csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge Day 31: Another show/movie you’re obsessed with now- The Boys
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge Part 2
Day 31: Another show/movie you’re obsessed with now: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (2007-2009)  
“It is said that the death of any one person is the death of an entire world. Certainly for parents, the death of a child is no less than a holocaust. In the case of my son, these words are literally true. And even though we’ve traveled through time, bent the rules of nature, they will keep coming for him. Keep trying to kill him. But until that day, it’s gonna be one hell of a dogfight.“
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge Day 30-  A CSI actor who played a character in another favorite show of yours- Elisabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell in Amazon Prime Video “The Boys 2019″
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge Part 2
Day 30: A CSI actor who played a character in another favorite show of yours
Alex Carter as  Ko Samuels in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronciles (S02E17 “Ourselves Alone”)
Derek: There’s a guy, he’s got some information I need. Jesse: So ask him. Derek: Not that kind of guy. Not that kind of information.
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
si vis pacem para bellvm
David Hodges loves cats for their companionship.  And their propensity for eating spiders.
Shared for CSI Challenge | Day 7: Favorite headcanon
gen | rating: G | word count: 717 | warnings: anxiety (arachnophobia)
This is, quite frankly, getting ridiculous.
Avoiding an entire corner of his living room when he can get away with it, constantly on guard and looking over his shoulder when he can't…
If it were any other bug, he’d have taken care of it already, gotten his vacuum cleaner—he hates using a tissue to dispose of bugs; he can always feel them getting crushed as keenly as if he’d used his bare fingers—and sucked it up with the hose attachment.  But the constant, low-level, gnawing anxiety that it escaped, slipped away unnoticed, and isn’t dead or dying amongst the dust and hair and fur in his vacuum is worse than just leaving it where it is.  At least if he leaves it alone, he knows exactly where the little octopedal nightmare is: on its web in his living room in the corner between the ceiling and the wall shared with the kitchen.
[continue on ao3]
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge | Day 29: Have you read the books or played the games? If so, which ones, and how did you like them?
Though I bought as many of the Vegas novels (at that point, I hadn’t watched more than about five episodes of Miami and didn’t yet know that I like the show, and I hadn’t watched any of NY at all) that I could find the last time I was at the big Half Price Books down in Dallas, I’ve only read one of them so far: Killing Game by Max Allan Collins.
Keep reading
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge-  Day 29: Have you read the books or played the games? If so which ones and how did you like them? I have read and own the novels by various authors over the years and enjoyed those. I have not read the comics but I have seen them. I own the board game and the Xbox game and a puzzle and a lab kit from 2004 and a fake autopsy game where you had to recreate the head using clay and other tools. I liked the Hidden Crimes game for Iphone and the CSI slots game from 2016 for the iphone and that was the most recent ones I’ve played before I beat them and they stopped making new ones :( 
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge Part 2
Day 29: Have you read the books or played the games? If so which ones and how did you like them?
I did read a few book but not all of them. I still want to read them all but somehow I don’t find the time. But the ones I read were great.
I played:
CSI: Crime Scene Investigation on my PC
CSI: Dark Motives on my PC and Nintendo
CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder on my PC
CSI: Hard Evidence on my PC and Wii
CSI: Deadly Intent on my PC
CSI: Fatal Conspiracy on my PC
CSI: Hidden Crimes on my Tablet
I loved them all except for Hidden Crimes. I love the dialog in Hidden Crimes but it never felt like you’re solving the crime. I will stick to my PC games. My favorite one would be Hard Evidence.
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge Day 28
A scene you wanted to see in the finale
(I haven’t actually watched the finale, but I felt like righting the two biggest wrongs: 1) Finn & 2) The absence of Nick)
He was drenched in sweat, his t-shirt clinging in dark patches to his skin. Casually he wiped his face on the short sleeve, never slowing his pace. Running along the promenade had become his favorite after work activity - the salty San Diego air felt so much fresher in his lungs than the dry desert heat he had gotten so used to over the years.
