crystallinelupine · 5 years
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the patron god of ravens in the northern wastes, he is closely associated with death. wherever he goes, ravens follow in his wake. 
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Pale light and the sound of crickets, searching in the muted dark
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Dog First domesticated predator will become a human companion throughout history and development of humanity. Even though today the dog is comprehended as a loving pet, appreciated for his loyalty and devotion, his main role in society was the protection of human possessions and the entire household. Therefore untamed and wild dogs were particularly valued. These characteristics place them on the border between order and chaos, good and bad. It is precisely this ambiguous position that is evident in the original Slavic beliefs. This is obvious in the relation with the vampire who can be sniffed out by a dog, usually a completely black one. The dog can also cause a person to become a vampire by jumping over the recently deceased. Other mythical beings stay away from the dog, such as drekavac while witches and zduhach would sometimes transform into dogs. Understood thus, the dog retains his natural connection with the unknown and otherworldly while being immersed in human society, order and civilization.  Text: Dušan Božić References: Aneta Svetieva - “He is a dog, but I am a bigger dog than he is”, Studia Mithologica Slavica, 5, 2002, pp. 131-144. Ш. Кулишић, П. Ж. Петровић, Н. Пантелић - „Српски митолошки речник”, Нолит, Београд, 1970 Picture: “Shepherd and his faithful dog” - Jakub Rozalski
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
The purpose of Spirit Work is not to catch them all. 
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[Art by @starcallerrandgrid ]
Taking on Spirit Companions is a very close bond (whatever that means to you) that you both enter into. It takes time, energy, and emotional effort to strengthen that bond between you. It’s a real relationship with a living being. It may not be living on this plane, but it’s real and has real feelings. 
I’ve seen Spirit Workers on Tumblr claim to have like 10+ companions and I have so many concerns when I see this. 
What is the quality of these relationships? 
Is the appropriate time taken to grow and sustain these relationships?
Is there time to taken to balance these spirit relationships with healthy human relationships as well? 
If they live with you, are they valued members of the household or are they treated like a fixture? 
What role does each of these companions fulfill in the spirit worker’s practice/life? Are they used as just notches in a proverbial belt to tout expertise? 
Spirit companions are not like pets. They’re also not like Tamagachi or Pokemon, or worse- beanie babies. In my personal opinion, if you have a “companion” without any kind of close bond, is it really companionship?  I’ve also seen people ascribe “companionship” to every spirit they talk to, and I just don’t see how that’s companionship. Honestly, I’ve only seen these kinds of dynamics perpetuated on Tumblr, and as a long-time spirit worker, I really don’t understand.
Note: This is not to say that if someone has 10+ companions that they are a fraud or that someone couldn’t healthily keep 10 spirit companions. I’m saying that doing so is rare, and I have concerns when I see this perpetuated as the norm on Tumblr and nowhere else.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Norse Mythology Aesthetic - Loki “Why sit ye silent, | swollen with pride, Ye gods, and no answer give?“
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
“Don’t Work with Death!”
“Don’t work with death, because then you invite it into your house.”
Death is already in my house. Death is everywhere. Death is what decays the plant matter that feeds my garden. Death is what feeds the herbs I use in my spells, for each grows from what died before it.
Death is what feeds my family - death of plants, the death of animals. I would not disrespect the spirits of that which feeds us by ignoring their sacrifice. 
Death is the veil between my ancestors and myself, keeping them at rest and then acting as the gate for them to step into their next life.
When I do hospice work and sit with someone who is accepting their approaching death, I don’t tell them death is something to fear or avoid. I tell them death is the friend that walked beside them, every step of their life, maintaining the balance of the world, and waiting for them with open arms, to escort them to rebirth. 
“Don’t work with death!” 
I would not ignore life’s partner, not for arrogance or fear or ignorance. When I go to my own, I want to greet death with respect, acceptance, and gratitude. 
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Norse Gods ↳ Máni | ᛗᚨᚾI
God of the Moon and Witchcraft
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Demonic god of darkness, sex, war, love, death, outcasts, illness, revenge, and the Morning Star. Husband and creator of the goddess Lilith.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Slavic-inspired art by Maxim Sukharev
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Русалка (Rusalka) - in Slavic mythology, creatures, usually harmful, in which drowned girls and unbaptized children turn. In the Rusalya week they come out of the water, run through the fields, swing in the trees. Rusalka can tickle man to death or draw you into the water.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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Veles, a Slavic deity.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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@melqomene asks → Loki or Veles
Veles was a major Slavic god of the earth, water, and underworld
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
A stranded rusalka’s guide to Slavic Deities: Veles
Veles (Cyrillic: Велес; Polish: Weles; Old Russian and Old Church Slavonic: Велесъ) also known as Volos (Russian: Волосъ) is one of the two widely accepted deities of the slavic pantheon. 
Like Perun exists as an eagle above the branches of the world, Veles is the winding serpent, intertwined in the roots which create the underworld; colloquially known as Nav. Plenty of people take the duality and conflict between Perun and Veles to be a representation of the clash between good and evil. However, it can more accurately be described as a opposition of natural principles of heaven and fire versus earth and water.
