Starting to get my own ideas for my own series now, a series that's completely unrelated to LO AU's-
If we all collectively think about it together, we can probably manifest a Hades and Persephone series where Demeter isn't the villain for once-
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If we all collectively think about it together, we can probably manifest a Hades and Persephone series where Demeter isn't the villain for once-
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 25 days
Hey fellas-
I have a pronouns page now:
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 30 days
Well fellas, first day of finals-
Fortunately it's history and I'm pretty good at history-
Unfortunately I have advanced algebra and physics finals next week, wish me luck on those because I suck at math 😭
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
if you think your art sucks just remember you didnt make lore olympus
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Not defending Leto, but pulling the veil of a woman of modesty is NOT FEMINISM!
Demonizing a complex character who was rightfully angry is NOT FEMINISM!
Terrorizing the working class is NOT FEMINISM!
Fetishizing your female protagonist for her childlike features is NOT FEMINISM!
Portraying a grieving mother as an evil helicopter mom is NOT FEMINISM!
Putting women down to lift your self-insert up is NOT FEMINISM!
Objectifying women is NOT FEMINISM!
Body shaming and slut shaming is NOT FEMINISM!
Another point I want to make is how this comic coddles evil men but harshly punishes women who do not deserve it.
Kronos, a child abuser, was given a sad backstory (boohoo 🙄) and Hades forgave him.
Apollo, a literal rapist, got away with community service.
Hades, who enslaved human souls and targeted vulnerable younger women, was never held accountable. Not surprised there.
But the thousands of humans Persephone murdered, including women and children? Have to pay coins for an eternity of slavery.
Leuce? Her home was broken into, and her life was threatened.
Minthe? “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” type punishment. She was turned into a sentient plant for reporting a crime and having a mental breakdown at the wrong place, wrong time.
Seriously. Good riddance Lore Olympus.
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
I'm thinking about renaming my AU, because I don't know if Lore Olympus: Retold is already taken-
If it isn't taken, I'm still reconsidering a possible rename, but at the same time I kinda like the current name :'}
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Y'know, for a supposedly oh-so-feminist re-telling of Greek myths it's weird that LO never in any way mentions the Amazons.
Yeah, remember them?
That mythical tribe of warrior women who kicked all kinds of ass? The original girlbosses? Ares' beloved daughters whom he had a very close relationship with?
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Ranting about LO (Specifically the claim of it being a "Feminist Retelling" of Greek mythology)
RS: Lore Olympus is a feminist retelling of Greek mythology!
Also RS: *Proceeds to use the most sexist and problematic character tropes and make almost everyone simp for Pursephone/Her pink self insert*
My honest reaction:
In all seriousness...
Hey RS I'm pretty sure having everyone simp for your infantilized pink 19 year old self insert isn't feminism, like that's just a self-indulgence thing.
Also, feminism is about equality for women, and also women supporting each other. Meanwhile Persephone is horrible to almost every women in the series. 🤦
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Fun fact: I was planning to make my redesign of Minthe have a shade of mint green as her skin color, but I ended up changing my mind and chose a darker shade of red, instead I decided to make mint green her eye color.
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
I thought I would be done with my Minthe redesign by now-
Turns out it's really difficult for me to decide what colors I want to use for her outfit 🤧
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Fellas I might be offline for a while, finals are gonna start next Friday and I'm gonna have to study a lot-
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
my unabridged thoughts on 278-279:
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Talking about Minthe...
I seriously don't like Minthe's color scheme, or well... The shade of red that was used for her.
The first thing that comes to mind when I see her is a firetruck, if I'm being honest.
In my opinion, she would have looked better in a darker shade of red, or a shade of mint green.
I looked her up because I need reference images for her redesign and that's when I realized I haven't touched Lore Olympus in a very long time-
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My mind's reaction: ... Why does her coloration remind me of a fire truck?
And then there's the way RS treated her in Lore Olympus...
She's clearly meant to be a horrible person, sure, but some of her actions were justified.
Sure, she was abusive in a way, but Hades was also abusive to her. Her being abusive wasn't an excuse for Hades to cheat on her.
Rachel could have made Hades just break up with her, but NOPE! She decided that cheating was way better than communication.
Not only that, but RS clearly characterized Minthe to seem like she was the only toxic person in that relationship.
She deserved so much better than what she got in Lore Olympus.
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This panel just makes me feel so bad for Minthe. It doesn't matter how RS characterized her, she deserved way better.
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crystals-lo-rewrite · 1 month
Introduction post
Main blog: @crystalsandbubbletea
About the AU creator:
-My name is Rian, feel free to call me 'Crystals', 'Crystal', 'Bubble Tea', 'Bubble', 'Tea', or 'Mint' though!
-My pronouns are they/xe/ve/zir
-I'm a transmasc nonbinary
-I'm on the AroAce spectrum (Demisexual and Demiromantic)
-I have ADHD and Autism
-I am a junior in Highschool, so updates might be slow :'}
-While this blog is for my LO AU (Still coming up with a name, for now it's being called Lore Olympus: Retold), I will also make criticism posts about canon Lore Olympus
-I only read one volume of Lore Olympus, so most of my LO criticism will be based off on what I saw from spoilers
-This is technically the second comic series I'm working on
-My favorite Greek gods are Apollo, Hephaestus, and Ares, while my favorite goddess are Aphrodite, Artemis, Demeter, and Nyx
-I require tone tags for things like jokes and criticism
-I plan on renaming this blog someday
-I was mostly inspired by Lore: Rekindled by @/genericpuff
Pronouns page:
Chapter links
Chapter 1: TBA
Redesign links
Minthe Redesign: W.I.P
Info about my AU + Warnings are below the cut
Info about Lore Olympus: Retold (Minor spoilers[?]):
-Character redesigns (I'll definitely be posting my redesigns)
-Personality changes for characters (Apollo, Hera, Persephone, Hades, etc)
-Doing Nyx right because Rachel did her dirty 😤
-None of that wibbly wobbly timey wimey time travel ish
-Persephone isn't nineteen, instead she's ageless, like all the other gods
-Doing Demeter right because much like Nyx, Rachel did her dirty 😤
-None of that fertility goddess stuff, I saw things about it and it never made sense to me
-Persephone has an actual personality instead of being Pink Rachel Smith
-Minthe having a better storyline because Rachel also did her dirty
-Doing Apollo right because Rachel got everything wrong about him (He would never do the thing he did in Lore Olympus)
-Artemis canonically being AroAce
-Things won't be accurate to Greek mythology (Persephone being a Bisexual Demigirl who uses she/they and Minthe having ADHD + NPD + ASPD, for example)
-There will be the occasional Lore Olympus roasting
Lore Olympus: Retold is not meant to be accurate to actual Greek mythology and is not meant to be considered as a source of research. It also goes into some triggering themes (Ex: racism, substance abuse, panic attacks, and night terrors). Any chapters that contain triggering themes will have trigger warnings.
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