curatiio · 7 years
MCCOY OUT. so hey y’all, it’s been a whole damn year since I’ve been on here, but i think it’s about time I revive leonard. I’ve been missing out on writing and I keep comin’ back to this southern space man, so after a year long hiatus, I’m back! as a result, all of my previous threads and asks have been dropped and I will slowly be revamping the look of the blog. but I’m going to be posting starters and replying to opens in the meantime!! probably no one remembers me, but that’s alright too; it’ll all come back in time. :) 
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curatiio · 9 years
MCCOY OUT. again, I’m sorry about the lack of writing this week! it was the first week back to classes and so, so much happened. I’ve had meetings to go to and auditions to watch and syllabi to organize. I even went on a date yesterday, so my mind’s a little bit preoccupied for now. even still, I’ll try my best to get shit done this weekend. c:
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curatiio · 9 years
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                   ❝ah, am not sure. maybe. have not checked.❞
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                   “ well, HELL, that’s just great.          what’s a man supposed to drink around here ?                                                 --------------  juice ? ”
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curatiio · 9 years
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SHE STARES AT the tray with a slight scowl, shaking her head and placing her hands on her hips with a sigh.
      ❝ i just deliver the trays, dear. though… dinner         does look a little sad this evening, doesn’t it. ❞
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                   “ look at that, rand; SAD doesn’t even begin to cover it. ”
            just glancing at the slightly congealed concoction supposed to be a sloppy joe sends leonard’s stomach into a fit. damn it, does he miss real, home-cooked, southern food.
          “ wouldn’t happen to know when our next shore leave is, would you ? ”
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curatiio · 9 years
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curatiio · 9 years
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even I know that
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curatiio · 9 years
&& throws headcanon into the void/ leonard is a top with men and flexible (but prefers bottom) with women.
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curatiio · 9 years
[TEXT- Bonesy] maybe
[TEXT] fine but i want them back bones i know youre involved
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] You’re clearly delusional. Maybe you should get that checked out
[TEXT] bones what have you done with my shoes
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curatiio · 9 years
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           ❝ –bastard. son of a whore. fancies a kilt in formal gatherings. eldest of three. starfleet reject. physics nerd. isolated to delta vega. damn beagle. resigned briefly. drunk off ass. should’ve died. nephew died. sister hates me. i feel nervous but i can’t relax. chief engineer. ❞
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curatiio · 9 years
[TEXT- Bonesy] see i thought about that but spock is a mens 11.5 and i am a mens 10 even so no he wouldnt
[TEXT] besides i dont want to go outside barefoot fire alarms or not
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] Then put on some damn socks
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] Don’t you have those yellow ones from starfleet?
[TEXT] bones what have you done with my shoes
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curatiio · 9 years
[TEXT- Bonesy] yes. they are not there. i am missing all of my footwear
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] Maybe Spock took them. Maybe he found your footwear illogical
[TEXT] bones what have you done with my shoes
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curatiio · 9 years
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          ❝mister scott is working on finding the issue. is probably                                nothing big, just needs some fiddling.❞
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            “ yeah, yeah, I got the gist of it, kid: I ain’t gettin’ any coffee                     until scotty’s done tinkering with his toys.                                                                   ------ got any tea ? ”  
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curatiio · 9 years
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       ❝wish i WAS, sir.❞
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              “ this is the fifth day in a row the replicators have been doin’ this;                                     I just want some damn coffee. ”
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curatiio · 9 years
[TEXT- Bonesy] listen i dont know but you were the last one near them so where are they
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] Dear god, man. Have you checked under your desk? 
[TEXT] bones what have you done with my shoes
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curatiio · 9 years
[ OUTGOING MESSAGE: JIM ] Why would I touch your shoes, Jim. Why
[TEXT] bones what have you done with my shoes
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curatiio · 9 years
&& OPEN.
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                 “ you’ve got to be joking. ”
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curatiio · 9 years
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          The quip goes easily ignored as she swipes a block of data off to the side. It would appear this planet was as of yet unexplored and, thus, unclaimed. The likely course of action would be to examine it themselves. Naturally, Jim would ( against T’Spock’s better judgement ) want to do so himself, which meant they too would follow. She finishes a paragraph before turning her full attention on a McCoy who seems content with staring determinedly into the black void before them. His next words, though somewhat lacking the usual rancor, hold a certain amount of apprehension. This prompts her next blatantly obvious observation.
          “ And yet, you are here. ” A quirk of the brow. “ There are several facilities on Earth that would have appreciated your particular skill set, Doctor — ones which I am sure would be much better suited toward your constitution. ”
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            it’s not as though he’s ever truly hid his reasons for joining starfleet, but somewhere between meeting the unstoppable force that is jim kirk and actually being launched into space, the need to explain himself has faded. what had begun as a single-minded attempt to run away from the past became the determination to follow the future. he’s terrified by the thought of the black, pure fear morphed into irrational anger in the face of something so vast and unknown. yet, here he is, a man standing guard over a planet no one aside from its inhabitants has ever laid eyes on. ( it would be awe-inspiring if his muscles didn’t lock up at the sight. ) leonard considers all this, disregards it, then turns to spock, eyebrows raised in mock amusement.
                “ why, miss spock, it’s almost as if you want to get rid of me. ” 
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