curlyhairallday · 4 years
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing
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curlyhairallday · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Sixty
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Fluff and Smut.
Shorter part than usual…
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
Harry thought he was gonna go bananas. Your extra heavy period had passed, and you started your new pack of pills, but you still had refrained from doing anything remotely sexual. Other than a few kisses here and there. You two had been intimate basically since your third date, Harry didn’t know what to do with himself. You wouldn’t even blow him, and you certainly hadn’t let him touch you. The scare you had was barely worth being scared over, but the whole thing had still made you feel uneasy.
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Why did he have to do it right on uni assignments 😂
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bumps and Dumps - Part 6
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Harry and Hattie were best friends and fuck buddies until she got knocked up. Her life was becoming one big mess and even though her best friend had finally admitted his feeling but she believed it is only because of the baby.
Harold: Him…….
Hatters: We were just friends Harry and he actually seems to care about me and he didn’t have to knock me up to realise.
Harry kept rereading the text he finally realised how bad he had screwed up his chances with her. He had always known she liked him for the most part he never realised though that one day when the universe had made it clear he can be selfish he can have her she would no longer want him. He had spent the whole of the SNL after party looking at this photo of her and fucking sink boy. Aj had been his only real threat and now he was playing the role of Dad to his unborn baby, he should be rubbing her back not him. Ever since that skit all he thought about was them going to birthing classes, getting the nursery ready in the new house and talking to her bump. Harry had been getting updates from Gemma apparently Hattie had the tiniest bump which more looked like she was bloated but only they knew it was their spud.
He tried to type her a message several times and gave up. He just kept looking at that photo he went onto twitter to see what his fans were saying. He knew Jeff would come over and try and come up with a plan to diffuse the situation but he also knew Jeff wouldn’t care as after looking at his fans tweets everyone was speculating he was going to become a Godfather to Aj’s baby all he wanted to tweet was it’s mine. Most people had assumed she had just drunk a few too many and was paying the price. Harry was so wrapped up in his phone he had forgotten that he had invited his mates to the after party including two of his exes Kendall and Camille.
“What you looking at Styles.”
Kendall quickly grabbed his phone away, Kendall had never quite known what was going on between him and Hattie but she herself thought they were meant to be together. Kendall had realised shortly into her fling with Harry that their was another women and she had never disliked Hattie the two had got on well. They were not best friends but that was because they were opposites Kendall and Camille were both slightly vain and their lives were hollywood. Where as, Hattie dreamed differently something Harry found intriguing she hated the spotlight and anything glitz and glam she craved a different lifestyle she loved fighting for people to get their attackers behind bars and helping men and women to prosecute their other halfs for domestic abuse. She didn’t need attention or money she needed to help. Where as, Camille and Kendall spent time and money on the latest clothes to look cool which is something them and Harry had bonded over, Hattie spent most her time around the house in his hoddies or merch. He tried not to compare them to Hattie when he had dated them both as he knew no matter what they would always fall short. Even when Hattie lectured him on the dangers of drug use or how he shouldn’t smoke or allow Camille to smoke in the house because his lungs wouldn’t work very well and he wouldn’t be able to hold the high notes, Hattie was a goody goody in that sense and Harry loved her for that. Now she would save her lectures for court when she realised that her child was better with Aj as a father than this fuck up. He downed his drink to help with the sorrow.
“So Harriet is having fun, wow look her new boyfriend is hot.”
“Of course.”
“Come on Styles you are normally the first to admire a man’s good looks.”
“I’d admire them if he had any, she could do better.” Harry grumbled.
“By better do you mean you? I must admit thought you two would finally end up together, I was surprised you and Camille lasted so long didn’t think you could stand to distance yourself from her.”
Harry knew she was right they had cut multiple trips short during there time together because Hattie had a big test or she was stressed or he just missed her.
“I heard my name.”
Camille kissed Harry on the cheek as she joined him and Kendall.  Him and Camille were on good terms even though at the end it had hurt but he always knew he was trying to make himself love someone, when that place had already been filed.
“H, why are you so sad you just killed SNL.”
“Capital is saying you’re going to be a Godfather, is that why you’re so sad missed because you missed your shot?”
Kendall exclaimed while looking through the twitter feed.
“Harry wouldn’t care about that. When is she due? I am surprised she didn’t tell you first? Wait is she still living with you?”
Camille fired question after question at him, Camille was lovely and intelligent but she was one of those people who never wanted her ex to move on almost like a power move. In her mind Harry would have never fancied Hattie as he should still be into her. Harry quickly downed his drink he had been trying to stop drinking to fill a void but he was currently failing.
“Styles tell us what’s going on? so we can cheer your miserable ass up and get the fuck out of here and celebrate.”
Harry looked around at all of his friends in the room they were all so Harry and here to congratulate him.
“It’s mine.”
“What’s yours H?”
Camille stroked his arm and glanced at Kendall waiting for her to answer, she normally understood Harry.
“Whats going on over here?”
Jeff joined the group kissing both the girls on the cheek before looking at his mates solomon expression. Harry grabbed another drink of a waiter and downed it. Kendall passed Jeff Harry’s phone.
“Harry mate slow down a bit. I will sort it have you called Hattie made sure she is ok?” Jeff tried to reason knowing that Harry wasn’t handling his transition into parenthood the best mainly due to the baby mumma issues. He also knew one of Harry’s rules was protect Hattie so even though this would blow over in the press it probably wouldn’t have made it there if she hadn’t been friends with Harry or caught with the future CEO of one of the most prestigious law firms in the Country.
“The baby its mine.”
“Wait what?” Camille laughed out not believing him.
“She’s nearly twelve weeks, I am going to be a dad.”
Jeff was busy texting someone probably to get the press under control about Hattie.
“So why is your girlfriend with a random guy at 6am?”
“We aren’t together she doesn’t want me. I screwed it up by ignoring her for other people. Her exact last text was basically said I only want her because I knocked her up.”
“Let’s just have fun H.” Camille gave him and kendall both a glass.
The rest of the night was a blur until he woke up the next morning to five missed calls from Gemma and two from Anne. He could barely open his eyes the hangover was that bad.
“Hey Mum, sorry I was out last night?”
“Harry you need to call Hattie. She is devastated they told her that the no longer required her at the firm. Said the press photo was not a good look for the company having a employee throwing up at 6am outside Starbucks. Apparently clients won’t take her seriously and she did sevre damage ”
“Wait what? Did she say she’s pregnant?”
“Gemma has tried to comfort her but she’s distraught. She did they already knew she thinks that’s why they did it. She said to Gemma is was a possibility.”
“I can’t come home mum I have the late late show and my interview with Apple.”
“Harry you need to do something? Honestly Gemma called me panicked as you weren’t answering Hattie tried to call you of Gemma phone apparently her pregnancy hormones caused her to throw hers at the floor the other day.”
“Mum I am going to go.”
Harry layed there trying to figure out what to say, he couldn’t get out of work these things had been booked for months. Maybe he could convince her to fly out here for a break I mean he was sure his record label could use a solicitor but knew she hates that bit of the law.
“Gemma pass me to Hattie” He cut of his sister hello he was in a rush.
“Hattie, I am so sorry baby. You’re amazing.”
He could hear her hiccuping back her tears this was her dream job she had been through shit to keep this job and now she had lost it thanks to him.
“I wo-r-ked sooo …. Hard Harry.”
She began sobbing again he knew how hard she’d worked.  She was a robot at uni trying to get a first and not settling for anything less.
“Hatters baby, come to LA.  I have to be here all week but we can figure stuff out ok. I promise I will make you feel better.”
“I can’t even get drunk to numb this pain.”
Harry chuckled a drunk Hattie was a scary sight .
“Get on a plane now I will pick you up myself we will get ice cream and cake or anything spud will stomach.”
“I can’t Aj said he could get me a interview at his dads, In the family law section it’s not perfect but it’s something. I was really helping people though H they took it away because of spud. I am not going to resent spud though it’s not his fault or hers. It’s his mummy’s for being a whore.”
“Hattie what the fuck? You are not a whore.”
“That’s what twitter is saying and the people at work said I get around.”
She began crying again and selfishly all he cared about was the fact that she would be working with Aj and that made his blood boil. He also still had the hangover from hell and was struggling to not vomit.
“When is this interview?” He calmly asked so to not upset her.
“Later today.”
“Ok after I will book a flight this evening. You need a little break we can spend the rest of the week together I only have to work today and tomorrow. I can selffishly get my best friend back and hopefully you will feel a bit better.”
“I think I like that, I am sorry for being a bitch recently it’s hormones and also I couldn’t hold in my feelings.”
“We can talk when you get here.”
Hattie was annoyed with herself for apologising she was still mad at him but she wanted him bad. She had the interview and Aj had helped her a lot they had offered her a job and she was so thankful for Aj. If not she would be a pregnant singleish mum with no money at least she lived with Harry so she wouldn’t be on the street. She was excited to start next week mainly because Emily had been distant with her recently so Aj was all she had friends wise who wasn’t somehow linked to Harry. She had packed light for LA not wanting to take a lot as the morning sickness had made her feel very weak. She was surprised that she was willingly seeing Harry but she needed to. They had never spent this long without constant communication she was also excited for him to hold her as she still couldn’t believe she had lost her job and managed to get a new one in a 24hour period I guess it goes to show how important it is to know the right people.
She spent the whole flight passed out in front of the toilet or with her head down it being sick. She was convinced this baby hated her.
Bump and Dumps Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 7
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She spent the whole flight passed out in front of the toilet or with her head down it being sick. She was convinced this baby hated her.
Hattie could not have been in more of a rush to get to Harry’s car. Her whole plane journey had her being sick and she had even spotted a girl in a TPWK hoodie who was trying to sneakily video her. She loved Harry’s fans they gave her best friend the opportunities and she understood why all these people were in love with him because she was as well. However, she hated when fans would video or take photos without asking she knew they would think it’s weird if someone did it to them, especially when she had her head in one of the silly paper bags they give you to be sick in. She was well aware that this girl was adding fuel to the fire, especially when she was flying out to the same city as Harry.
She grabbed her sun glasses out her bag and popped them on hoping this and the messy bun would help prevent anymore people from noticing her. She saw Harry’s body guard Flynn waiting holding a sign for her.
“Hey dude, long time no see.” She quickly hugged the 6’4 man who looked more like a rock.
