#side blog
abeardedbutch · 2 days
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A bearded butch take 2 ! My account got deleted had to start over
I’m a bearded butch, I write stories that are for and about (black) trans lesbians ! I’m an indie writer hoping to debut by the end of this year ~ follow here for updates
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tashisversion · 4 months
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ireallyymissu · 10 months
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let me ruin ur life pls <3
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I’ve seen it a bunch today—
Friendly reminder everybody that right now due to a tumblr bug, if you delete a side blog you will delete your main blog and ALL of your blogs.
Don’t do it by accident! 💚💚💚
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randoms-silly-corner · 3 months
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Welcome to the desert duo shipping club Mythical J Sausage!!
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punks-never-die205 · 11 days
How do you think the big four (kid, killer, heat, wire) would react to their s/o just walking up to them and pouting "I need affection" 🥺
I imagine they all have a solid enough relationship that they acquiesce.
Kid might go a little overboard >.> I hope by "affection" you meant get railed, cuddled, and kissed for a good 5-6 hours.
Killer will give you hugs and kisses and rile you up until you're the one climbing into his lap.
Heat will keep things to snuggles and smooches unless you give him one of your sweet little whimpers, and after that he's going to be fairly similar to Kid.
Wire will ask you what kind of affection you want, and then ask if it's okay before he does anything. "May I kiss you?" "May I touch you?" "May I --" and he'll keep asking (and doing) and before you know it you're saying yes to some rather kinky things.
But his voice is low and his touch is tender, and you said you needed affection.
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north-blue-hearts · 2 months
Sharing a bed with Law. 😴 Sleeping habits?
He sleeps so little, and sleeps so deep once he gets some rest, that I don't think he moves much. And if he has someone to snuggle with he sleeps even better.
Law actually starts insisting you sleep with him - whether it was completely platonic the first time it happened or not, long before there's romance between you, you're designated as his sleeping partner.
When he can snuggle with you he sleeps better. 4 hours and he's refreshed. No dark dreams, no fits of restlessness that keep him from falling asleep in the first place. The crew actually maybe even does things to sweeten the deal for you - unsure if you're comfortable with it or not, but not even Shachi teases you for it.
A well rested captain is better than an exhausted one. Law's mind is clear enough to be a menace toward the crew, but he's not crabby with his orders or wit.
After a few months he doesn't even have deep bags under his eyes anymore and his sunken cheeks have plumped a bit.
Mostly because you tell him he has to eat, you're not going to be the sleeping buddy for some bony captain.
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skateskunk · 11 months
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m4nc4v3-2000 · 2 months
Forcemasc, having been formed as a safer and less fetishized counter-movement to forcefem, was originally a way for transmasculine folks to reclaim their sexuality, created by and for trans people. However, over time, forcemasc has become more popular, and is no longer a small subculture of people who prefer the sexual aspect of the idea. That's why, here at Mancave 2000, we aim to create forcemasc content for all sorts of transmasc folks, regardless of their sexuality, be it gay, straight, ace, bi, or anything. In our experience, forcemasc is something many transmasculine individuals find comforting, so we want to make it as inclusive as possible.
Owned by: Martin (he/him) & David (he/him), two transguys from somewhere in the vague mass of Eastern Europe.
Hope you like our awesome blog and have fun with our content!
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It has been 30 days since intrulogical has interacted
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tashisversion · 4 months
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happy father’s day to him ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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holygroundsound · 1 year
do you miss twitter’s bookmarking system?
one: just tag posts you want to save with the tag “bookmark”. when click on that tag, it should take you to a screen of all the stuff on your blog thats also been tagged with that
this might not be for everyone tho as it means all your bookmarks are public since anyone can also click on your tag and look through it
soooooo let me teach yall about the next best thing you can do on tumblr: side blogs!
