crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
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The color on his cheeks doesn’t lessen, not with how she’s curling her arms around him, playing with the soft strands of silver peeking from under his keffiyeh. He ignores her insinuation that he’s been neglecting his health – despite the truth in the statement. Or rather, it’s not so much that he neglects himself but that he has a tendency to forget his own limits. He could very easily blame his childhood for such habits and end any ensuing conversations with the uncomfortable subject matter of it, but he won’t. But he could also credit his childhood for his ability to do so; that he can handle lack of sleep better than most and he eats very little to begin with and that he’s fine as is. He won’t do that either because that would merely continue the conversation about it not being good for him.  
What a change in roles for Sinbad to be the one scolding him… 
“Climbing into my lap is not what I would call behaving…” he grumbles, lips pursed. “And I– I do have fun. I just– I’m working right now!” His face flames a bit brighter. It’s likely not what she’d consider fun but he can! Probably…
He’s become fairly used to such antics, her constant poking and prodding, an inability to just let things lay. She’s like a child that can’t keep from trying to catch a snake, clearly poised to bite. But that doesn’t make him any more comfortable with it, evident by the blush across his cheeks and ears. He’s a private person, unused to physical contact. Sinbad is the opposite and likes asserting that difference. 
“Yes… You are artfully skilled in being a pain in my neck,” he mumbles. Ja’far narrows his eyes and thinks his options over for a minute. Not only is he pinned to his chair but he’s trapped in this agreement. If he refuses to take time off Sinbad will just push further as she has so eloquently threatened to do so. But he really doesn’t feel the need for any kind of vacation let alone two whole days of missed work. He supposes he should be grateful that she isn’t demanding more time. 
Finally, he sighs. “Why do I feel like I just sold my soul…” he arches a brow but relents all the same, leaning back in his seat. “Fine. Two days off. But I mean it Sin, if I hear anything about you slacking off I’m coming back. And then I’ll be the one on you for a week.” And he’ll find out too. There’s very little she can hide from her advisor. “Now, is there anything else or can I get back to work?” he says, gesturing toward her still sitting in his lap. He could very easily throw her off if she decides not to move…
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ah, how funny that troublesome kid back then when they first met had turned into this, the world was such a mysterious place, wasn’t it? but, she supposed, even then ja’far showed signs of being a workaholic, after all, he had been rather dedicated in trying to kill her at the time. but she supposed, the true irony of this situation was her trying to persuade ja’far into caring for himself. other options existed, sinbad could have taken matters into her own hands without giving he might choice. hm. that path wouldn’t have her doing actual work, granted, she does it, of course she does her work-- her pace just didn’t match up with a certain snake’s. although, hardly anyone could keep up with him in that department. “considering where i could be, i think this was one of my tamer options, don’t you agree ja’far?” a sultury tone and that ever present smirk on her lips. 
she stretched, much like a cat that wanted to sunbathe--- only conflicted with the option of messing with a fellow companion. it wasn’t hard to see which choice won in the end. “am i really that much of a pain? i think you just want me to think so, probably something about making sure my ego isn’t overly inflated?” an arched brow, ever amused. his flamed cheeks kept egging her on, how could she resist batting at the annoyed snake before her? truly, ja’far knows her better than that, how silly.
he does incite a small pout from her, “the devil? how rude, i would think it was a well place bargain with a skilled merchant.” did sinbad move from her spot? no. if anything, she became more comfortable, fingers continued to toy with his hair without a single ounce of an apology. “aren’t you skilled enough to go one with your work even as i sit here ja’far?” 
a challenge? a tease? a mixture of both? who knows. it might bait the other enough to get him moving a little, ja’far will eventually merge with that chair of his if he continue on at this pace without some entertainment.
and who better to offer assistance than the queen herself?
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
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“Well that was just a rhetorical question, but at least you reply honestly. “ he answered, not really caring about him saying he’s stupid. He observed him which made it a little easier to notice what xue was doing, but he decided not to try and dodge.
Somehow he knew the other wouldn’t actually try to kill him and just stared down at the knife at his feet, chuckling. Oh he liked to play these types of games. Interesting. At least he had a pretty face, though his behaviour could need some work.
“Oh you’re doing an amazing job at trying to cooperate with me. At least you managed to not hurt me, maybe there’s hope for your working-together improvement.” he chuckled as he picked up the knife and played with it. “Sure I don’t really care. I’m not the one who’s punished, though I’m still trying to decide if I’m also being punished or not.”he added, meaning that Xue was a punishment. He did not really mean it, but it seemed that he could get interesting reactions from him if he provoked him a bit.
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“next time, don’t ask such useless questions... or at least make it interesting,” he shrugged. how boring! xue yang had hoped for a more... entertaining response, but he supposed this suggested the other wasn’t so easy to play with. challenges were fun. it was still the first day, the first meeting, the first hour, hardly enough information gathered. 
the shorter man scoffed, his grey eyes watched how the other moved, 
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
He is indeed a very cute child. Even Spartos could see that. He wasn’t great with children, he lacked the experience as he never had much to do with the little ones but he found himself rather relaxed around the child. He knelt with a smile. “Your mother is right. You are indeed a cute child,” He replied in a gentle tone. This child was sweet, yet Spartos couldn’t help but to worry when he heard he had to find his mother. The little one was lost? The knight couldn’t let him walk around by himself, and thus he decided to accompany him, and find his parents together with him. Yet, remained friendly and smiled, nodding his head a little. “They do. I’m sure your mother will agree when she hears that.”
