crystal-savvy · 4 years
💎Some Crystals and their meaning in Witchcraft💎
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Recently I am a huge - like really huge - fan of crystals. That’s why I thought that I will try to write a detailed list about crystals and what they are good for. I hope this little list  may be useful for others too.
Anxiety: amazonite, amber, agate, emerald, herkimer quartz, jasper, lepidolite, lodestone, obsidian, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Balancing/Stability: amethyst, desert rose, jasper, pearl, quartz, red jasper, sodalite, turquoise
Banish fear: banded agate, bloodstone, sodalite
Banish negative energy: amethyst, black onyx, black tourmaline, danburite, lepidolite, malachite, onyx, quartz, smokey quartz, tourmaline
Calming: amatonite, herkimer quartz, howlite
Clarity: azurite, citrine, fluorite, hematite, magnetite, obsidian, pietersite, quartz sapphire, smoky quartz
Cleansing: amber, obsidian
Courage: carnelian, hermatite, turquoise
Creativity: amazonite, ametrine, apatite, aventurine, carnelian, celestite, chalcedony, citrine, flourite (blue), lolite, jasper, kunzite, opal, sunstone, tiger’s eye, lapiz lazuli
Divination: bloodstone, obsidian, turquoise
Empathy: aquamarine, blue aventurine, chrome diopside, rose quartz, malachite
Faith: emerald, imperial golden topaz, labradorite, onyx, sodalite, variscite
Friendship: ruby fuchsite, rhodonite, turquoise
Forgivness: rhodonite, rose quartz
Happiness: amazonite, amber, citrine, red goldstone
Harmony: moonstone, rose quartz, sodalite
Healing: amber, angelite, jasper, kyanite, malachite, quartz, rose quartz, turquoise
Help in focuse: banded agate, citrine, lodestone
Hope: blue aventurine
Indivituality: malachite
Inspiration: amazonite,amethyst, ametrine, blue chalgebony, blue goldstone, carnelian, citrine, garnet, orange calcite, quartz
Joy: amazonite, citrine, labradorite
Love: angelite, citrine, desert rose, dragon blood jasper, garnet, jade, opal, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise
Loyalty: dalmatian stone, turquoise
Luck: amazonite, amber, apache tears, aventurine, sapphire, turquoise
Meditation: emerald, herkimer quartz, quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Mind: pyrite, sodalite
Passion: carnelian, garnet, ruby
Peace: amazonite, amethyst, emerald, larimar, lepidolite, rose quartz, selenite, sodalite
Positive energy: amber, apache tears, calicite, citrine
Protection: amethyst, black tourmaline, hag stone, kunzite, obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger’s eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Prosperity: amazonite, aventurine, citrine, jade, moss gate, pyrite, ruby , tiger’s eye
Psyche: black tourmaline, calcite, emerald, labradorite, tuquoise
Psychic: chalcedony, unakite
Relieve stress: blue calcite, herkimer quartz, lepidolite, quartz, sodalite
Self-confidence/Self-esteem: amazonite, amber, ametrine, black tourmaline, chrysocolla, garnet, larimar, pearl, prehnite, rhodonie, rose quartz
Serenity: emerald, lepidolite
Sleep: amethyst, emerald, howlite, ledestone, sodalite
Strenght: amber, hermatite, red jasper
Success: amazonite, pyrite
Tranquility: emerald, lepidolite
Trust: onyx, ruby fuchsite, sodalite, turquoise, variscite
Vitality: carnelian, garnet, orange calcite, red agate, ruby, ruby zoisite, sunstone,
Wisdom: tiger’s eye, sodalite
Wealth: aventurine, citrine, green calcite, jade,malachite, pyrite, tiger’s eye, tree agate
In the future I’ll expand the list when I find enough new and useful information. I hope this little post will help someone. 😊
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crystal-savvy · 4 years
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✦ . ˚ desert witch ˚ . ✦
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crystal-savvy · 4 years
Great Mother Earth
The one who birthed all.
The one who provides the air we breathe, the land our food grows on and all the beautiful green lands we can call home.
May I forever be thankful for all that you offer and may I never take these things for granted. May I see your beauty and feel your motherly love everywhere I go. May I honour your name forever.
Glory to Gaia.
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crystal-savvy · 4 years
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Wheel of the year and different rituals and activities one can manifest for the sabbats.
