One of my well liked ship dynamics Because i don’t know what to do!:
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So i hit a rut with my story- and just decided to do this as a creative break.
A: Serious and hopeless infatuated with B. A is not happy about this fact. A still loves and cares for B, but every time they remember exactly how easily B can make them turn red in the face. They sigh with the weight of the world. They do not handle being flustered well.
B: LOVES teasing A because they know how infatuated A is with them. Yes they reciprocate and care for A- but they know what makes A flustered and they are going to make it A’s problem.
This dynamic has a lot of B doing something to tease or fluster A and A being imediantly annoyed and angry with B. B being very silent and slow with their affection but when they show it- A almost instantly reacting with SOMETHING to tease B.
Bonus: If B is 10X worse at handling being flustered than A is, but they usually don’t get flustered because not much flusters them. But when A manages to fluster them- it takes a while before B is back to normal.
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Quick excerpt from the book I'm working on:
On the walls were miscellaneous paintings and pictures. Some were landscapes of distant lands, or nearby Wurston. Others were portraits or group photos of past Tancenda employees. Going years and years into the past.
Under most paintings were dark wooden end tables with miscellaneous decorations on them. Sometimes it was a blue and white vase. Usually filled with white roses.
Other times it was a clock or candelabra. And sometimes it was just blank. 
They soon reached a section completely dedicated to past Tacenda employees. Under these portraits of past employees, especially ones that have passed on, the tables usually had some sort of flowers, along with other things they liked.
One had a vase with yellow lilies and a novelty tea set under a portrait of a smiling woman with large red hair.
Another was a blond person with a green suit, and their items were a lock-picking kit, a small mint plant, and playing cards.
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Sketches of Oc’s [7/30/22]
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Here’s two Oc’s for my current WIP. Left is Sunny Sky Kingpin. [ yes her 1st name is sunny, middle name sky, and she goes by both]
Right is Rayne Seawright. [no middle name, at this time anyways.]
Sky is my worlds version of a mermaid, which are basically humans with fishy features, for easy mobility outside of water, and her main weapon is a trident. Im debating having it be made it out of water to go along with like- Hydrokinesis.
Rayne on the other hand… he’s basically a human but magic is kinda ubiquitous in my story world so anyone can do magic. So as of now he’s just a human with magic. If you cant tell from the doodles he has cloud/smoke/fog powers. Basically he has control of anything vapor-like. Weird power i know, but it fits the personality i have for him.
Sunny- she/her
Rayne- he/him
Yes these two were drawn on the same page. Sunny took way longer than Rayne did. ‘-_-
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I will be using this on my wattpad! They all look so great!
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Ace Entrapta icons for @skittyratty ||| like/reblog if you use, credit not needed but appreciated
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Hello. This is my primary ”professional”? account where i will be posting things exclusively related to my stories im curently working on.
This will include:
Character concepts
Chapter preveiws
Little rants of background of character
Mentalbreak downs- The progress of me working thoruhg issues with my story.
back stories
and just whatever i feel like is in line with this blog of mine.
Do not expect a schedule. of any kind.
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