cryptic-tooth · 10 days
Idk have sum olandy reuploads cuz I'm sad and I miss them
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cryptic-tooth · 10 days
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I’m allowing myself ONE (1) dialtown masterpost on this account because it’s mine and I can post Mudsucker (Typegingi) if I want to
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cryptic-tooth · 3 months
the next chapter of genloss is wild
My streams have only been getting better!
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cryptic-tooth · 4 months
Alright, here we go, as promised: Here's the new teaser for the Roger route DLC, featuring like 8 minutes of updated footage, including new dialogue and sprites! Enjoy, y'all!!!
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cryptic-tooth · 5 months
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TMA Season One Objects 🕸️📼👁️
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cryptic-tooth · 5 months
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dialtown doodles bc why not
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cryptic-tooth · 8 months
This took longer then it should’ve
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cryptic-tooth · 8 months
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hey! i’m sorry i haven’t replied posting recently. school has been a little weird and i haven’t had much motivation but i’ve got stuff in the works. have these as a snack :]
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cryptic-tooth · 9 months
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this is a bad drawing but i forget that dogman is in fact a human and NOT a dog but i have this image in my head of a dog sitting at a computer
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cryptic-tooth · 9 months
Jonathan Sims vs Cecil Palmer vs Forrest Nash
fist fight.
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
Olandy centric headcannons
Heyyyyyy… HAHAHA
Randy has been experimenting with pet names for a while now, he switches a lot between “my sweet,” “mi vida,” “darling,” stuff like that. Oliver, on the other hand, has been calling Randy “sweetheart” the entire relationship.
One of the ways Randy knows Oliver loves him is because Oliver will get rid of dead roaches and spiders for him despite being just as, if not more, icked out by them. Like, Oliver is visibly gagging while wrapping the thing up in toilet paper and he breathes a big sigh of relief when it’s flushed down the toilet but he does it, and Randy’s very grateful for that.
Oliver inherited his parents’ old home and ended up renting an apartment because he didn’t like how alone he felt in it. He’s been considering moving back into the house now that Randy’s in the picture. (In my “default” timeline they do end up doing this after getting engaged.)
Randy’s mother absolutely started bawling her eyes out when Randy announced their relationship. She watched them grow up together for so long that it just feels insane to her every time they do couple stuff. Mind blown every single time. She flips her lid at their wedding. Mascara is running, man.
Randy’s father, on the other hand, shrugged and introduced his boyfriend too. Randy had to take a seat for, like, five days to process.
Their default sleeping position is Oliver on his back and Randy laying his head on his chest. Oliver sometimes will start snoring loudly in the middle of the night and Randy can’t sleep through it, so he has to manually roll Oliver onto his side and snuggle that way.
On some days, these two might end up spending their afternoons separately. One usually watches tv in the living room and the other in the bedroom. In fact, they can usually spend a day or two just not speaking. It’s nothing bad, they just need time alone.
They actually put in a lot of work for their relationship. Communication is key, and boy does Oliver communicate. Randy struggled with this at first… it took a while for him to get better at going steady with someone because Oliver’s his first long-term relationship. He’s glad he’s putting in the effort, though.
Randy tends to get insecure about how Oliver deserves better than him. Then Oliver does something insane and he’s like “yeah no I’m doing the public a favor actually.”
Oliver’s the only person who can bring out Randy’s sassy side, and they banter like an old married couple.
Oliver proposed! It was one of the most nerve-wracking moments he’d ever gone through and he was shaking for hours after. Randy had to talk to him for a while so he could calm down enough to finish his food.
They adopted a cat named Persephone, and they can just lay there for hours listening to it purr… there have been multiple occasions where they fall asleep just chilling with the cat.
Mr. Dickens thinks Randy is probably the best option for his goblin son, so he breathed a sigh of relief when they got back in touch… He finds Randy endearing, even if he’s not the same person he’d met all those years ago.
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
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wip for some genloss fanart im doing :D
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
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POV you are madame mediocre
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
more dialtown head cannons :D
someone requested more of my brain rot so here we are! these may or may not be flesh head related and as always, you can request flesh head designs and/or head cannons for other people you would like to see. anyway, here are the head cannons :]
for some reason in my mind it makes senses that randy’s family is italian-american and from somewhere like Boston, Chicago or New York? idk why i heard that randy was raised Catholic and immediately thought of that. i just have this scenario in my mind where randy goes home for a visit after YEARS of avoiding, and him mom greets him at the door saying things like “OHH thank baby jesus my little sweethearts home! god randle have you been eating well??? you look like you’ve been wasting away” in a Boston accent.
oliver has been journaling literally EVERYTHING in his life since he like 11 when he started going though his edgy phase and convinced himself he could publish it like as a book one day when he was famous. olive would NEVER let anyone actually read the journals, but he does think they’re funny to read over again bc of how dramatic everything was to him when he wrote it.
karen just really fucking loves pretzels. any kind of them. she always has like 5 kinds of pretzels in her kitchen cabinets and keeps the little packs of them in her bag. if she goes somewhere like a mall or a place that offers snacks in any capacity she will ALWAYS ask for pretzels.
gingi’s got a cough syrup guy. no one knows who they are. no one can find them except gingi. if someone asks gingi about it, they just avoid the question as well as they can like they can’t tell you bc someone is monitoring them at all times to make sure they don’t let it slip.
anyways, that’s all the brain rot i have for now :D tell me if you would like more head cannons for different characters or just more in general. i know this was kinda long, so i’d like to thank you if you read all of this. i’m pretty new to this platform, but so many people like me and it makes me feel good :] thank you so much and anything you do to my dumb little posts are appreciated
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
Dialtown has hit over 1000 positive reviews on Steam!!!
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Just wanted to make a quick post here to mention that Dialtown has hit over 1000 positive reviews on Steam and of course, to thank my Tumblr community for all of the support you've given me and my quirky phone dating sim! I genuinely never thought for a moment pre-launch that I'd get this far or that there'd be genuine demand for MORE Dialtown content post-release. TBH: With how hard it was to push the free demo onto unsuspecting passerbys, I genuinely thought DT would've been a complete commercial flop and died out shortly after its release! But, GOD, I was so SO glad to be proven wrong.
My new PC arrived the other day and I'm just about getting back into the groove of things. Might hold off maybe another few days to a week for the next big announcement I mentioned (partly to escape the bubble of FNaF SB: Ruin hype! My God, FNaF community's sure eatin' well rn!), but there's exciting stuff going on behind the scenes (both involving DT merch and the next upcoming DT related project-)
Thanks for your continued support, guys! You don't know how grateful I am to get to make Dialtown content for y'all and for the love you guys show my characters! I'm excited to announce the next big thing and I'm gonna do my best to make sure the next big thing holds up next to the rest of DT! Thanks, guys :)
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cryptic-tooth · 10 months
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made a dt oc :] i don’t have a name for them yet so you can suggest if you would like :D
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