Art by paperwitchco (instagram)
EDIT : I'm sorry about the smudging references, it is not my art and I felt like it was a nice wheel of references and I'm sorry about it.
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crystal-savvy · 4 years
are you looking for cheap crystals?? Hit up your local homegoods or tj maxx. Trust me, folks, they’ve got large, high quality crystals that are reasonably priced, usually between $7-$20 depending on size.
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crystal-savvy · 5 years
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Sunday night rituals ❤️
Instagram @loveletterstothestars
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crystal-savvy · 5 years
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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕔 𝕚𝕟 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕪𝕕𝕒𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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crystal-savvy · 5 years
Sabbat Altar and Celebration Ideas for the Solitary Witch
YULE Altar ideas: Put mistletoe and pine on your altar; put a candle up there to represent the Sun; keep your Yule log on your altar; use symbols of the Sun; decorate with red, green, white, blue, and yellow (red and green for holly, white and blue for snow and wintery colors, yellow for the Sun). Celebration ideas: Kiss a consenting person under the mistletoe for luck; give gifts; have a feast; make magickal wreaths with herbs corresponding to the spell intent (you might use lilac, lavender, and camomile for a wreath that brings peace into your home).
IMBOLC Altar ideas: Use candles to represent the return of spring; make a cute little corn dolly; put a Brigid’s cross on there to honor her; decorate with yellow and green to represent the Sun and return of spring. Celebration ideas: Clean your house; have a self-dedication ritual (to a particular path, deity, philosophy, standard of life, etc.); clean off your working altar and redo it; cleanse and charge any tools or crystals you need to.
OSTARA Altar ideas: Use fake eggs, rabbits, and other symbols of fertility or spring; put some potted plants on the altar; place some packets of seeds you might be planning on growing; decorate with purple, yellow, green, white, and other spring, pastel colors. Celebration ideas: Paint and blow eggs (take proper precautions when handling raw eggs, obviously, especially if you’re putting your mouth on them); if you have a greenhouse, want a potted plant, or it’s warm enough where you live to plant outside, plant some seeds; buy a potted plant; organize your herb shelf.
BELTAINE Altar ideas: Make a mini Maypole for your centerpiece; smack some candles up in there, especially beeswax, if that’s in your budget; put some faery symbols, like little statues or bells or something like that; a jar of honey or some beeswax is always dope; if you’re comfortable with it, some people like to put representations of genatalia on their altar. Celebration ideas: Light an awesome bonfire (also be very cautious with this because fire can quickly turn dangerous); leave offerings to the faeries; have a dance outside; this is a good time to plan to have a handfasting ceremony or wedding; cast any love workings you’ve been meaning to do; if you’re an adult and have a person/people who consent to it, you could choose to have sex during this time (but do be safe!); many people try to conceive children during Beltaine.
LITHA Altar ideas: Symbols of the Sun and the Moon, feminine and masculine symbols if that’s a thing in your tradition; decorate with black and white to symbolize the night and day. Celebration ideas: Get up before the Sun rises and go to sleep after it sets, so you can experience the day and night; have a bonfire (again, safety is important); have a picnic; just spend a lot of time outside.
LUGHNASADH Altar ideas: Put bread and grain on the altar; maybe some apples and other autumn fruits; pinecones and leaves are fall symbols; decorate with red, orange, yellow, brown, and other colors of the season. Celebration ideas: Bake (especially make the cute little bread men); give an offering to the Earth; go to an apple orchard and pick some apples; share a feast with the family or your friends.
MABON Altar ideas: Wine, or grape juice if alcohol is unavailable for any reason; leaves and pinecones; apples; a money jar (see first celebration suggestion below). Celebration ideas: For a week or two before Mabon, put money you can afford to give up in a jar, and donate it to charity or a cause you support on Mabon; have another apple harvest; have another feast; do a ritual to honor the Earth.
SAMHAIN Altar ideas: Pop a few gourds in there, more apples if you want; pictures of the deceased; tools for divination and spirit contact; decorate with black, white, and orange. Celebration ideas: Divination, spirit communication (obviously only if you know what you’re doing); hold a seance or a dumb supper if that’s more comfortable for you; light a candle in the window for spirits (use a fake one if you want it lit all night); leave some milk and honey for the Fair Folk; give offerings to the dead; put up wards and shields if you’re one of the people who would prefer to avoid spirit activity.
