“Have you ever noticed that TV characters are only ever sick for one day?”
Misty paused in blowing her nose to raise an eyebrow at Ash’s random comment. “What?”
“Okay, so on TV, if a character is sick, and the plot of the episode is that the character is sick, they’re only ever sick for one day. That doesn’t happen if real life. If you get sick—” he gestured to himself and Misty, “you’re usually sick for at least a few days.”
Misty had woken up the other morning feeling rather under the weather, which she told Ash when he invited her to his house in Pallet where he would be for a few days between adventures.
Upon hearing this, Mrs. Ketchum, the absolute angel of a women, decided to whip up some of her famous vegetable noodle soup for Misty, and Ash, being his normal kind, yet dimwitted, self, decided to not only hand deliver it, but stick around and help her reheat it, eat it, and clean up.
And of course, woke up the next morning sick himself.
As soon as she heard, Delia all but demanded they both to come back to Pallet so she could take care of them, and never one to deny her anything, really, Misty closed the Gym for the weekend to travel with Ash on Charizard to Pallet Town and get nursed back to health by his saint of a mother.
They were laying on the couch together now, a head on each end and their feet all tangled and in each other’s way in the middle, rotting in front of the TV and making sure to keep themselves hydrated, when Ash decided to start saying his wackadoo thoughts out loud, to her ever growing confusion and amusement.
“Ash, what are you even talking about?” she sighed, but Ash was apparently not going to let this one go.
“You never just get sick for just a day!” he insisted again. “Name one illness that gets you sick for only one day.”
Misty pursed her lips, sniffed, and then snapped her fingers is triumph and stated simply, “Twenty-four hour flu.”
Ash’s face fell before scrunching into disbelief. “That’s not a real thing.”
“Yes it is,” Misty scoffed, but Ash just shook his head.
“No way. It’s just been made up for TV to make stupid sick character plots work.”
“Ash,” Misty groaned, though she had to admit she was amused more than anything. “Are you insane?”
“No!” he cried, causing himself to cough, but he cleared his throat and continued. “No, it’s totally made up! Like Pokérus.”
“Pokérus is absolutely real, you lunatic!” she exclaimed, laughing. “My starmie caught it once!”
“It is not! There was this guy standing outside’ve a Pokemon Center in Unova that was yelling about it! He had pamphlets!”
“Nooo, Ash!” she shrieked again, practically in tears from her laughter. “Do not listen to people yelling outside of Pokemon Centers! Oh my god!”
In the kitchen, Delia just smiled fondly at the ruckus and poured two more hot mugs of tea.
At least they appeared to be feeling better.
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cultofpokeshipping · 2 days
Steve Irwin in a Jaeger would be entertaining.
Look over there. There’s a Catergory 3 Kaiju. Biggest one yet. 
Ah’m gonna wrassle with it. 
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cultofpokeshipping · 3 days
If they are going to have Ash marry someone at this point of time, it’s going to be Serena. If they intended for Ash to eventually come around and go for any other pokegirl then good storywriting says they should never have made a Serena-type character - they should have kept on their path of writing girls that can be interpreted as platonic relationship. Otherwise they’ll have to face the extra complication of having to sort out a Bad End for one (and just one) of the characters, as opposed to just Normal ends for everyone but the winner. So like it or not amourshipping is going to be canon
……………………………bro, the “ship war” is over, the anime involving Ash Ketchum is done. You can have WHATEVER opinion you please, if you want it to be amourshipping, then more power to you.
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cultofpokeshipping · 3 days
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cultofpokeshipping · 12 days
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That Chloenette scene I promised. I'm not a good writer, so I hope the panels make up for it.
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cultofpokeshipping · 13 days
about project 2025
to all americans: project 2025 is a plan created by an association of republicans for what they will do if they win office in the next presidential election. within 180 days of victory, they plan to turn the country around. they've written a book called mandate for leadership: the conservative promise detailing their plan. it is 900+ pages long. you can download a pdf online (i tried putting the link here but it won't work. just look up mandate for leadership pdf)
what they want: their republican president to do a deep clean of the government and, in essence, turn it into a conservative stronghold. they want to flood the government with republicans. (source) (source) what they will do with this power includes:
dismantle climate policy (source)
criminalize being lgbtq+ (source) (the entirety of promise #1 in the book is about this. you can read it)
nationwide abortion ban
basically getting rid of anything they don't like. see below
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why this matters: a couple months ago, i would've thought they could never pull it off. but now, anti-lgbtq+ legislation has only been growing. and if you think you're safe in a blue state,
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you're not
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cultofpokeshipping · 13 days
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One of my favorites.
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cultofpokeshipping · 13 days
Btw everyone, you can block anons if they send you hate
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The three dots at the bottom of the anon ask give you the option
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
the author is my best friend in the world, it would mean the world to me if you’d read this story and leave a review for them :)
After being freed from a lamp, a genie named Jiji must grant her lamp owner, Dante Barrett, 100 wishes. Except, archeology Professor Barrett is mostly content with her life. Only using her wishes in emergencies.
So the good news is that Jiji is allowed to explore the southern California town between wishes. The bad news is, Jiji has been trapped in the lamp for 1000 years. Thus, she has little experience with the modern world and even less impulse control.
Join Jiji as she navigates Professor Barrett's college. Stumbles to understand technology. And falls in love with everyone she meets.
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
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“So if little girls experience their menstrual cycle in 5th grade or 4th grade, will that prohibit conversations from them since they are in the grade lower than sixth grade?” asked state Rep. Ashley Gantt, a Democrat who taught in public schools and noted that girls as young as 10 can begin having periods.
“It would,” McClain responded.
Unbelievable. Link to article.
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
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Exactly my whole point about how we need to get the fuck out there and VOTE. That was Hillary being many points ahead of Trump and everyone was like, "Ahh we got this, no biggie!" These numbers for Harris right now aren't even that high and even if they WERE it doesn't mean crap unless people VOTE.
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
my name is detective sleeping and im about to get started on my toughest case yet. the pillow case
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cultofpokeshipping · 14 days
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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cultofpokeshipping · 17 days
“why does that character have to be queer?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be trans?”
why not?
“why does that character have to be a poc?”
why not?
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cultofpokeshipping · 17 days
survived checking my bank account. i deserve a little treat
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cultofpokeshipping · 17 days
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struggling to comprehend the scale of the mistake I almost just made
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