crypticvvitch · 2 years
Bedridden Witch Series
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For those of you who don’t know me, I suffer from a chronic illness and I spend a LOT of time bedridden. I also happen to be a witch! I don’t let being trapped in bed stop me from practicing my craft. Here are some resources I’ve compiled from my personal experiences and the help of others <3
Bedridden witch - Original edition
Bedridden witch  - Nature edition
Bedridden witch  - Worship edition
Bedridden witch- Divination edition
Bedridden witch - Stale energy edition
Bedridden witch - Elements edition
Bedridden witch - Pastel edition
Bedridden witch - Kitchen edition
Bedridden witch - Winter edition
Bedridden witch - Ocean edition
Bedridden witch - Love edition
Bedridden witch - Weather edition
Bedridden witch - Garden edition
Bedridden witch - Bath edition
Bedridden witch - Wheel of the Year edition
Bedridden witch - Discreet edition
Bedridden witch - The Setup
Bedridden witch - Space edition
Check the notes for future updates! Updated July of 2022
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crypticvvitch · 2 years
Bedridden Witch: Wheel of the Year Edition
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These will be a combo of low energy and bedridden activities! Please note that absolutely nothing is required in order to honor the seasons besides witnessing them and trying to admire the things they bring <3
Purification, spring cleaning, home and hearth. Winter to Spring.
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Visualize a light cleaning each and every room in your home.
Spray a cleansing spray throughout your bedroom.
Clean an area in your home, big or small. (It could be as simple as making a pile of trash so it’s easier to move later.)
Wash your bedding or rotate your blankets and flip over your pillow.
Change your pajamas.
Bathe yourself (either in the tub or sponge bath style). Infuse some herbs/flowers into the water!
Low energy Imbolc + Imbolc masterpost
Bedridden witch: Cleansing + Bath Magic
New life, growth, celebration of lusciousness. Spring. 
Water your plants and whisper blessings to them.
Plant something new! It can be as simple as a beansprout in a paper cup.
Open the curtains to let light in. 
Crack open all your windows to let in some fresh air.
Spray floral water in the air and on your bedsheets.
Have someone bring you some spring flowers.
Draw flower designs or in pastel colors.
Make some herbal/floral tea or infusions.
Burn incense or smoke cleanse.
Drink lots of water.
Ostara masterpost
Bedridden witch: Garden + Pastel
Peak of life, renewal, fire. Spring to Summer.
Wake up earlier than usual to enjoy a full day of light.
Make flower crowns with real, fake or paper flowers.
Braid something (your hair, a bracelet, ribbons, etc.)
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Enjoy some fresh fruits, nuts and seeds.
Drink tea or water infused with fruit.
Decorate with/wear/create things with bright colors
Light a candle or turn on an electric candle.
Decorate a new pot for your plants (painting, sharpies, ribbons, etc.)
Write a list of things you would like to release and burn them (alternatively: tear it up and place in a glass of water).
Beltane masterpost
Bedridden witch: Nature + others linked above.
Sunshine, joy, celebration. Summer.
Make sure sunlight and fresh air can reach you.
Try to be awake and witness both the sunrise and sunset.
Pour an offering of water for the plants (indoors, outside or out the window).
Decorate with flowers and crystals.
Have a picnic (outside, on the kitchen floor or in bed).
Enjoy locally grown fruits and veggies.
Find a way to incorporate honey into your day (scrubs, food, tea, etc.)
Burn beeswax candles.
Listen to music that just sounds like summertime.
Make sun water or sun tea.
Bedridden witch: Elements + others linked above.
First harvest, gratitude, abundance. Summer to Autumn.
Eat grains and local veggies.
Eat bread or your closest alternative.
Start a new project like crocheting or knitting. This is also a great time to finish that project you’ve been avoiding.
Read an entire book, start to finish or finish a book you put down and forgot about.
Infuse berries into water.
Wear and decorate and create with browns, golds, dark greens, oranges and yellows.
Drink rich teas.
Decorate with sunflowers.
Low spoon ways to celebrate Lammas
Second harvest, balance, abundance. Autumn.
Drink apple cider or juice.
Decorate your home to make it look more like Autumn (fake or real leaves, acorns, paper cutouts, etc.)
Eat things like breads, nuts, grapes, pomegranates, pies, apples and root vegetables.
Wear/decorate/create with oranges, reds, golds and browns.
Write down all of the things you can think of that you’re thankful for.
Apple magic
Drink warm drinks like coffee or cocoa and add warming spices (cloves, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.)
Create a picnic/feast wherever is reasonable, with a little bit of everything.
Pull up a video of leaves falling or a fire crackling.
Mabon masterpost
Final harvest, honoring ancestors, reflection. Autumn to Winter.
Spiced apple cider
Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spiced-things, pumpkin seeds.
Decorate with small pumpkins, paint them or draw on them if carving is too high-energy.
Create an altar honoring loved ones who have passed on, either a material one or a photo album online.