Maybe he should ask the child about his parents. Where he lived or if he remembered where he had seen them last. It would be helpful information but perhaps he was also just lost on his way. This water basin was quite big so Spartos doubted he was able to see much of his path when he carried it in front of him. His parents must be quite worried about him, after all he was still so small. The knight wondered how young his new friend was, he couldn’t be much older than five or maybe six? To be fair, he couldn’t tell…
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If he knew… if he knew who was standing in front of him… maybe he would have panicked instead of talking to him like this. And it was fine, it continued like this, friendly and peaceful, his smile never fading as he other asked to accompany him. “I would be happy to walk with you,” Spartos replied and rose from his position. “But I insist you tell me when it becomes too heavy.”
And then Spartos paused, he stared at the little one. He stared him over, looked at the color of his hair, of his eyes, his smile and then he realized…. no, why hadn’t he realized this much sooner? Sinbad… this child looked like Sinbad, no, this child is Sinbad… but how? How was that possible….?! “S-Sinbad?” he questioned, the smile on his lips quivering slightly. Ah, but he should act normal, hide the shock behind a smile as to not confuse him… And so he tried, smiling as he introduced himself. “What a wonderful name… My name is Spartos. S-So, where are you heading? Would you mind leading the way?”
little sinbad looked rather pleased that the stranger agreed with him, and giggled in happiness. he adjusted the hold on the basin, despite his small stature, he seemed to handle himself rather well-- he also didn’t want to trouble the other too much. besides! he was grown up enough to do this on his own. his parents would be in utter agreement, of course. with a soft hum, a little song he’s heard from his mother, “okay mister, i’ll let you know, but i’ll be okay! i’m old enough to handle this on my own.” his tiny voice, filled with confidence and assurance. it hid the little bubbles of worry he felt since he wasn’t able to really find his parents along the way. 
truthfully, he was worried, he wanted to find them and go home. but a small adventure wasn’t bad! sinbad had managed to meet someone rather interesting, a part of him wanted to leave the water basin behind and ask this many so many questions. oh, he must have so many interesting stories! 
“huh? yeah, i like my name a lot too,” he giggled, “your’s sounds really cool too, spartos.” although sinbad struggled just the slightest with pronouncing the name properly, “oh, sure, i wanted to help this little old lady so this is her water.” it was simple as that, a manner of occupation that kept his child mind busy from wondering where his parents were or why he hadn’t found them yet.
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“hey mister spartos,” the child uttered as he adjusted his hold on the basin, “are you like... some kind of knight? have you gone on a lot of adventures?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
She didn’t steal just any dungeon. He would have been fine with it if the djinn within the dungeons were weak but first she took Zepar and then others followed. But, she did not only take Zepar, in some way she also took away one of his first king vessels. There were many reasons for him to resent her but over time such strong feelings grew into one of competitiveness, the hate gone, replaced by the urge to prove how strong he was, how much better he was. Perhaps he was still mad that she had refused him over and over again. After all, she was the first one to reject him like this when anyone else had always accepted and followed his commands.
But this was a story for another time. For now, he would give it his all to mock her as much as she tried to mock him in return.
“That’s long in the past,” Judar grimaced, waving his hand as if to shake off the statement. “You looked like a idiot back then. Anyone would have mistaken you for one.” Of course she liked her own clothing choices. Anyone did or else they wouldn’t wear it. The magi could agree on that even though he disliked the idea of agreeing with the king. She’s stupid and yet Judar had been stupid enough to listen to her suggestions of attire in the past. “You’re lucky you’re the king. If those metal vessel wouldn’t be decorating your body you’d look like one of these lightly dressed idiots from the red light districts.” Not that he had ever been there, he only knew from stories. From those soldiers who chatted so casually with each other when he laid on the rooftop above them and listened to their stupid stories.
He shifted on the branch, enough for his head to rest on his head as he laid there like a cat bathing in the sun. “I only do things the fun way but you’re the one interested in what the royals were under their robes so you should be the one sitting on his lap.” he sneered and smiled innocently at Sinbad. “I think even someone like Kouen would be pleased to have you this close.”
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Sinbad was unfair. Despite knowing how Kou worked, with status and importance of gender and lineage, she knew exactly how and what to say to get under his skin. Judar had seen some of the princesses being married off to others, it was the same fate Kougyoku almost had to accept and yet she was lucky enough to continue her boring little life in the palace. But it was true, Sinbad wasn’t just anyone. She came with strength, of her metal vessels and the alliance. If they wanted to have a friendly relationship for their countries they would offer something of more importance than a simple princess. “Are you sure Kou could offer you a price that satisfy you? Your country is small. Kou could run it over without much effort. So why should the emperor decide to give you whatever you desire?”
ah, yes, she knew exactly which dijinns she had swept away from judar, and the idea that it bothered him. well. that made her smirk in an slightly petty way-- shame on her, oh well. sinbad had become aware over the years, that despite her urge to give back... there was that deep urge to take things away. not always, it merely swirled beneath the surface, she’d take, but not without offering something in return. u n l e s s, it had no benifit to her nor sindria. either now or in the future. again, a method she was well aware that irked other people...if only they understood. 
perhaps in time.