“Hello Harriet.” He quickly grabbed her bag and she began to follow him, Flynn was a quiet man he had two young daughters and a lovely wife he helped protect Harry whenever he was in the US and her and Harry had been to dinner with him and his family a few times. Although, Flynn and Hattie were friends she knew he was very serious in public places. He liked his job and he saw Hattie as the only possibility of him getting fired, especially after Harry’s warning to hime today. Even though Hattie had been upset about the article in England there weren’t really paps everyone left her alone and she was only photographed by fans. But Harry knew the US was different they had not stopped running stories about Harry and Hattie ever since she had first come on the scene and he was worried for her and the baby.
“So is Harry in the car?”
“Umm have you checked your phone?”
“Nope I haven’t turned it on yet, I am the only passenger who still turns there phone of I think it must be a childhood fear.” She giggled quickly turning it on only to see a text which she guess she should have expected.
Harold: I am so sorry I have to get ready for an interview. I will make it up to you later.
“Should have guessed. Oh well so I am guessing you know?” Hattie asked Flynn as they got in the car.
“He told me for your protection. Congratulations Emmie and Faye will love having a new friend.”
When Flynn pulled up he noticed Hattie was fast asleep he wasn’t surprised as she had explained her severe morning sickness. He had promised to bring ginger biscuits which his wife had sworn by through both her pregnancies. He quickly scooped her up and layed her down on the sofa. He sent a quick text to Harry letting him know she was there safe and went home.
“Hatters.” A voice gently stirred her while rubbing gentle circles onto her forehead.
“Hey baby I missed you.” Harry kissed her forehead knowing that kissing her was a step to far.
“My penguin.” She sleepily muttered, while sitting and rubbing her awake trying to rub away her tiredness and failing miserably.
“Your penguin.” Harry chuckled.
“You didn’t get me.” Harry smirked he didn’t realise how much he missed clingy Hattie but he was loving it.
“I am sorry bubba, I had to do some work so I could spend tonight with you.” He kissed her forhead again as she nuzzled into him.
“Flynn, told me how bad you have been making you mummy feel so be a nice hey Baby we treat our mummy’s nicely.” he gently stroked her tiny bump for the first time it wouldn’t be noticeable unless like Harry you knew her body well.
“Our baby doesn’t like me Harry it makes me sick all the time. We can’t even agree on coffee.” She had kola herself to him so her words were muffled by his chest.
“This baby must be brave denying you coffee.” She smacked him stomach but she knew it was true she was evil without her coffee.
“I have an interview soon here at the house. I know you’re jet lagged but I would really like you to sit in on it if you feel up to it. After we will get take out and can just watch movies and fall asleep.” She nodded her head against his chest, he would really love to stay here as this is the most love he had got from her in two months but he needed to get ready as the crew would be here in a minute
“I am sorry bub, I need to get ready.” Hattie felt disappointment go through her as she missed him as soon as he left she was not sure whether it was the tiredness or hormones but she wanted him.
Her mouth began to water as he came back in a shirt, she was having the symptom that Rachel had in friends all she could think about was jumping his bones.
“Harry picked this out for me to wear, does it look alright love?”
“Umm yeah it does.” She tried to stop herself from phyiscally dribbling at him she loved laid back Harry look and this was doing things to her.
“I better go change it was a long flight, can I shower in your room?”
“I was hoping as we are getting on maybe you could stay with me. Only of course if you’re comfortable? I mean I just want to spend quality time together and I need my big spoon.” He nervously rubbed his neck.
“I am not sure if you want to do that I haven’t been sleeping great lately. I am sick a lot sometimes I just spend time gagging as there is nothing in my stomach.”
Harry face immediately turned to a frown.
“You should call the midwife or the doctors, When was the last time you ate?”
“Hey calm it. It is completely normal loads of women actually lose weight in the first trimester. I am going to go shower.”
“You shower and I will get you something to eat. What do you fancy?”
“Honestly, I want a water and maybe quavers. Do they even sell those here?”
“I will sort it. Go shower I will ask my assistant to grab them.”
She left to also go and quickly change realising she probably had the smell of vomit on her. She looked at herself and felt tears filled her eyes as she realised she looked ugly as hell her hair was a mess she had no makeup on and she was gaining weight it was going to her thighs and boobs her stomach was no longer flat even though these changes were slight realising how perfect he was made her cry. She had never been one to be self conscious before she wasn’t in love with herself but she was happy with herself she had always had stretch marks on her boobs and legs and she was proud of them as she knew it was just a sign of growth much like the lines on tree trunks. Her pregnancy hormones were sending her wild also the consistent hunger and sickness was getting to her.  However she was ready now all she could think about was what the little baby would look like and it’s little chubby cheeks. She quickly grabbed Harry’s calvin Klein Jumper and some leggings.
When she walked out she could hear Harry on the phone.
“Alexa, can you please get me some water and ginger biscuits also quavers. I need you to find some. No of course  I don’t care if you’re late I just really  need them. Thank you.”
She smirked she knew he was really trying.
“You look cute. I brought that jumper with me because it smells of you with how often you steal it.”
“It’s so cosy though.” She hugged him today she felt like kola she was so sleepy and poorly. She realised that she wasn’t going to glow through pregnancy and if she was it would be from the swear.
“I am loving your mood today bub but I am worried you’re not normally like this.”
“I just feel so sick and I’ve missed comfort.”
“I promise cuddles after this. Everyone came when you were in the shower they are setting up outside. Jeff is out there and Mitch if you wanna hang with them while we record.”
“Yeah sounds good.”
“You really have lost weight though I will arrange a meeting with a doctor tomorrow, can’t have you two ill.” He kissed her forehead, Hattie quickly raised her head pecking his lips.
They walked out and there was about ten people outside setting everything up, she smiled when she saw Mitch and Jeff in the corner.
“Zane this is Hattie. Is it alright if she sits in she has just come over from the Uk?”
“Hi nice to meet you.”
“You to.” Hattoe gave him a quick hug she wasn’t ever nervous until she was in Harry’s world she never knew how to act with his people.
“I saw you when I was doing some quick research for this interview, looked like a fun night the other night.” He laughed she knew he was just breaking the tension but it threw her off guard.
“Something like that. Urrmm I am going to stand over there. Good luck with the interview.” She whispered the last bit to Harry while giving him a quick hug. She was convinced this Baby loved Harry as he was the first person she had been able to handles scent everyone else’s made her stomach churn.
“Hey guys, how have you been?” Hattie gave them a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Better than you. Harry messaged me earlier about quavers I hear my future God child is messing you around.”
“You could say that again, I haven’t been able to eat anything the only thing this baby likes is water.”
“Everyone please be quiet recording is about to start.”
Hattie sat herself down on the lawn as she knew she was already tired and the standing was not going to help. Harry interview was good until he asked about Cherry. Her heart broke a bit knowing that Camille voice was at the end she had heard bits of the album but this was new news it felt like another stab as to why she was not perfect. Especially now with her body about to change and the mood swings she was going to become Harry’s worse nightmare.
Everyone packed up and left Hattie spoke with Mitch while Harry thanked everyone. She questioned him on tour and stuff wanting to know she realised her and Harry hadn’t spoken about him being away but he had just annouced a tour right on the due date.
“I am pretty excited to travel again, you will have to fly out when you can we need more adventures like last time. Tokyo that was the best one you disappeared for two hours and we found you in the bathroom Harry shat himself.”
“I won’t be able to fly out much I am pretty sure you can’t fly after seven or eight months.”
“Oh my gosh I forgot when are you due?”
“13th July.”
“But we are away?”
“Me and Harry haven’t discussed the baby much at the moment Mitch. We are only just talking again.”
“He will sort it like Harry would skip the birth of his child.” He seemed so certain but Hattie didn’t want to demand he was there she wanted him to be there if he wanted to.
“It’s a new thing men in delivery rooms and anyway I am trying to forget that bit of my pregnancy. Delivery should be thought about like ten minutes before I go into labour and not a second sooner.” They both laughed the truth was she was petrified to be on her own in the delivery room.
“Um Mitch please can you tell me what Camille says in Cherry?”
“I think you should ask H that not me.”
“You’re right thanks Mitch.”
“I think you guys should talk though, knowing Harry he has forgotten the dates and he will want to be there trust me.” She just nodded as she turned to him he was shaking everyone’s hand as they left the house.
“Finally they are gone and I have quavers.” She grabbed the bag of him and ran to the sofa.
Bump and Dumps Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 8
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Her and Harry were back to pre-baby them, they were cuddling on the sofa watching friends and sharing a bed. Harry had even got up once with her when she was sick and had given her water and rubbed her back. They had both avoided discussing the baby as it was a conversation of conflict but they had a good night together, they had discussed him promo plan and she had been filled in on all things Eroda. They’re week had been great Harry had worked here and there but they had relaxed, he had taken her to an OBGYN who had offered her given her some medicine to help with the sickness it had helped a bit but she still couldn’t stomach a lot of food so Harry had been giving her quavers, grapes and ginger biscuits all week.  She was now going back to the UK and Harry was coming to but she was worried that now they were out of their bubble everything would go tits up again.
Harry had slept the entire flight home as Hattie started reading up on the cases she would be taking over, she began emailing her new assistant asking her to set meetings up with her clients.
Aj: So I hear you are already bossing poor Katie around.
Hattie: Just want to do a good job, thank you again this means a lot to me.
Aj: I was hoping we could maybe go out for dinner after work on Monday celebrate your first day, sadly we can’t have champagne :(
Hattie: I want a baby booze up not a shower after it is out I need a drink.  I planned to go out with Em for food but you’re more than welcome to join? Get the gang together
Aj: She hasn’t spoken to me since we quote “You have made me need to burn my eyes out.
Hattie: Harry and his sister are coming to I think, come on please come I need to thank you
Aj: So you guys worked it out
Hattie could sense his bitterness she did like Aj alot and if not for Harry maybe they could stand a chance. However, she looked over to the curly haired boy who was fast asleep and realised no one could ever compare to him.
Hattie: Best co-parents yet is the plan
Hattie turned of her phone and took a nap for the rest of the flight. When they arrived back at the house, they both went to bed immediately and collapsed.
“Hattie, you awake?” Harry whispered as he rubbed gentle circles into her arm.
“Yeah just about.”
“Mitch, text me about the tour and your due date.”
She turned facing him wishing she had been the one to broach this subject.
“The tour was planned first I don’t mind, I get it.”
“No. I won’t miss the birth and the first few months of our baby’s life. Jeff is rearranging it so I will be gone for longer but it will be more packed so tour will finish mid June.”
“Thank you.” She gently kissed his lips and things quickly progressed.
