csengemrai · 8 months
Ez a sors fintora
Azt mondom hogy kitöröltelek magamból,
De ha meg látlak vagy csak meg hallom a neved, a gyomrom még a mai napig is görcsbe rándul...
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csengemrai · 1 year
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10K notes · View notes
csengemrai · 1 year
did you hold me knowing you were going to let me go?
3K notes · View notes
csengemrai · 1 year
I am mentally tired. Really.
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csengemrai · 1 year
If you saw yourself the way I see you, there would be no doubt in why I can’t let you go.
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csengemrai · 1 year
In another universe, you stayed.
— In this one, you didn’t and it ruined me.
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csengemrai · 1 year
everything affects me so deeply and it fucking sucks
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csengemrai · 1 year
Dude it’s almost time to step on a crunchy leaf
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csengemrai · 1 year
What if I slept a little more and forgot about all this nonsense.
Franz Kafka
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csengemrai · 1 year
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68K notes · View notes
csengemrai · 1 year
“The right one for you will move mountains to be with you—he won’t hide behind them.”
— Mandy Hale, The Single Woman
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csengemrai · 1 year
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csengemrai · 1 year
“This is why people touch. Sometimes words are just not enough.”
— Nicola Yoon, Everything, Everything
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csengemrai · 1 year
“She didn’t need to be saved. She needed to be found and appreciated for exactly who she was.”
— j. iron word
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csengemrai · 1 year
I needed to be somewhere different. Maybe I needed to be someone different, too.
Heather Davis
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csengemrai · 1 year
“My only relationship goal is to be with a person who motivates me to become a great person and tells me the potential I don’t see in myself.”
— Unknown
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csengemrai · 1 year
‪pretty bitches with prettier hearts will always win. ‬
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