csp124 · 2 days
Aww, remember this?
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How cute are they?
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I can't join the donor registry because I have Sjogren's (an autoimmune condition), can someone else join in my stead?
If you're not in the US, there are some other locations: https://www.abduld.com/azza
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csp124 · 2 days
Its been too long since I've properly campaigned for Mona's initiatives on my main blog! Since the last update we have a wide array of projects your donations have contributed to!
She has distributed essential hygiene kits including pads for women!
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And a lot lot lot of food package distributions as you can see below!
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Please do not hesitate to donate! Every single dollar helps!! P*ypal.
G*f*ndme for distribution of necessities.
G*f*ndme to help Mona and her family.
Instagram to track progress + above links.
(If you live in India or Pakistan and want to donate, contact her through the means listed on her account).
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csp124 · 2 days
I am Mahmoud's wife. Unfortunately, I wanted to inform you that my husband Mahmoud was injured in the head, which caused a skull fracture that descended onto the nerves of the brain and affected the nerves of speech, hearing, and sight.
Mahmoud's condition is very critical and he must go abroad for treatment. He was injured 3 days ago and underwent surgery to clean his head. The doctors are telling us that he needs to undergo a major operation to remove the shrapnel or fix it to the skull bone so that no nerves in the brain are cut off.
Please donate and share this post widely so that we can get my husband out and receive treatment abroad.
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csp124 · 7 days
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this image can only be shared on Thursday, Sept. 12
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csp124 · 7 days
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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csp124 · 10 days
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Dina ( @zinaanqar ) reached out to me to illustrate her family's campaign so it could reach more people. Please reblog and donate if you can.
Their gofundme is very close to its goal, so please share and donate!!!
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csp124 · 10 days
TIME SENSITIVE: Keep Hazem's Family Together
legitimately so disheartening that im already thinking about how i can possibly rephrase the struggles Hazem's family (vetted #281 on evacuation funds spreadsheet) is facing in my post tomorrow just so they don't keep stagnating like this. Palestinians trying to survive shouldn't be #content for you. families shouldn't be trying everything to get your attention.
consistently in the past few hours Hazem's family has been receiving less than €100 or even less than €50 per hour. Hazem's parents do not have the funds to evacuate with their children. read this again. and think about how cruel this is.
the food scarcity (and acute malnutrition) plus the carpet bombings in North Gaza are exacerbating by the day. i want each and every one of us to take this extremely seriously. let's help this family evacuate as soon as possible.
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€28,697 raised of €50,000 goal as of August 31 end of day.
every donation makes a huge difference. please enter the raffles for donors below after donating. thank you
(UK only shipping) handmade bracelets with freshwater pearls hosted by @a-shade-of-blue
(US only shipping) spheal pokemon crocheted plush raffle hosted by me
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csp124 · 10 days
People making post to (rightfully) mock zionists are getting more interactions than the ones on fundraisers. That's great that you are laughing at them but what are you actually doing to help their victims? How much times do palestinian have to wait for you to start caring? Do you need to see another beheaded baby to start donating or is it just performative?
I can't believe than even after posting about the shootings my friend Shahed and her family survived and her showing the BULLETS that got in their house (not the first time it happened) people barely gave attention to her posts and donations are getting even slower. Only 3 in one day.
If I can't post for a day I feel like people on tumblr will forget her and abandon her campaign. And frankly I don't have much hope that people will act to help her get to her goal, be it short or long term.
If you can't donate then please at least share her posts @drshahd and @shahdhatem, make your own posts to reach more people, send her fundraisers to people you know or tag them. Just please do something !
I don't know what to do and what more to tell you to get to act.
Donate here
Vetting by @/nabulsi
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csp124 · 11 days
Palestine Flag Greeting Cards to Help Dina’s Family!
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I am going to do a small fundraising campaign to help my dear friend Dina get closer to her goal! If you donate $15 CAD (or more) to Dina’s gofundme, I will send you a greeting card with the beautiful medieval style Palestine flag design drawn by my wonderful friend Miles @werewolf-transgenderism 🤍
I had gotten a ton of these cards from Miles’ Inprnt for a fundraising campaign I was going to do to honour my sister in July, but as you may know by now, that did not end up happening. These cards should not go to waste and I want to something to help Dina.
I will ship them anywhere! And I will write you a fun note in them :)
To receive one:
Donate at least $15 CAD to Dina (be sure to screenshot your proof of donation)
Fill out this google form
I have 100 cards available, so if I get to mail out all of them it will mean $1,500 CAD is raised for Dina!