“i looked like an idiot? you looked like a pampered little brat,” a tilt of her head, “although, that hasn’t changed much, are you sure you’re a magi and not one of those spoiled felines? you look oddly similar.” hisses and bites as one, sinbad was sure of this, no arguments welcomed. sinbad sighed with a shake of her head, hand on her waist and walked close enough to lean against the tree. a disarming appearance, “from the red light district...” she paused and then giggled, how humors, had he ever stepped a foot inside such a place? if he had, then judar would know sinbad was greatly over dressed. “adorable, you know nothing of such things, do you? have you even touched a woman’s breasts before?”
now she was just being mean.
she briefly scrunched up her nose in displeasure, “he’s not really my type, i’m sure we’d just end up fighting or debating over politics, if i wanted that... i would just bed with ja’far.”
hardly true, ja’far are more pleasant to be around... she’d gladly play with kouen, his mind was brilliant, the man was a powerful opponent and that... that was the enticing part. 
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“small? ... don’t you know judar? size only matters for so long, even if you try and succeed to come in... retaliation might be more than you expect,” her voice was smooth... sweet, like peach candies, and cold. the smallest threat hidden behind those bright golden eyes and smiles. another chuckle left sinbad’s lips, she enjoyed turning this empire around on it’s head to please her, and the current emperor was interested in keeping a decent relationship. for now. sinbad was under no illusions that it would last for long. plans were in the works for.... later. “your princesses are beautiful, as are your princes, perhaps one of them would be worthy...” sinbad smirked. “you’re from kou, you’ve often offered yourself to me, believing you’re worthy. as the oracle of kou, a representative of your empire, are you say that your empire is incapable, judar?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
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❛ hmm . . ?  ❜ tilts her head to the side, catching a glimpse of someone staring briefly at her for a few moments. did her . . appearance remind of someone he used to know ? it could just be about anything at this point. maybe, it was best to take it with a grain of salt. better yet — maybe as a compliment, too.   ❛  i wonder who this friend of yours may be. most people in the slums mostly wear well . . black. me on the other hand just bright colors like pink.  ❜   a playful giggle left her lips, as she had paid no mind to it whatsoever. most days, aeris did feel like she didn’t fit in with the neighborhood but . . then again, she did stood out pretty well.   ❛  well since you are offering and don’t mind lending a hand, that be greeeat.   ❜  after all, she had held a couple of bags in her hands, as she recently came back from the store with groceries and a lot of the bags contained items that were heavy. you think, she would handle it carrying them with her two hands but apparently not.
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noctis was silently thankful that she didn’t seem annoyed by his sudden approach and spacy attitude from earlier. he offered a sheepish smile, and helped by taking couple of her bags. ha! take that gladio, the workout routine had totally worked (was this sad? no, let him have this moment). “my friend, she likes to wear bright colors.... mainly blue or white,” he supplied as an answer, “you could probably get her to wear pink too.” luna was fond of one specifically. he didn’t care either way, black just suited him to best, but prompto had managed more than once to stuff him in a yellow sweater. “ah-- i’m noctis,” he added, had he told his name already? no. right? ah, either way, it was said now. “er-- you lead and i follow?” he had no idea where to go, after all.
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
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Yozora listened to Noctis’ words of inspiration as he could see the determination in their eyes as it was clear to see, he smiles before he hugged them back before speaking.
“Indeed and that’s very nice of you Noctis, thank-you so much as this means a lot to me. You’re a brave and honest boy, I believe you have the heart of a lion with the way you speak. You look like a king, standing against anything that poses a threat without falter. You can get through this, I believe in you.”
He said as he then moved back to give the boy a respectful bow, smiling softly to him.
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the young prince looked completely surprised by what the other said, it surprised him and warmed that little heart of his words. a king? he looked like a king? his pale cheeks turned a faint pink from embarrassment and quickly shook his head and wriggled his arms anxiously. 
“n-no, i just... i’m nothing like a king, nothing like my dad,” or all the kings before him. noctis instead smiled sheepishly. “i think you’re more a king than myself, i mean, i still get kinda scared of the dark... and nightmares, that’s not really brave. but you’re so... strong, and amazing. could you teach me how to fight like that?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
At that time he could feel his tears roll down. They couldn’t dry even though he was trying to stop and ended up fooling the King and everyone around him as he began to laugh. A mechanism Judar had learned to protect himself. And yet he failed to hide those tears and made the best out of his situation. Acting as if they were fake, as if he wasn’t bothered what he had seen from his own past. Those pictures were painful in his mind, the screams he heard still ringing in his ears at night. Ever since he had seen the destiny of his own parents he had sleepless nights, hating the source of all that, who was now trying to take away the one he wanted to make his king. Did it really matter if Sinbad would hate him? He was the enemy… hating him wasn’t so wrong. And yet he didn’t resent him like his generals did?
Everyone has done mistake, they all had to live with them. And so did Judar. Although he knew what he had done, not all of his memories were there. Some blurry, some entirely gone and some as vibrant as if it had happened yesterday. This was bound to happen when others meddle with his mind and his memories and someday… would he lose them all? Become nothing more than a puppet? Even Judar didn’t know but perhaps everything would have been different for him if he were standing beside Sinbad? One could only imagine.
