cryptic-conductor · 2 years
hi!! ive been trying to get into 2h32 recenty but im a bit confused abt the characters do you have a list of them? thank you in advanced!!
Hey hey, welcome to the choir! You’ve come to the right place for help deciphering the 2h32 lore!
From my understanding, there are three main characters who seem to pop up the most in the series and are thus the most important, at least thus far: P, or the (Fallen) Conductor, who is our protagonist and creator of the series; the Doppelgänger, who seems to be a darker reflection of P with the bandages and several sets of hands; and the Maestro, the headless creature with the mannequin feet. We’ve been seeing these three crop up quite a bit in recent videos, though the Conductor’s look only recently started staying consistent. As a result, I’m 99% sure that some of the different characters/monsters we see in some of the earlier videos are actually the Conductor in different forms and phases as he was reborn into a monster. Though some of his traits are consistent across the series, such as the bandages, one eye being visible, a bloody, ragged-looking mouth, black robes of sorts (or the white button-down shirt and black suspenders), and the black wide-brim hat. 
Then of course we have some of the minor one-off monsters that I am certain are not P, such as the figure in the yellow rain jacket with the plastic-wrapped face in “Promenade”, the creature in the red robes standing amongst the trees in “Abominable”, and my new favorite, the gigantic, horrifying spider-like creature we caught glimpses of in “Blackout”. And I’m sure P had plenty more monsters in mind that we’ll have to keep an eye out for~
For now, though, I think the main definitive characters to pay attention to are the Conductor, the Doppelgänger, and the Maestro. Hope this was helpful! If you have any other questions or want to share any thoughts or theories on the series, I’d love to hear and I’d be happy to answer!
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
@ anon I see you, and I promise I will work on an answer for you as soon as I can!! Work's keeping me busy for the next couple days so I apologize in advance for delays, but just know I have seen your message and I'll be working on a proper reply whenever I have a free moment! 🖤
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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2h32 screenshot redraw
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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I love Conductor P 💕
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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You know, I’ve never thought of it like that before! For some reason my mind keeps fixating on the idea of 2h32’s story being a literal telling of events, like the monsters are actually real and legitimately lurking around hunting people, but it’s also very interesting to look at them from a metaphorical or symbolic standpoint, such as your idea of the events and creatures representing a character’s descent and struggle with mental illness. Considering the cryptic, artistic nature of the series, I think it’s safe to say it’s a mix of both literal and metaphorical. That would make sense with videos like “H”, “Opia”, and “Libretto”, where nothing much happens that we can make sense of, and it’s unlikely that they would represent a literal event in the series. But surely they mean something in the greater context of the whole project. I do also think that in some rare cases, especially with the earlier videos, some of the visuals and scenes we see are just P being expressive and toying with the medium to make some cool shots and aesthetics. Regardless, it's still fascinating and a lot of fun to dig around in these videos and see all the different ways we can theorize and put the pieces together.
Either way, these are definitely some interesting interpretations to consider! Thank you for sharing!
Yes I have a question thats been on my mind since last night. I binge watched 2h32's entire channel and idk if you know this or not, but who exactly is the main character? I know it's P but the "victim" in all this- "I know the pieces fit, Cause I watched them fall away" but I cant exactly find the core of it. From what I gathered the "victim" was
Captured, tortured, killed, shoved into the burlap sack, dropped into the well, and then reborn/made into a demon/monster
But who is it? I thought it was P but during 'Opera' you can see his glowing eye. So maybe it's Doppelganger? Or the headless guy with the mannequin feet? Because maybe his feet were chopped off when he was captured?
So do you have any Theories or know who they are?
Hey there! This is probably gonna be a really long answer; it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been given an excuse to talk/theorize about 2h32 so please bear with me!
This same question really stumped me when I first got into the series because it seemed like the answer was constantly changing. There are plenty of monsters that we see in addition to P, but how many are different characters/entities, and how many are just P in different forms or costumes (he does call himself the Conductor, and he does love his theatrics)? P’s look has been pretty consistent in the more recent videos where he appears, but what about the older ones? What about the humans we see getting captured and killed?
 It also doesn’t help that while there is a story to 2h32, the videos are uploaded out of order so the story beats are all scrambled, at least at the beginning. In more recent videos like “Doppelgänger”, we see the monsters–including P–prowling around a house instead of the woods, attacking humans. But P, at least as we know him now, was never directly seen in the earlier videos. So where exactly did he come from?