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csp124 · 11 days
my friend Amal (@amalashuor) has had to raise the amount of her campaign, due to the ever-rising prices just to survive in Gaza. she talks more about it in this post, explaining what her and her family have done with the funds raised thus far.
she, her husband & their baby have been in a state of constant displacement, like so many others. the point cannot be made clear enough: there is no safe place in Gaza.
there are talks of the crossing opening up again, but without the necessary funds, she and her family cannot leave.
constant fear, fleeing & the ever-present anxiety of whether you will live to see another day is something no one should have to live through. helping in small ways does equate to bigger change, when we all work together. please give up a coffee ($5) this week to help Amal.
please donate to Amal & her family.
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csp124 · 13 days
hi. you've all heard from me on various posts, in different ways to encourage donating to different palestinian fundraisers. it is beyond clear that people have grown complacent the longer the genocide goes on. a numbness has entered into the dialogue around what people will say or be willing to do to help people in a time of crisis. and i cry.
we cannot give up on these fundraisers or these people. they are people. they are brothers and mothers and sisters and fathers and friends and lovers and everything in between.
for the first time since we started doing short-term goals, my friend Siraj @siraj2024 has not met his goal. we are still 901 CAD from this newest goal.
he would like to reach 70k by today. he needs to reach this goal to be able to buy a water generator for him and his family. 23 lives are looking to him, and to US to raise that money.
please, donate.
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csp124 · 16 days
its no longer labor day you cant reblog the todaybor day post anymore
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csp124 · 18 days
Please donate and share to help Whadi, a teenager from Gaza with stomach cancer who needs funds for extremely expensive treatment.
If you have PayPal please donate directly to his organiser's account so he can get funds for medication quicker
If you don't, here is his GFM
If you wish to speak to Whadi directly, his number is +972 59-340-4739 and his Instagram is @ wdy_qnw
He is verified by the Instagram volunteer collective @ beesandwatermelons and can be found at #11 on their spreadsheet
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csp124 · 25 days
I hope you and your family are well and in good health😃.
I am writing to kindly ask for your support in reblogging my pinned post on my page❤🙏.
It details my struggle and the hardships we face in Gaza😥, especially the dire conditions we are enduring in the hospital where I work as a doctor😣💔.
Your assistance in spreading this message is crucial to raise awareness and garner support for our cause✌💚.
I sincerely appreciate your help and look forward to your continued support🥺❤🙏.
Thank you very much.
Dr.mohammed aldeeb from gaza
This vetted fundraiser is over 2/3 of the way to its goal!!
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If you donate any amount, send me the proof and I'll draw you a dragon! :)
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csp124 · 26 days
Emergency: Help Evacuate My Family From GAZA WAR
Dear Humanity,
I'm Haya from Gaza , from a family of 8 people: my parents, two sons, and four daughters (two of them suffer from allergies).
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I've witnessed the evidence of the tragedy that has struck our lives in Gaza, where my family and I have survived amidst numerous previous wars. But today, we face the most dangerous and fierce battle in the current war. The urgent need intensifies for us, as we have nothing left and are unable to secure our basic needs such as food, water, and safe shelter.
Here is our story - On October 7th, our lives changed forever, my family and I evacuated from northern Gaza to southern Gaza, hoping to return soon, but it wasn't meant to be. Our home was surrounded, burned, and then completely destroyed, Our home, once a fortress of hope, now lay in ruins, a stark reminder of our shattered dreams.
The night before we left from the north to the south was terrifying. Shelling sounds were everywhere, making a loud noise that felt like it went through our souls. Every explosions shook the ground like earthquakes, sending shockwaves of fear through our trembling bodies. filling us with fear. The air smelled of destruction and blood, making it hard to breathe. When dawn came, we saw the devastation around us, realizing our home was now a symbol of loss and despair.
We ran into the streets and with each step we took into the unknown streets, we felt as if we were plunging deeper into the abyss of our shattered existence, leaving behind everything we own in our home: Clothes, important official documents, the car, and literally it's almost everything - the enormity of our loss weighed heavily upon us.
Our home it was where we found hope, safety, and made precious memories. Losing it felt like losing years of our lives, leaving us adrift amidst the wreckage of our shattered existence.
A brief video depicting the devastation that struck our home and our entire neighborhood in Gaza.
Desperate Plea: Escaping Gaza's Allergy Nightmare
I, Haya, suffer from severe allergy to penicillin-derived medications, and my sister, Amal, also suffers from severe allergies to medications from my family such as Paracetamol and Ibuprofen.
These allergies create a deep sense of fear and anxiety for us, as we live in a constant state of tension and fear of anything that may require a visit to the hospital. We fear being given inappropriate medications due to the unavailability of suitable treatments in Gaza because of war or lack of awareness and not informing the doctor of our allergies, which could lead to serious consequences threatening our lives.
