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In May 2011, researchers encountered a red-crested tree rat (Santamartamys rufodorsalis) in a nature reserve in Colombia, South America. This rodent had not been seen since the early 1900′s, and was only known from two preserved museum specimens. [x]
Very little is known about the animal due to its rarity and nocturnal behavior. It lives at altitudes of 700 to 2,000 meters and can weigh up to 500 grams.
The red-crested tree rat is classified as critically endangered due to habitat loss and predation by feral cats.
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Bear Lake Monster
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40 feet long
short , powerful legs
Greyish green skin
Head of an alligator
A deep growling sound
Fun Facts
For years there was a bear lake monster boat, that gave a tour of the lake and talked about folklore
In was first written about in the 19th century by Joseph C. Rich, who recounted the stories of others who’ve seen it
It was seen again in 1907, and the two men claimed it killed one of their horses
The last sighting was in 2007
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In honor of Saint Patrick’s day, I decided to do a post on Ireland’s favorite serpent banisher.
Now, obviously Saint Patrick didn’t banish any real snakes from Ireland, since Ireland has never had any snakes (usually people say this is a metaphor for him driving out Paganism and bringing Christianity), but that hasn’t stopped the story, or others, from spreading. Saint Patrick actually has a few serpent stories associated with him, so I’m going to tell them here.
Lig na Paiste was said to be the last serpent of Ireland, having been overlooked when Patrick was driving out the snakes. Shortly after the saint died, he rose from his home to terrorize the countryside. Fortunately for the people, and unfortunately for the dragon, Saint Murrough bound him to the bottom of his pool, where he remains to this day.
Ollipeist was a dragon who lived peacefully in an Irish lake. When he learned that Saint Patrick planned to send all the serpents away he became enraged, and ate a piper named O'Rourke. The piper continued to play, however, and so Ollipeist vomited him up before fleeing Ireland.
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This is a still from a video of what is thought to be Ogopogo was captured in September of 2018. The footage was captured by brothers David and Keith Halbauer as they were on Lake Okanagan’s beach. They claimed the creature to be nearly 50 feet long and said it was almost snake-like. David claimed, “I saw this black form come out of the water - cylindrical - and then roll.” While many believe that this creature believe this could be Ogopogo, others think it is merely a wave of the water.
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Cryptid of the Day: Living Mammoth
Description: This iconic animal dead off around 4,000 years ago, but some have reported modern encounters with these giants. In 1918 (published 1946), in Russia’s Yamal-Nenets, a hunter found footprints measuring 27 inches wide and 20 inches long, separated by a 13 foot stride. He followed the tracks until he saw a mammoth with its young.
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sorry for the radio silence! i’ve had a really busy/really awesome last couple of weeks and haven’t had much tumblr time. i will be getting back into the swing of things this week! 
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The term “fortean” has been floating around when researching studies such as cryptozoology, ufology, and the paranormal. The official definition of the word is “relating to or denoting paranormal phenomena”. The word comes from admirers of Charles Fort (August 6, 1874 - May 3, 1932) who called themselves “Forteans”. Fortean phenomena is generally events, instances, and sightings of incidents that are not able to be explained by typical scientific means. Screenwriter Ben Hecht once explained, “I am the first disciple of Charles Fort… henceforth, I am a Fortean.”
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A video that was published to YouTube on March 27th, 2016, shows this creature that is simply being called the Thames River Monster. The account that posted this video, Penn Plate, said “This was on the cable car in Greenwich yesterday. something huge was moving under the water and then briefly surfaced. Are there whales in the Thames?? Or is it some weird submarine”.
This would not be the first time a whale was seen in the Thames; there have also been a couple thousand seals and dolphins seen there in the past decade. Marine biologists speculated that it could possibly be a whale or a dolphin. However, because of the jerky movement of the camera, they could not make a 100% guess on the creature. Others have their assumptions ranging from anything from a hoax, a submarine, or even a fatberg (a large condensed lump of fat, baby wipes and anything else that goes into the sewers that cannot be decomposed like toilet paper). 
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Beastly Theories (Ep:5) Deborah Hatswell
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Deborah Hatswell is a Bigfoot researcher, head of the BBR (British Bigfoot Research Group) and the compiler and creator of the British Bigfoot Map.
