cryobun · 3 years
In Regards to My Inactivity
Hey, it's me, Kaz. I'm back but only for a few seconds/minutes before disappearing again because I have something to confess. I'm actually scared to say this on main so I'm gonna say it here instead (for now).
I'm actually unable to stay online for at least a minute on Kazmetic solely because I don't like Fate. I feel like a leech for liking Sigurd yet I'm hating on the medium that he's from. I mean, sure, I understand that everyone is allowed to enjoy a character even if they're not in the fandom or barely know anything about the fandom/medium but I feel bad for acting like I love Fate as a whole when it's actually the opposite.
This also explains why I never bothered to interact with anyone/anything that is related to Fate on main. It's not because I hate them/you, it's because Fate makes me feel so distressed that I wish to avoid it as much as I can.
I do love seeing people have fun with their favourite servants/characters, however, interacting with them will only flood my blog with Fate and I don't want that. I hope you understand and please don't take this personally. I may or may not be active on Kazmetic or Turtlelia but my door is always open for you to gush (be it in my askbox or chat).
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cryobun · 3 years
Hi, I just want to say that I'll no longer do OC x Canon content anymore but, who knows if I'd change my mind in the future, ay?
Anxiety is real and I feel like I have no place doing stuff like that especially in public so I'm gonna take a break or maybe quit.
I will leave this blog and I'm not sure if I'll ever come back. Nice meeting you but I think it's time for me to leave.
See you guys some other time.
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cryobun · 3 years
When I say that I use all pronouns, I am saying please use all of them. Mix it up. Be spicy. Make my gender a mystery.
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cryobun · 3 years
Max bond Samba Quetz doodle
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Here's a lil doodle to celebrate yesterday's max bond achievement!
I would've drawn her in the actual Samba outfit but... it's a bit difficult. Maybe one day.
Anyways, matching red sweaters under the mistletoe!
@zantyreloaded @renmeo @neptuknight @exmeowstic @grievouslyxorvia @panyum @rabbit-a-la-mode @vanillachaldea
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cryobun · 3 years
Everyday is Christmas with you
Rex layed in his bed one afternoon, he was taking a short nap after time spent dealing with farming. As he slept, he then felt something small get on top of him.
*soft screeches*
Rex: hmmmm
*more soft screeches*
Rex: *waking up* what the...?
Before him, Rex saw a small white colored pterosaur.
Rex: ....well hello there... who are you?
Rex then notices Quetzalcoatl sitting on the bed looking at him, while wearing her X-mas outfit.
Rex: Hola, mi corazon!
Quetz: Hola, mi amor!
Rex: so... why you in that? We celebrating Christmas early or something?
Quetz: no... pero.... for some reason I've been feeling nostalgic for that Christmas.
Rex: really?
He says this as he sits up in the bed, while holding the little animal.
Rex: any... particular reason, as to why?
Quetz: not really... but for some reason... I want to reminisce on that day. We're kinda halfway to the next... so maybe that's it?
Rex: I mean... it's possible... Christmas has always been pretty special to us... some great memories have been made that holiday.
Quetz: si... honestly I didn't expect to find joy in such a... unique holiday. Then again... I also didn't expect to get married either.
Rex: I guess you can thank me for a lot of unexpected good times.
Quetz giggled softly
Quetz: si! You've been un fantastico esposo! Honestly everyday is like Christmas with you!
Rex: I feel the same with you, mi diosa!
Quetz: honestly mi amor, I still don't know how you manage to make me so happy everyday!
Rex: I just try my best... you deserve everything mi corazon! And I'm trying to be the best husband for such an amazing goddess!
Quetz got a bit overwhelmed by Rex's words
Quetz: oh mi amor!!! You treat me far too good then what I deserve!!!!
Quetz: ...but please don't stop.
Rex: would never dream of stopping!!! You already treat me far better then I deserve, so I need to treat you as good as I can!!!!
Quetz: mi amor! You deserve every ounce of love and kindness I give you!!!! Only the best for my husband!!!
Rex: *giggling* so... what's the deal with this lil guy? I thought they were only for Christmas itself?
Quetz: well... would you believe me if I said they just kind of... hatched from an egg my serpent laid?
Rex: is that... a thing phantasmal species can do?
Quetz: I'm pretty sure they shouldn't be able to.... but here they are!
Rex: huh... maybe it has something to do with your spirit origin... changing or something?
Quetz: *giggling* maybe they were born as a result for how much our love has grown!
Rex: *giggling* maybe! But I don't think Da Vinci and the others would accept such an answer!
Quetz: well I'll just stick to it anyways!
Rex: fine by me!!! Our love's grown so much... maybe I should propose again?
Quetz: mi amor! It's still too early to renew our vows!!! But... maybe one day...