The next few weeks went by like clockwork she started her new job and she really enjoyed it, especially working with Aj they were growing really close. They had moved her celebration dinner till after the album release as Harry had been away a lot recently for promo. Which she didn’t mind at all. Although, she was currently waiting for her check up with the doctor as she was still not gaining weight even though there was now a small bump and she was out the first trimester her morning sickness had been getting worse and she had been getting sicker. She had avoided letting Harry know the extent of her sickness as he was away. She had asked Gemma to come with her as Emily was on holiday and Gemma was her closest friend after.
“Thank you for taking me Gem.”
“Hey no big deal, I am hoping she does an ultrasound so I can see and hear my little nephew.”
“I hope she does too, I haven’t seen spud since the first time.”
“Hello, Harriet I have here that you have bad morning sickness and the tablets aren’t helping.”
“Yeah, I got put on them and if anything it is worse. I can’t really eat.”
“Ok, I believe you are experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum which means extreme morning sickness. My main worry is your weight you are losing weight you have lost 7 pounds which is what I would expect your gain to be at  so I want to do an ultrasound and blood work.”
She nodded looking at Gemma who was stroking her shoulder, she didn’t think anything of the sickness she thought it was normal.
“So if you look here the baby is slightly smaller than we would like. It isn’t a concern right now but I think the best thing to do is admit you too hospital give you fluids try and find a nutrientinal plan as my last resort will be a feeding tube but that is only if situations get worse. Sometimes it gets better as the pregnancy goes on but normally it starts to improve if it is going to by now.”
“Can it be dangerous?” Gemma asked while trying to reassure Hattie, she was glad she opted for Gemma to come.
“It can be but it isn’t that bad at the moment the baby is only a little bit small and hopefully in a day or two we can get both Hattie and the baby feeling better.”
The doctor called the ward and made sure there was a bed available and Hattie and Gemma drove over Hattie felt really bad as she was Gemma ride so she was stranded with her until Micheal finished work. She was quickly admitted and a IV was inserted she had texted Aj to explain that she would be working from home all week as she had been admitted,
“So are you going to call Harry?”
“I am worried you know what he is liked and with the album and everything he will miss promo.”
“Hattie, please call him he would want to miss it. Trust me I know he can be selfish sometimes but he loves this baby.”
“I will call him now.”
She called his number hoping he would go to voicemail.
“Hello Harry’s phone.” Hattie recognised it as Alexa.
“Um hi Alexa can you pass me to Harry it is Hattie.”
“He is filming at the moment can I take a message or get him to call you back.”
“Can you tell him to call me back.” She quickly hung up.
“I left him a message.”
“Ok good, do you want me to stay?”
“No please go. I will be fine.”
“OK but I will come back tomorrow and call me if anything changes.”
Hattie was dying of boredom she had replied to all her emails and done some work on her cases she was watching some netflix. She had been sick quite a bit since getting to the hospital. She had befriended the girl in the bed next to her who was put on bed rest she only had a few more weeks left and already had two children at home she had been helpful giving her advice on what she should get and good brands. Harry still hadn’t called and part of her was relieved but the other part of her needed him. She decided she needed someone so she called her dad.
“Dad, I need you I am scared.”
Her dad had reassured her and he turned up just before visiting hours ended he sat with her and told her it was ok. He spoke to the nurses and asked for a doctor to check her she was glad he was here.
“So where is Harry?”
“He is busy his assistant said she’d get him to call back.”
“Harriet he should be here, call him back or I will.”
She knew her dad knew she should had pushed to speak to him.
“Hi Alexa it’s Hattie please can you pass Harry on.”
“Sorry Hattie he is still busy.”
“Alexa i’m in hospital I need to talk to him now if not him can I speak to Jeff?” She heard the whispering.
“Hey Hattie Harry is busy at the moment can he call you back in a hour?”
“Jeff, I am in the hospital.”
“Is the baby ok?”
“Please can I talk to Harry I am scared and the doctors are worried.” She began to cry her dad quickly hugged her she hadn’t realised how scared she was.
“Hattie are you ok?” She was happy to finally here that low voice.
“Harry, I am in hospital the baby is small… it … is ..cos…of…..the..sickness.” She was trying to calm herself her dad took the phone from her and she nestled into him she could hear him filling Harry in on the information and then he handed the phone back to her.
“Hatters, I will come back now ok you just need to stay calm and think positively ok. It isn’t your fault and the IV will help ok. I think you should go to a private hospital just so I can know exactly what is going on I will talk to Alexa and get her to sort it. I will be back tomorrow morning.”
Hattie got moved to a small hospital closer to her parents house within a hour of talking to Harry her dad drove her there and her mum met her there as well. She was glad to be in a private place as her parents could stay with her and her mum had brought her scones which had apparently helped her through her pregnancy. Hattie was still being sick a lot but the doctor was happier as she was no longer dehydrated and the baby heartbeat had gotten stronger.
“Are you ok?” Harry ran into the room quickly looking at her.
“I feel better I am no longer dehydrated so that’s good.”
“You look even smaller than the last time I saw you.”
“They have a nutritionist coming this afternoon and if I manage to keep down a meal they said I can go home but have to have weekly appointments.”
Harry hugged my mum and dad who said their goodbyes and left to leave them alone making Harry promise to look after their daughter and send updates.
“I am sorry bubba I should have been here.” He climber on her bed and kept kissing her.
“I smell you are going to smell if you’re near me.”
“Well then we will smell together.”
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 8
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Her and Harry were back to pre-baby them, they were cuddling on the sofa watching friends and sharing a bed. Harry had even got up once with her when she was sick and had given her water and rubbed her back. They had both avoided discussing the baby as it was a conversation of conflict but they had a good night together, they had discussed him promo plan and she had been filled in on all things Eroda. They’re week had been great Harry had worked here and there but they had relaxed, he had taken her to an OBGYN who had offered her given her some medicine to help with the sickness it had helped a bit but she still couldn’t stomach a lot of food so Harry had been giving her quavers, grapes and ginger biscuits all week.  She was now going back to the UK and Harry was coming to but she was worried that now they were out of their bubble everything would go tits up again.
Harry had slept the entire flight home as Hattie started reading up on the cases she would be taking over, she began emailing her new assistant asking her to set meetings up with her clients.
Aj: So I hear you are already bossing poor Katie around.
Hattie: Just want to do a good job, thank you again this means a lot to me.
Aj: I was hoping we could maybe go out for dinner after work on Monday celebrate your first day, sadly we can’t have champagne :(
Hattie: I want a baby booze up not a shower after it is out I need a drink.  I planned to go out with Em for food but you’re more than welcome to join? Get the gang together
Aj: She hasn’t spoken to me since we quote “You have made me need to burn my eyes out.
Hattie: Harry and his sister are coming to I think, come on please come I need to thank you
Aj: So you guys worked it out
Hattie could sense his bitterness she did like Aj alot and if not for Harry maybe they could stand a chance. However, she looked over to the curly haired boy who was fast asleep and realised no one could ever compare to him.
Hattie: Best co-parents yet is the plan
Hattie turned of her phone and took a nap for the rest of the flight. When they arrived back at the house, they both went to bed immediately and collapsed.
“Hattie, you awake?” Harry whispered as he rubbed gentle circles into her arm.
“Yeah just about.”
“Mitch, text me about the tour and your due date.”
She turned facing him wishing she had been the one to broach this subject.
“The tour was planned first I don’t mind, I get it.”
“No. I won’t miss the birth and the first few months of our baby’s life. Jeff is rearranging it so I will be gone for longer but it will be more packed so tour will finish mid June.”
“Thank you.” She gently kissed his lips and things quickly progressed.
The next few weeks went by like clockwork she started her new job and she really enjoyed it, especially working with Aj they were growing really close. They had moved her celebration dinner till after the album release as Harry had been away a lot recently for promo. Which she didn’t mind at all. Although, she was currently waiting for her check up with the doctor as she was still not gaining weight even though there was now a small bump and she was out the first trimester her morning sickness had been getting worse and she had been getting sicker. She had avoided letting Harry know the extent of her sickness as he was away. She had asked Gemma to come with her as Emily was on holiday and Gemma was her closest friend after.
“Thank you for taking me Gem.”
“Hey no big deal, I am hoping she does an ultrasound so I can see and hear my little nephew.”
“I hope she does too, I haven’t seen spud since the first time.”
“Hello, Harriet I have here that you have bad morning sickness and the tablets aren’t helping.”
“Yeah, I got put on them and if anything it is worse. I can’t really eat.”
“Ok, I believe you are experiencing hyperemesis gravidarum which means extreme morning sickness. My main worry is your weight you are losing weight you have lost 7 pounds which is what I would expect your gain to be at  so I want to do an ultrasound and blood work.”
She nodded looking at Gemma who was stroking her shoulder, she didn’t think anything of the sickness she thought it was normal.
“So if you look here the baby is slightly smaller than we would like. It isn’t a concern right now but I think the best thing to do is admit you too hospital give you fluids try and find a nutrientinal plan as my last resort will be a feeding tube but that is only if situations get worse. Sometimes it gets better as the pregnancy goes on but normally it starts to improve if it is going to by now.”
“Can it be dangerous?” Gemma asked while trying to reassure Hattie, she was glad she opted for Gemma to come.
“It can be but it isn’t that bad at the moment the baby is only a little bit small and hopefully in a day or two we can get both Hattie and the baby feeling better.”
The doctor called the ward and made sure there was a bed available and Hattie and Gemma drove over Hattie felt really bad as she was Gemma ride so she was stranded with her until Micheal finished work. She was quickly admitted and a IV was inserted she had texted Aj to explain that she would be working from home all week as she had been admitted,
“So are you going to call Harry?”
“I am worried you know what he is liked and with the album and everything he will miss promo.”
“Hattie, please call him he would want to miss it. Trust me I know he can be selfish sometimes but he loves this baby.”
“I will call him now.”
She called his number hoping he would go to voicemail.
“Hello Harry’s phone.” Hattie recognised it as Alexa.
“Um hi Alexa can you pass me to Harry it is Hattie.”
“He is filming at the moment can I take a message or get him to call you back.”
“Can you tell him to call me back.” She quickly hung up.
“I left him a message.”
“Ok good, do you want me to stay?”
“No please go. I will be fine.”
“OK but I will come back tomorrow and call me if anything changes.”
Hattie was dying of boredom she had replied to all her emails and done some work on her cases she was watching some netflix. She had been sick quite a bit since getting to the hospital. She had befriended the girl in the bed next to her who was put on bed rest she only had a few more weeks left and already had two children at home she had been helpful giving her advice on what she should get and good brands. Harry still hadn’t called and part of her was relieved but the other part of her needed him. She decided she needed someone so she called her dad.
“Dad, I need you I am scared.”
Her dad had reassured her and he turned up just before visiting hours ended he sat with her and told her it was ok. He spoke to the nurses and asked for a doctor to check her she was glad he was here.