At one point on the channel, there was a video called “The Fallen Conductor”. It was five minutes long and actually gave an explanation/told the story of the events that had happened up until “Exeunt”. That video has since gone missing, either deleted or hidden very, very well somewhere else, but I had copied and saved the transcript of the video long before it was removed so I could go back and reference the story without having to rewatch the video each time.
Here’s what “The Fallen Conductor” told us:
Several monsters already existed prior to the start of 2h32. And it seems like P and the monsters struck up a sort of mutual agreement at the start of the series.
“It’s the story of a broken man to whom we offered our help. We invited him over on our side with promises of a new life.”
This then results in P going into the woods, being found by one of the monsters, and essentially being killed and reborn via the whole process of the burlap sack and the well. P becomes one of the monsters, and the narrator in “Fallen Conductor” explains that “With his new nature, came new cravings. His new body was in a constant state of change; He always needed more and more corpses to mend his rotting flesh”
So P starts hunting humans, as we see in videos like “Opera”, “Ode”, and “Ensemble” . It also explains why we see so many different monsters hunting humans, or so many different forms of P conducting his hunts (at least in my opinion; I think some of the monsters in the earlier videos are just different forms of P as he adjusted to his new body and was constantly “mending it” with parts from corpses. And again, he loves his theatrics). Maybe part of the reason we see the recurring images of chains and bodies in burlap sacks is because that’s one of the methods P uses to hunt and capture victims, mirroring his own death in a way (but that could also be me overthinking things).
I’m pretty positive that the Doppelgänger and the Maestro (headless guy with mannequin feet) are two different characters that are separate from P. It is possible that, much like P, they were previous victims of the monsters at one point as well, before becoming monsters themselves. Thus bringing in a whole cycle of victim-to-monster where some humans are killed and reborn, while others are killed outright in order to feed the monsters and mend their bodies.
So yes, as we know by now, P, or the Conductor, is the main character here. He was also a victim of the monsters at one point, albeit a willing one, where they agreed to turn him into one of them as a “promise of a new life”. And through P’s quest for an audience, we get to see both his transformation as well as his hunts for other humans, and eventually we see him and the other monsters cross over onto our side, lurking in houses and killing unsuspecting humans for sustenance, amusement, or perhaps both.
I hope that made sense! Tbh some bits of the series are still fuzzy to me and I can't quite puzzle out how exactly they go together, but that's my best assessment based on what I've seen from the series and what the lost "Fallen Conductor" video explained. If you want I can repost the full transcript for “Fallen Conductor” so you can read the whole thing for yourself. And if you have any more questions or theories I'd love to hear them!
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
Yes I have a question thats been on my mind since last night. I binge watched 2h32's entire channel and idk if you know this or not, but who exactly is the main character? I know it's P but the "victim" in all this- "I know the pieces fit, Cause I watched them fall away" but I cant exactly find the core of it. From what I gathered the "victim" was
Captured, tortured, killed, shoved into the burlap sack, dropped into the well, and then reborn/made into a demon/monster
But who is it? I thought it was P but during 'Opera' you can see his glowing eye. So maybe it's Doppelganger? Or the headless guy with the mannequin feet? Because maybe his feet were chopped off when he was captured?
So do you have any Theories or know who they are?
Hey there! This is probably gonna be a really long answer; it’s been a hot minute since I’ve been given an excuse to talk/theorize about 2h32 so please bear with me!
This same question really stumped me when I first got into the series because it seemed like the answer was constantly changing. There are plenty of monsters that we see in addition to P, but how many are different characters/entities, and how many are just P in different forms or costumes (he does call himself the Conductor, and he does love his theatrics)? P’s look has been pretty consistent in the more recent videos where he appears, but what about the older ones? What about the humans we see getting captured and killed?
 It also doesn’t help that while there is a story to 2h32, the videos are uploaded out of order so the story beats are all scrambled, at least at the beginning. In more recent videos like “Doppelgänger”, we see the monsters–including P–prowling around a house instead of the woods, attacking humans. But P, at least as we know him now, was never directly seen in the earlier videos. So where exactly did he come from?