She had her own bigfoot encounter in Salford, Manchester, in the 1980s and has since worked tirelessly to discover evidence of Bigfoot in Britain. She has since become a beacon for witnesses of this phenomena to retell their encounters and often occupies the role of counsellor, in providing validation and explanation to witnesses who often feel traumatised by their experience and the isolation and silence that often follows such an encounter.
To find Deborah, report a sighting or view her awesome interactive British Bigfoot Map, click here:
Buy her book - ‘The Fortunate Unfortunates.: Children Who Witness Impossible Creatures’ here: 
Watch my interview with Deborah, here:
BEASTLY THEORIES - is a low tech, low key, low brow endeavour, to discuss the highs and lows of Cryptozoology research and obsession. Although 'podcast’ in name, the 'show’ is more of an exercise in nepotism, as I seek conversation with those embroiled in the subject I am chiefly interested in and to avail myself (and you) of the prize of knowledge, that lies inside their brawny brains.
Beastly Theories is an umbrella dweller under the Beasts of Britain canopy! 
For more on Beasts of Britain, check out: 
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Cryptid of the Day: Lindsey Leopard
Description: The Lindsey Leopard was just one of many big cat sightings reported in Britain during the 1990’s. Seen in Lincolnshire, the animal, sightings persisted to the 21st century. Some have even seen the big cat peeking at them through their windows.
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Cryptid of the Day: Bridgewater Thunderbird
Description: In 1971, police sergeant Thomas Downy was driving down a road in Mansfield, Massachusetts, when he saw a six foot bird with a 8-12 foot wing span. Loren Coleman suggests that the creature could be another variation of Mothman, while other say it’s a species of Thunderbird. 
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The Pricolici is a hybrid of vampire and werewolf in Romanian folklore. Unquiet souls who rise from the grave to attack living people, they will sometimes resemble the person they were in life, but always possess wolf-like characteristics.
Some believe a Pricolici will be born when a particularly hateful or violent man dies. Others say that they rise from werewolves who have died. Belief in Pricolici exists to this day, with some rural Romanian villages reporting wolf attacks that are blamed on the undead creatures.
Image source.
Monster master list.
Suggest a spook.
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Cryptids: Tessie
Cryptozoology is the study of creatures whose existence has yet to be - or else cannot entirely be- proved or disproved by science. These creatures, known collectively as cryptids, include examples like the Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, and the Himalayan Yeti, yet these famous cases are by no means the only ones on record. In fact, practically every country and corner of the globe has its own legendary monster or mystery creature that supposedly dwells there, from giant bats in Java to enormous water hounds in Ireland.
Tahoe Tessie is a lake monster said to live in the water of Lake Tahoe in central California. Sightings of Tessie date back to at least the 19th century and usually describe a vast snake-like creature with a long neck and humped back, that swims so fast that it can even keep up with sailboats. Strangely, according to local folklore, Tessie sightings are always more common in even-numbered years than odd.
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This creature was caught on film in 2007 by Gordon Holmes. Holmes believes the animal he caught on film to be the legendary Loch Ness Monster. He described the monster as “this jet black thing, about 14 meters long, moving fairly fast in the water”. Adrian Shine, a marine biologist, examined the film and believes it could be an otter or a seal. 
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Cryptid of the Day: Kuperree
Description: Almost every animal has a giant, extinct cousin, and the kangaroo is no exception. 26,000 years ago, there was the Procoptodon, that stood 6.6 feet tall and weighed, at most, 530 pounds. Early Australians told stories of Kuperree, giant kangaroos, which many assume is folk memory of these giants, though this is still up in the air.
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Pressie is a Plesiosaur-like creature found in Lake Superior. Pressie is described as a Plesiosaur-like creature with a long, thick neck, a horse-lie head, and a large body with a whale-like tail. Pressie is said to behave like a snake and in 1897 a man fell off his yacht and reported the Pressie coiled around him and tried to constrict him. Experts believe however that Pressie could be a sturgeon. 
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The Pembroke Dock Monster was caught on film in 2003. A monster has been seen in the area several times and was said to be the length of several cars and 4 to 5 feet in diameter. It is typically described as serpent-like and dark in color. One witness said it has a diamond-shaped head that sometimes is held out of the water. Some believe that the monster could be an unknown marine animal, while others think it might be a small submarine. 
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