Pull up a video of a burning fire or light candles.
Turn off all of the lights and sit/lay in darkness.
Visualize your wards and boost your home protection.
Do spirit work/leave offerings for the spirits.
Burn incense/make a spray that smells of spices (cloves, basil, etc.)
Watch spooky/witchy movies.
Creating, sharing gifts and feasts, warmth. Winter.
Create an apple pomander with cloves or dried orange slices.
Watch videos of fires burning or snow falling.
Decorate with evergreen boughs, holly, pine cones, etc.
Make rosehip, peppermint, vanilla, rooibos or spiced tea.
Step outside/open a window to feel the cold air (if you live somewhere warm, do this in the early morning/night).
Handcraft gifts for loved ones or write heartfelt cards/letters to the people you care about.
Put birdseed outside/a bird feeder by your window.
Make a simmer pot, or use this idea to create a scented spray.
Wash your face with snow/cold water.
Drink hot or spiced drinks.
Yule masterpost.
Bedridden witch: Winter + others linked above. 
You may also like:
Bedridden Witch Series
Spoonie Witch Masterpost
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
My resource masterposts: Imbolc / Ostara / Beltane / Litha / Lammas / Mabon / Samhain / Yule
Links updated May, 2022. Please inform me of broken links via askbox!
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
Moon Phase Magic
You can do magic any time, any day, but sometimes you'd like a little bit of a lunar boost! Here's how the phases of the moon can match the intentions of your magic.
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Full Moon: Great for manifesting, divination, and psychic ability. If you work with spirits or deities this phase can help boost your signal, so to speak.
Waning Gibbous: Helps with cleansing, protection and detoxing. If you're trying to get rid of some bad energy or place a protection spell on you house, this phase can help you out! Setting intentions to let go of things is also suggested during this phase.
Last Quarter: Great for breaking habits and abandoning bad situations. Sometimes we have to leave, if you need a bit of extra strength to do it, this moon phase could help you.
Waning Crescent: Good for release, surrender, and introspection. Sometimes we need to stop and smell the roses. Allow yourself to be still and let this phase give you some calm in the midst of chaos.
New Moon (or Dark Moon): This phase works best for cleansing, banishing magic, and shadow work. Similar to the last three, the new moon can give you that push you need to do the dirty work you need to succeed. We all have shadows, are you ready to face yours?
Waxing Crescent: Creation, imagination, and attraction are on "high" during this phase. Start to sew the seeds of new projects or ideas during this time.
First Quarter: Manifesting change and strength is a good idea during this phase of the moon. There are things that need changing, but it's not always easy, so allow this phase to give you the boost you need to change.
Waxing Gibbous: Best for motivation. determination and energy. You need to get things done? This phase can give you the energy to act. Your willpower and knowledge will help you succeed, but a little lunar love wouldn't hurt!
When using the moon in magic, make sure you thank our magnificent celestial being for helping you out. She works very hard and deserves a lot of gratitude from us!
A/N: Since this is my digital grimoire it is subject to my own opinions. The information here is what I've gathered after a lot of reading and learning from various other pagans and witches. However, If you feel that a moon phase is different for you then by all means don't let me change your mind!
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
Bedridden witch: Discreet edition
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I realize not every witch has the luxury of being open about their craft, and this can be doubly hard when you’re restricted to your bed and often reliant on others. Not all of these may work for you, but may they inspire you all the same!
*If you are reliant on a caregiver who may not approve of witchcraft, please be extra cautious.* There are plenty of ways to practice that don’t put your care and health in jeopardy, and some of the things listed may put you at risk. Please use common sense! <3 
Keep your grimoire in a document or on the notes in your phone.
Make an altar on Pinterest, a tumblr sideblog, in a video game, etc.
Apps! Keep track of the lunar cycle, look at the night sky, use a candle app, pull some tarot cards, draw some sigils.
Emoji spells.
Witchy playlists.
Open your window
Let the sun or moon wash over you
Manipulate the energy with your hands
Burn incense (or a scented candle), as the smoke wafts around the room let it push away any unwanted energy.
Listen to music that makes you feel calm, channel that. 
Lots of ideas on this post (Bedridden witch: Stale energy edition)
Draw sigils using water
VISUALIZATION + energy manipulation
Make a witches bottle that looks like something else
Make/enchant a room spray that boosts protection (and smells good!)
Keeping magic items nearby:
Slowly changing your interests can allow you to have many things without raising suspicion. (Herbal remedies/tea blending = access to herbs, geology + the love of pretty rocks = access to crystals, jars of dirt, etc.). Additionally, the New Age/witchcraft aesthetic seems to be all the rage these days, which normalizes it as a thing many people just incorporate into their interior design!
Keep sigils in your pillowcase or under your mattress
Keep crystals in your pillowcase or nearby (crystals are becoming a common thing to just have/decorate with)
Herb/spell sachets under your pillow/nearby. I used to have one that was stuffed full of lavender but had crystals and sigils hidden in the center.