“So where is Harry?”
“He is busy his assistant said she’d get him to call back.”
“Harriet he should be here, call him back or I will.”
She knew her dad knew she should had pushed to speak to him.
“Hi Alexa it’s Hattie please can you pass Harry on.”
“Sorry Hattie he is still busy.”
“Alexa i’m in hospital I need to talk to him now if not him can I speak to Jeff?” She heard the whispering.
“Hey Hattie Harry is busy at the moment can he call you back in a hour?”
“Jeff, I am in the hospital.”
“Is the baby ok?”
“Please can I talk to Harry I am scared and the doctors are worried.” She began to cry her dad quickly hugged her she hadn’t realised how scared she was.
“Hattie are you ok?” She was happy to finally here that low voice.
“Harry, I am in hospital the baby is small… it … is ..cos...of…..the..sickness.” She was trying to calm herself her dad took the phone from her and she nestled into him she could hear him filling Harry in on the information and then he handed the phone back to her.
“Hatters, I will come back now ok you just need to stay calm and think positively ok. It isn’t your fault and the IV will help ok. I think you should go to a private hospital just so I can know exactly what is going on I will talk to Alexa and get her to sort it. I will be back tomorrow morning.”
Hattie got moved to a small hospital closer to her parents house within a hour of talking to Harry her dad drove her there and her mum met her there as well. She was glad to be in a private place as her parents could stay with her and her mum had brought her scones which had apparently helped her through her pregnancy. Hattie was still being sick a lot but the doctor was happier as she was no longer dehydrated and the baby heartbeat had gotten stronger.
“Are you ok?” Harry ran into the room quickly looking at her.
“I feel better I am no longer dehydrated so that's good.”
“You look even smaller than the last time I saw you.”
“They have a nutritionist coming this afternoon and if I manage to keep down a meal they said I can go home but have to have weekly appointments.”
Harry hugged my mum and dad who said their goodbyes and left to leave them alone making Harry promise to look after their daughter and send updates.
“I am sorry bubba I should have been here.” He climber on her bed and kept kissing her.
“I smell you are going to smell if you’re near me.”
“Well then we will smell together.”
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 7
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She spent the whole flight passed out in front of the toilet or with her head down it being sick. She was convinced this baby hated her.
Hattie could not have been in more of a rush to get to Harry’s car. Her whole plane journey had her being sick and she had even spotted a girl in a TPWK hoodie who was trying to sneakily video her. She loved Harry’s fans they gave her best friend the opportunities and she understood why all these people were in love with him because she was as well. However, she hated when fans would video or take photos without asking she knew they would think it’s weird if someone did it to them, especially when she had her head in one of the silly paper bags they give you to be sick in. She was well aware that this girl was adding fuel to the fire, especially when she was flying out to the same city as Harry.
She grabbed her sun glasses out her bag and popped them on hoping this and the messy bun would help prevent anymore people from noticing her. She saw Harry’s body guard Flynn waiting holding a sign for her.
“Hey dude, long time no see.” She quickly hugged the 6’4 man who looked more like a rock.
“Hello Harriet.” He quickly grabbed her bag and she began to follow him, Flynn was a quiet man he had two young daughters and a lovely wife he helped protect Harry whenever he was in the US and her and Harry had been to dinner with him and his family a few times. Although, Flynn and Hattie were friends she knew he was very serious in public places. He liked his job and he saw Hattie as the only possibility of him getting fired, especially after Harry’s warning to hime today. Even though Hattie had been upset about the article in England there weren’t really paps everyone left her alone and she was only photographed by fans. But Harry knew the US was different they had not stopped running stories about Harry and Hattie ever since she had first come on the scene and he was worried for her and the baby.
“So is Harry in the car?”
“Umm have you checked your phone?”
“Nope I haven’t turned it on yet, I am the only passenger who still turns there phone of I think it must be a childhood fear.” She giggled quickly turning it on only to see a text which she guess she should have expected.
Harold: I am so sorry I have to get ready for an interview. I will make it up to you later.
“Should have guessed. Oh well so I am guessing you know?” Hattie asked Flynn as they got in the car.
“He told me for your protection. Congratulations Emmie and Faye will love having a new friend.”
When Flynn pulled up he noticed Hattie was fast asleep he wasn’t surprised as she had explained her severe morning sickness. He had promised to bring ginger biscuits which his wife had sworn by through both her pregnancies. He quickly scooped her up and layed her down on the sofa. He sent a quick text to Harry letting him know she was there safe and went home.
“Hatters.” A voice gently stirred her while rubbing gentle circles onto her forehead.
“Hey baby I missed you.” Harry kissed her forehead knowing that kissing her was a step to far.
“My penguin.” She sleepily muttered, while sitting and rubbing her awake trying to rub away her tiredness and failing miserably.
“Your penguin.” Harry chuckled.
“You didn’t get me.” Harry smirked he didn’t realise how much he missed clingy Hattie but he was loving it.
“I am sorry bubba, I had to do some work so I could spend tonight with you.” He kissed her forhead again as she nuzzled into him.
“Flynn, told me how bad you have been making you mummy feel so be a nice hey Baby we treat our mummy’s nicely.” he gently stroked her tiny bump for the first time it wouldn’t be noticeable unless like Harry you knew her body well.
“Our baby doesn’t like me Harry it makes me sick all the time. We can’t even agree on coffee.” She had kola herself to him so her words were muffled by his chest.
“This baby must be brave denying you coffee.” She smacked him stomach but she knew it was true she was evil without her coffee.
“I have an interview soon here at the house. I know you’re jet lagged but I would really like you to sit in on it if you feel up to it. After we will get take out and can just watch movies and fall asleep.” She nodded her head against his chest, he would really love to stay here as this is the most love he had got from her in two months but he needed to get ready as the crew would be here in a minute
“I am sorry bub, I need to get ready.” Hattie felt disappointment go through her as she missed him as soon as he left she was not sure whether it was the tiredness or hormones but she wanted him.
Her mouth began to water as he came back in a shirt, she was having the symptom that Rachel had in friends all she could think about was jumping his bones.
“Harry picked this out for me to wear, does it look alright love?”
“Umm yeah it does.” She tried to stop herself from phyiscally dribbling at him she loved laid back Harry look and this was doing things to her.
“I better go change it was a long flight, can I shower in your room?”
“I was hoping as we are getting on maybe you could stay with me. Only of course if you’re comfortable? I mean I just want to spend quality time together and I need my big spoon.” He nervously rubbed his neck.
“I am not sure if you want to do that I haven’t been sleeping great lately. I am sick a lot sometimes I just spend time gagging as there is nothing in my stomach.”
Harry face immediately turned to a frown.
“You should call the midwife or the doctors, When was the last time you ate?”
“Hey calm it. It is completely normal loads of women actually lose weight in the first trimester. I am going to go shower.”
“You shower and I will get you something to eat. What do you fancy?”
“Honestly, I want a water and maybe quavers. Do they even sell those here?”
“I will sort it. Go shower I will ask my assistant to grab them.”
She left to also go and quickly change realising she probably had the smell of vomit on her. She looked at herself and felt tears filled her eyes as she realised she looked ugly as hell her hair was a mess she had no makeup on and she was gaining weight it was going to her thighs and boobs her stomach was no longer flat even though these changes were slight realising how perfect he was made her cry. She had never been one to be self conscious before she wasn’t in love with herself but she was happy with herself she had always had stretch marks on her boobs and legs and she was proud of them as she knew it was just a sign of growth much like the lines on tree trunks. Her pregnancy hormones were sending her wild also the consistent hunger and sickness was getting to her.  However she was ready now all she could think about was what the little baby would look like and it’s little chubby cheeks. She quickly grabbed Harry’s calvin Klein Jumper and some leggings.
When she walked out she could hear Harry on the phone.
“Alexa, can you please get me some water and ginger biscuits also quavers. I need you to find some. No of course  I don't care if you’re late I just really  need them. Thank you.”
She smirked she knew he was really trying.
“You look cute. I brought that jumper with me because it smells of you with how often you steal it.”
“It’s so cosy though.” She hugged him today she felt like kola she was so sleepy and poorly. She realised that she wasn’t going to glow through pregnancy and if she was it would be from the swear.
“I am loving your mood today bub but I am worried you’re not normally like this.”
“I just feel so sick and I’ve missed comfort.”
“I promise cuddles after this. Everyone came when you were in the shower they are setting up outside. Jeff is out there and Mitch if you wanna hang with them while we record.”
“Yeah sounds good.”
“You really have lost weight though I will arrange a meeting with a doctor tomorrow, can’t have you two ill.” He kissed her forehead, Hattie quickly raised her head pecking his lips.
They walked out and there was about ten people outside setting everything up, she smiled when she saw Mitch and Jeff in the corner.
“Zane this is Hattie. Is it alright if she sits in she has just come over from the Uk?”
“Hi nice to meet you.”
“You to.” Hattoe gave him a quick hug she wasn’t ever nervous until she was in Harry’s world she never knew how to act with his people.
“I saw you when I was doing some quick research for this interview, looked like a fun night the other night.” He laughed she knew he was just breaking the tension but it threw her off guard.
“Something like that. Urrmm I am going to stand over there. Good luck with the interview.” She whispered the last bit to Harry while giving him a quick hug. She was convinced this Baby loved Harry as he was the first person she had been able to handles scent everyone else's made her stomach churn.
“Hey guys, how have you been?” Hattie gave them a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Better than you. Harry messaged me earlier about quavers I hear my future God child is messing you around.”
“You could say that again, I haven’t been able to eat anything the only thing this baby likes is water.”
“Everyone please be quiet recording is about to start.”
Hattie sat herself down on the lawn as she knew she was already tired and the standing was not going to help. Harry interview was good until he asked about Cherry. Her heart broke a bit knowing that Camille voice was at the end she had heard bits of the album but this was new news it felt like another stab as to why she was not perfect. Especially now with her body about to change and the mood swings she was going to become Harry’s worse nightmare.
Everyone packed up and left Hattie spoke with Mitch while Harry thanked everyone. She questioned him on tour and stuff wanting to know she realised her and Harry hadn’t spoken about him being away but he had just annouced a tour right on the due date.
“I am pretty excited to travel again, you will have to fly out when you can we need more adventures like last time. Tokyo that was the best one you disappeared for two hours and we found you in the bathroom Harry shat himself.”
“I won’t be able to fly out much I am pretty sure you can’t fly after seven or eight months.”
“Oh my gosh I forgot when are you due?”
“13th July.”
“But we are away?”
“Me and Harry haven’t discussed the baby much at the moment Mitch. We are only just talking again.”