Still, he missed it. Maybe not so much the air itself, as everything else he associated with it. His colleagues, friends, family - the people and places that had been his life for almost two decades. He didn’t exactly regret leaving, but that didn’t mean he didn’t feel like he had cut a vital part of his life out.
He was torn from his thoughts by the vibration of his phone. Not for the first time he wished he could just leave the damn thing at home when he was out running but his new job came with new responsibilities and those included never turning it off or leaving it out of reach.
The screen lit up with a familiar name, DB Russell.
“Stokes,” he panted into the speaker.
“She’s awake,” Russell said without preamble, “Nick, she’s awake.”
His whole body flushed with relief while and he clutched the phone tightly in his slick hand.
“What, how, when?” were the only thoughts he managed to voice.
“She came around last night, I only just got the call myself,” Russell provided, “she’s not up for visitors yet but I wanted to let you know first.”
A genuine smile spread across his face, as his brain processed the news.
There wasn’t much else that Russell could tell him, except that Finn was apparently experiencing difficulties talking but remembered who she was and at least part of what had happend.
“She’ll be alright, you hear?” Russell sounded like Nick wasn’t the only one he was trying to convince of that fact.
Nick nodded absentmindedly. “She’s a tough cookie,” he said, “I knew she’d make it.”
Russell promised to call as soon as there was anything more to relate and their conversation ended with just a few more pleasantries. With a sigh Nick sank down onto a bench he had just run past and cast a glance upward.
Nick hadn’t had much reason for faith or belief throughout his life but he genuinely felt it when he muttered a quiet “thank you” toward the sky.
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge Part 2
Day 28: A Scene you would have loved to see in the finale
There are many actually but I will stick to the most important.
First one is a talk between Gil and D.B. I know they did talk but only case related. I looked very forward to them talking more personally, about the team, the lab, the city. Just something. It would have been cool to see how they might feel about one another or something. I didn’t want much. I would have been happy with just some small talk (yes, I know Grissom is not a small talk person).
Second is an explanation of Julie’s death. Like when did she die, when was her funeral, was Nick there or Brass or other characters who knew Julie
(Third there could have been a little Catherine/Louis reunion??? Also why didn’t they have Nick in it too???)
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge Day 28- A scene you would have loved to see in the finale.
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge | Day 20: Favorite scene in the morgue
08.08 You Kill Me: Super Dave “dying” to report that there is “no sign of sexual trauma.”
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge- Day 27: Favorite “Behind the Scenes” photo/video- all of these 😍
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge Part 2
Day 27: Favorite “Behind the Scenes” photo/video
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI Challenge Day 26
Couples I ship in no particular order
Sara x Grissom
Warrick x Catherine
Nick x Greg
Finn x Russell
Russell x Barbara
Finn x Nick (this is @jencsi fault)
Greg x Morgan
Sofia x Brass
Catherine x Louis
Sam x Lily
Catherine x Lady Heather (this would have been awesome, fight me)
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
CSI challenge Day 26
Other couples I ship
(Brace yourselves)
Sara/Catherine (my first ever ship)
Sara/Sofia (God, I miss Sofia!)
Sara/Mandy (actually my first ever fic was about them)
Greg/Morgan (as far as the het ships go)
Warrick/Catherine (just a little but they were cute)
David/Greg (kinda, a little)
Nick/Javier Silva (thanks MK for that)
I also believe Greg has an ongoing crush on Sara but they're brotp for life!
And I guess I'm open to a lot of other combinations. CSI is my number one ship show, lol.
OTP will forever be Nick/David ♡
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csi-challenge-blog · 5 years
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CSI Challenge | Day 14: Favorite animal seen on the show
Oh, she swallowed something—something shiny, she ate it! She still does. I keep everything that Maggie swallows. I put it in a display case—it’s quite a conversation piece.
Maggie, the pupper in 12.20 Altered Stakes who’s more magpie than dog and loves to swallow varied and sundry shiny objects.
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