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crystal-savvy · 5 years
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Transitions between the Wheel (For the four seasons)
This is from my personal practice with observing the wheel of the year and my focus on each transition between the sabbats. I honor the current seasons in between. Each transition has it’s importance to self care and managing the home and garden. I will probably add to this later cause some paragraphs I wrote I feel like are a bit vague. Some of these transitions are not meant to be 100% literal and static but I feel like they are good areas to focus on for that moment in the year.
Yule->Imbolc Resting
During the thick of winter when it’s too cold to do anything and always dark, it’s the perfect moment in the year to rest. The focus is on relaxing, taking extra time to sleep and care for the body especially to not get sick. Winter is also ‘spa’ season because the air is so dry and harsh it’s a good time to soak in hot baths and scrub away dead skin and moisturize with protective lotion. Do not try to make new plans, yet sit home, rest and reflect. 
Imbolc -> Ostara Cleansing
When winter thaws it’s a great time to clean the home and prepare for spring. Personally, I also like to do a body cleanse since I tend to eat a lot of processed (yet delicious ;-;) foods all year round. This also makes up for all the heavy foods I’ve been eating since Summer (all the BBQs) to Winter comfort foods. As I clean the home and get rid of stuff that has accumulated over the year, I clean the body. Also the focus is on cleaning the home as well. Breathing in the same air, especially if its full of dust, is really unhealthy and it’s good as the days are getting a little warmer to open up the windows for a few minutes to allow in fresh air to circulate. This is also the time of year I throw out old furniture, accumulated things and rearrange furniture in the room as well.
Ostara -> Beltane Sowing
Spring is a great time to germinate sprouts along with other seeds and clean the backyard or garden to grow plants. If you like to compost it’s a time to start mixing in the vegetable/fruit/plant scraps with the soil. Spring is also a great time to sow bigger changes in life as well. Something about the warm new season brings an air of flirtatiousness and ‘socialness’ that makes it perfect for making new friends or finding a partner. (Probably because people can finally come out of hibernation). It’s also a fantastic time to work on your image and portfolio and apply for long term jobs that begin in the summer or fall. Spring is the season for new beginnings and putting long term plans into action.
Beltane -> Litha Growing
A tradition I like to do on Beltane is repotting of plants and gardening. Repotting plants is a tradition I try to focus on every year because it’s very easy for house plants to die due to dead soil. Plus it makes the inside of the house super vibrant and lively to have fresh new soil in pots. From this point to summer solstice is the point of growth. Growth in the garden but also growth of personal goals. May and June feel like hectic months where there are so many events and opportunities to advance your work or change your social scene, that if I am not personally progressing, I focus all of my attention on my growth.
Litha -> Lughnasadh Thriving
Its the heat of summer! It’s time to get out and feel the intense hot energy and use its power to focus on goals and networking! Where I am there’s usually an exciting event every week where it’s an opportunity to make more connections and meet more friends but also since its warm and nature is so vibrant it’s time to take some days to relax and get away to enjoy the heat and life of nature. Go to the beach, go hiking, swim in a lake, sleep under the stars. Be active since the efforts will pay off. 
Lughnasadh -> Mabon Reaping
This is the time you earn what you’ve sowed both literally and metaphorically. If you have a garden its the time it will start giving back. If you are an active goer of a farmers market you will notice how beautifully abundant the stands are. If in Spring you’ve sent out tons of job applications, and in Summer got the job you’ve wanted and worked hard, then by now you should start seeing some results. If there are no results being seen it’s a time for reflection and re-strategizing. There is a second chance in this time to start again before the cold and the holiday season bulldozes through.
Mabon -> Samhain Harvesting/Gathering
This is the time to gather and harvest. Usually family tends to gather now since it’s the holiday season. There’s not much other than gathering to be done since family and holidays are bombarding you from all sides. Also there is an abundance of food. This is great to store for the next transition which is
Samhain -> Yule Preparation
This is the moment to prepare for winter. My warddrobe completely changes here, I take up knitting projects that were abandoned last Imbolc, and I store food and herbs for the winter to use. Also making preserves from things in the garden or hand knitting clothes make great presents for the winter holidays. This is also a time to prepare the garden for hibernation. Take in potted plants, harvest the last of the herbs and food (that are not potted). Make sure plants you do not want to die have a place to chill in the house.