side blogs are basically blogs without a new separate log in. they don’t have their own password, so you can only get to it through your normal account, but otherwise they work like a normal blog
STEP ONE click the little person icon at the bottom of your homepage (aka dash)
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STEP TWO you should see a page like this. click “create a new blog”, type in an available username, and hit enter
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your screen should now have another blog listed below your main blog as you can see in the picture
STEP THREE go check out your new blog and customize it to your liking (you might want to make it obvious that this is just for bookmarks so people don’t want to follow)
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STEP FOUR click the name of the blog in the top right corner. clicking on it will let you see all of your blogs so you can go back to your main one by clicking on its name
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STEP FIVE congratulations you can now bookmark things! whenever you see a post you want to save for later, simply press and hold on the reblog button and select the icon for your SIDE BOOKMARK BLOG, not your main blog
this is what pressing and holding on the reblog button should look like now
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you can also make your account almost COMPLETELY invisible by clicking the settings icon on your side blog (the tiny gear), going to visibility at the bottom of the options, and turning on both hide options (hide from search results & from people without an account)
look at you tumblr pro :)
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craniozito · 9 months
How about I start the side blog with this post? If you are a fan of Osamu Tezuka you must know that he was friends with one of the greatest Brazilian comic artists, Mauricio de Sousa.
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I didn't see anywhere other than Brazilian sources commenting on this.
A few years ago MSP (Mauricio de Sousa Produções) was going to finish a story about the Amazon rainforest that Tezuka was writing but with his passing the manga is incomplete, but MSP never touched in the subject since, the project will probably never be completed, I believe it is in limbo.
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The only project with the Amazon rainforest that actually happened is the crossover between Turma da Mônica and the Tezuka characters.
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The editions I have:
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Source about the amazon rainforest manga: JBOX
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three-realms-archive · 3 months
The Three Realms Archive: Masterlist and Rules!
Welcome to the Three Realms Archive, where you can find stories about the beings that reside in the Three Realms and beyond! Whether it be stories of the Avatars of Sin, the students of Prince Diavolo’s RAD exchange programme, or of the incredible human who became sorcerer under the tutelage of the Wise Sorcerer and Master of the Seven Rulers of the Underworld… You can find their stories here!
Atmospheric introduction aside, welcome to this side blog for writing to do with Obey Me! And Obey Me! Nightbringer. These will most likely be bits and pieces that come to me when they come.
My ideas inbox is currently open (use the ‘Ideas Here!’ tab to send them), but please read the rules below first!!!
This blog is new, so bear with me whilst I work on aesthetics and getting started on writing/uploading some stuff I've written :D
Rules and masterlist under the cut:
Rules and Considerations
Please be kind and respectful to each other!
For personal reasons, this is a non-NSFW blog. Please do not suggest NSFW in the ideas box beyond slightly suggestive - any requests like this will be ignored. I will do my best to place content warnings where I think it's needed.
The ideas inbox is called such because you can be as vague as you want - even a single word. However, it is also called this because they are ideas and - depending on various factors like my schedule, how inspired I am, and how much certain ideas inspire me to write - there is no guarantee I write for every idea, or the same amount for every idea. Thank you for understanding in advance :D
I’m a fairly new OBM player, so if anything I write is contrary to the canon, please let me know and I can add a note or rectify it. Most of these are meant to be “imagine the character in this situation” and my personal interpretation.
Have fun!
🌟Inspired by an ideas inbox request!
Oneshot Fics
Checking In: The House of Lamentation family check into a human-world hotel.
Beware MC, the Kind: Sorcerer MC is gaining a reputation similar to that of their teacher, Solomon the Wise. But for what reasons?
Let's Form an Idol Group: Will Asmo's next attempt at making his brothers into a boy band succeed? (This one has a cute commenting challenge - please check it out!)
Dramatic Drama: Telenovelas can be very emotionally-investing for demons.
🌟A Small, Little Lie: TSL Arranged Marriage! AU. The sentence "I love you" means very different things to the Lord of Masks and his spouse and former-knight, Henry.
Love Me, Or Not: Satan pulls on flower petals, hoping to get the same result you did.