At one point on the channel, there was a video called “The Fallen Conductor”. It was five minutes long and actually gave an explanation/told the story of the events that had happened up until “Exeunt”. That video has since gone missing, either deleted or hidden very, very well somewhere else, but I had copied and saved the transcript of the video long before it was removed so I could go back and reference the story without having to rewatch the video each time.
Here’s what “The Fallen Conductor” told us:
Several monsters already existed prior to the start of 2h32. And it seems like P and the monsters struck up a sort of mutual agreement at the start of the series.
“It’s the story of a broken man to whom we offered our help. We invited him over on our side with promises of a new life.”
This then results in P going into the woods, being found by one of the monsters, and essentially being killed and reborn via the whole process of the burlap sack and the well. P becomes one of the monsters, and the narrator in “Fallen Conductor” explains that “With his new nature, came new cravings. His new body was in a constant state of change; He always needed more and more corpses to mend his rotting flesh”
So P starts hunting humans, as we see in videos like “Opera”, “Ode”, and “Ensemble” . It also explains why we see so many different monsters hunting humans, or so many different forms of P conducting his hunts (at least in my opinion; I think some of the monsters in the earlier videos are just different forms of P as he adjusted to his new body and was constantly “mending it” with parts from corpses. And again, he loves his theatrics). Maybe part of the reason we see the recurring images of chains and bodies in burlap sacks is because that’s one of the methods P uses to hunt and capture victims, mirroring his own death in a way (but that could also be me overthinking things).
I’m pretty positive that the Doppelgänger and the Maestro (headless guy with mannequin feet) are two different characters that are separate from P. It is possible that, much like P, they were previous victims of the monsters at one point as well, before becoming monsters themselves. Thus bringing in a whole cycle of victim-to-monster where some humans are killed and reborn, while others are killed outright in order to feed the monsters and mend their bodies.
So yes, as we know by now, P, or the Conductor, is the main character here. He was also a victim of the monsters at one point, albeit a willing one, where they agreed to turn him into one of them as a “promise of a new life”. And through P’s quest for an audience, we get to see both his transformation as well as his hunts for other humans, and eventually we see him and the other monsters cross over onto our side, lurking in houses and killing unsuspecting humans for sustenance, amusement, or perhaps both.
I hope that made sense! Tbh some bits of the series are still fuzzy to me and I can't quite puzzle out how exactly they go together, but that's my best assessment based on what I've seen from the series and what the lost "Fallen Conductor" video explained. If you want I can repost the full transcript for “Fallen Conductor” so you can read the whole thing for yourself. And if you have any more questions or theories I'd love to hear them!
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
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Our delightfully morbid Conductor is back
Yes, it is another intermission of sorts with not much new, but this video still evoked all the excitement and love I have for this series, and there's so much to love about the video. That gorgeous background music, the way the video strung together clips of older and newer videos to highlight where we've been and how far we've come, and that very brief bit of dialogue around the middle; I keep listening to it over and over but I can't fully make out what it says. I think it might be saying "we are back" or "we are all back", maybe "we will be back"? but since the voice is deep and guttural and spooky, and seems to layer over itself, and there aren't any captions I can check, it's hard to tell. It's also entirely possible I'm completely wrong and completely misheard what the voice actually says.
Either way, I'm so, so excited to see what comes next out of this series.
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cryptic-conductor · 2 years
2h32: The Online Opera of Horrors
A beautiful nightmare is now playing.
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cryptic-conductor · 3 years
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Gretel & Hansel (2020) Directed by Oz Perkins
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cryptic-conductor · 3 years
Happy 23rd!
It’s been quite a while! I apologize for disappearing- a lot of it had to to with college and quarantine and overall life stress, plus a particularly miserable case of seasonal depression during the winter, but a lot of it also has to do with the fact that unfortunately, things have been very quiet for 2h32 so there hasn’t been much for me to talk about. However, I do have one small offering for any eldritch horrors who are still creeping around this blog, and that is a transcript of the Fallen Conductor video that seems to have disappeared from the 2h32 channel.