“He will sort it like Harry would skip the birth of his child.” He seemed so certain but Hattie didn’t want to demand he was there she wanted him to be there if he wanted to.
“It’s a new thing men in delivery rooms and anyway I am trying to forget that bit of my pregnancy. Delivery should be thought about like ten minutes before I go into labour and not a second sooner.” They both laughed the truth was she was petrified to be on her own in the delivery room.
“Um Mitch please can you tell me what Camille says in Cherry?”
“I think you should ask H that not me.”
“You’re right thanks Mitch.”
“I think you guys should talk though, knowing Harry he has forgotten the dates and he will want to be there trust me.” She just nodded as she turned to him he was shaking everyone's hand as they left the house.
“Finally they are gone and I have quavers.” She grabbed the bag of him and ran to the sofa.
Bump and Dumps Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bumps and Dumps - Part 6
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Harry and Hattie were best friends and fuck buddies until she got knocked up. Her life was becoming one big mess and even though her best friend had finally admitted his feeling but she believed it is only because of the baby.
Harold: Him…….
Hatters: We were just friends Harry and he actually seems to care about me and he didn’t have to knock me up to realise.
Harry kept rereading the text he finally realised how bad he had screwed up his chances with her. He had always known she liked him for the most part he never realised though that one day when the universe had made it clear he can be selfish he can have her she would no longer want him. He had spent the whole of the SNL after party looking at this photo of her and fucking sink boy. Aj had been his only real threat and now he was playing the role of Dad to his unborn baby, he should be rubbing her back not him. Ever since that skit all he thought about was them going to birthing classes, getting the nursery ready in the new house and talking to her bump. Harry had been getting updates from Gemma apparently Hattie had the tiniest bump which more looked like she was bloated but only they knew it was their spud.
He tried to type her a message several times and gave up. He just kept looking at that photo he went onto twitter to see what his fans were saying. He knew Jeff would come over and try and come up with a plan to diffuse the situation but he also knew Jeff wouldn’t care as after looking at his fans tweets everyone was speculating he was going to become a Godfather to Aj’s baby all he wanted to tweet was it’s mine. Most people had assumed she had just drunk a few too many and was paying the price. Harry was so wrapped up in his phone he had forgotten that he had invited his mates to the after party including two of his exes Kendall and Camille.
“What you looking at Styles.”
Kendall quickly grabbed his phone away, Kendall had never quite known what was going on between him and Hattie but she herself thought they were meant to be together. Kendall had realised shortly into her fling with Harry that their was another women and she had never disliked Hattie the two had got on well. They were not best friends but that was because they were opposites Kendall and Camille were both slightly vain and their lives were hollywood. Where as, Hattie dreamed differently something Harry found intriguing she hated the spotlight and anything glitz and glam she craved a different lifestyle she loved fighting for people to get their attackers behind bars and helping men and women to prosecute their other halfs for domestic abuse. She didn’t need attention or money she needed to help. Where as, Camille and Kendall spent time and money on the latest clothes to look cool which is something them and Harry had bonded over, Hattie spent most her time around the house in his hoddies or merch. He tried not to compare them to Hattie when he had dated them both as he knew no matter what they would always fall short. Even when Hattie lectured him on the dangers of drug use or how he shouldn’t smoke or allow Camille to smoke in the house because his lungs wouldn’t work very well and he wouldn’t be able to hold the high notes, Hattie was a goody goody in that sense and Harry loved her for that. Now she would save her lectures for court when she realised that her child was better with Aj as a father than this fuck up. He downed his drink to help with the sorrow.
“So Harriet is having fun, wow look her new boyfriend is hot.”
“Of course.”
“Come on Styles you are normally the first to admire a man's good looks.”
“I’d admire them if he had any, she could do better.” Harry grumbled.
“By better do you mean you? I must admit thought you two would finally end up together, I was surprised you and Camille lasted so long didn’t think you could stand to distance yourself from her.”
Harry knew she was right they had cut multiple trips short during there time together because Hattie had a big test or she was stressed or he just missed her.
“I heard my name.”
Camille kissed Harry on the cheek as she joined him and Kendall.  Him and Camille were on good terms even though at the end it had hurt but he always knew he was trying to make himself love someone, when that place had already been filed.
“H, why are you so sad you just killed SNL.”
“Capital is saying you’re going to be a Godfather, is that why you’re so sad missed because you missed your shot?”
Kendall exclaimed while looking through the twitter feed.
“Harry wouldn’t care about that. When is she due? I am surprised she didn’t tell you first? Wait is she still living with you?”
Camille fired question after question at him, Camille was lovely and intelligent but she was one of those people who never wanted her ex to move on almost like a power move. In her mind Harry would have never fancied Hattie as he should still be into her. Harry quickly downed his drink he had been trying to stop drinking to fill a void but he was currently failing.
“Styles tell us what’s going on? so we can cheer your miserable ass up and get the fuck out of here and celebrate.”
Harry looked around at all of his friends in the room they were all so Harry and here to congratulate him.
“It’s mine.”
“What’s yours H?”
Camille stroked his arm and glanced at Kendall waiting for her to answer, she normally understood Harry.
“Whats going on over here?”
Jeff joined the group kissing both the girls on the cheek before looking at his mates solomon expression. Harry grabbed another drink of a waiter and downed it. Kendall passed Jeff Harry’s phone.
“Harry mate slow down a bit. I will sort it have you called Hattie made sure she is ok?” Jeff tried to reason knowing that Harry wasn’t handling his transition into parenthood the best mainly due to the baby mumma issues. He also knew one of Harry’s rules was protect Hattie so even though this would blow over in the press it probably wouldn’t have made it there if she hadn’t been friends with Harry or caught with the future CEO of one of the most prestigious law firms in the Country.
“The baby its mine.”
“Wait what?” Camille laughed out not believing him.
“She’s nearly twelve weeks, I am going to be a dad.”
Jeff was busy texting someone probably to get the press under control about Hattie.
“So why is your girlfriend with a random guy at 6am?”
“We aren’t together she doesn’t want me. I screwed it up by ignoring her for other people. Her exact last text was basically said I only want her because I knocked her up.”
“Let’s just have fun H.” Camille gave him and kendall both a glass.
The rest of the night was a blur until he woke up the next morning to five missed calls from Gemma and two from Anne. He could barely open his eyes the hangover was that bad.
“Hey Mum, sorry I was out last night?”
“Harry you need to call Hattie. She is devastated they told her that the no longer required her at the firm. Said the press photo was not a good look for the company having a employee throwing up at 6am outside Starbucks. Apparently clients won’t take her seriously and she did sevre damage ”
“Wait what? Did she say she’s pregnant?”
“Gemma has tried to comfort her but she’s distraught. She did they already knew she thinks that’s why they did it. She said to Gemma is was a possibility.”
“I can’t come home mum I have the late late show and my interview with Apple.”
“Harry you need to do something? Honestly Gemma called me panicked as you weren’t answering Hattie tried to call you of Gemma phone apparently her pregnancy hormones caused her to throw hers at the floor the other day.”
“Mum I am going to go.”
Harry layed there trying to figure out what to say, he couldn’t get out of work these things had been booked for months. Maybe he could convince her to fly out here for a break I mean he was sure his record label could use a solicitor but knew she hates that bit of the law.
“Gemma pass me to Hattie” He cut of his sister hello he was in a rush.
“Hattie, I am so sorry baby. You’re amazing.”
He could hear her hiccuping back her tears this was her dream job she had been through shit to keep this job and now she had lost it thanks to him.
“I wo-r-ked sooo …. Hard Harry.”
She began sobbing again he knew how hard she’d worked.  She was a robot at uni trying to get a first and not settling for anything less.
“Hatters baby, come to LA.  I have to be here all week but we can figure stuff out ok. I promise I will make you feel better.”
“I can’t even get drunk to numb this pain.”
Harry chuckled a drunk Hattie was a scary sight .
“Get on a plane now I will pick you up myself we will get ice cream and cake or anything spud will stomach.”
“I can’t Aj said he could get me a interview at his dads, In the family law section it’s not perfect but it’s something. I was really helping people though H they took it away because of spud. I am not going to resent spud though it’s not his fault or hers. It’s his mummy’s for being a whore.”
“Hattie what the fuck? You are not a whore.”
“That’s what twitter is saying and the people at work said I get around.”
She began crying again and selfishly all he cared about was the fact that she would be working with Aj and that made his blood boil. He also still had the hangover from hell and was struggling to not vomit.
“When is this interview?” He calmly asked so to not upset her.
“Later today.”
“Ok after I will book a flight this evening. You need a little break we can spend the rest of the week together I only have to work today and tomorrow. I can selffishly get my best friend back and hopefully you will feel a bit better.”
“I think I like that, I am sorry for being a bitch recently it’s hormones and also I couldn’t hold in my feelings.”
“We can talk when you get here.”
Hattie was annoyed with herself for apologising she was still mad at him but she wanted him bad. She had the interview and Aj had helped her a lot they had offered her a job and she was so thankful for Aj. If not she would be a pregnant singleish mum with no money at least she lived with Harry so she wouldn’t be on the street. She was excited to start next week mainly because Emily had been distant with her recently so Aj was all she had friends wise who wasn’t somehow linked to Harry. She had packed light for LA not wanting to take a lot as the morning sickness had made her feel very weak. She was surprised that she was willingly seeing Harry but she needed to. They had never spent this long without constant communication she was also excited for him to hold her as she still couldn’t believe she had lost her job and managed to get a new one in a 24hour period I guess it goes to show how important it is to know the right people.
She spent the whole flight passed out in front of the toilet or with her head down it being sick. She was convinced this baby hated her.
Bump and Dumps Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
If anyone has any ideas for stories or stuff they like me to write please let me know. I am currently using it as a distraction from my uni work which is insane, who knew third year could be so hard. 
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 5
Harry and Hattie are friends with benefits. Until she gets pregnant and breaks it off although Harry is trying to prove his love he has to battle with others for her attention.
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It has been three weeks since Harry had asked her and she hadn’t responded. She was upset he hadn’t asked her about the idea to her first, she knew he had found her the dream house and it’s because she had always claimed their current house was a bachelor pad. Harry had been so upset when they got home he had gone to the pub and avoided her until he left for SNL. Harry didn’t like it when he couldn’t read Hattie and she knew she had left him confused. She was so confused and the hormones weren’t helping, the fact she couldn’t eat and the nauseous was keeping her up was leading to her constantly crying and feeling crap.
