every photograph. The real beauty lies behind the story and the thought the photographer had while taking the photo and the story that is created by the person who looks at the photo.
What is your favorite photo that you have taken?
One of my most favorite photo taken by me was a natural photo of my mother.
What do you want to tell the world through your photos?
A story. A sad one on the reality of life. But then, when I stop feeling salty,  a sweet story where an onlooker would look at this picture and reminisce past memories.
What programs do you use to edit your photos?
As I said, I’m not a professional photographer so I don’t use any programs to edit my pictures.
Do you prefer the raw images or the edited versions?
Both. Raw images give out the real and naturalness of the object or thing you are taking a picture of. However, with edits, you can add emphasis or draw attention to certain aspects of the photo.
What equipment do you use?
Usually my phone.
What was your first camera?
So long ago, I don’t even remember
Do you have any advice for beginning photographers?
I’m still a beginning photographer so I would like it if someone gave me some advice or some constructive criticism.
Do you plan to have a career in photography?
Unless, I hit the jackpot and all my pictures become instantly famous, I would prefer to have photography as a side career or hobby.
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cryingfetus-blog1 · 7 years
Olivia Piechocinski
How did you start writing?
As a kid I really loved reading and slowly that love for reading developed into a love for writing. I began to understand the process of creating these beautiful, meaningful books and I wanted to be a part of it somehow.
What inspires you to write?
I write a lot of poems and stories involving nature and human interaction so it can be anything from a snowy day to a chance encounter with an old friend that inspires me.
How often do you write?
Honestly, because of school and life in general, I don't have much time to write so I write roughly once a month.
Do you ever think that writing is tiring? How do you recover from that fatigue?
Writing is extremely tiring, but also very extremely rewarding. I just push through the initial fatigue and wait to get into my “flow.” If that doesn't happen, I'll read a little or snack on something and try again.
Have you ever taken a hiatus? If yes, why?
Yes, because of time constraints and school work.
Do you post any of your pieces on social media? If no, why don’t you?
No and not necessarily for any particular reasons. I mainly just submit to poetry contests.
Do you aspire to be a writer?
I’d like to be a screenwriter because I’d be able to combine my love of film with writing.
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cryingfetus-blog1 · 7 years
Joie Ning
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How did you start writing? 
I started writing at a young age just because I liked it. I was never really inspired by anything in particular except that it became a hobby.
What inspires you to write?
Nothing, really. I would say my inspiration comes from my surroundings. I write mainly due to the enjoyment I get from it, but each and every one of my writing pieces are mostly inspired by a certain thing. My recent pieces are inspired by very the simple, basic things that I see around me, especially when I am on the train. I like to focus on the smaller things and details, and use this to gradually build a writing piece.
How often do you write?
I write when I have spare time and the energy to do it, so not very often anymore. I used to write on weekends, but even they are taken up by other, more important things, so I write when I have time, often when I'm going out and taking public transportation. I also take the opportunity to write when I have individual projects with a lot of freedom.
Do you ever think that writing is tiring?
Oh, yes, writing is extremely tiring. It's not the actual action of doing it but the entire process. To make characters, a steady plot and just be able to make an interesting story that's cohesive and understandable in one sitting is extremely difficult. There's a lot of things that go into writing, and the entire process and the frustration of it can take a lot out of you.
How do you recover from that fatigue?
Most of the time I just wait until inspiration strikes and I quickly write it down in hopes that it will turn into something more developed. I also try to make myself as comfortable as possible and I look around the Internet for some inspiration.
Have you ever taken a hiatus?
Kind of, yeah. It's not really official though, since it's not like I announce it. However, when I take a hiatus from writing, I still take the time to gain inspiration and write my ideas down, but I don't try to shape it into actual writing.
If yes, why?
Things kinda get really tough sometimes, and it's hard to keep up. Writing can be both stress relieving and stress inducing, and I'm afraid that if I force myself to write, I'll stop liking it and lose this as a passion.
Do you post any of your pieces on social media?
Very few of them. I only started posting them very recently, and I only have one official piece up. Other pieces that I've posted are just some random pieces that I don't really consider full-fledged stories.
If yes, what are your accounts?
Find me on tumblr at my main blog @virtualbrownie and on my Ace Attorney side blog @court-ships . I also have AO3 accounts under the same name.
Do you aspire to be a writer?
Yes, I do. I'm considering writing to be a possible career choice for me.
If yes, do you have a plan set? (Publishers, editors, etc.)
No, I haven't thought too far yet. I think that I'm more concerned about what I would actually be able to write that would be quality for publishers or editors to actually accept.
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