MY Father Income
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Our dreams are heading towards oblivion in the labyrinth of an uncertain future
My story, along with my siblings, represents a united team of four individuals, three of whom are skilled programmers and one graphic designer. We work as freelancers in the world of freelancing.
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As for my younger sister, she is a student studying at the College of Architecture. She has always carried a big dream in her heart, a dream of being part of changing Gaza, of making it more beautiful and better. She looked forward to the day when she would receive her degree and start building this dream. But the beginning of the war changed everything. The destruction of infrastructure and universities cast shadows of despair over her dreams.
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When I think of my brother in Belgium, I can't help but feel deep sadness. He has been suffering from unbearable anxiety and insomnia since the outbreak of the war. Sleep eludes him at night, and his physical and mental health collapses under the weight of these heavy burdens, negatively affecting his performance at work. Problems and challenges pile up in front of him without the slightest opportunity for rest.
We all feel psychological pressure and extreme anxiety. The war hasn't been limited to external attacks but has deeply infiltrated our daily lives. We search among the rubble for a little safety and the basic resources for survival. Every day comes with a new challenge that we must overcome.
As we sway amidst the rubble of shattered dreams, our souls wrestle and our hearts beat strongly challenging the ravages of war.
Our parents earnestly seek a way to rescue us from this hell, feeling the heavy responsibility for every moment we spend under the shadows of fear and destruction. They dream of a safe place where they can build for us a better future, filled with security and hope, for we deserve life in all its meanings of comfort and peace.
Perhaps this fundraising campaign represents a light in the midst of darkness, it is indeed the only hope we cling to firmly.
I appeal to the world as a whole to hear my cry and the mournful cry of my family in Gaza. We need the helping hand that reaches out to wipe our tears and build a bridge to safety.
Your donation is not just a donation; it's an opportunity to rebuild life and brighten a better tomorrow. Be part of our hopeful story, for we need your hand to start anew.
The purpose of the fundraising campaign
The goal of this fundraising campaign is to rescue my family - my parents, my siblings, and me - through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt, which currently requires $5000 per person. This campaign is our only chance to stay alive, and I humbly request your assistance at this critical time. I will provide you with a comprehensive breakdown of the expenses, committing to transparency and clarity.
All of our important links are here https://linktr.ee/hayanahed
Verified by :
⭐️ operation olive branch, number 26 on their spreadsheet. (On Master list)
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⭐️ Project watermelon,line 249 on their spreadsheet. Or you could see it as number 212 here is the photo for more clear proof
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Thank you for your kindness and support.
.جزاكم الله خيراً
yours sincerely;
Haya Alshawish.
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csp124 · 26 days
Hello 🖐
I'm Abdelrahman, 22 years old. My journey has been marked by loss and resilience. When I was 18, my father passed away from COVID-19. Determined to build my own future, I pursued an education in multimedia technology, balancing my studies with work to cover my expenses. I was preparing to establish my home and life.
A few days later, I was hit by a missile in this previously destroyed house
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My mother: the princess whom we strive to make happy and satisfy. ❤️️
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Our house that sheltered my entire family 💔
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However, the war in Gaza, especially in the north, brought devastating tragedy. My home, university, job, and family were all destroyed in the conflict. While my family moved to the south, I was in the north, facing famine and moving from place to place, trying to survive.
Our street used to be lively and full of people, but it is no longer like that.
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I have witnessed countless difficult and painful scenes while escaping death multiple times. In northern Gaza, life is reduced to a cycle of fleeing from danger and searching for food amidst the rubble of destroyed homes.
Now, my dream is to travel abroad with my mother and sister to continue my education and develop my practical skills. For the past eight months, I have been unemployed, focusing on self-improvement and hoping for a better future.
This is where your kindness and generosity can make a profound difference. Your support will help me rebuild my life and continue my education. It will provide us with the opportunity to escape the cycle of danger and destruction, and to work towards a future filled with promise and potential.
Vetted by @el-shab-hussein 🍉 link
Vetted by @90-ghost 🍉link
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csp124 · 26 days
I am Osama Al-Anqar and my wife's name is Rana Raed Al-Anqar. We have a little girl.
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We used to live in our house in the Shuja'iyya neighborhood. We used to live in peace and security and I had a job, but the war came and took everything from me,
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first of all my brother Mahmoud, who was martyred in the bombing of the Baptist Hospital. He left behind his children and wife, and my brother Ahmed, whose front leg was amputated in the same bombing. I lost my house, my family's house, and my job. Now we have become homeless, moving from one place to another. We are gripped by fear, terror, and hunger. My daughter suffers from extreme fear and panic, and suffers from lack of food and skin diseases due to the lack of water and cleanliness.
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We are in dire need of your help. We call on you to fund this fund to save my family and provide safe shelter, food, drink, and health care. Your donation is no matter what can happen to us in our lives. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means more.
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