cryptidships · 3 years
Lol sorry I haven't done literally anything in a while and kinda disappeared without a word.
Just kinda having a hard time rn cause I don't really enjoy the holidays and I'm just overwhelmed with shit lmaoooo
Life is too fast but my misery is faster B) /hj
I'll hopefully be back to posting stuff like. After the holidays. Take care until then. Hope everyone's had a good one and if not, hopefully your new years will be better.
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cryptidships · 3 years
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Big brother and me info dumping him about how to survive another horror movie :) 
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cryptidships · 3 years
Rn all that's in my head is idv mode and I have so many f/os from there already. I need to add them to the list but its like. Definetly been a year since I started f/oing them
but I am concidering adding Emil and Ganji? With Emil, I kinda wanna because I wanna hold him and tell him it's okay :( I also really don't like his canon relationship [ Ship what you want ig but it rubs me the wrong way lol ]. With Ganji, I really relate with him and wanna just: Tell him it's okay and we can be little anti social gremlins together.
So I'll be thinking about that. But seriously look at him. I love his hair and I wanna hold them both tightly. Trying to decipher if that's just platonic or romantic tho tighunhghggh
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I mean look!!! There designs are so good!!! :))
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cryptidships · 3 years
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Big brother and me info dumping him about how to survive another horror movie :) 
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cryptidships · 3 years
SHIP: - #🌕 Fated Bonds [ Naib ] 🌕
A Familial ship // Older brother Figure
Feeling shit and it was my bday today / yesterday - It's is / was the 21st and wrote this to cheer myself up after crying. Basically just him find me crying and comforting me before falling asleep. Its short but I needed this so... I plan on doing some late birthday art for myself tommorow. Today has just been stressful. Also FYI - I don't speak Nepali. My dumbass used Google translate so apologies in advance for that lol. I just wanted to put bits and pieces in cause it's Merc.
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The creak of the door awoke them from the vague spacing out, In the doorway stood the familiar face of the Mercanary. He and the Lab Rat had become close over the corse of the manor's games. Noone was sure on what exactly kindled the bond between the two, They had just been distant one day and then slowly the peices fell into the picture that made up what they were now. It was a sibling-like bond - They weren't bound by blood but that was never important.
Naib took a step in, Studying Taylor on the bed, curled up and red eyed. He frowned since he already knew exactly why this was happening, It wasn't the first time he had found them like this. He slowly shut the door behind him spoke.
" नमस्ते " was the only word he said before more sobs left their mouth, Tears weren't held back and it broke his heart to see them like this. He wouldn't rush them into talking about it, Instead just making his way to the bed, Sitting down and opening his arms. He learned his actions spoke louder than words with them. The younger survivour wasted no time practically wrapping their arms around him and holding on. He patted their back gently, Rubbing circles and murmuring comforting words in his native tongue. He listen to the crying until their sons softened and he felt his shoulder was damp. He didn't let go though, He knew better than that. After all, it had been what Taylor had done when they tried to help with his nightmares.
The horrid images came to life in what should have been a sugar plum wonderland. They didn't hesitate in helping calm him down and assuring him it was okay, Muttering soothing phrases and holding him close. Sometimes he told himself he was simply repaying the favour. Although now he knew better than that, He genuinely began to care. He tried to push them away but eventually he found them following him like a lost puppy. It worried him at first but that worry melted away and instead grew his protective nature. Often keeping them right and away from survivors he deemed ' dangerous ' but even then, The unknowing optimist would try to help said survivors in anyway they could. He'd chuckle at their naivety. Empathetic and emotionally fragile.
He felt them slack against him, Knowing them well he picked up on the probably headache which caused them to become tired. He slowly places them back, Letting them go gently and taking a moment to stare. His heart ached at the sight but he was happy they were able to get it out. Taylor was never one to be forward with their feelings, much to his dismay. He reached out a hand, Gently brushing their hair with his hand. Pulling his fingers through the dyed locks of hair. He paused for a moment, The words getting caught in his mouth before he spoke up
" I promise you're good enough. Okay? " Was the words he spoke, Softly sweeping their hair out their face. They nodded, Now struggling to keep their eyes open which earned a smile from the older male.
" Thank you. " They responded tiredly, Now beginning to rest as they moved closer towards where he sat. Sighing contently.
" समस्या होइन भाइ " He replied in a murmur, Watching them drift off as he continued to pet their head.
नमस्ते ( Namastē ) - Hello
समस्या होइन भाइ ( Samasyā hō'ina, bhā'i ) - Not a problem, Sibling
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cryptidships · 3 years
Bad mood cause I had bad idv games as well as just an overall sour mood :(
I'm gonna draw some nice stuff for my bday since it's tommorow and I want too. Probably gonna be idv related cause that's all I've been playing lol.
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cryptidships · 3 years
I figured out I'm asexual :) Which is nice because it only took 19 years and 359 days lmao.
But like. I think the reason it's taken me so long to get it is because I'm sex positive towards other people but if it involves me I'm indifferent
And I just. I feel right and I'm very happy!!
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cryptidships · 3 years
I had an in.side j.ob related dream and me and Raegan were like.... Y'know she had a crush on me and mutual pining gdhshxjch.
I just.... Raegan was there and Brett was too. And so was Rand but we don't talk about him ( Because he was glaring and breathing down my neck the entire fucking time.