Make and keep sun/moon water in a waterbottle.
Ways to connect to the elements (often through decorating/mundane objects) can be found in this post!
Candles are great, real or fake! I like the fake ones because if I forget about it/don’t have the energy to access it, the worst thing that happens is the battery dies.
EO diffusers and Himalayan salt lamps.
Performing magic and the like:
Meditation, dream magic, astral projection.
Energy manipulation: Keep an energy source nearby and draw from it when you need it/to cast small spells, enchantments, blessings, etc. Manipulate the energy in the air.
Visualization can be a powerful thing. 
Enchant items in your room.
Plant magic! Bedridden ideas in this post.
Drink magic and enchantments are great, and teas often have correspondences already based on their blends!
Tarot: use a mini deck, an app, playing cards or small two card spread that are easy to conceal under a blanket.
Scrying: use a small picture frame with a black background, a small bowl of water or your phone screen. 
Pendulum: they can be pretty easy to conceal! But you could also use one that doesn’t look like a pendulum, a necklace, or anything tied to a string.
You could also do automatic writing, shufflemancy, dice divination or stitchomancy.
Lots of ideas for bedridden divination in this post!
You may also like:
Bedridden Witch Series - All of my bedridden witchcraft posts!
Chronically ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
Mentally ill witchcraft: For your symptoms
My spoonie sigils: (1) // (2) // (3)
Spoonie witch masterpost - contains all of the spoonie posts I’ve made so far!
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
Tips for baby witches, lazy witches, tired witches, or any witch really:
Enchant your morning cup of tea/coffee*
Match the colours of your makeup to your intentions for the day
Visualise the water washing away all the negativity when you shower
Enchant your nail polish (bonus: match the colour to the intention, black for protection, red for love, green for prosperity, etc)
Say your affirmations (for clear skin, fading scars, reducing dullness, etc) when doing your skincare
Charge your perfume with the energy you wish to attract
When tying your shoes, visualise them symbolically protecting you from tripping and “falling” into places and situations that disturb your peace
Use music to your advantage, listen to songs that match your intentions, or alternatively, use music as a tool for divination
Some witches veil to keep their energy from draining and to protect them from others’ emotions, but a beanie works too
If you wear glasses, use them as a tool so that they help you “see clearly”
Put your moisturiser on in the shape of a sigil before massaging it in
Child’s pose is always there for you, use it when you need it (alleviates stress and anxiety, helps clear the mind, releases tension in the back, helps to steady breathing, is overall great for grounding, etc)
Visualise the A+ (on your report card/on the paper after it’s been graded/etc) right before beginning to solve your test/exam, it also helps if you can draw a sigil somewhere on the paper, or trace it on the paper with your finger
When shaving, visualise any energy buildup being shaved off as well
If you play the guitar, draw a sigil on your plectrum/pick for an added boost (this works with other instruments too)
Do not litter out of respect for nature and its spirits
Feel free to add more things onto the list
When you’re just starting out, or even when you’re just too drained to practice your craft like you used to, it can feel like there isn’t enough magic in your life. This is your daily reminder that a lot of the time, the only difference between routine and magick is intent.
*I have been informed that the first link is now private. I will not be changing it, but here is my go-to method for enchanting tea. Stir clockwise to manifest/invite, and counterclockwise to banish/repel. Tap the spoon (or whatever it is that you’re using) thrice against the rim of the cup to seal in the intention.
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
New moon / full moon 2022
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
im sure this has been asked before but regarding the whole writing things down and burning them thing would writing things in a notes app and then permanently deleting it work roughly the same if you put your intentions into it?? bc id love to do the burning letter thing but people i live with might fight it strange lmao 
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
Emoji spell to end a bout of stagnancy and encourage growth and progress in your life.
🌥like to charge🌤 🍂reblog to cast🍃
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crypticvvitch · 3 years
yes i do tarot and rune readings no i dont remember what half of them mean and gotta look them up every time we exist
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
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A little witchy calendar to look forward to next year, since this one was a little bit.. cursed.
This lets you know about the full moons, new moons, wheel of the year celebrations and zodiac entrys, I hope you can use this to aid you on your practice.
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
Sigil Creation Circle
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To create a sigil with this method, write out your intention. Remove vowels and duplicate letters. Overlay a piece of paper onto this circle, and draw lines connecting the letters in your intention.
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
Emoji spell to grant you a streak of general good luck! Commissioned for @blkqueerwitchery
🍎like to charge🍎
🍀reblog to cast🍀
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
Witch Tip
the-eye.eu is a huge public database that has countless free PDFs of all sorts of occultist books and grimoires. Go forth and read.
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
an emoji spell to boost your social media & gain more visibility for your content
like to charge
reblog to cast
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
brb I’m going to cleanse my energy and remember that things will fall into place at the right time and what I need right now is to build myself up into best version of myself
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crypticvvitch · 4 years
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