Rex: yeah.... I'd like that... one day.
Quetz: so... quieres egg nog? We can go get some, since we're in a Christmasy mood.
Rex: I'd love some!
Then the two went to the kitchen, with the new lil guy flying along side them.
A/N: so there's a story for me reaching bond 10 with Samba Quetz!!! Decided to be a bit vague with how the bond works, since having the bond system be a thing in universe, always seemed silly to me. I hope you guys like the fluff!!!
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @hasjalterdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @hasmataharidoneanythingwrong @hashokusaidoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @grievouslyxorvia @writer-and-artist27 @renmeo @neptuknight
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cryobun · 3 years
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when the when,,w hen, when,,
it seems my type is,, tired writer and energetic king
ok i will draw something properly soon ok aksdskj i dont have motivation
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cryobun · 3 years
“ S/I. I might have not said this directly to you, but I'm really happy I met you. I remembered the times we gone through lots of things together. I want to hold your hand. I want to embrace you. I want to hold you close to me. There are too many things I wanted to tell you. But I'm just too embarrassed to do so. I hope this message gets to you, and I just want you to know that I love you very much, and cherish everything about you my dear S/I. ”
- unvoiced words from F/O(s)
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cryobun · 3 years
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Hello I suddenly became attached to a certain writer
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cryobun · 3 years
Just tell me now...
Rex had been laying in bed, for hours on end. He was probably the most down he'd felt in ages....
No one knew what to do to help him out of this foul mood. The only thing anyone thought to do... was ask his wife Quetzalcoatl for assistance.
Quetz: he's what?!
Mash: he's been in a terrible mood for a while now...
Quetz: and no one thought to get me until now, because?!
Boudica: we didn't think it was nearly as bad as it is...
Quetz: *sigh* I'll talk to him...
She entered their room, to see him wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by snack foods. Upon closer inspection of his face, it seemed that tears had ran down at some point recently.
Quetz: ...mi amor! What happened to you!?
Rex: mmmm....
Rex only uttered a small sound in response. Quetz ran up to their bed, to sit down next to him.
Quetz: ay mi amor... why are you so down...? What happened?
She says as she lays a hand on him
Rex: ...I'd rather not say...
He says, as he looks away, seemingly unable to face her...
Quetz: mi amor... you know can tell me anything... we're married... you can talk to me...
Even as she says this... he remains silent...
Quetz, to her self: ok then... he's not budging... maybe if I try something... else...
And, in an attempt to get him to open up, she sings a little tune.
Quetz: just tell me now🎶 please tell me now🎶 why you're crying now 🎶 even if it's an empty wish that's dying here, just tell me now🎶
As she sings the melody... Rex raises himself up from the bed, still wrapped in the blankets.
Quetz: ...are you ready to talk mi amor....?
Rex: not... exactly...
Quetz: tell me the meaning of your tears 🎶 please now, so I can hold you tight🎶
She sang some more, she knew her singing that song gave him comfort...
Rex: it's just... these lostbelts... I still feel... horrible... for ending whole worlds... like... some kind of... monster...
Quetz, held him tight in her arms, so she could comfort him...
Quetz: shhh... you're not a monster mi amor... you have no choice in the matter.... these cruel circumstances have forced your hand... but I'm still here... still here for you...
Rex: I've already ended four whole worlds mi corazon... just like Tezc-
Quetz: Don't! Do not... compare yourself to him... please... you are nothing like him. You are good and kind and... you have a good reason to do this...
Rex: the weight of it all... it's getting harder and harder to handle...
Quetz: but never forget... I am here for you. Now and forever, that's what esposas are for...
Rex: ...gracias mi corazon...
Quetz: ...you don't have to leave if you're not comfortable... we can stay like this for the rest of the day...
Rex: ...sure... let's stay like this...
Quetz stayed with him... making him feel better... until he was ready to leave again...
@hasereshdoneanythingwrong @hasbbdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @neptuknight @renmeo @calico-tea @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @writer-and-artist27 @hasastolfodoneanythingwrong @hasmataharidoneanythingwrong
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cryobun · 3 years
I still haven't found any motivation to draw despite having so many ideas.
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cryobun · 3 years
Therapist: And what are you going to do about this void in your life?
Me: Fill it with fictional characters.
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cryobun · 3 years
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cryobun · 3 years
Me: I wish there was more content of my OCs
Me: you have to create the content
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cryobun · 3 years
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the suffering never ends
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cryobun · 3 years
Canon x OC ships? Fantastic. Love them.
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cryobun · 3 years
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cryobun · 3 years
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Uh oh he's going to make a YouTube rant video!! Uh oh he's gonna call the audience a slur he's gonna call out Adamant, he's going to explain that total and complete genocide is ok!! He's gonna collab with his hot anime gamer girl wife!
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