cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 3 years
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 4 years
Not to keep chewing the same dirty ass rag but - Alice - needs to stop, she keeps fucking overbidding everyone else, then takes the adopts and resells them for higher prices. She doesn't have any real intentions with any character she purchased, do NOT let her buy any of your adopts, she just resells them for her own profit. And she is out her tryna make herself look like a victim by saying "everyone here hates me, I'm done" no shit, when you resell adopts for higher we gonna hate you, period.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 4 years
im ngl im all for artists being compensated fairly for their art but i wish they wouldn't price their shit so high at fucking 500+ c$. can't say it in the other blog either because reeeeeEEEEEEEEE HOW DARE YOU FORCE AN ARTIST TO PRICE THEIR SHIT LOWER!!!!!
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 4 years
why is rynx the most fucking annoying person ever. just quit
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
P.S: I just bashed nervousdog about their cruelness toward me, but she is generally very helpful & she tries her best! Life is difficult for all of us, it doesn't help me when she pins the whole world against me for my mental illness however. Her heart is in the right place, but "intervening" me when I'm not actually hurting anyone doesn't fix anything she's just attacking me & now it's my turn I guess. Your drawings are stiff & awkward, get out of your ego & accept that there is room to grow.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
It ain't my fault she can't take criticism. Part of being an artist is learning to accept it. Do NOT go into my personal life & tell me I'm too incompetent of a person to survive or bring life into the world, just bc your string is drawn awkwardly in your oekaki drawing. You are out of your mind if you think art criticism is equal to bashing how I live and take care of life. Instead, why don't you learn to communicate instead of letting me believe you appreciated my advice? nervousdog. Hurts.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
what the fuck, honestly. The new moderators (except the GH ones) came out of nowhere, just like every year. The only thing they do is posting on the oekaki, bump their thread and sometimes posting on the forum games -___- I want to see people who have proven themselves to be helpful and mature becoming mod. The mod description is stupid af because no one ever gets hired who meets the criteria.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
thank god this blog exists tbh. why is roadkiil always talking about crying and loving pink and everything then turns around and gets all pissy whenever someone calls her what she is. a girl. you can't change what you are.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
last anon from the (2/2) rants like yall mfs really bitch about pastel pops too??? Do u have a brain of a fuckn ZYGOTE, THAT UR BRAIN IS NON EXISTENT???? Reminder for u guys,, theres literally only a few people who do the events and art for pastel pops. can u not wait the possible month or two they sometimes take to judge or no?? do u have that much of a fuckn pea brain and not even a braincell to comprehend that people can be busy or no??
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
some of them have feed back threads or sections in a discord channel?? I'll call u people out on ur bad behaviors pussies. (2/2)
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
Idk why people shit on adopt creators who take awhile to judge things like a month or two late I mean idk beccy maybe they have a life?? and finals to do or a generally busy lifestyle and they do the best they can??? LIKE GEE SUSAN IT TAKES AWHILE TO JUDGE AND IT DOESN'T HAPPEN IN THE 2 SECONDS U WANT THEM TOO idk I'd really like to pop off on people who are so impatient?? plus I'll see discourse of people bitchin about how they could've done things better or something,, maybe that's why (1/2)
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
I'm so tired of people constantly assuming the state of someone else's life. Like bitch, I have so many health problems gong on right now that me even being able to wake up is a miracle.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 5 years
FUCK the other blogs, tbh, you can't say shit on them without it being *too offensive * to post. Like, gargle your own cum you pussies and post actual salt not just what you wanna.
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 6 years
Is this blog still open??
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 6 years
I love how you guys were adamant about being the superior cs blog better than the other one but like this has been inactive for so long lol
patience is a virtue - T.ย 
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 6 years
About Milkkittea not updating the archive - or you know, some people have a fucking life outside of useless pixel dogs that you don't get paid for. So shut the fuck up and get a life of your own to go back to. Leave Milk alone.
dayum mayhaps this person snapped - Qย 
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cs-discourse-uncensored ยท 6 years
maybe the reason why milkkittea's not updating the kalon archive for a year is bc she's too busy sucking off her boyfriend to do her job
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