She had been watching SNL with Gemma who Harry had been sending round even though she knew neither him or Gemma would admit it. Hattie had been cracking up the whole time she even pissed herself when he mispronounced Shawn Mendes as she had tried many times to help him pronounce his name in the past but he just couldn’t seem to pronounce it. Her Gemma and Micheal were eating take out happily even though she knew she was being babysat, all Hattie could eat was the prawn crackers and she had sat the furthest point away from Gemma as she couldn’t stand the scent of her food and muffin had taken to sitting right on top of her as she kept feeding her little bits of prawn cracker. They were having a good evening/ morning until the pregnancy skit, then she stopped his arms over the other women even though it was just acting was rubbing her the wrong way plus the fact their legs were entangled she decided it was the pregnancy hormones but it seemed so real to her it felt like that woman was stealing her baby daddy for her own.
“Gemma, I don’t feel well I am just going to go for a quick walk to get some air.”
“We can come with you?” Gemma began getting up and clearing the plates.
“No honestly it is fine thank you though. You guys stay you can stay the night if you like? I will be back in twenty this baby just loves to make me sick.”
Hattie threw on her scarf and began to walk, she felt sick and for once it wasn’t the baby’s fault. After seeing that skit she began to think of the future and when Harry settles down and has a baby with someone else he will forget spud. She and spud will be alone and rejected and it’s because she rejected him. Although, she had to reject him he had her for so long and never did anything. She heard the album as much as she wished she hadn’t it was a jumbled love poem to Camille with aspects of sex which were her. She was his sex thing he would never love her like he had Camille and Kendall.
Harold: Did you like SNL?
She picked up her phone and dialled AJ, it was currently 6:30 as SNL hadn’t been on till 5am London time. She knew if AJ was still like uni he would be up by now probably just finished the gym even though it was a Sunday morning.
She waited outside Starbucks for him she had been right he was heading there after the gym and luckily he only lived a 15 minute walk from hers. She was nervous and not ready to see him but she needed a friend right now and one who wasn't aware of her growing problem. She wasn’t exactly looking her best the nauseous had meant she had limited sleep recently her hair was in a ponytail on her head and she was dressed in leggings Harry’s fleetwood mac shirt and his striped cardigan.
“Hey, didn’t expect you to call me?”
“I didn’t either but I could do with a chat and there is no way Emily is going to be up before 11.”
“You’re right there how is she anyway is she still traumatised from catching us against the sink” He giggled and Hattie blushed six shaded redder.
“Sadly she has caught me in a few more compromising positions, she has a way of walking in at the wrong times.”
“What do you want to drink I will get it no arguements?”
“Can I have a toffee nut latte with soya milk, please?”
“Shit make it decaf”
Hattie had remebered how sadly her love of coffee was slowly being stripped away for Spud although Spud seemed to enjoy the sweet toffee taste of starbucks and for that she was thankful. As they couldn’t seem to agree on food but drinks they had found a good compromise.
“Decaf it is.”
Aj smirked Hattie had always wondered if her and Harry had not met whether her and AJ would have been together. Two feisty solicitors  they wouldn’t have time together though with AJ law was his main love and Hattie admired that in her friend.
“Here is your disgusting decaf coffee, I mean you’re a solicitor Hattie you need coffee.”
“That’s why I am cutting down all I do is drink coffee I was getting the shakes. How have you been anyway AJ?”
“I’ve been good thanks, a bit lonely working hard you know me. How about you? I see you every now and again in some paper.”
“Perks of having a famous best friend I guess.” You shrugged and took a big sip of your coffee.
“I particually liked the photo of you in The Sun.” You knew exactly which photo he was refering to but everyone had assumed it was Kendall and not you. You and Harry were hugging and his hand was groping your bum. It wasn’t a family friendly photo but because you could not see you at all it was just some brunette.
“You’re the first person to realise it was me.”
“The birth mark on your butt sold it to me. I would remember that anywhere.” Hattie was unsure how to feel about his flirting she was flattered but it also made her heart want Harry all the more.
“So are you and Harry still mates after?”
“After what?”
“You know after you dated.”
“We never dated, I haven’t had a boyfriend since Uni.”
“Well I guess that’s good for me, I mean you know I like you and I would like to see where we could go.” The fact he had said this to her like it was no big deal over coffee and for Harry it had taken him to knock her up before he could even suggest such a thing made her madder at him.
In this moment spud had also decided to forget her compromise which had forced her to dart out the door and relieve the contents of her stomach onto the pavement.
“Well that was not the reaction I was after.” Aj took to her side gently rubbing her back and holding her ponytail and she continued to vomit.
“Fuck, I am sorry. Look it wasn’t what you said honestly it was nice for someone to be upfront.”
“Why do I sense a but?”
“It no but its just I need to tell you something which may change your mind.”
“I am pregnant and sadly morning sickness is no joke apart from the fact it is all day not just the morning.”
“Umm congratulations I suppose, who is the lucky father?”
Hattie and AJ had spoken in Uni about how children were a future plan for him something he wanted when he was 35 and not a moment before. So it was unlikely he would want to date a knocked up Hattie.
“If I say please do not tell a soul, I know I can trust you it’s Harry’s.”
“I thought you didn't have anything.”
“We never dated just hooked up I guess, he never wanted more apparently it was for my own protection.”
“I am surprised you are here now, if I was him I would lock you in my house until you were mine especially if you had my child.”
“He wasn’t happy when we bumped into each other the other day he even refered to you and sink Aj.”
“Of course he did.”
Aj drove me home said he would like to see her even if it was just friends. When she opened the door she didn’t expect to find Gemma and Micheal still up as they had all stayed awake for SNL and it had been three hours since she had left for her walk.
“Oh my gosh Hattie, it’s ok Harry she is home. Hang on one moment I will pass you to her it will be easier.”
Hattie shook her head at Gemma and motioned she was going to be sick and fled the room.
“Harry she doen’t feel well the morning sickness. Is catching up to her.”
Hattie closed her door and jumped into bed feeling at peace.
When she saw all the notifications when she woke up she knew that Harry and Jeff would be livid once they saw the article she was getting tagged in it left right and centre. A fan had obviously caught Aj holding Hattie hair when she was being sick and it had gone mad Harry was being tagged left right and centre.
One fan had even said the SNL skit was obviously practice for Harry and Hattie and her new Boy friend were expecting a baby. Other headlines were not so kind
Harry BFF Wild Night!
This is one lawyer without class
She was terrified what would Harry say or her boss.  She sat in bed waiting for a call she knew he was going to kill her one for being with AJ but also for being out at that hour alone.
Harold: Him…….
Hatters: We were just friends Harry and he actually seems to care about me and he didn’t have to knock me up to realise.
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 4
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Hattie wasn’t use to doctors she had developed a fear of the doctors after going to get contraceptives at age fifteen. The doctor had yelled at her basically calling her a slut without saying those words exactly and lecturing her on safe sex and absistence it did not help that the doctor was her best friends at the times mum shortly after that visit her friendship had also ended due to her not being a good role model. After that incident Hattie had healed herself she would wait out illnesses and pray they subsided. So walking into the doctors surgery was terrifying her it did not help that her and Harry were still in a rocky place so the whole situation was making her anxious.
“Cmon love, I’ve signed us in we just need to wait. I found the best doctor around I asked Ben on who they used when they were pregnant.”
She was thankful for his mindless chatter in this moment as it began to reassure her slightly, although she was still pregnant not in a relationship or a proper job. If anyone was judging her it was herself she had mucked up her life plan, she realised that her fears were coming true she would have to send her kid to some snobby school as you can’t send a rockstar kid to a normal school and it would be spoilt her kid was going to be some Malibu brat as Harry spent a lot of time out there what if he took the baby from her. Fuck, what had she done Hattie began to realise she had ruined everthing.
“Hatters, stop!” Harry demanded taking her hand and gently rubbing his thumb in reassurance, he was use to her over thinking although she usually managed to mask it very well Harry always knew.
“I don’t know..” She began to stand ready to leave in her state of panic.
“Harriet Styles.” The doctor called she began to panic more now she thought they were married but that was far from the truth.
“It’s Willams, we aren’t together.” She gestured between her and Harry to further exaggerate the point.
“She likes to play hard to get.” Harry chuckled Hattie shot him a death look.
“So when was your last period?”
“They are irregular, I looked on my app it was around three months ago.”
“Ok, I will do an internal ultrasound today to check everything, we will then take some blood work.”
Hattie removed her trousers and began to feel awkward she hadn’t shaved in a week there had been no need. Now not only was the doctor going to be down there Harry was also likely to see. This pregnancy had ramped up her anxiety she felt so judged constantly.
“Just lie down this may feel a bit odd.”
Harry sat at her head and reached for her hand, he also felt very nervous he wasn’t sure whether he was allowed to be excited or not as Hattie seemed so on edge.
They both looked at each other as they heard the heartbeat throughout the room. Hattie’s eye watered she felt love go over her, there was her little baby.
“I guess you both know that is the heartbeat and if you look here you see the small bean that is your baby, youre around eight weeks along.”
“Hello Spud, you’re gorgeous.” Harry muttered he kissed Hattie forehead, she didn’t know it but she had completed him with this baby.
“Wow.” Hattie muttered she looked at Harry and was glad that even though she may not have spud’s dad she would never let spud go.
The doctor discussed appointments and symptoms she may experience she prescribed her some tablets for her sickness. She also discussed the risk due to Hattie father having diabetes she was at risk to experiencing it during her pregnancy so meant she had to watch her diet more than usual.
“Do you want to get some food now? We can discuss everything. I know a good chinese place.”
“Can we just go Tesco’s then home, all Spud can stomach is soup.”
Once they arrived at Tesco, Hattie got out knowing the drill Harry tried to limit their appearances in public together to stop the media blowing up. As she got out she hoped he would prove her wrong and follow her but all he did was request her to grab him some chicken breasts and hummus for dinner.
She walked round Tesco and realised that this would be the baby’s life either it would be thrust into the spotlight or he would distance himself from spud.
“Aj, oh my gosh. I haven’t seen you since graduation.”
They quickly caught up on their new jobs and how they were. Aj was a very attractive solicitor who had gone into working for his dad company right out of law school. He and Hattie had one fun night during freshers the first year of uni after that they had stayed friends but had never explored it further. Harry hated Aj existence along with everyone who Hattie had been with before him. He had met Aj once when he had joined Hattie on the night out and all he did was taunt Harry with cheeky remarks about her moves in the bedroom. Where as, Hattie knew it was Aj he was sweet and funny and always knew what he wanted, unlike Harry.
“I am in a real rush sorry, but why don’t you meet me on Thursday at Ricardo’s around 7pm. I will text you.”
“Ok sounds fun.”