Was Never Your First, After All: A childhood friend visits you and Mammon realises ‘first man’ doesn’t suit him much anymore.
First Dates: A collection of first date thoughts from each Avatar of Sin.
Short Snippets
Ante Up: Mammon finds he's a lot more motivated to win quickly when he's at the casino with you.
The RAD School Play: Ideas about MC’s role in a school play at RAD.
Six Pillows and a Tattered Armchair: An angsty (ref. to Lesson 16) accompaniment to ‘Beel is Pillow’, exploring Belphie’s relationship with sleep in the aftermath of his actions.
The RAD Cheer Squad: 2, 4, 6, 8 - who do we appreciate? … Probably not whoever came up with the RAD Cheer Squad.
What Is Up, Fellow Celestials?: Luke finds this one human really, really cool. MC and Simeon suffer the consequences.
Just Wanting To Be Included: Mammon and Beel post a FabSnap video, but their brother just wants to be included.
Debuting Change: Diavolo invites a special guest to a special occasion.
Just A Study: Solomon tries to convince himself that living with you was just a study. Spoilers for Nightbringer Lesson 40!
Relent: Belphie has a super, super smart plan to get you to cuddle in bed with him.
A Rainy Day Indulgence: Simeon dances with you in the rain, and it reminds him of something.
Unhinged™: A bunch of silly headcanons that could each be their own anime episodes. Chaotic things the OBM! cast have done. Inspired by this post by @leniisreallycool.
Beel is Anything, If You Beel-ieve
A very unserious collection of slice-of-life snippets, where Beel goes on a journey to become as many things as possible.
Beel is Pillow: Beel is pillow.
Beel is Paint: Beel is paint, according to Asmo.
Beel is Anime: Beel is anime, and Levi is not okay with this.
🌟 Scars, Wounds and Minor Inconveniences
A series exploring slice-of-life snapshots of the Obey Me! characters in the aftermath of Lesson 16. Each chapter is made up of two posts: a oneshot centred around one of MC's scars, wounds or minor inconveniences; and a post with the general headcanons inspiring the oneshot. Features references to injury and spoilers for Lesson 16 of OG Obey Me!.
Phantom Pain (Oneshot + Headcannons): Mammon is used to your 'needles-thing' by now. He doesn't mind it. After all, he has his own things he does every now and again.
A Weak Wrist (Oneshot + Headcannons): Your wrist is still weak from the TSL Quiz; so Lucifer doesn’t understand why you trust Leviathan more.
Nightmares (Oneshot + Headcannons): Belphegor relishes you and Beel growing further apart... until he doesn't, when Beel's dreams change.
Splintered Arms and a New Bedtime Routine (Oneshot + Headcannons - Coming Soon!): The angels are confused at the weird routine you and Beel have before bedtime during a sleepover at Purgatory Hall.
Better, Quicker Reflexes (Oneshot + Headcannons - Coming Soon!): Lucifer used to think his form of discipline was effective.
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Man is literally teasing us, send help
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punks-never-die205 · 2 months
What sounds like a better game for the punks to play on game night? Strip Monopoly or Cards Against Humanity?
Okay, but like - Imagine Monopoly.
Kid's the banker. He's not even actually actively PLAYING the game, he's literally just the banker. (there's something in there about his temper and a rule Killer has and it's just how it is). Anyway, you're in a bind, you're just not doing well - you need a loan to cover some stuff and stay in the game.
So you seduce Kid.
"I don't think that's in the rules." Heat isn't arguing against it, he's sitting back waiting to see what Kid does.
"It's monopoly, it's about corruption." You argue.
"... Okay, point, and the bank-." Wire starts.
"I run a clean business!" Kid barks.
"Oh? hm..." You pause and then turn toward Killer. "Mr. Owner of Park Place, are you willing to accept alternative payment?"
"Hell yes," Killer pats the inside of his thigh.
"Hey, hey! Oi, you little brat, get your ass over here and earn yer fucking loan!"
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