Art, both new and old depicts Veles as a wise man, often aged, wearing bear fur as a headdress. Sometimes he is depicted with horns, and sometimes as a old magus. 
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One of Veles’ domain’s is cattle. A number of people have made commentary and asked questions about this, but its a rather simple matter. Veles is also the god of commerce and wealth. Cattle, for a very long time was synonymous with wealth, able to be traded for a number of useful goods. Being the patron of merchants and craftsmen also relates to this. 
Veles is also known for being the god of musicians and music. In some wedding ceremonies of northern Croatia, the music would not start playing unless the bridegroom, when making a toast, spilled some of the wine on the ground, preferably over the roots of the nearest tree.
The more commonly understood domain’s of Veles are the underworld, of which he is the keeper; alongside witchcraft and the forest. Here the contrast to Veles shows itself the most. He is most often associated animals are the bear, (in slavic folklore often seen as the king of the forest) and the żmij (the serpent), creatures of the earth and water, whereas Perun is represented by creatures of the sky; where Perun’s tree is the mighty oak, Veles is seen beenath the willow trees. Associations of Veles with foxes and stags have also been made in more recent times. Oaths, which are sacred to not only slavic faith but tradition and culture, are sacred to him and breaking one is said to be punished with horrific disease. A death without honour. 
Belaj, V. (1998). Hod kroz godinu, mitska pozadina hrvatskih narodnih vjerovanja i obicaja. Zagreb: Golden Marketing.
Brückner, A. (1924) Mitologja polska. Studjum porównawcze. Warszawa: Instytut Wydawniczy „Bibljoteka Polska”, s. 37.
Gieysztor, A. (2006). Mitologia Słowian. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego,.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
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645: Chernabog
All hail the king of the night
Requested by: caniforme
Hm, Well This Is Interesting…
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
Signs as Slavic Gods (part 2)
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Libra as Lada (Lado, Ladon) Goddess of joy, love and harmony. It is told that she had dualistic representation as a female version Lada but also a male called Lado. She was responsible for a youth, beauty and keeping harmony. Songs and honey were given to her by people as gifts. Her animal symbol is lark.
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Scorpio as Morena (Marzanna, Morana, Mara, Baba Yaga) Goddess of winter, life and death. She was a symbol of upcoming winter. She could bring nightmares and sleep paralysis. She was also associated with transformation and witchcraft. It is said she had long black hair and a pale face. Her animals were birds and snakes.
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Sagittarius as Perun (Piorun, Peron, Prono, Peraun). God of war and thunder. Perun was the ruler of earth and sky. He was told to always fight with Veles who used to steal from Perun his wife, children and cattle. Perun is considered one of the supreme gods. He is associated with weapons, fire, mountains and wind. His animal is an eagle.
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Capricorn as Triglav (Triglau, Triglaf, Tryglaw, Triglov) One of the most mysterious gods. He is associated with the past, present and the future. He had three heads which represented three worlds: Heaven, Earth and the Underworld and it is said that he ruled all three of them. He was riding a black horse, wore a golden bands over his eyes and was said to be very fond of humans. He was a warrior god and people used to bring him gold, silver and weapons.
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Aquarius as Rod (Rid, Prabóg, Hrodo, Sud) God of  creation. It is said he is the first supreme god who created the universe. He is associated with birth and kinship. He is known as the Judge and is associated with three goddesses of destiny. He created all gods, nature and celestial bodies. He was present in the universe he created but it was told he didn’t directly intervene but rather helped others behind the scene. He was protector of the nation and brotherhood.
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Pisces as Breksta (Brėkšta, Brekszta) Goddess of the night. She is very mysterious goddess and not many things are known about her. She was a goddess of the night, twilight and dreams. She is said to protect people during the night until the dawn. She was associated with magic, dream walking and memories.
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crystallinelupine · 5 years
The Signs in Slavic Mythology pt. 2
 Vesna (Slavic Goddess of Spring and Love) - Libra
in charge of spring; morning and the birth of everything alive, has rosy cheeks and lucious looks, portrayed as always smiling, beautiful, naked and barefoot
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Perun (Slavic Thunder God) - Scorpio 
highest; most dominant deity, fearsome figure in terms of power, also patron of soldiers and noble warriors, standard of male power and dominance, keeper of the law
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Zlota Baba (Slavic Wealth Goddess) - Sagittarius
her name means “The Golden Lady”, possesses the secret to obtaining a large pile of treasure, has a golden allure, originally a golden statue of the Roman Goddess Juno
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Veles (Slavic God of the Earth, Waters, Forests and the Underworld) - Capricorn
associated with cattle, the harvest, wealth, music, magic and trickery; his animal form is a bear, considered a “mischievous” God, also God of the animals
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Svarog (Slavic God of Hearth Fire and Inspiration) - Aquarius
he plants prophetic messages into flames, allows you to catch glimpses of godly affairs, god of celestial fire and blacksmithing, father of all gods
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Dolya (Goddess of Destiny, Fate and Luck) - Pisces
doles out fate to all, haunt you if you make choices that were not planned by Fate, may take on the appearance of cats, dogs or little old ladies hiding under your stove
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