Hattie hadn’t been on a date in a while and seeing as her and Harry were just co-parents, it would be fun. Although, she would probably not be able to stomache any of the food at Ricardo’s  but she needed to begin living.
“What took you so long?”
“I ran into Aj.”
“Wait Aj like against the sink Aj.”
“Yes Harry, why do you call him that. Do you want to refer to me as Mums garage Hattie.”
Harry smirked as he thought back to his birthday last year, he had wanted a quiet time with family and of course Hattie. They had gone to the garage to look for some baby pictures for a documentary about his second album and Hattie had dropped something on her foot after Harry rushing to her aid. Afterwards, she had kissed him which led him to pushing her against the wall and taken her hard and fast. They had both been begging and grunting it was definitely a favourite memory of his.
“Or Camille the sofa.”
Hattie had soured his memory  of them and instead he flooded with guilt, Hattie had gone away for a week with friends although she had left early due to an emergency at work and she was an intern at the time so had to rush back if she wanted any chance of a job at the end. Harry had hated the look when she caught camille and him going at it on the sofa.
“So what did he want anyway?”
“Just to catch up, we are going to Ricardo’s this week.”
“Wait you’re going on a date.”
“No Harry I am seeing a friend.”
“No you’re not.”
“Harry you are away I can do what I want we are friends that’s it.”
Harry pulled over and stopped the engine of the car Hattie looked at him shooked unsure of what was happening.
“I love you for fuck sake Hattie, this isn’t going away. I loved you for ages Hattie but i didn’t want to ruin your life the one with the husband that makes you dinner and the children and the dog. The couple that is always around. I can’t be around all the time I don’t want you to be alone and sad. But I do not care anymore I want you and as selfish as this sounds that’s my baby and if anyone gets to date you pregnant it will be me. I have plans I didn’t want to do this now fuck.”
“Don’t propose.” Hattie panicked looking at him begging him to think.
“I am not. Not yet I will one day but it will be perfect. I have a new house a smaller one with the open kitchen so you can cook and watch spud play. It has five rooms instead of seven. Also has a nice garden its a twenty minute tube ride to work for you. I also want you to be mine. I am sorry I made you ever doubt the fact you were. What do you say?”
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps - Part 3
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Harry was lucky that Hattie’s dad had allowed him to stay he was sat on the sofa trying to figure out what to say. He was a man known for being good with word poetic even, but right now he wasn’t even sure if he’d be able to for a comprehensive sentence.
Although, Harry didn’t know that Hattie was still on the stairs trying to bring the courage to confront him about why he felt the need to follow her after she said she needed space. Even though she did not believe Harry’s declaration of love she wanted to accept it because then it would not make her look like the stupid best friend.
“Love” He quickly turned to see the beautiful brunette in the doorway her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head and she was in the pj’s he had brought her for christmas.
“I am so sorry Hattie please let me tell you what you mean to me.”
“Harry it's 5:30am I don’t think this is the place for this talk you will wake my parents up can we go sit in the car.”
He followed her out to his range rover and quickly got on he turned the engine on and reached over to the back seat to grab his spare hoodie and gave it to Hattie. She nearly protested but the sleep shorts she was wearing were providing her no heat and October mornings were not the warmest in England. Harry knew that Hattie would be cold she always was that they would often bicker about her putting her cold feet on him in the night and she would claim it was the only way to warm them up.
“Look Harry I heard what you said to my dad.”
“You did.”
“I think we need to forget about us.”
“But” Harry tried to interrupt her but Hattie was having none of it.
“But nothing Harry. We have created a life for fucks sake it isn’t about us anymore. I don’t want this to work just because the pill failed. I don’t know what is going to happen yet and I think we need to talk about that but one thing is for sure we need to prioritise the baby.”
Harry nodded he knew she was right over night his prioritise now had to shift it was no longer about writing the next best hit or touring the world. He now had a tiny human on the way one that he wanted so bad even though it had come sooner than expected he knew he or she was perfect.
“If you want to prioritise the baby move back home then I am around to help you as well. Please I know how much it hurt Louis to miss out on the pregnancy and I don’t want the same thing. You are my best friend and I know you don’t want anything else right now and I am not going to push that discussion yet. But for me and the baby please come home or if not I will get you a house so close or I will…”
Harry began to ramble about any option trying to ensure that she would not be far. He had always managed on tour because he would watch her silly routines she might not know it but she was everything to him.
“Give me a week, Just to get my head round the pregnancy. I may lose my job yet.” Hattie knew how Firms could be and that pregnancy and maternity leave was a big factor in women losing jobs.
“If they even think about firing you I will get every big solicitor in England together to sue their butts.” Hattie began to giggle as she knew the truth behind his words.
“I just want a day with mum and dad and then I will come back with you tonight as I don’t feel like driving as I seem to be getting morning sickness in the evening. Then next Sunday we will discuss everything.”
The week went by rather awkwardly Hattie always made sure to leave when Harry went out for his jog. He had even skipped it a few days to catch her but then she would leave out the backdoor. In the evenings she would stay at work late on the nights he was home and when he had work commitments she would remain in her room and lock the door. He had heard her being sick one evening and offered her water she remained silent on the other side of the door.
When they had arrived back from her mums she had moved her stuff out their room into the spare room. Harry needed to speak to her today as tomorrow he was away for two weeks with press for the new single. He decided to wake up extra early to run to the crepe place down the road and grab her a banana and chocolate crepe with a decaf black coffee. He had been researching on pregnancy and found out all the do’s and don'ts to ensure a healthy pregnancy.
He sat at the kitchen counter waiting for her to appear he hoped to catch her off guard.
“Harry?” Hattie smelled her favourite crepe which would normally fill her with hunger but instead she was filled with nauseous.
“Get rid of it, get rid of it please.” She covered her mouth over the week her morning sickness had progressed not that Harry knew but the only food she had stomached all week was tomato soup she had it for every meal.
“It’s your favourite love. Please don’t throw it away just cos you hate me.”
“No it’s making me feel sick the smell too sweet. I swear this baby is a health freak like you. All spud wants to eat is soup. Please get rid of it.” Harry quickly through the crepe in the bin and smiled at her for the small insight she had provided.
“Spud eh?”
“I took a clear blue test the other day it said 5-6 weeks, I guess I ignored the signs it just seemed like my period was late. I’ve got a doctors appointment on Thursday to confirm.”
“I actually wanted to talk to you about that because of the press and also my schedule. I thought it was a good idea for us to go to private they can do odd times as I know how much you hate taking time out of work. Also please don’t be mad but I actually thought we could go today as my schedule I am away the next two weeks.”
“Ok.” Hattie didn’t have the energy to argue with him. Even though she had the whole week to contemplate what she wanted all she had pictured was her, Harry and spud. She had tried to think about her and him being separated and splitting custody but she didn’t want that she couldn’t bare the thought of being apart for either of them and the fear of missing spud first words or steps scared her.
“Please do not be mad Hattie I just want whats best for you. Both of you.”
“I agree it’s fine I don’t want you to miss the ultrasounds so it makes sense.” Harry was desperate for her to engage with him. He could not see the girl in front of him as the same one who had decided that for his birthday last year they should drink for the whole 24 hours or the girl who had hid in his bathroom for a solid two hours just to scare him. He had broken his best friend.
“I want to discuss everything but the doctor could only fit us in at 11 so we better go.”
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps -Part Two
Here is part two hope you like it.
Hattie had quickly realised after jumping in her yellow vw beetle on her escape from Harry their memories together were so ingrained into her life there was no way to forget him even temporarily. Even her car which she had nicknamed sunny was a constant reminder of him, he had gifted her the car as a graduation present when she’d finished university. It had been her dream car since she could remember the old fashioned Beetle was such an iconic car in her eye and she had been blown away that her best friend had given her such an amazing gift. Her and Harry had also made many memories on the back seat of her car. As she began driving down the M25 she began to panic Hattie left everything in her life to chance she trusted in the universe to lead her the correct way. I mean why wouldn’t she trust it, for it was chance that had led her to Harry originally but right now as she was driving down the M25 she realised she had removed chance. For the first time in her life she had taken a decision into her own hands.
She took a deep breath as she neared her child home in a small countryside village on the outside of London. It was no ideal for her to commute to work but it would be a temporary solution to a massive problem. The next issue was explaining the situation to her parents as she pulled up outside her little home in the middle of nowhere she felt completely broken she had not lived at home since she had left for uni at 18. She grabbed Muffin and her handbag deciding to get the rest of her limited possessions tomorrow. Muffin stirred and began to meow in confusion she had only ever been but in her cat box for the short tube journey to the vets. Hattie quickly unlocked her parents door luckily she still possessed her key. She knew her mum would be in bed but her Dad would luckily be asleep on the sofa with a random documentry in the background.
She was right she saw her Dad snoring away on the sofa she put her bags and muffin down and cuddled up to her Dad.
“Claire?” her dad questioned groggily opening his eyes.
“Hattie? Wait what are you doing here.” he sat up starring up at his daughter confusion flooding his face.
“Missed you.” she sighed snuggling further into her Dad who quickly recipriocated.
After ten minuted of her and her father hugging in silence he spoke.
“Come on then lets get to bed.” Hattie grabbed muffin and her bag following her Dad upstairs to her small childhood bedroom which unfortunately still possessed poster of the one and only Harry Styles.
“Night Dad, I love you.”
“I love you too Harriet, we will discuss everything tomorrow ok?” she quickly nodding knowing her father knew something was wrong. I mean it was kind of obvious when his almost 24 year old daughter turned up at home at 11:30 at night.
She closed her door and let Muffin out her carrier, she decided that she should probably turn on her phone and alert Harry to her taking Muffin as she had forgotten to mention it and was worried he had not noticed the carrier as she had left. Immediately as her phone turned on it sprang to life 60 messages and 34 missed calls.
21 Missed Calls from Harold
4 Missed Calls from Gem
1 Missed Call from Jeffo
2 Missed Calls from Em
6 Missed Calls from Mitch
Her texts were no better, although a few were from work about a hearing on Monday and new elements to the case she was helping represent the majority were from Harry. Emily had messaged to say she knew I had told Harry and hoped I was alright and that I was welcome to my old room as she had never gotten a new housemate after I had moved out mainly as she had never needed one in the first place and Hattie knew the offer although it was genuine was from a place of pity. She began to read through Harry’s messages.
Please come back Hat, I didn’t mean to make you feel this way.
Can you let me know you are alright and safe please.
This isn’t fair you didn’t give me a chance to explain. It’s my baby too Hattie.
I am sorry baby.
Please come home, I love you.
Hattie I will give you tonight but tomorrow we are talking about this I won’t let you go.