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crystal-savvy · 5 years
The magical properties of Crystals
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
The Broke Wiccan’s Guide
These tips also apply to younger wiccans who may not have the ability to obtain certain items or don’t feel comfortable letting their family know about their beliefs yet! ⭐️🌿🍄🌼💕
1.) you don’t need the tools! Athames 🗡, wands and even incense are wonderful assets for magick and rituals🔮, but if you’re broke, there are pleanty of alternatives: like, treating your finger like you would an athame or wand. It might not have all the bells and whistles but it’ll certainly get the job done, if your heart is in the right place and some wiccans even prefer their finger! As for incense, burning herbs 🌿 from seasonings (like fennel, dill or rosemary) can be done on a flat ceramic or metal dish. It may not smoke as long, but there’s no harm in re-lighting the herbs if you see them start to die.
2.) crystals 💎can be purchased affordably through the internet! The world of amazon or etsy may make you nervous when it comes to the possibility of ordering fakes or low quality crystals but I’ve found that, as long as your not looking to purchase rare stones, the internet is actually a viable option for gems like amethyst, quartz, aventurine or agates. Just check the reviews first before buying! And, if you can’t order from the internet for whatever reason, crystals can also be purchased for cheap at many souvenir shops (especially in states like Arizona, California, New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas, or Texas, where mining ⛏is a characteristic of the state). Also, stores like Francesca’s Closet or other boutiques tend to sell jewelry 📿with crystals incorporated!
3.) rune stones🀄️. I prefer these over tarot cards becauss I made my rune stones myself and you can too! Homestly, I’m glad I chose to make my own rune stones, they feel so much more personal and therefor accurate. I simply gathered 24 rocks from my neighborhood streets of similar size, color and texture and took them home. I drew the runes on them in permamemt marker, cleansed the stones under a full moon🌕 and then carried them around with me for a few days before using them just like a store-bought set of stones.
I hope these tips helped! Much love and support to my fellow Wiccans out there and let me know of any other tips you might have!
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
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Hope everyone has a wonderful Esbat celebration tonight! Here’s my mini-altar (featuring my Book of Shadows) for tonight’s full moon! What are some of your favorite esbat rituals or traditions? Mine is crystal cleansing, meditation and making moon water. Enjoy this amazing night and blessed be!
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
The Elements and their correspondences
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Earth represents strength, grounding, prosperity, the material, wealth, success, foundations, death and rebirth. Focus on this element if the goal of your spell is about fertility, prosperity, business or stability. Earth spells may take longer to work, but they’re also more firm and are good if you’re looking for long-term solutions.
GENDER: Feminine SEASON: Winter DIRECTION: North HOUR: Night
COLOURS: Green, Brown, Black ANIMALS: Bears, Deers, Wolves, Badgers HERBS/PLANTS: Ivy, Ash, Vetiver, Wheats, Oats INSTRUMENTS: Drums (Percussion instruments)
STAR SIGNS: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn STONES/GEMS: Jade, Onyx, Emerald, Salt RITUAL TOOLS: Stones, Dirt, Bones, Pentacle, Salt, Crystals  RITUAL FORMS: Burying, Planting, Imprinting to soil or sand TAROT SUIT: Pentacles
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Air represents intellect and the mind, wisdom, knowledge; logic as well as abstract thought, intuition and higher consciousness. If you’re seeking freedom, travels, or to enhance your memory and focus - focus on Air spells! Air is whimsical and amiable, personally I haven’t found it useful for more serious spells, but it does wonders for my studies. 
GENDER: Masculine SEASON: Spring DIRECTION: East HOUR: Dawn
COLOURS: Yellow, White, Sky Blue, Pastels ANIMALS: Birds, Spiders, Butterflies HERBS/PLANTS: Lavender, Birch, Vervain, Dill, Aspen INSTRUMENTS: Flute (Wind instruments)
STAR SIGNS: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius STONES/GEMS: Amethyst, Opal, Alexandrite, Beryl RITUAL TOOLS: Incense, Wand RITUAL FORMS: Fanning, Tossing into air, Suspending in a high place  TAROT SUIT: Swords
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Fire represents energy, passion, purification, love, inspiration, desire, will, courage, power, leadership, sexuality. In spellcraft, focusing on Fire is good for purification, healing and love spells; it’s the best element for quick, strong spells. Although, Fire is fierce in essence, and Fire spells are susceptible - they should be well thought out.