I noticed a while ago that, at first, the Fallen Conductor video was gone from the main videos page, only to find that it had been unlisted and was still in the “Encore” playlist on the channel. Now, it seems to be gone completely. I’ve checked all the other 2h32 playlist and it’s nowhere to be found, not even as a gray “private video” placeholder, so I’m assuming P must have deleted it or possibly moved it elsewhere and just hid it very, very well. Which kind of sucks because that was one of my favorite videos from this series, as not only did it give us a clearer summary of what had happened in all the videos leading up to Exeunt, but overall it was just such a well- done video and I’m sad to see that it’s gone. But thankfully, because I'm an obsessive little goblin and this series dominated most of my thoughts for a good chunk of 2019, I actually copied the transcript/ subtitles of the Fallen Conductor video in a Google doc months before it disappeared so I could go back and reference the story without having to rewatch the video each time. So here is the whole script for the Fallen Conductor, for your reading pleasure. Not as good as the full video experience, but I'm still glad that it existed at one point and I thought to save the transcript.
"Let me tell you a story, A story of death and rebirth. It’s the story of a broken man to whom we offered our help. We invited him over on our side With promises of a new life. But everything comes at a price, And his would become legendary… ------------------------------------------------ Lost and afraid, he was soon found by one of us. Naturally, his old life had to be taken away from him In order to fulfill his wish. Once ready, we brought his remains to the well. There, he would endure the last step in the transformation process. He was brought back to life And stripped of all humanity. He emerged with the new life that was promised to him With his new nature, came new cravings. He soon started hunting, and he was good. And then, something extraordinary happened: He noticed you, the audience he had longed for. He sent out an invitation, And many answered his call. His hunts soon became a source of entertainment for the rest of us. His new body was in a constant state of change He always needed more and more corpses to mend his rotting flesh ----------------------------------------------- Because of his love for music and his sense of execution We called him “The Fallen Conductor”. The more influence he gathered, the stronger he got. There was one thing he wanted more than anything else. In the end, after several attempts, He finally did the impossible and crossed over on your side …and he might have not traveled alone."
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
Happy 23rd!
Sorry I’ve been so quiet and missed a few 23rds, school and work have been keeping me pretty busy. However, today is the 2 year anniversary of Doppelgänger, which marked the beginning of the next chapter of 2h32 following “Exeunt”. 
I was also scrolling through the channel the other day and I realized that the oldest videos are FOUR YEARS OLD. It does not feel like it’s been that long since 2h32 started. I will say though, P’s definitely come a long way since the first few videos of the channel; I really think he’s found his footing with the series in the past few years and he knows what he wants 2h32 to be. And I am here for all of it.
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
I mean once again P has done an excellent job with terrifying character design and creep factor, he has definitely succeeded in making *me* a little spooked and uneasy, but also thanks, I hate it, this thing will probably be chasing me in my nightmares at alarming speeds
After a long wait, P has returned with a new video! With one of the most terrifying thumbnails I sincerely think I’ve ever seen 
We get to see hints of some new interesting and horrifying monsters, stuck inside while something sizable moves around outside…. 
Give it a watch and let me know what you think about the Conductor’s return!
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
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2h32 Moodboard
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
Minor Spooky Updates!
I’ve made it a fairly regular habit to go through and check P’s Instagram, Patreon, Teespring, and even other parts of the 2h32 channel to see what might have changed or been updated when we weren’t looking, and I’ve definitely noticed a few interesting changes!
For one thing, P has changed some of the thumbnails for a couple of the videos; in the earlier days of the channel, most of the thumbnails seemed to just be a frame from the video itself, which I don’t mind since I think those thumbnails draw a good deal of intrigue and creepiness. Now, however, we can see some new original art for a couple of the thumbnails:
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Here’s all the new thumbnails so far- I’d be curious to see if he changes/ updates any other thumbnails in the future. The “Doppelgänger” and “Allure” ones are my personal favorites out of this batch (although the “P” thumbnail is a very close runner- up)
The Patreon page has also been slightly revamped! A new animated banner and profile picture, and the pictures for the reward tiers are different:
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Lastly, P has added A BUNCH of new offerings to the Teespring store!
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(this is just a sampling of some of the new designs and the products you can get them on)
And that’s all I’ve seen for now! Things have obviously been pretty quiet as far as uploads go, but our conductor has definitely still been busy behind the scenes.
Any thoughts on the new thumbnails/ Teespring goods? What did you all think of the new video “Blackout”? As always I’d love to hear any thoughts and theories!
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cryptic-conductor · 4 years
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