The messages continued going between desperation, declarations of love and anger which was immediately followed by an apology. Although, Harry had a temper he always realised when it had revealed its ugly head and rein it back straight away. Muffin came and curled up on her chest as she began to sob the little fur ball was very comforting and always seem to know when Hattie was down.
Gemma had also messaged her offering a place to stay for a little break and had briefly even mentioned a congratulations on the baby and her excitement to have Hattie around forever. She knew Harry would confide in Gemma and although she and Gemma were friends she knew Harry was her first priority and she was glad that he had her.
Jeff had asked her to call him back or Harry and had even joked that there was little he could do with a emotionally broken rock star.
She kept reading Harry’s messages over and over finding comfort in his words but she knew she couldn’t do anything until she was no longer confused about him, her future and of course the baby. She sent Harry a quick message.
I am safe. Muffin is with me. I will call you sometime next week.
Harry was on the phone to Gemma when he saw her text he let out a sigh of relief, one because he thought that he had accidentally let Muffin out when he had gone to see if Hattie had truly gone and he knew how much that cat meant to her if he lost Muffin he may as well give up on ever speaking to her again. Although part of him had secretly hoped the cat had escaped so he could demand her to come back and search for her. Secondly, because he knew she was safe which was an absolute priority for him always had been thats why inside the house they had military level security cameras. He also installed the cameras so no matter where he was he could check she was safe he would also check she was up in the morning for work so he’d know if she was sick or running late which was something Hattie hated. He could also check she was safe home from work.
Over the three years he had tried to find a suitable match he had tried to set Hattie free he knew she couldn’t stand fame, the press or attention that's why he had always refused her to be his girlfriend. He knew he had been selfish to make her move in with him but at the time he had reasoned with himself that it was in her best interest but he knew its because he needed her. Every girl had not compared to her Camille was hopeful but she didn’t have the determination, wonder and compassion Hattie possessed. When she had first said she was pregnant he was so happy it meant that as Hattie would say the universe had confirmed he could have her. It no longer seemed like a selfish action to him, he hadn’t realised how rejected Hattie felt as soon as he realised when he was with Camille that Hattie had started to look for places elsewhere he had ended it immediately. This is what was leading to him getting into him car at 3am to drive an hour and a half to his love.
He panicked during the drive what if she rejected him? What if she doesn’t want the baby? He had fallen in love with the idea of a tiny human half him and half Hattie since the moment he met her. He was going to prove to her he did love him he did want her and he was no longer selfish he would even give up touring his second album for her and the baby if she needed him too. He’d give up everything if it meant he could have her because after three years of her he realised he couldn’t deal without her as cliche as it sounded.
Harry knocked on her door he was unsure what welcome he would get as not only was it 4:30am but he had also knocked up their daughter and caused her to leave in the middle of the night. He knew that if it was his daughter this had happened to he would knock out the guy.
“Hello Harry I expected you to not be far behind.” Hattie’s dad Simon spoke well Harry took the fact he didn’t seem angry as a good sign. Maybe Hattie had not disclosed the situation to her parents.
“Hello Simon, I am sorry it is so early.” Harry shook Simon hand and followed him into the little home. He had always loved coming here mainly due to the pictures of a small Hattie coating every wall. Also the smell of vanilla and cinnamon smell which was very closely linked to Hattie she made their own home possess the same smell.
“So why don’t you tell me what is going on? Hattie didn’t seem up to discussing things but seeing as it is just us men tell me why I should not make you leave right now. As it is obvious you have hurt my daughter.”
“Hattie is pregnant.”
Simon rose quickly from his seat his face turning red with anger.
“Tell me right now you did not tell her to get rid of my grandchild.”
“No no I would never there is nothing I want more.” Harry defended himself quickly imagining the chubby little baby a similar one to the photo of Hattie on the wall with chunky little fat rolls and a cheeky smile.
“I think she is confused. She doesn’t think what we have is enough.”
“What do you have?” Harry knew he had to tread carefully even though Hattie was a liberal spirit especially before she met Harry. He had told him stories of her losing her virginity at 4am with her next door neighbour a boy three years older than her at just 15 under the apple tree in her garden. Although, He knew her parents were very traditional every time he had stayed here they would be put in separate room as he would sneak in at 2am to hers.
“It is confusing but I love her. I really do please I need to make her understand. I want her I want the baby I would marry her tomorrow if that’s what she needs.”
“Hold on a second there. I think you should walk before you can run son.”
Hattie sat hidden on the stairs listening to there conversation sadly though she knew he was only panicke due to her leaving and maybe he was fearful she would hide the baby from him. She knew he didn’t mean those things because if he did, he wouldn’t have waited three years to realise.
Hope you enjoy Part 2. Let me know if you have any questions or want a part three. Also does everyone love Hattie as much as me wish I was her. T x
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curlyhairallday · 5 years
Bump and Dumps
Harry and Hattie had met and immediately hit it off after three years of being no more than friends with benefits, although a small bump finally forces Hattie to confront him. 
Harry and Hattie had been friends with benefits for the past three years. Although all their friends and family saw them as a married couple. They spent christmas together, they went out on valentines day, she was his date to weddings and family events. Heck they even lived together, they shared a bedroom, a cat and Harry even let her wear his clothes. But whenever Hattie asked him what they were, Harry would also respond with you’re my angel. She never understood how he could write a song declaring she was the only one for him but couldn’t even ask her to be his girlfriend. Since their first meeting and accidental hook up Hattie had seen no one else but Harry would still date and hook up with other girls.
Hattie up to this point had agreed to it as she would rather have this type of relationship with Harry than none at all. Although, as she was gazing down at a white stick with two clear lines she realised this was no longer about her. She called the only person she could trust her uni flatmate Emily she was the person who had first introduced the two but she had taken Hattie under her wing like a big sister.
Emily had come over in a hurry without asking any questions.
“So what is wrong?” Emily asked as Hattie dragged her through the house to the bathroom without uttering a word to her friend she passed the piece of plastic to Emily.
“Is it?”
“Yes it is, I don’t know what to do?” she began to pace she knew Harry would be fine with what was happening but she didn’t want to raise a baby in this uncertainty she was in a relationship if she could call it that, which every gossip story broke her heart every night he didn’t return she lost a little more hope. Plus she was only 23 for crying out loud and had only just started her job at the law firm she still had a long way to go before she’d reach where she wanted to be career wise. She had a plan she wanted to be a partner before she even considered kids she wasn’t even sure if she had a maternal bone in her body. When most girls played with dolls she’d steal toy hammers and pretend to be a judge and rule over her teddy’s disputes.
“You have to tell him today before you chicken out he will know what to do.”
“But I don’t. I don’t know what to do. We aren’t anything plus didn’t you hear him the other day Camille messaged him they are going to try to reconnect.”
There had only ever been a few breaks on their arrangement and Camille was one of them he didn’t come home for months when he was with her. Hattie understood he couldn’t exactly come and stay in her bed when he had come home he had purposefully fallen asleep on the sofa so he didn’t make Hattie feel bad when he’d slept in the guest room. When Harry and Camille were together she had started to search for apartments but with her entry level pay at the firm London wasn’t affordable. But she knew if it had continued she couldn’t stay there it would have been like him having his mistress their. What if they did get back together her and the baby would be a bump in his perfect life.
“Hatters he deserves to know now so he can make a discussion. He may be dumb to it but everyone knows he’s in love with you otherwise why would you be in his house for three years.” She knew that Emily was trying to reassure her but she couldn’t find truth in her words.
“I can’t stay if he doesn’t want me now he never will and I’m not going to raise my child in this confusion. I’ll explain it to him but then I think I’m going to move home.” The words surprised even Hattie herself but she knew it was the only option for her baby. She had enough of this doubt and uncertainty and she just looked like the dad hoping puppy that was probably the butt of her friends jokes. I mean who wouldn’t laugh at how pathetic she had been.
Once Emily left Hattie packed her suitcase and grabbed Muffin their Tabby cat and waited for Harry. She knew if she didn’t say it now she never would.
Harry was discussing the final release details of the album with Jeff when he walked in. He quickly ended the call as soon as he saw Hattie bag and nervous look on her face. Had he forgotten something was she going away on hoilday did she have to go somewhere with work, he was so sure he would have remembered her discussing that.
“What’s going on love?”
She sat silently unable to communicate she just simply passed him the piece of plastic and watched his face display shock, anger and happiness all in a matter of seconds.
“Whose is it?”
She looked at him furious he would even ask that question.
“Yours.” She spoke through gritted teeth how could he ask her that when she had never spoken or looked at a guy in three years.
Harry began to pace slightly trying to figure out how far along she was just to piece the puzzle together but he realised there were too many options they went at it like Duracell bunnies he could never get enough of her she was the perfect lover the perfect girl he couldn’t get enough of her.
“Ok, why the bags?” He didn’t know what else to say he could see she was clearly upset and he didn’t want to anger her more. In his three years of knowing Hattie he had learnt she rarely got mad or upset but when she did it was like a volcano exploding.
“I can’t stay here Harry we aren’t anything heck we never have been all I am to you is a friend with the bonus of sex but you would trade me out for your models. You ignored me for three months when you dated Camille.  I am not pathetic I won’t let my child think that. I want a boyfriend I want someone to love me back. I want. I want. I wanted you but after three years this baby made me see I can’t have you. I was never worthy of you I can’t be heart broken everytime I turn on the tv because you were pictured with another girl. I am going to my parents.” She sobbed out  the last bit she realised the only guy she’d truly loved was about to be out her life she knew that there would be no more morning coffees and back rubs as she revised this was it.
“Hang on love can we talk about this when you have calmed down. This baby is mine as much as yours don’t leave us we are a family now.”
“ I don’t want to be a family just because of the baby. I am not taking it from you I just need space Harry. I deserve better that just a fuck buddy and thats not your fault you either love someone or you don’t. You cant force love Harry if you could Justin Timberlake would be mine.” she giggle through her tears.
“Please don’t leave this is a lot to take in. I do love you Hattie.” she smiled as she understood.
“You love me H just not in the way I love you. I will call you to discuss the baby soon but I have to go H you must see that.” She left the house and closed the door knowing she had not only broken herself but him as well. But she knew it was the correct move she wanted her baby to be surrounded by happy people and she would never be that longing for him.
Please let me know if you like it and want a part two. Also I have a prequel on how Hattie and Harry first met and there relationship to this point if you want to read it let me know. Love T x
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curlyhairallday · 7 years
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curlyhairallday · 7 years
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but i’m warning you, once you grow up, you can n e v e r come back.
Peter Pan (1953)
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