GENDER: Masculine SEASON: Summer DIRECTION: South HOUR: Noon
COLOURS: Red, Orange, Gold ANIMALS: Snakes, Lions, Horses HERBS/PLANTS: Cacti, Cinnamon, Pepper, Basil INSTRUMENTS: Guitar (Stringed instruments)
STAR SIGNS: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius STONES/GEMS: Amber, Citrine, Ruby, Tiger’s Eye RITUAL TOOLS: Athame, Candles RITUAL FORMS: Burning, Smouldering, Heating TAROT SUIT: Wands
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Water represents purification as well; though it’s focused more on the soul and the subconscious rather than the physical, material world. Water stands for emotion, intuition, wisdom, eternal movement, reflection, lunar energy. Focusing on the Water element is good for psychic abilities, getting in tune with your inner self, mysteries, friendships, love, dreams and sleep.
GENDER: Feminine SEASON: Autumn DIRECTION: West HOUR: Dusk
COLOURS: Blue, Indigo, Silver ANIMALS: Otters, Fish, Sea Mammals, Frogs HERBS/PLANTS: Lotus, Water Lilies, Aloe, Gardenia INSTRUMENTS: Cymbal, Bell (Resonant instruments)
STAR SIGNS: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces STONES/GEMS: Moonstone, Aquamarine, Pearl RITUAL TOOLS: Cauldrons, Chalices, Seashells RITUAL FORMS: Diluting, Placing into water, washing away, bathing TAROT SUIT: Cups
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
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I’m bored/procrastinating, so I’m gonna share with y'all a crescent cake/cookie recipe that I like to use for Sabbats and full moon rites. Because why not.
Preheat oven to 350. Beat together: ½ cup room temperature butter, ¾ cup granulated sugar, ¼ cup dark brown sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 2 tablespoons honey, and one large egg until light and fluffy.
In another bowl whisk together 2 cups flour with ¼ cup ground almonds, along with ¼ teaspoon baking powder, and ¼ teaspoon salt.
Mix the dry with the wet until you get a nice soft but not sticky dough. Line cookie sheets with parchment and with floured hands, roll one tablespoonful of dough so that the middle is thicker than the ends. Then bend slightly into a crescent. Place on cookies sheets an inch apart and bake for 12-15 minutes or until light brown.
Optional: sift powdered sugar into a dish and roll the still cookies in the sugar. Cool on racks.
Have them for the cakes and ale part of the rituals or do as I do: leave them as offerings to spirits. Or don’t employ them in your rituals and just eat them with some coffee because they’re fucking delish
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
Quick Guide to Celebrating the Sabbats 🌻
🧀Fruit & veg, herbed bread, cheese, honey cakes, chicken, pork, sunflower seeds, lemonade, ice tea.
🍋Lemon, orange, cinnamon, rose oils.
🔮Moonstone, tigers eye, amethyst, flourite, agate. {Or any crystals in warm colours}.
🌞See the sun rise & set, eat outdoors, make or buy a sun catcher, bake a sweet cake, let sunlight cleanse your rooms, clear cobwebs, wear a flower crown, make honey/sugar scrub, wear warm tones.
🎬Peter Pan, Fairy Tale, Ferngully, Stardust, Tinkerbell, Maleficent.
🌽Multi grain bread, corn on the cob, bbq meats, fried chicken, potatoes, soup, rice, nuts, black current juice, beer, peppermint tea.
🌹Rose, chamomile, passion fruit, all spice oils/scents.
🔮Citrine, clear quartz, tigers eye.
📖Finish a project, make a bread to share, enjoy nature, take care of plants, decorate or craft, acknowledge what you are grateful for, journal future hopes.
🎬Parent Trap, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, Cheaper by the Dozen.
🍇Pies, nuts, smoked or roast poultry [bbq chicken with smoky bbq sauce], soup, corn, apples, plums, grapes, cinnamon donuts, caramel popcorn, peanut butter, butterscotch.
🌲Sage, pine, cinnamon oils/scents.
🔮Amethyst, clear quartz, citrine, yellow agate.
🌾Make scented pinecones, spend time under the stars, donate food or goods [RSPCA], burn bad habits, visit the deceased, harvest take care of plants, bask in nature, meditate.
🎬Open Season, Brother Bear, Spirit, Pocahontas, Brave.
🎃Pumpkins, toffee apples, ginger bread, chai, nutmeg or cinnamon spiced foods, hazelnuts, sweets.
🌰Nutmeg, cinnamon scents.
🔮Obsidian, onyx, bloodstone, amber, fossils.