The magi settled down. He gave it some seconds to think about it but there was nothing. What happened after the war? He was told to return and then…? There was nothing but emptiness. Judar tilted his head as he watched Sinbad. Why was he looking away? He was silent, not knowing what to say and then sighed. Maybe if he told Sinbad he would understand how much better he would have been for him than Al-Thamen. “I don’t remember,” he said, looking to the ground as he spoke. With his fingers he drew mindlessly lines on the ground. “When I left. I don’t remember what happened after that. Falan was gone and I was shown around a country I didn’t know until then. So, tell me. Would you really have been bad for me?” His laugh irritated him and he looked up again. Yes, Sinbad was special but Yunan was a idiot. Anyone who listened to him wasn’t better. “Yunan doesn’t know. He’s a idiot like that stupid old hag.”
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All Sinbad needed to do was to mention it’s meaning and Judar’s face was colored red once again. He knew that already! But hearing it again was just as embarrassing as the first time hearing it. And what was that gasp for? And that bashful look?! Judar furrowed his brows until he heard and realized what he said. “Wha-?! N-No way! I don’t want you to demonstrate it, stupid king! Who do you think you are?! You’re not so special that I would want that from you! I don’t want this from anyone!” Perhaps he did sound like a child, loud and almost panicked as he gave his response.
“I hate them!” How could anyone even like them? He would never understand. “You don’t have to say you’d do it! You do it anyway! There’s a reason why people call you Ladykiller of the seven seas!”
He was just… embarrassed… yeah, that was it.
sinbad could try and explain himself, his choices on who he hates, who he cares about, who he dislikes and so forth. he’s had arguments over it with ja’far over it, he was the one that seemed most against the magi. granted, it’s not like sinbad had a personally good relationship with judar to begin with-- they got into fights, were antagonistic towards each other ( the younger more blunt and less smooth than himself). the king supposed, it helped that he realized that judar, at most, was a valuable pawn, and the ones pulling the string was really who held the brunt of sinbad’s... more sour emotions. either way, perhaps he wondered what the other might had been like had the magi not fallen into al-thamen’s hands. maybe if they’d all done past events differently, despite sinbad’s confidence, these questions had no answers. 
a part of him will always pity judar, how much of him was part of al-thamen’s manipulation, obviously they tinker with their magi. what if he had been part of sindria instead? if they had met on one of sinbad’s adventures, on his travels, and they crossed paths? he’s pondered on taking him from al-thamen, the slightly bitter and devious side of him liked the idea as karma. but something always stops him, a tiny voice in the back of his mind that whispers ‘no’. always no. didn’t sound like ja’far, the usual voice of reason-- he might say.
still, here he was, he still interacted with him, he still went into judar’s dungeons and took his dijins. so really-- why?
...he doesn’t remember? how? ah, yes, did they mess with his memories? there are spells to do that, mind manipulation... even without magic, was achievable. “don’t you worry about the fact that you can’t remember?” he wondered out loud and doubted the other would give an answer. he scowled at judar, it was briefly that eventually disappeared into a deep sigh. “well, i had sepeated from the others, i needed to ... train, to fix a problem with my magoi, at the time i hadn’t completely understood it,” he smirked a little. “without yamuraiha, i probably wouldn’t be here.” it was true. the black rukh he absorbed that day... anyway.
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the seldom look melted away and he laughs. how ridiculous of him, it was laughable. for someone so chaotic, a walking disaster that causes such problems to be so innocent about these matters. “i wouldn’t do it anyway, i’m only interested in willing adult parties,” a gentle poke at calling the younger childish from his reactions. “who knew that the kou empire’s black magi was so innocent.” his laughter slowly died down, shaking his head with a smile remaining in place. ah, perhaps he should just focus on embarrassing judar from now on instead of fighting. less injuries that way. 
“have you even tried them?” he questioned, “have you even tried anything? ... have you ever kissed anyone?” they’re honest, curious questions .... that he’ll use against him later. 
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
sinbad continued that smile on his lips as he stood there naked, neither shy or self conscious about the scars that decorated his skin. the took a sash from his clothes and slowly climbed onto the bed. he settled between the other’s legs, and allowed his fingers to gently touch sharrkan’s inner’s thighs. the smile remained sweet, but that gleam in his golden colored eyes was more along the lines of ‘i’m going to eat you up’. 
the king lifted the other’s leg, gently nuzzling and placing a kiss on the other’s left thigh, “ behave, and put your wrists together above your head,” he muttered between softly touches of his lips.
Keep reading
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
considering the vast world of opportunities cast at his feet with his magic, yerin never would have expected something as seemingly ordinary as working with plants to be his ambition. but perhaps that was just a consequence of her own toil in the gardens every day; the tasks never felt quite so awe-inspiring or extraordinary – at least in comparison to what he could accomplish.  ❝ plants can be tricky sometimes …  ❞ she sympathized; the little green guests at their own gardens certainly seemed to have minds of their own some days, at times acting unpredictably in response to the weather.  ❝  if you’d like, we also have some amendments we sell to help people’s gardens. ❞ per her grandmother’s strict code of business, they weren’t precisely as effective as what they used to grow their own herbs, but they were productive none the less. ❝ although, we don’t have any for potions …  ❞ she apologized with just a bit of humor.  
his detailing of his last assignment was a much sweeter story than she had expected. yerin could imagine how much the closure must have meant to the woman, to be able to speak her heart at last, and for the final time. ❝ … that sounds like very noble work,  ❞ she murmured with a small smile, touched a little in sentiment. ❝ your necromancy really is a gift, sir.  ❞ being able to grant a final goodbye like that seemed to her one of the kindest services she had ever heard performed by a magic wielder. though perhaps necromancy didn’t paint the prettiest mental picture, it was powerful in its possibilities.
