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this 28 year old cad ruined my life
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Children Yelling McDonalds: Jedi Knight version.
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Reblog if your icon
would fight 10 men at once
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Choosing an unpopular character as your favorite like
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200 Follower Giveaway
Not that I have much to give away, but I’ll write a drabble for three winners, at least 750 words. You know the rules, a Like is an entry, a Reblog is an entry, have to be following the blog. Have to also be a proper blog. I won’t do NSFW, but anything that I’m familiar with goes. Hit me up.
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has anyone EVER romanced doc
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Feedback culture is dead, long live feedback culture!
AO3, fanfiction, and comments: the system isn’t working. 
Fic authors have a problem with feedback – or rather, with the lack of it. Fanfiction has a notoriously low ratio of comments to hits, and many of us have expressed our frustration that we can get a hundred, two hundred, five hundred, even a thousand views on our stories, but only a handful of readers will leave kudos, let alone comments.   
Unfortunately, this only gets worse for long, multi-chapter stories (aka, the longfics we know, love, and would sell our souls in a second if it meant an update), which also happen to be the stories that authors need the most support to continue and complete. Law of diminishing returns, y’all, and it sucks. 
We’re not here to guilt you into leaving comments. We want to address the problem by changing the format, and we need your help to do it. 
The goal is to increase the amount of feedback authors get from readers, especially on stories with multiple chapters, and to make it easier for everyone to show how much we love fics. We’re opening a discussion with ao3 to figure out how/if any of these options can be implemented, but first we need options to present! 
Some of our current ideas: 
Ability to leave a form of kudos on every chapter, instead of only once on the entire story: this lets authors know that you’re here and you’re reading their updates, so their hard work isn’t getting tossed into the internet void. 
Comment templates: suggested comments that can be customized or posted as-is. Many of us draw a blank or get nervous when we try to think of a comment, so having pre-made options will both increase the total level of feedback and serve as practice, making it easier to leave more in-depth comments in the future. 
Upvoting/leaving kudos on comments themselves: positive reinforcement makes giving feedback more fun and rewarding, and it lets the author know that readers are present and agreeing with other comments, even if they don’t leave one themselves. 
We’ll contact AO3 to discuss the possibility of adding any of these as native features, and if that won’t work, we’re looking into creating and sharing a user script. 
 What you can do to help: 
 As a reader, what would you like to have? What would you be most likely to use? New ideas, opinions on ideas that are listed here, they’re all good. 
As a creator, how would you feel about each of these options? Can you think of other ways of receiving or encouraging feedback? 
Pros and cons of these (note: our thoughts on this are discussed in this google doc) 
GET THE WORD OUT! Reblog this post, send it to your friends, link to it from your stories. We need as much input and support as possible to get this off the ground. 
Feedback makes for happy authors. Happy authors make for more stories. Let’s keep this part of fandom alive! 
More details about our thoughts, discussions, and ideas can be found in this google doc.
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Changes to the Star Wars Fandom Tags on AO3
Hi Star Wars fans! As we bask in the glow of new canon, your excited wrangling team would like to walk you through some upcoming shifts in how Star Wars fandoms are organized on the Archive.
As anyone in the fandom knows, there’s over forty years of Star Wars content, both canon and Legends, across a slew of different eras. Since the Archive opened, we’ve been canonizing each individual book, movie, or other piece of canon separately, but that has resulted in a very large tree. Large tag trees are bad for the Archive’s servers and they’ve been increasing errors for users, including error messages, slow browsing, and works missing from the filters.
In order to keep the servers from crying, we’re going to be streamlining some of this tree so the fandom tags for individual pieces of series will be merged with the other parts of their storyline, as other fandoms on the archive do. The first step in this process is going to be folding the individual saga movie tags into their respective trilogy meta tags (i.e., Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, Star Wars Original Trilogy, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy).
You’ll still be able to use the individual movie fandom tags on your works! The tags in the trilogies will simply be merged as a family, so A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi will all be part of a single fandom.
You can also use the Additional Tags field if you want to highlight an individual film in your work. We have canonicals for all eight already (for example, Movie: Star Wars: Attack of the Clones.)
This will be happening over the next month. We really hope the reduced server strain makes for a smoother Archive experience for everyone.
May the Force Be With You,
The Star Wars Tag Wrangling Team
From time to time, ao3org posts announcements of recent or upcoming wrangling changes on behalf of the Tag Wrangling Committee.
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The true swtor experience is spending an hour on the galatic trade market looking for the best shoesies to go w/ ur outfit
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Deviantart Prank with friends:
1. Gather your buddies. 2. Pick an unsuspecting 13 year old (preferably with OCs) 3. Send them fanart. 4. Sit back and watch dreams come true
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I think I’ll start posting reasons why I love the Imperial Agent storyline. Reason number one: the other characters at least seem competent, for now. I hope they will stay competent...
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Funny thing? The same guy that was hounding the area and killing me a few hours ago was still there when I came back after a break. He killed me again three times, but at least I got the quest.
Why do I even bother doing PvP quests for reputation when I know I will get killed 300 times by elite PvPers who hound the quest area? When did I get this patient and persistent?
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Why do I even bother doing PvP quests for reputation when I know I will get killed 300 times by elite PvPers who hound the quest area? When did I get this patient and persistent?
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Doc: Happy life day, I got this for you.
Jedi Knight: Oh, thanks, uh-
Jedi Knight: Um-
Jedi Knight: Doc, this is a framed picture of you.
Doc: That’s right. Only the best for you, Jedi.
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7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression | Psych2Go
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