🕯Cook a family recipe, light a fire, remember & honour the deceased.
🎬Hocus Pocus, Addams Family, Monsters Inc, Little Vampire, Corpse Bride, Casper, Hansel Gretel Witch Hunters, Underworld, Van Helsing.
🍪Cookies, fruit cake, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea.
🕎Cedar, frankincense, myrrh oils.
🔮Bloodstone, citrine, clear quartz.
❄Give or volunteer, bake shortbread or sugar cookies, share a meal with loved ones.
🎬Santa Clause, Rise of the Guardians, 101 Dalmatians, Frozen, Snow White Winters War, Narnia.
🍩Poppy seeds, pumpkin seeds, bread butter pudding, scones, muffins, garlic, onions.
☕Vanilla, cinnamon oil.
🔮Amethyst, bloodstone, onyx.
🕯Light white candles, plant seeds, bless your pets, declutter & clean your living space, bake orange and poppy seed muffins or cake.
🎬Mr Poppers Penguins, Happy Feet, Balto, Ice Age, Mirror Mirror.
🍌Roast ham & pineapple, eggs, milk, seeds & nuts, banana bread, chocolate milk, green vegetables.
🌹Jasmine, light florals, sweet garden, wild flowers.
🔮Amethyst, rose quartz, moonstone.
🌹Light candles, plant seeds, share a roast ham with loved ones, bake banana bread, finish spring cleaning, lay tumbled stones in your garden bed, take deep breaths [inhale new energy & exhale old energies], wear spring colours whites & florals, collect wildflowers or buy flowers that call to you & research what they mean, walk through nature.
🎬Epic, Strange Magic, The Secret Garden, Spiderwick, A Bugs Life, Barbie Fairies.
🍞Breads, cakes, honey, leafy greens, fruit & veg, seafood, iced tea, lemonade, milk.
🌼Florals, sweet garden, honeysuckle, jasmine, rose.
🔮Amber, citrine, moonstone, red jasper, rose quartz.
🌼Wear a flower crown or flowers in your hair, dress in red or white, make a bonfire & roast marshmallows, garden, take a walk, spend time in nature, pick fresh flowers to decorate.
🎬Moana, Arthur Trilogy, Avatar, Jungle Book, Tinkerbell, Barbie.
☾Sage cleanse the house, light candles, diffuse oils.
☾Clean sheets/bedding/pillowcases/towels.
☾Eat at least one traditional food.
☾Watch a relevant movie.
☾Take notes in my BOS of how I celebrated the Sabbat to look back on next year.
☾Charge my crystals & tarot decks in the full moonlight.
☾Do a tarot reading relevant to the Sabbat.
☾Spend time outside with my dogs 🐶
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
Full Moon Water Scrying
The moon is growing stronger in the night sky, and the full moon will soon be upon us. A great way to channel the power of the full moon is to preform a full moon water scrying. 
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All you need to do this ritual is a dark bowl and some water…and of course the light of the full moon. Th bowl can be a standard size bowl, the darker the color the better. I use a black bowl I purchased years ago at a dollar store. In some situations, if you are by a large body of water, gazing into the lake can serve the same purpose. A journal to record happenings in is another useful tool. Candles and incense are optional; however I prefer to preform this form of scrying within an open circle as a part of a full esbat ritual.
Outside, under the full moon, fill your bowl with water. Position yourself so that you can see the light of the moon reflecting back at you.
Sot back and breathe. Meditate for a moment, focusing on the light of the moon and the energy growing within you. When you feel it is time, gaze into the water and stare at the reflection of the moon.
Take note of anything you see. Keeping a journal near you may be helpful. Notice any ripples, or the direction the water is moving. If you feel a thought pop into your head write that down as well, it very well could be the moon telling you something.  Focus, and when you feel there is nothing left to learn from the bowl, the scrying is done. come back to your circle, or just sit back, and relax. Meditate and think about what the moon was telling you.
This form of scrying is a little less obvious than some other forms; however, with practice any ‘patterns or thoughts will begin to come easier. Just focus on the light of the moon to guide your way.
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(photo credit: bowl, meditation)
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crystal-savvy · 6 years
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I’ve been spending a lot of time on my Book of Shadows/Grimoire lately and I’m just in love with it. I used to be so scared to mess my drawings up that I wouldn’t draw at all. This book has given me an excuse to draw and be proud of whatever I manage to create.
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