csutardi · 11 years
Let’s face it, fundraising can be a real pain in the ass for the entrepreneur.
It takes up a ton of time that can be otherwise spent managing the business.
Sure, it’s a necessary evil, but it’s also typically a big distraction.
It’s also a lot like dating. You have to go on a lot of first dates...
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csutardi · 11 years
Great to be featured in this prestigious magazine! Grab your copy of the September issue now, or just read the article online (or at least 75% of it)...
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csutardi · 11 years
My never ending list of reasons for Jakarta's bad traffic
The craziest number first: 8.3 km/h
8.3 km/h is the average car speed in Jakarta according to a study released by the government in 2010. That’s three years ago - and I’m sure we can all agree that the traffic only became worse. [Yesterday it took me 120 minutes for a 5.1 km ride (http://goo.gl/maps/lfxs2); which equals an average speed of 2.55 km/h!]
Let’s put this into relation:
Usain Bolt’s WR over 100 meters is 9.63 seconds. This is 10.37 m/s or 37.34 km/h! So he is 4.5 times faster than the average car in Jakarta!
The average speed of pedestrians in the UK (people in big cites apparently walk faster) is around 4.08 km/h. Now this is only half as fast (SLOW!) as the average speed of cars in Jakarta.
In Hamburg (my hometown - which is larger than Jakarta in terms of area: 755 sq km versus 740.3 sq km) the average speed is an ASTONISHING 84 km/h (no typo) because of it’s formidable infrasturucture and extensive network of fast routes. So it’s TEN times faster in Hamburg! http://bit.ly/13s6Bpf
Europe’s slowest traffic can be experienced in London at 19 km/h - which is still more than twice as fast as Jakarta's traffic (Source: Forbes)
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In September 2012 another shocking set of data about this issue has been published:
1,130 new vehicles join Jakarta's traffic every day, of which 240 are cars and 890 are motorcycles.
29 percent or almost one third of all cars that are operated in Indonesia are flooding Jakarta's streets.
These numbers -though already bad enough- don't include vehicle registrations for areas outside of Jakarta: 
A study done by the presidential delivery unit found that 474 new cars and 2,946 motorbikes joined the Jakarta traffic chaos each day, bringing the total to about 14.4 million cars and motorbikes on the streets of Jakarta and its satellite cities. (Source: Reuters)
...to be continued
(Notes for later but also recommended reads: http://en.tempo.co/read/news/2013/07/31/057501221/Jakarta-on-the-Verge-of-Total-Gridlock & http://otomotif.kompas.com/read/2013/02/26/6819/94.2.juta.Mobil.dan.Sepeda.Motor.Berseliweran.di.Jalanan.Indonesia)
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csutardi · 11 years
Lolabox has been online for excatly 12 weeks now - and it's been an exciting journey. It's an amazing feeling to google for your own product and realize that it has been featured on so many websites already. Not that I need motivation - but all those articles are great mood boosters. Here are my three favorite posts: 
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csutardi · 11 years
Article: How Pink And Blue Became Gender-Specific
How Pink And Blue Became Gender-Specific http://www.fastcodesign.com/1672751/how-pink-and-blue-became-gender-specific
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csutardi · 11 years
Freundeskreis - Erste Schritte
"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  Lao-tzu 
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csutardi · 11 years
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Summer is coming... Hello Sunshine!
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csutardi · 11 years
Awesome piece of work by Uchiet our content writer :)
Ah! Seneng banget! Finally had the time to post my story! Selalu ada rasa yang nggak bisa tergantikan pas nyobain sesuatu, untuk pertama kalinya.
Percaya atau enggak, pas ngetik tulisan ini, Lola excited banget. Soalnya Lola suka banget nyobain hal-hal baru. Lebay nggak sih? Hehe… Soalnya...
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csutardi · 11 years
Let me kick off my tumblr with this!
Here is a collection of uplifting and heartwarming words of encouragement from the most sage voices in the tech startup world as you begin your own entrepreneurial journey.
Throwing yourself off a cliff and assembling an airplane on the way down. - Reif Hoffman
Being an entrepreneur is...
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