crywhenyouleave · 8 years
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“ 先生!!質問があります!!”
4koma..to be continued? the main character is a 27-28 year old high school teacher in which his class is full of animanga stereotype characters and he’s just so done. for example
“sensei! i need to use the bathroom!” “like hell you do! you’re going to go fight that monster outside, so sit down!!!”
“sensei, you will have a new transfer student in your clas–"  "NO THANK YOU”
and of course
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
Some of these are really awesome and are games that have inspired me in my own writing. Some of these i have never even heard of before and will check in future.
how to get me interested in a game:
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
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I was having some troubles with my anxiety tonight. Just a lot of different things popping up at once. A lot of changes happening around me, and i struggle with change. Drawing is my therapy. It calms me down, gives me something to focus on. Gives me something I can control. So I decided to draw Aura again. She seems to be the focus of my art recently. I decided to use a more sketch like technique this time rather then justy regular Shonen anime style. I kinda like the look. Might do more like this in future.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
which mbti stereotype fits you best??
take this horrendously inaccurate quiz and find out! and tell me what you got and how it differs from your actual type!
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
ISFP hahaha spot on surprisingly. Lots of fun.
which mbti stereotype fits you best??
take this horrendously inaccurate quiz and find out! and tell me what you got and how it differs from your actual type!
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
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Just some cute little animated faces of Aura. Tiefling Sorcerer from my D&D 5e game.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
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I can beleive how much my art has grown in just 1 year. The first two images popped up on my facebook in my memories. The character is actually my D&D 5e Tiefling Sorcerer. The first two images were when i first made her. The rest were done in the last week. I'm very proud of my growth, and i hope to improve further over upcoming years.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
I love this. I have been playing Dungeons and Dragons for some months now, and have very recently started to DM. These are things that i would like to incorperate into my world.
Sometimes i think about the idea of Common as a language in fantasy settings.
On the one hand, it’s a nice convenient narrative device that doesn’t necessarily need to be explored, but if you do take a moment to think about where it came from or what it might look like, you find that there’s really only 2 possible origins.
In settings where humans speak common and only Common, while every other race has its own language and also speaks Common, the implication is rather clear: at some point in the setting’s history, humans did the imperialism thing, and while their empire has crumbled, the only reason everyone speaks Human is that way back when, they had to, and since everyone speaks it, the humans rebranded their language as Common and painted themselves as the default race in a not-so-subtle parallel of real-world whiteness.
In settings where Human and Common are separate languages, though (and I haven’t seen nearly as many of these as I’d like), Common would have developed communally between at least three or four races who needed to communicate all together. With only two races trying to communicate, no one would need to learn more than one new language, but if, say, a marketplace became a trading hub for humans, dwarves, orcs, and elves, then either any given trader would need to learn three new languages to be sure that they could talk to every potential customer, OR a pidgin could spring up around that marketplace that eventually spreads as the traders travel the world.
Drop your concept of Common meaning “english, but in middle earth” for a moment and imagine a language where everyone uses human words for produce, farming, and carpentry; dwarven words for gemstones, masonry, and construction; elven words for textiles, magic, and music; and orcish words for smithing weaponry/armor, and livestock. Imagine that it’s all tied together with a mishmash of grammatical structures where some words conjugate and others don’t, some adjectives go before the noun and some go after, and plurals and tenses vary wildly based on what you’re talking about.
Now try to tell me that’s not infinitely more interesting.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
Beautiful! I love this character.
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Tell me more about her eyes, please~
It took some trial and error but now I think I can draw the dangan ronpa 3 characters better—
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
A little kid at my painting camp pulled me over to the side and said “I don’t know how to ask this, but are you a boy or a girl?? I can’t tell.” And I was thrilled because I had passed the “child pointing out your appearance means gender” test as well as being approachable enough that he could ask. So I sat down and told him I was neither and explained that growing up I was told I was a girl but that I’m not, but I’m not a boy either. And he just looked at me and said “so you’re just a person.” Swear to god I had the biggest smile on my face when I told him that’s exactly what I was. For the rest of the day he just called me Izzy instead of Ms something or any gendered title and I got a hug at the end of camp. So if you say gender is too confusing for children to understand, I have a first grader who would tell you otherwise.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
What is Media?
In class, we’re currently asking “What is Media?”.
To me, media is a form of expression shared though a technological medium, creative and not. It’s a way of expressing a thought, or sharing information. It’s a form of socialisation and story telling as well as surprisingly, a medium of control.
To me, media is boundless and there are so many things that we can do with it.
We can influence thoughts, we can manipulate emotions; we can inspire, or we can depress. We can use it to brainwash, and sent thousands of people into a flurry or panic; or it can be used to bring people together. People with similar interests and thoughts who just want to share who they are and do good things.
Media is an amazing thing.
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
Looks like I’m back.
I’ve just started a degree in Animation at SAE, so you may find posts up here in relation to that. Hopefully my followers will find this fairly interesting.
Much Love guys!
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crywhenyouleave · 8 years
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some guy: instinct just memes around uselessly, i hardly see any of their gyms
me: holds ur face gently listen to me you little shit
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crywhenyouleave · 9 years
Human Rights.
So this morning I sat down to watch an Australian show called 'the morning show'. On it they were discussing the fact that a Sydney school has decided to get more girls into automotive, they would have the girls doing practical classes, rather then just theory. They are doing the same with sciences. Fair enough right? Then an argument breaks out about equality between the sexes. So my question is... Is a 50/50 ratio even realistic for classes like that? Most schools don't even have a 50/50 ratio of male to female students, let alone an equal number of girls to boys interested in those two subjects. Why is this such a major thing? Why does your sex and gender matter so much where rights are concerned? Originally, equality between the genders started because women were being treated very poorly. Couldn't vote, couldn't speak for themselves, and they were basically just objects to be owned first by their father, and then after they were married, by their husbands. Most western societies have booted all of that out. Women have rights. If anything, I think its gone a little too far. Now we need to be careful that we don't repeat the past on the other end of the spectrum. We need to be careful that men don't end up under the thumbs of women. It's already started. There are many companies and businesses that have now started hiring on base of gender. Who have now started looking at the ratios of gender within their business, rather then purely looking at the skill of those they are hiring. There are men missing out on jobs that they are very much qualified for because a manager needed to fill a gender ratio, and it works the other way to. This isn't equality by any stretch of the imagination. Fuck gender. Fuck sexes. Fuck race. Maybe we should stop looking at what's different and start looking at what's the same. We're all human. I support HUMAN RIGHTS. Not feminism. Not masculinism. Not the rights of specific ethnicities. Or the rights of particular sexualities. Or any of the other ones I might have missed out on. We are ALL human. I make this promise. This oath. I will never treat anyone differently because of the differences that they were born with and cannot help. Time for the world to get over itself.
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crywhenyouleave · 9 years
Dear Baby Boomer Generation:
You know, we try really hard not to hate you. Really hard. You’re my parents’ generation, you know? And I fucking love my parents.
But your generation really needs to learn to shut up and take a good, hard look at yourselves.
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crywhenyouleave · 9 years
transfriendly jobs
 i’ve been doing research about jobs/companies that are accepting of trans and the like since i’m going job hunting again next month, and i found this list, which lists trans-friendly businesses. it links to this page, a directory for employers.
tagging so people can see it, i figured this might come in handy for some people!
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crywhenyouleave · 10 years
We’re glad to see our ranks growing, and it makes me proud of introduce our three newest additions!
We have the newest voice actor for Nepeta! Their blog can be found here.
We have the newest voice actor for Sollux, who goes by Brad. They don’t use Tumblr all that much.
And we have the newest...
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