his apology’s quickly brushed aside in her clarification, a little embarrassed in thinking her expression must have been poor.  ❝ oh – it – it isn’t that, i’ve seen worse; it’s just – it looks quite painful.  ❞
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❝ – it does hurt? ❞ yerin repeated after, though no answer was needed.  ❝ you should be taking a tonic! ❞ her sudden raised volume surprised even herself, but the lack of care brought out that sort of mother- bear response. yerin shook her head, apologizing. ❝ i’m sorry. it’s …  it’s kind that you don’t want to worry anyone, but …  please, look out for yourself, too. ❞
haydez supposed it was rather odd to hear, his own magic could be seen as more useful. but there was something calming about plants, his twin sister could often find him just dozing off in the middle of some field-- especially if there were was flowers. especially if there were sunflowers. he tired to grow some on his own, but regardless of how many times he tried it never worked, even when he tried to enchant them with magic. actually, the opposite would happen, rather than flourish, they’d rot away faster and just... left haydez with disappointment. “ i’m pretty sure plants just don’t like me, but if you think that these amendments could help,” he shrugged. “i’d be willing to at least give them a try.”
a gift? he’s had it described a million different ways, but never really a ‘gift’. his parents hated it, after all, and that made it hard for him at a young age. now, of course, haydez had accepted his own talents and himself. nevertheless, he blushed at the words, for a brief moment, and chuckled. “i think you’re probably the first person to say that,” he replied, “it’s not always a nice story.” the necromancer might as well be honest, he felt that this magic fell more into a grey area of things. 
oh-! “it’s fine, i didn’t want to cause any worry or hassle,” he uttered sheepishly, it was the main reason why he tired to just put up with the stinging and painful sensation. 
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“heh, for a second there i thought i made you mad,” he lightly teased. “ i’ve been told not to piss off a healer, considering you could just not help me with my injuries. you’re scary~”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
The way he behaved and spoke… it’s as if he couldn’t remember. It confused Judar. All this time he had believed Sinbad was gone, after all he had witnessed how he disappeared along with these creepy angels. It was so weird. And now, a simply coincidence had brought him to meet a younger Sinbad? Judar had to process all of this. What was he supposed to do? What was he supposed to say? Should he tell him? Or ask him questions? How did he end up here? How did he manage to come back? But… he really did seem like he had no memories, he spoke to Judar as if he didn’t know him…
The compliment was weird. It had startled and confused him. Usually people found him to be creepy with those darker rings and that odd color, so different from most people. He couldn’t help it, he didn’t pick this color. Maybe it was just odd because this was probably the first time someone had said something nice to him, like that. “Thanks, I guess.” Judar finally responded, looking away for an moment. Maybe he was a little flustered… just a little.
He is interesting? Judar’s eyes widened a little. Everything was going to a little too fast for his taste but he didn’t feel like telling Sinbad about that. After all, this was not the Sinbad he knew and yet he seemed to be same just… younger. Or… maybe this wasn’t Sinbad and just someone close to Judar’s age who happened to look like him. Yeah, that had to be it. But his hopes for that were crushed as he introduced himself as Sin. While meeting a lookalike was possible, it wasn’t possible for them to have similar names. This was all way too much thinking for him. 
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“Ah… I’m Judar.” he introduced himself after another moment of silence. The magi rubbed the back of his head before rising to his feet. Maybe he could get some stuff out of him if he played nice. It was interesting enough to try and it would also distract him from his own boredom. He wouldn’t have to come back for a while anyway. They all knew he’d be back once he grew bored of whatever he was doing.
“Are you from here?” Judar asked, smiling at him. “I was wandering around and ended up here. You got a nice view from this spot. Kou doesn’t have anything like that.”
he did have answers, they were merely locked away in his mind, buried beneath this happy little bubble sin had found himself in. for now, they were empty, and made no noise. no implication of raising to the top and speaking out. if he knew, the biggest question sin would ask--- ‘why’? why would he deserve another chance? true, mistakes were realized, and he did what he could to fix it. still. he wasn’t deserving of such things. but these were thoughts that would eventually come to light, for now--- for now sin was just a stranger with a charming smile and laughter. with strange little scars long his body, that suggested a small time as a slave, and his name. 
“your welcome,” it might had come off as a flirt, but it really was just a compliment. “i wonder if they shine like rubies too,” he muttered out loud, the other probably heard him. sin went about his work, double checking that he had all the needed and requested objects. the world was messy, but worked well enough to function.... well enough to beckon sin into wanting to go out and explore. like... like a promise he made to someone. huh. what a weird thought.  
ah well, this other man.... he is name was judar, right? he was a welcomed distracted, it would keep his mind from wondering. “me?” he paused in his work, before he laughed lightly, “no i’m not, i got found here around three years ago, been staying with this pretty nice family ever since.” 
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“they found wandering around, totally lost, i only knew my name and that was it,” he paused for a moment. a thoughtful look on his face, “hm...i think they found me near.... riem? it’s kinda hard to tell.” sin stopped again, a look of curiosity on his face, “you’re from kou?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
“Whatever, wench or not, you’ve been a bother. You’ve really pissed me off!” His hand kept pointing at her after each word, emphasizing them. And he wasn’t even trying to insult her! Judar took his rude and childishly uncreative nicknames very seriously. 
And Sinbad was challenging it. How dared she!
But then, her question, the same one that turned his scowl upside-down.