So we were like, Going to space just me and her in a rocket for some reason. It was great because we just kinda chilled. We were going to a planet, can't remember which one though but it definetly wasn't the moon. Also I remember Brett took another one for some reason and when we got there he was all giggly and winking at Raegan and I was just like " ???? is he okay ???? " - I'm presuming he was like that because: Haha Raegan likes me... I think? That's what the rest of the dream told me anyways. So we did our thing, Which was doing random stupid shit I can't remember, I think it was like alien ambassador stuff? Dunno. BUT THEN for some reason, Which is not surprising, Rand shows up and is just being a total dick to me n' shit which was just like: SUPER ANNOYING. Cause I had to save him from somehow falling Which was weird cause gravity. But either way, After that he was STILL A DICK. like I'm saving his ass again but then we got back and I was just like " going out for lunch and away from Raegan's fuck boy of a dad byeeewe " and then there one bit everyone was making bets around the table and gambling for whatever reason and it went into like that 3rd person thing. It was about me and Raegan getting together and she was super pissed about it. So she like, " Fuck you " and bet she would confess that day and found me during lunch break - Brett was wingmanning the shit out of her, Like honestly he's such a good guy: Pop off king, Love you and keep the good shit up [ /p ]. THEN I WOKE UP LIKE WHAT NOOOO, LET ME GO BACK IT WAS GONNA BE SO CUTE, SHE HAD NICE SWEETS AND EVERYTHING JDHDHGHYDG.
Also Myc was really sulky about us for some fucking reason when I WAS with Raegan. I don't know why. I might write a fic based off this dream now cause fhdfhfhg it was SO GOOD and I'm very petty I woke up at the best part >:((
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cryptidships · 3 years
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🤍 - Hey, I'm Cryptid or Crypt :) - I'm currently looking for more mutuals and friends! I'm pretty shy and socially awkward but I'd love to meet some new cool people!!
👻 - I use any pronouns, I have adhd and I'm 19 but I'll be turning 20 next week - so if your not cool with 20 y/os interacting/following you: There's a heads up :)
🤍 - I tend to hyperfixate a lot! Right now I'm doing so with fn.af and R.ed v.s Bl.ue!! However: I am into a large variety of franchises so if you see one we both enjoy, I'd love to talk about it with you! :)
👻 - My DNI / BYF can be found here!! Please check it out BEFORE following! It's very helpful and very appreciated!!
🤍 - Feel free to dm / shoot me asks! I love hearing people gush and talking to them so even if we aren't mutuals: You can always drop something in my ask box :)
👻 - Gif credit [ Made from this video ]
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cryptidships · 3 years
Yes: I’m in love with a character from a game that hasn’t even came out yet - No that will not fucking stop me. I’m so excited for it to come out next month you have no idea, uhueuifuisefhuisefhehfuishef
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jiijefiejf I’m going through major burnout / art block so I can’t manage anything else but doodles which is REALLY ANNOYING because I want to draw the shit out of him and me like bruh. Lemme do it >:((((
Note - Don’t repost any of these / my art in general saying something like “ I wish that were me “ or some shit. It makes me feel really uncomfortable and invalid [ and since my carrd is in progress rn - I really DON’T want that happening which is also why it’s here. ] also I’m good with soft blocking so feel free to do that :)
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cryptidships · 3 years
Cookie sona just dropped lol. Gonna draw up cute selfship art later. PLus trying to decide if I wanna add others to my f/o list since there are some cuties pending 😳
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Cookie sona just dropped lol. I plan on drawing some stuff later but for info: The attire they’re wearing ISN’T the baking attire it’s more casual - Also since both Alchemist and vampire are based of foods [ even though they’re names aren’t SPESIFICALLY food based ], I based them of green grapes since Alch is purple grapes and vamp is grape juice.
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cryptidships · 3 years
efhuefh I wanna do screenshot edits but then I remembered I have no clue on how to take screenshots on Neflix. I'll figure it out later since I'm feeling lazy but if anyone knows please let me know I need to edit / redraw me and Raegan on dates from ep 4 :( I yearn to hold her so.
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cryptidships · 3 years
Me, patiently waiting for it to get closer to December so I can change my profile pic to a December themed one:
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cryptidships · 3 years
Having a sad moment because I love/hate the new Villi.anous episode. Cause it’s like: Wow I love new content but the content is of my f/o being FUCKING manipulated and used. I just... Look man. Miss He.ed is pretty, I love her design but I’m sorry, I need to grab her by the ankles and spin her around before tossing her. I understand she’s probably got issues and she hopefully could work them out as stuff continues because I get that, Working to better yourself is awesome but no. NO I WILL NOT LET HER NEAR HIM I WILL NOT FUCKING ALLOW IT. I will take her and fucking Gold.heart down - They will not hurt my boy. They better watch out before I smack their ankles with my razor scooter - not clickbait.
So the meme below is just my sona in the ep the whole time >:) I might also write up some angst because hehehe I’m feeling sad and what’s better than making angsty content hehehehe
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cryptidships · 3 years
God I wish that one moment in ep 6 of Vill.ianous where Flug picks up He.ed was me. Like, Vghdhfugh I hold him a lot but.. he... holds me? I'm giggling at the thought hdfgxbxvc
Also... that one scene where they kiss.... I imagine me doing that to him and his cute little flustered reactions just make my heart melt. Kxhtgfbfhtydhyh hahaha. Smooching time.
Not saying anything but I might do a funny screenshot edits later 😳👉👈
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cryptidships · 3 years
[ fireworksound.mp3 plays ]
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Drew this as comfort cause it’s Gu.y Faw.kes night and uh. As much as I love fireworks the sound is horrid >:((( But they’re at least it’s kinda pretty... I also would probably hold onto him :) - This image takes place “ before “ we’re dating lmao
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cryptidships · 3 years
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POV: you’re the invisible fidgety ex-spy who’s crushing on your co-worker
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