ctrlpluszed · 2 years
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ctrlpluszed · 2 years
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607K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 4 years
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Chateau St Victor la Coste Inst @rachaelgrayer
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ctrlpluszed · 4 years
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Inst @valeragf
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ctrlpluszed · 4 years
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79K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 4 years
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58K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 4 years
“Allāh said: “Even if your sins reached up to the clouds in the sky, I would forgive you.””
— [Sunan al-Tirmdhi ] (via ashgureey)
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ctrlpluszed · 6 years
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427 notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 6 years
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191K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 7 years
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Surah 21 Al-Anbiyaa ayat 89: ‘My Lord! Leave me not childless, though Thou art the Best of inheritors’
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ctrlpluszed · 7 years
I can't wait
I can’t wait to see those 2 lines on a pregnancy test…
I can’t wait to see my husbands face when I tell him we finally did it, we finally got pregnant…
I can’t wait to hear the heart beat for the first time…
I can’t wait for morning sickness, fatigue, exhaustion, peeing my pants a little, and stretch marks…
I can’t wait to feel life inside of me and watch my husbands face when he feels the kick for the first time…
I can’t wait to share my story with family and friends…
I can’t wait to stop TTC…
I can’t wait to go through hours of painful labor…
I can’t wait to see those little eyes looking back at me…
I can’t wait to breastfeed for the first time…
I can’t wait to not have to worry about anything but the life in my arms…
I am so tired of waiting… waiting is all I do.
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ctrlpluszed · 8 years
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805 notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 8 years
Plans to graduate. Plans to work. Plans to get married. Plans to have beautiful children. Plans to grow old with the people we love. We have plans for everything. Ya Allah, please don’t let us forget to include Jannah in our plans.
— Mobeen Hakeem
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ctrlpluszed · 8 years
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10K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 8 years
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92K notes · View notes
ctrlpluszed · 9 years
My biggest fear is that one day my kids will be crying alone to themselves at night and I wont know about it
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ctrlpluszed · 9 years
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