“Luck in love, huh?” Judar’s grin stretched as he looked at Sinbad and her voluptuous form from below. “You see, I don’t really need it.”
He then pointed at himself, dark eyelids lowering. “Everyone in the palace allows me to do whatever I want with them.”
Those red eyes widened as the grin parted now to a smile. “But hey, seems you’re still a pervert, even if you’re a woman! Prying into my love business and into my other business too! Hahaha” A hand was taken to his lips as he chuckled impishly.
“Yeah, obviously you’d notice. Of course you’d know…” Judar looked at Sinbad again, the deceitful mirth gone.
“You’ve already charmed your way into the palace, haven’t you? Using your dumb Sindria as an excuse to try to block our way. But you see, this time you’ll fail.” 
And so the black magi reached out, his hand, palm up offered to Sinbad.
“Let’s not waste time, take my hand and let’s wreck this world together. I’m bored of their games and your games. Always trying to corner each other without truly fighting! That’s maddening!” 
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Judar was mockingly serious. But honest.
“poor judar, you suffer so much,” her tone was mocking, she held no qualms over the ‘annoyances’ she had given the magi. judar was still in one piece, so he was clearly fine. physically. she can’t account for his mental welfare, who knows when it comes to being part of al-thamen, after all. 
sinbad arched a brow and chuckle lightly, “oh? whatever you want? now... that sounds like such a boring time,” a dramatic sigh. although, what did judar mean? ...torture or...? “i like it better when there’s actual fun involved...but i doubt you even understand what i mean.”
pervert? she pouted, “is that what everyone thinks? i’m not a pervert, i just know how to have fun,” what a light hearted topic, given the circumstances. although, it was them, so it wouldn’t last for long... seemed like judar would breech that first.
she gave him a coy look, “i have a way of noticing things, you make such dark, deep waves it was hard to ignore...” a soft hum, “what makes you think i’ll fail? you don’t truly know all my moves, judar.”
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“...you’re such a child,” was her quick response, harsher than her normal ones and her look carried a darker glow beneath sinbad’s calm exterior. but with a sigh, it leaves just as quickly as it appeared. “....they’re not games, if i want to create something, i can’t go around causing mindless destruction like you do.” 
sinbad almost looked disappointed, “...i guess, it’s not really to your taste, the cornering, the satisfaction of seeing the plans falling and crumble, i still owe them for back then. besides... you never know what useful things might be there.”
they do this dance, be my king and she would always respond with a no. sinbad must respond with a no, whether it was the silent acknowledgement that they would be a deadly combination. or... that tiny little voice in the back of her mind. 
still... she’ll flirt with idea.
“not really sure you can handle a king vessel like myself, after all, the others can’t, what makes you so confident, little judar?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
Snow danced in the light, a choreographed ballet conducted by the gentle wind.Snow rests upon the broken houses as if it were a feather cushion, soft and warm. And yet it was nothing like that at all. The cold snowflakes only covering parts of the homes and shops that had been destroyed in the rampage only a moment ago.Breath pale against the numbing air, Judar blinked thoughtfully as the frost patiently kissed his face, captivated by the beautiful mess in front of him.
They say all live in the moment, that the past is always gone. Judar’s past was gone for most parts. His eyes narrowed as the other spoke to him as if he knew him, as if they were close but… he couldn’t remember that guy even after looking him over and over again in hopes to find a clue as to why other knew him so well. 
All of this would have been different if they had met again as children. Approaching him with a wide smile, playing and laughing together. Little Judar would have loved to do that once again but where those memories once resided was nothing but emptiness, a black blotch on images he was supposed to remember. But he couldn’t. Though, he was not aware of this and so he never questioned it, he never wondered what was supposed to be in his memories when the other had been removed entirely from his mind.
The world around him had become silent. Judar didn’t hear the screams and cries of the people beneath them. The magi was too focused on what was in front of him. No, he still couldn’t recall knowing this guy. He would remember if he knew another king vessel, a dark king vessel with not one but three djinns. A powerful one, he would have loved to be the one guiding him into the dungeons. Someone who was kissed by depravity was wonderful and yet so rare.
“It’s you!” Judar repeated his words and mimicked his expression. Though, his words lacked the emotions connected to such a statement. He didn’t understand what kind of emotion he would have to put into these words when there was nothing but emptiness when he looked at the other. Soon he shrugged, his lips curling into a rather amused smile. He was only playing with the other, trying to see what he’d do if Judar played along for an moment. “Who were you again?”
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His head had tilted. No, he really didn’t know the other. But he was interesting, he had to admit that. “I don’t know you, sorry.”
for a moment, the slightest moment, noctis felt a spark of hope and had forgotten what if felt like. too warm, it was so warmed that the sensation felt like a burn curling up from his wrist where the bracelet was and gripped his heart tightly. too tightly. then it burst. it bust and it burst and the soft snow turned into a blizzard, reflecting the chaos in his heart, in his head-- it’s twisted. carbuncle cooed and nudged against the former prince’s cheek as if to offer comfort. “you... don’t know me...” he mumbled softly, those soft blue got all teary eyed. the storm grew worse, he wanted the people to feel his sorrow, the sadness the bubbled to the surface as noctis tried to keep himself from crying.
but the tears came freely-- hiccupping as he covered his face and frantically tried to wipe his tears away. ever since he fell, noctis’ emotions run rampant-- anger, sadness, happiness, there was no filter and he’ll make sure others feel it too; it was only fair. and just like storms.... it changes quickly. “....you ass,” the tears stopped the words came out more like a growl and he bared his teeth. “you don’t know me?.... you’re the same magi i met when i ran away from my dad and snuck into kou,” he mumbled gently. “we promised to...met again, to make things better...”
how could he not know? was he mocking him!? was judar mocking him!? salt on the wound added on top the fact that judar’s empire destroyed him home, his whole culture, the reason he even existed in the first place! the tears slowly turned into laughter, “you really forgot? ha! it was waste giving you carbuncle’s figurine, you ... you ass!” 
spears of ice formed around-- “i should throw away this stupid bracelet!” noctis kept it, he kept it even after what happened to his home and it wasn’t just because of shiva. the large icicles hovered around him protectively, the fallen prince tried to picture it... just... them hit him. it would be fine. this wasn’t his friend, his friend would remember him, maybe he was wrong, yes-- a mistake!
noctis remembers those stupid eyes, their bright ruby shades, he hadn’t seen another pair since then. 
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“you’re so... stupid!” he shouted, stretching out his arms and flung the icicles away. the majority would have landed at destroyed buildings, the people who were still inside. anyone that got caught in his way. at least it wasn’t his fire... that was more destructive... but maybe he should have given them that option. 
he had one left-- and he aimed it at judar. did noctis believe it would hit that mark? no. despite his anger, he still.... annoyingly cared, or at least was curious. but he wouldn’t mind if judar got hurt a little. 
a lot.
it’s fine.
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crystallinevessel ¡ 3 years
psa: not dead
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it’s been ages, and i haven’t been on here, im pretty sure things have changed, but i’m really too lazy to care at this point lol, im going to clear out all my drafts and then finally get back to rping, thanks for sticking with me q w q
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crystallinevessel ¡ 4 years
          —  and  just  as  quickly  as  noctis  had  lurched  up,  a  STABBING  amount  of  viciousness  coating  his  gaze,  ignis  was  reeling  back,  SCRAMBLING  to  collect  himself  but  mere  seconds  afterwards.  it  wasn’t  unlike  noctis  to  get  upset,  especially  towards  ignis,  who  was  largely  responsible  for  keeping  him  in  check,  but  this  was  an  entirely  different  level  of  emotion  that  the  advisor  hadn’t  expected.  the  fear  that  he’d  managed  to  stretch  the  rift  betwixt  them  even  further  has  him  creasing  his  brows,  a  deep  frown  there,  alongside  a  tinge  of  pain  within  forest  eyes.  
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                        “  n-noct,  i…  “  an  absence  of  strength  in  his  voice,  but  an  impactful  strike  of  GUILT.  ignis  has  to  force  himself  to  look  away,  the  pit  in  his  stomach  like  a  fresh,  albeit  already  deeply  nestled  reminder  that  he’d  MESSED  UP.  hadn’t  misspoken  necessarily—  he’d  meant  what  he’d  said,  but  it  was  careless  of  him  to  assume  noctis  would  agree.  the  value  they  beheld  in  regards  to  their  individual  lives  was  completely  different  (  noctis,  the  world  to  ignis,  and  the  advisor  has  come  to  realize  that  he  and  the  others  are  the  same  to  noctis  ).  “  i  should  not  have  said  something  so  insensitive.  i…  i  apologize.  “  —  but  that  cut  off  statement  of  noctis’  hadn’t  bypassed  trained  ears,  and  ignis  didn’t  DARE  neglect  to  comment  on  that  mindset.  “  however…  you  are  not  useless.  you  are  NOT  stupid,  and  i  refuse  to  stand  by  and  allow  you  to  speak  as  if  your  life  is  MEANINGLESS  to  us.  the  way  you  hold  us  in  such  high  regard  is  no  different  from  our  vision  of  you.  “
           astrals,  where  had  they  gone  wrong?  where  had  they  strayed  off  the  path?
       “  …  you  are  all  i  have.  it  pains  me  when  you  speak  so  ill  of  yourself  when,  to  me,  you  are  as  opposite  as  is  possible  to  fathom.  “
where had that come from? buried deep inside and hidden beneath all the other emotional complications that bounced around within his own existence? no, nothing so philosophical as that. it was always there, not hidden, merely soft little whispers, every time that they got hurt, that such passing comments were said, the occasional long stare in the mirror as he looked for some kind of clarity that never came through. here, perhaps it had taken a turn where noctis needed to pour out the words for someone else to hear and witness. the safer option? prompto. the blond was a safe place, a safe person, a sense of comfort for the tried prince. not to say ignis or gladio weren’t, it just... it was different.
saying these words, noctis felt a sense of shame wash over him, he shouldn’t have burdened ignis with them. fuck, he was so selfish. a spoiled, useless prince. 
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“...please...” please forget what i said, not all of it, he hoped the point was made. prince, responsibilities, he’d throw them all away to save any of them, they mattered so much, they were a part of him, and that was the truth. “...you’re all i have left...” softest mutter, just beneath his breath. please, can’t you see? you matter so much, you all matter, you’re my family... the only family i have left. noctis’ cheeks turned a shameful shade of red, more stormy thoughts were pushing to burst pass those abused lips-- he sinks his teeth deeper to keep the lock shut. a few deep breathes, a few moments, he needed to say the right words. he can’t... he just... he wanted...
“then.... can’t you understand how i feel when you say those things? just... for one moment, please, can’t you see and think of me as just... noctis?” perhaps then, ignis might be able to comprehend the troublesome hurricane inside.
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crystallinevessel ¡ 4 years
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( @crystallinevessel¡ | gets a plotted starter from Tenma for Theo )
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Running the family herbal & tea shop on his own was never something Tenma couldn’t handle. He had done it a few times already whenever his parents were on vaction, his younger siblings at school and his older sister running errands. The only difficult task that could occur to the raven haired male were no costumers. If there wasn’t anything to do he had no idea what to do with himself. Therefore he had slumbed himself on the stool behind the cash register, chin propped up on both hands fighting the tiredness which came over him whenever his surroundings were too peaceful, too quiet within the four walls of the shop. 
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Even though he could have sworn he never actually drifted of to sleep, shock washed over features the moment his dark eyes made out a person in front of the counter. Almost jumping to his feet, Tenma straightened his posture and put up a grin to cover up for recent occurences. “Ah! Welcome, welcome to Suehiro’s herbal & tea shop. What can I get you?”
theo supposed the current struggles his face would have been minimal, had his connections with family, he might not be so stressed. but a thought had occurred to him as he laid in the middle of his room...why not try to find relaxing places where he could just enjoy the atmosphere in-between jobs? that was the necromancer found his way towards the little shop, he stood outside, simply admiring it, before stepping inside. 
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perhaps he should have cleared his throat, called for the other’s attention, but neither happened. instead, theo merely looked around, baby blues glancing here and there. had he zoned out? a little. not enough to look completely taken aback when he was finally addressed. besides, it was such a pleasantly calming place, why should he interrupt that bubble? “ha ha, hello,” he replied sheepishly with a wide smile. “um... honestly, i’ve never been here before, or any tea shop. i guess i’m looking for something that is calming, but won’t make me sleepy?”
that was so vague, ugh, please don’t think he was one of those annoying costumers, theo internally begged.
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crystallinevessel ¡ 4 years
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Why did he have to be so unlucky and somehow catch crazy people’s attention? There had to be a reason this person would send someone to watch over him. Maybe because he had done that one thing when he met Judar first in Sindria?
Shoma sighed heavily as he listened and sat down on another sofa, watching Xue Yang’s every move. “…You say if I don’t listen..but what am I supposed to do, huh? not sure I really want to obey..” 
Maybe it was like a punishment for Xue yang actually. He shrugged and just laid back in the sofa, watching the ceiling. “Whatever, just don’t get in my way. ‘Behave’.”
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“if you don’t want to obey, that just shows you’re stupid and have no sense of self preservation,” he replied shamelessly as he casually ate his sweets. xue yang had heard something about it, mostly words rather than witness-- he had never been to sindria, not that he cared about it. 
...he didn’t like how the other was talking to him, did this shoma believe himself superior? it was quick movements, hardly noticeable as he threw at knife at the other, not aiming directing. xue yang made sure it landed near his feet, at most. more like a playfully murderous tease.
nevertheless, he smiled handsomely, his features enhanced by his outfit and looks; deceiving. “you really don’t want to annoy me, but i’m not allowed to hurt you, which is so boring,” he sighed, “but the whole point, is as punishment, i’m meant to learn to cooperate with another, something about my lack of that can reflect badly on the kou empire.” bullshit, he was just being grounded for being like a feral cat that will claw at you without a second thought. “so, let’s go along, shall we?”
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crystallinevessel ¡ 4 years
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It wasn’t so long ago that he arrived, still nervous and a little startled by the new surroundings he would call home from now on. Although everyone he had met so far had been nice to him. The staff, master, other little servants. They all were kind and supportive but until he would get used to it he would find himself in the library or somewhere less crowded, doing things he was familiar with. But Sinbad seemed to be nice too. So he had offered to read the book together. A book could always lead to a new friendship, or so he hoped.
“Y-Yes,” he nodded and hugged the book again. Hakuryuu blushed a little, he really wasn’t sure if it was ok to be here with all these strong and amazing people around. “I-I arrived some days ago. But I was spending time in the library. It’s nice there.”
Battles and adventures? Hakuryuu’s eyes wandered to the book, looking it over for an moment. “Someone said it has stories of old times and old pictures too. Maybe the old stories are of battles?” He opened the book to make sure he didn’t tell him lies and the first page he saw had a picture of a treasure on it. So he turned the book and showed it to Sinbad. “It got a treasure.”
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sinbad understood that the other was nervous, hakuryuu seemed naturally skittish-- might even cry if spooked too much. “i got here a couple of months ago, it does take some adjusting, the info we’re given makes it a little easier,” even sinbad had felt slightly overwhelmed the first time.  it was all pretty amazing, an adventure he never really expected and had no true idea on the journey. but that was the most exciting part, at least for him, others might find it unnerving. still. he didn’t have complete grasp of everything. hakuryuu probably even less so since he was both shy and newer than himself.
“i haven’t really been to the library, before coming here, i wasn’t exactly that good at reading,” it was the truth, now though, was a completely different story. perhaps he should take advantage of it. “you should show me around,” he suggested with a light chuckle.
his attention now piqued, the young dungeon conquerer lightly nudged him, “c’mon, that sounds like it could be an interesting story-- let’s go to your library, maybe there’s another book that’s similar to it.” personally, sinbad would rather practice his sword fighting or with his dijnn equips, but... he supposed this might suit hakuryuu better.
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